357 research outputs found

    Interplay between PFBC-associated SLC20A2 and XPR1 phosphate transporters requires inositol polyphosphates for control of cellular phosphate homeostasis

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    Solute carrier family 20 member 2 (SLC20A2) and xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 (XPR1) are transporters with phosphate uptake and efflux functions, respectively. Both are associated with primary familial brain calcification (PFBC), a genetic disease characterized by cerebral calcium-phosphate deposition and associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms. The association of the two transporters in the same disease suggests that they jointly regulate phosphate fluxes and cellular homeostasis, but direct evidence is missing. Here, we found that cross-talk between SLC20A2 and XPR1 regulates phosphate homeostasis and identify XPR1 as a key inositol polyphosphate (IP)-dependent regulator of this process. We found that overexpression of wildtype SLC20A2 increases phosphate uptake as expected, but also unexpectedly increases phosphate efflux, whereas PFBC-associated SLC20A2 variants did not. Conversely, SLC20A2 depletion decreased phosphate uptake only slightly, most likely compensated for by the related SLC20A1 transporter, but strongly decreased XPR1-mediated phosphate efflux. The SLC20A2-XPR1 axis maintained constant intracellular phosphate and ATP levels, which both increased in XPR1-KO cells. Elevated ATP is a hallmark of altered inositol pyrophosphate (PP-IP) synthesis, and basal ATP levels were restored after phosphate efflux rescue with wildtype XPR1, but not with XPR1 harboring a mutated PP-IP-binding pocket. Accordingly, inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 1-2 (IP6K1-2) gene inactivation or IP6K inhibitor treatment abolished XPR1-mediated phosphate efflux regulation and homeostasis. Our findings unveil an SLC20A2-XPR1 interplay that depends on IPs such as PP-IPs and controls cellular phosphate homeostasis via the efflux route, and that alteration of this interplay likely contributes to PFBC

    Cyclocreatine treatment ameliorates the cognitive, autistic and epileptic phenotype in a mouse model of Creatine Transporter Deficiency

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    Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD) is an inborn error of metabolism presenting with intellectual disability, behavioral disturbances and epilepsy. There is currently no cure for this disorder. Here, we employed novel biomarkers for monitoring brain function, together with well-established behavioral readouts for CTD mice, to longitudinally study the therapeutic efficacy of cyclocreatine (cCr) at the preclinical level. Our results show that cCr treatment is able to partially correct hemodynamic responses and EEG abnormalities, improve cognitive deficits, revert autistic-like behaviors and protect against seizures. This study provides encouraging data to support the potential therapeutic benefit of cyclocreatine or other chemically modified lipophilic analogs of Cr

    Zukunftskonzept Harz : eine Untersuchung zur zukünftigen Anpassung des Wintertourismus an den Klimawandel

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    Der Harz ist ein deutsches Mittelgebirge dessen Haupterwerbsquelle der Tourismus ist. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Umgang der durch den Klimawandel verursachten Gefährdung des Wintertourismus. Die steigenden Temperaturen und Niederschlagsveränderungen führen zu immer häufigeren schneefreien Tagen während der Wintersaison und stellen eine große Gefahr für die Erhaltung des Wintertourismus im Harz dar. Anpassungsmaßnahmen- und Strategien wie der Einsatz von Schneekanonen werden stark diskutiert. Viele sehen den Gebrauch von künstlichem Schnee als einzige Möglichkeit auch in Zukunft eine gute Wintersaison und somit auch eine wichtige Einnahmequelle erhalten zu können. Kunstschneegegner hingegen sehen dieser Entwicklung mit großer Besorgnis entgegen. Hohe Kosten, ein maßloser Wasserverbrauch und der rücksichtslose Eingriff in die Natur werden hingenommen und das Ergebnis wird auf den Schulter der nächsten Generationen ausgetragen. Ein Blick auf die tatsächlichen Möglichkeiten des Harzes Kunstschnee zu benutzen und auch die Aussicht auf die demografische Entwicklung bezüglich der zukünftigen Zielgruppen zeigen, dass künstlicher Schnee die Zukunft des Harzer Wintertourismus nicht sichern kann

    Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) deficiency: Clinical features and long term outcomes in 16 patients diagnosed worldwide

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    Abstract Background Arginine:glycine aminotransferase (AGAT) (GATM) deficiency is an autosomal recessive inborn error of creative synthesis. Objective We performed an international survey among physicians known to treat patients with AGAT deficiency, to assess clinical characteristics and long-term outcomes of this ultra-rare condition. Results 16 patients from 8 families of 8 different ethnic backgrounds were included. 1 patient was asymptomatic when diagnosed at age 3 weeks. 15 patients diagnosed between 16 months and 25 years of life had intellectual disability/developmental delay (IDD). 8 patients also had myopathy/proximal muscle weakness. Common biochemical denominators were low/undetectable guanidinoacetate (GAA) concentrations in urine and plasma, and low/undetectable cerebral creatine levels. 3 families had protein truncation/null mutations. The rest had missense and splice mutations. Treatment with creatine monohydrate (100–800 mg/kg/day) resulted in almost complete restoration of brain creatine levels and significant improvement of myopathy. The 2 patients treated since age 4 and 16 months had normal cognitive and behavioral development at age 10 and 11 years. Late treated patients had limited improvement of cognitive functions. Conclusion AGAT deficiency is a treatable intellectual disability. Early diagnosis may prevent IDD and myopathy. Patients with unexplained IDD with and without myopathy should be assessed for AGAT deficiency by determination of urine/plasma GAA and cerebral creatine levels (via brain MRS), and by GATM gene sequencing

    Categorizing natural history trajectories of ambulatory function measured by the 6-minute walk distance in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    High variability in patients' changes in 6 minute walk distance (6MWD) over time has complicated clinical trials of treatment efficacy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We assessed whether boys with DMD could be grouped into classes that shared similar ambulatory function trajectories as measured by 6MWD. Ambulatory boys aged 5 years or older with genetically confirmed DMD who were enrolled in a natural history study at 11 care centers throughout Italy were included. For each boy, standardized assessments of 6MWD were available at annual intervals spanning 3 years. Trajectories of 6MWD vs. age and trajectories of 6MWD vs. time from enrollment were examined using latent class analysis. A total of 96 boys were included. At enrollment, the mean age was 8.3 years (mean 6MWD: 374 meters). After accounting for age, baseline 6MWD, and steroid use, four latent trajectory classes were identified as explaining 3-year 6MWD outcomes significantly better than a single average trajectory. Patient trajectories of 6MWD change from enrollment were categorized as having fast decline (n\ue2\u80\u89=\ue2\u80\u8925), moderate decline (n\ue2\u80\u89=\ue2\u80\u8919), stable function (n\ue2\u80\u89=\ue2\u80\u8937), and improving function (n\ue2\u80\u89=\ue2\u80\u8915) during the 3-year follow-up. After accounting for trajectory classes, the standard deviation of variation in 6MWD was reduced by approximately 40%. The natural history of ambulatory function in DMD may be composed of distinct trajectory classes. The extent to which trajectories are associated with novel and established prognostic factors warrants further study. Reducing unexplained variation in patient outcomes could help to further improve DMD clinical trial design and analysis

    SUFU haploinsufficiency causes a recognisable neurodevelopmental phenotype at the mild end of the Joubert syndrome spectrum.

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    Joubert syndrome (JS) is a recessively inherited ciliopathy characterised by congenital ocular motor apraxia (COMA), developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability, ataxia, multiorgan involvement, and a unique cerebellar and brainstem malformation. Over 40 JS-associated genes are known with a diagnostic yield of 60%-75%.In 2018, we reported homozygous hypomorphic missense variants of the SUFU gene in two families with mild JS. Recently, heterozygous truncating SUFU variants were identified in families with dominantly inherited COMA, occasionally associated with mild DD and subtle cerebellar anomalies. We reanalysed next generation sequencing (NGS) data in two cohorts comprising 1097 probands referred for genetic testing of JS genes. Heterozygous truncating and splice-site SUFU variants were detected in 22 patients from 17 families (1.5%) with strong male prevalence (86%), and in 8 asymptomatic parents. Patients presented with COMA, hypotonia, ataxia and mild DD, and only a third manifested intellectual disability of variable severity. Brain MRI showed consistent findings characterised by vermis hypoplasia, superior cerebellar dysplasia and subtle-to-mild abnormalities of the superior cerebellar peduncles. The same pattern was observed in two out of three tested asymptomatic parents. Heterozygous truncating or splice-site SUFU variants cause a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome encompassing COMA and mild JS, which likely represent overlapping entities. Variants can arise de novo or be inherited from a healthy parent, representing the first cause of JS with dominant inheritance and reduced penetrance. Awareness of this condition will increase the diagnostic yield of JS genetic testing, and allow appropriate counselling about prognosis, medical monitoring and recurrence risk

    Behavioural and emotional changes during covid-19 lockdown in an italian paediatric population with neurologic and psychiatric disorders

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    On 11 March 2020, a national lockdown was imposed by the Italian government to contain the spread of COVID19 disease. This is an observational longitudinal study conducted at Fondazione Stella Maris (FSM), Italy to investigate lockdown-related emotional and behavioural changes in paediatric neuropsychiatric population. Families having children (1.5–18 years) with neuropsychiatric disorders referred to FSM have been contacted and proposed to fulfil two online questionnaires (General questionnaire and Child Behaviour Check List (CBCL)) to (i) compare (paired two-sample t-tests) the CBCL scores during lockdown with previous ones, and (ii) investigate the influence (multiple linear regression models) of variables such as age, diagnosis grouping (neurological, neurodevelopmental, emotional, and behavioural disorders) and financial hardship. One hundred and forty-one parents fulfilled the questionnaires. Anxiety and somatic problems increased in 1.5–5 years subpopulation, while obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic and thought problems increased in 6–18 years subpopulation. In the regression models, younger age in the 1.5–5 years subpopulation resulted as “protective” while financial hardship experienced by families during lockdown was related to psychiatric symptoms increasing in the 6–18 years subpopulation. Some considerations, based on first clinical impressions, are provided in text together with comments in relation to previous and emerging literature on the topic