13 research outputs found

    The contribution of ‘chitoumou’, the edible caterpillar Cirina butyrospermi, to the food security of smallholder farmers in southwestern Burkina Faso

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    Abstract: Edible insects have been advocated as a means to combat food insecurity, which is prevalent in West Africa. In this study we look at the contribution of the shea caterpillar Cirina butyrospermi, colloquially known as ‘chitoumou’, to the food security of smallholder households in rural southwestern Burkina Faso. We used a mixed methods approach to understand the relationship between caterpillar collection, consumption, and sale by smallholder households, and their seasonal food security status. We found that caterpillars are an important source of food and income for households, significantly increasing the household consumption of animal protein and, with shea nuts, representing the main income source for the majority of women. We also found that food security is higher during caterpillar season, and that household-level food security during this season can be predicted by the amount of caterpillars collected, consumed and sold. However, this relationship holds only during the caterpillar season, suggesting that the positive impact of caterpillars on food security is temporally limited. We conclude that the shea caterpillar is an example of an edible insect that is crucial for seasonal food security in a widespread agricultural system

    Etat, Citoyens et Gouvernance au Burkina Faso : L’expĂ©rience de l’implantation d’une assurance maladie universelle

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    Contexte : Plus de 43.9 % des mĂ©nages burkinabĂš vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvretĂ© et plus de 80 % ne disposent pas d’une couverture sociale en santĂ©. Cela contribue Ă  limiter l’accessibilitĂ© financiĂšre aux structures de santĂ© (0,64 contact par personne et par an) par les usagers. Le projet d’implantation d’une assurance maladie universelle initiĂ© par les autoritĂ©s burkinabĂš depuis 2008 et pour un dĂ©marrage Ă  l’horizon 2015 fait partie des politiques publiques pour amĂ©liorer l’accĂšs aux services de santĂ©. Le prĂ©sent article est une analyse des conditions d’implantation de l’assurance maladie universelle au regard de l’émergence des crises sociales et politiques que connaĂźt le Burkina Faso depuis ces derniĂšres annĂ©es.MĂ©thodes et matĂ©riel : Le travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© sur la base d’une analyse documentaire et d’une enquĂȘte de terrain. Pour la collecte de donnĂ©es sur le terrain, des entretiens individuels approfondis ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s (des entretiens Ă  passages rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s avec certains acteurs) avec une diversitĂ© de catĂ©gories d’acteurs : personnels de santĂ© (20), membres de mutuelles (15), collectivitĂ©s locales (mairies, prĂ©fectures, etc.) (5), membres de syndicats (5), Responsables de la FĂ©dĂ©ration des mutuelles professionnelles et caisses de solidaritĂ© au Burkina Faso (3) et des mutualistes de mutuelles sociales professionnelles (15).RĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la mise en place de l’assurance maladie va contribuer Ă  amĂ©liorer l’accessibilitĂ© financiĂšre des mĂ©nages aux structures de soins de santĂ©, mais les crises sociopolitiques et Ă©conomiques nationales (mĂ©fiance vis-Ă -vis des pouvoirs publics, impunitĂ©, corruption, dĂ©penses publiques non contrĂŽlĂ©es, mal gouvernance, etc.) ne sont pas des conditions favorables Ă  l’implantation d’un systĂšme d’assurance maladie gĂ©rĂ© par l’Etat au Burkina Faso.Conclusion : La mise en place de l’assurance maladie est une voie d’accĂšs aux structures de soins de santĂ© afin de rĂ©duire les formes de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s et d’inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales. Renouer la confiance avec les citoyens dans la gestion des affaires publiques est une nĂ©cessitĂ© pour l’Etat ; cela s’inscrit dans un processus de construction d’une unitĂ© nationale

    La méningite, une maladie des « variations » : pratiques préventives et gestion des épidémies de méningite à Kombissiri et Réo Burkina Faso

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    Meningitis is an epidemic whose management requires as well medical techniques as social behaviors’. Burkina Faso remains one of the countries of Africa more touched by meningitis. Between 1988 and 1997, WHO counts there more than 700,000 cases and 70,000 deaths, without counting the neurological victims of meningitis sequelae are difficult to evaluate. The objective of this work is to study the social representations of meningitis and the preventive practices which can contribute to increase the rates of morbidity and mortality.We conducted a socioanthropologic study in Kombissiri (moose’s country) and Reo (lyele’s country) in Burkina Faso. We make individual interviews with tradipraticians, traditional leaders, religious leaders, administrative authorities and health workers. Focus group was made with women, men, pupils and the young people.The results show that actors have knowledge of meningitis : symptomatic descriptions, period of appearance, transmission systems and meningitis sequelae (deafness, stammering, loss of memory, eye trouble). So formerly the stiffness of the neck and the appearance in period of strong hot made conspicuous meningitis, according to the popular designs, the etiologies and the diffuse symptomatic demonstrations of the preventive measures, popular perceptions (perceptions regarding meningitis in local populations) and diagnosis are complex

    La méningite, une maladie des « variations » : pratiques préventives et gestion des épidémies de méningite à Kombissiri et Réo Burkina Faso

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    Meningitis is an epidemic whose management requires as well medical techniques as social behaviors’. Burkina Faso remains one of the countries of Africa more touched by meningitis. Between 1988 and 1997, WHO counts there more than 700,000 cases and 70,000 deaths, without counting the neurological victims of meningitis sequelae are difficult to evaluate. The objective of this work is to study the social representations of meningitis and the preventive practices which can contribute to increase the rates of morbidity and mortality.We conducted a socioanthropologic study in Kombissiri (moose’s country) and Reo (lyele’s country) in Burkina Faso. We make individual interviews with tradipraticians, traditional leaders, religious leaders, administrative authorities and health workers. Focus group was made with women, men, pupils and the young people.The results show that actors have knowledge of meningitis : symptomatic descriptions, period of appearance, transmission systems and meningitis sequelae (deafness, stammering, loss of memory, eye trouble). So formerly the stiffness of the neck and the appearance in period of strong hot made conspicuous meningitis, according to the popular designs, the etiologies and the diffuse symptomatic demonstrations of the preventive measures, popular perceptions (perceptions regarding meningitis in local populations) and diagnosis are complex

    Pour le Sud, un partenariat renforcé au Nord

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    Introduction Le contexte de collaboration entre enseignants-chercheurs du Nord et du Sud dont il s’agira ici a trait Ă  l’Afrique subsaharienne francophone. Les rĂ©flexions que nous proposons ne sauraient ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es : elles se limitent Ă  des expĂ©riences de partenariat impliquant des institutions françaises d’une part, dans le domaine de l’anthropologie sociale et de la sociologie d’autre part, et enfin se rĂ©fĂšrent plutĂŽt Ă  des relations entre des institutions publiques d’enseignement sup..