92 research outputs found

    Sustainable Urban Farming: Budidaya Ikan Hias dan Ikan Rawa di Pekarangan Rumah

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    Basuki F. 2021. Sustainable urban farming: ornamental and swamp fish cultivation in the home yard. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang  20 Oktober 2021. pp. 11-18.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Indonesia has a lot of potential land resource for fresh water cultivation including swamp resource, the purpose of this paper is to talk about ornamental and swamp fish cultivation in the house yard that easily to do, to be expected it will increasing household revenue. Result based on experience and literature review, if in the location has enough fresh water and the pH water is 7 for cultivation, it is possible to cultivate the Goldfish (Carasiuas auratus Linnaeus, 1758), starting from preparation for resulting broodstock, and then is spawning using fish pond or aquarium,   maintaining the larva until it becomes harvest seeds according to the size, and the last is transporting it safely. But, if in the location has enough fresh water but the pH water under 7, so it is still possible to cultivate rasbora fish (Rasbora einthovenii Bleeker,1851), starting from preparation for resulting broodstock, and then is spawning using fish pond or aquarium, maintaining the larva until it becomes harvest seeds according to the size, and the last is transporting it safely

    Analysis on the Survival Rate and Growth of Larasati Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) F5 seed in Saline Media

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    The aim of this research was to observe the impact of different saline media towards the survival rate and growth of red tilapia, variety Larasati Tilapia (O. niloticus) F5 seed cultured in saline media. This research was carried out on March - August 2012 at Satker PBIAT (Centre of Fresh Water Fish Hatchery Working Unit), Janti – Klaten, Central Java Province. Sample used were F5 red Larasati Tilapia seed from selective breeding with approximate length of 3-5 cm. A completely randomized design method was used with 5 treatments and 3 replications. Different saline media for the treatments were A (0‰); B (15‰), C (20‰), D (25‰) and E (30‰). The seeds were cultivated in a plastic container with water capacity of 20 liter and density of 20 fish per container. Result showed that in water media with salinity up to 15‰ the survival rate is equal to salinity of 0‰ at amount of 81.67±2,89%. Increase in salinity of the media result in the decrease of the survival rate where at the saline media of 30‰ the survival rate drops until 71.67±2,89%. Similarly, growth in weight and length. F5 red Larasati tilapia reared in saline media up to 30‰ are still experiencing good growth both in weight and length, but slowed. The best growth was obtained in 15‰ saline medium with gaining in weight and length for 1.40±0.01 grams and 1.89±0.02 cm, respectivel


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    Absol u te growth and shell color of juvenile H asinina was moni tored over a period of 2-months in an experiment consisting of 8 treatments with 3 repl icates (n = !O individuals per replicate). The treatments were: fresh red seaweed ( Gracillaria verrucosa), and green algae ( Viva lactuca) and 6 formulated . feeds using different seaweed meals. This study is an attempt made on the effects of partially replacing fish meal with aigae (U lactuca) of the formulated feeds on the growth This preliminary study investigated the effect of seaweed and formulated feed on the growth, the shell color of this abalone and survival of abalone. The result s showed that the absolute growth of abalone fed by macroalgae G.verrucosa higher .than abalone fed with other feed and significantly different from the makroalgae U lactuca and others feeds fommlated. Results showed that abalones fed the seaweed G. 'verrucosa and formulated feed with G. verrucosa meal had dark - brown shells. However, abalones fod with makroalgae U !actuca and either of the formulated feeds (with spiru1ina) and formulated feeds (with U lactuca meal) remarkably had the s2me good growth performance and green shell appea;:ance. Investigations showed that seaweeds meal could be the better replacement for fish meal in pelleted feeds of H asinina. Keywords : abalone, growth, formulated feed, seaweed, seaweed mea

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Menggunakan Trainer Kopling terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari

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    Materi kopling dipelajari pada matakuliah Elemen Mesin I. Agar pesan pembelajaran dapat tersampaikan dengan efektif maka perlu dihadirkan media pembelajaran yang relevan. Kehadiran trainer kopling dalam pembelajaran dirasa dapat mendongkrak hasil belajar mahasiswa pada materi tersebut. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan trainer maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengukur pengaruhnya terhadap hasil belajar. Menggunakan desain penelitian one group pre-test post-test design, data pre-test dan post-test diambil di kelas yang sama sebelum dan sesudah diberikan treatment. Data hasil tes mahasiswa selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode Uji T. Instrumen penelitian berupa 19 butir soal yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas diujikan kepada 20 mahasiswa. Hasil uji T menunjukkan signifikansi 0,029 lebih kecil dari 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan trainer kopling pada pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pada materi kopling matakuliah Elemen Mesin I

    Respons Kelangsungan Hidup, perubahan Suhu, dan Aktivitas Metabolisme Ikan Lele Dumbo "Sangkuriang" (Clarias gariepinus) Terhadap Berbagai Metode Pengangkutan

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    Untuk mengetahui respons kelangsungan hidup lele terhadap berbagai metoda pengangkutan telah dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan ikan lele dumbo sangkuriang ukuran panjang tubuh 5 sampai 7 cm. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan, yaitu (l) Pengangkutan terbuka dengan wadah ember; (2) Pengangkutan tertutup tanpa penambahan oksigen murni maupun es batu; (3) Pengangkutan tertutup dengan penambahan oksigen murni; (4) Pengangkutan tertutup dengan penambahan oksigen murni dan es batu. Variabel yang diukur meliputi angka kelangsungan hidup, suhu air media dan kadar glukosa darah yang digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan laju metabolisme. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data kelangsungan hidup ikan yang ditransportasi dengan berbagai metode rnenunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, yaitu dari 0% hingga 100 %. Angka kelangsungan hidup ikan lele dumbo "Sangkuriang" pada metode pengangkutan terbuka, metode pengangkutan tertutup tanpa oksigen dan tanpa es batu, metode tertutup dengan oksigen murni, serta metode tertutup dengan oksigen murni dan es batu masing-masing adalah 98% ,0%,98%, dan 100%. Metode pengangkutan tertutup tanpa oksigen maupun es batu memperlihatkan kenaikan nilai suhu air media terbesar, yaitu dari 26oC menjadi 28,1oC. Perubahan suhu selama pengangkutan berdampak terhadap aktivitas katabolisme glukosa yang diindikasikan adanya perubahan kadar glukosa dalam darah. Pengangkutan ikan sistem tertutup dengan penambahan oksigen murni dan es batu memberikan hasil angka kelulushidupan terbaik, yaitu 100%. Kata Kunci: lele sangkuriang, transportasi, kelangsungan hidup, suhu, glukosa darah To determine the survival responses of catfish on the various method of transportation systems, it has been studied by using African catfish "sanglatriang" with its body length varried between 5 to 7 cm. This study used a completely randomized design with four treatments, namely (l) open transportation containers; (2) closed transportatian without the addition of oxygen and ice; (3) closed transportatian with the addition of oxygen, and (4) closed transportation with the addition oxygen and ice. The variables measured included survival rate, water temperature,and blood glucose levels (to examine the changes in metabolic rate). The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Results on the survival of fish that were transported by variaus methods showed signiJicantly differences, i.e., ranged from 0 to 100%,. The survival rate of African catfish "Sangkttriang" on the open method of transportation system, closed transportation method system without oxygen and without ice, closed transportation method system with oxygen, as well as closed methods with oxygen and ice are 98%, 0%, 98%, and 100%, respectively. Method of transportatin system without oxygen and ice showed the largest increasing in water temperature, i.e, from 26 to 28.1oC. The changes of temperature during transportation affect the activity of glucose catabolism indicated a change in blood glucose levels. Transporting fish in closed system with the addition of oxygen and ice resulted the best survival rate value, i.e. 100%. Keywords: catfish 'sangkuriang', transportation system, survival rate, temperatur, blood glucos


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    Potensi usaha budidaya ikan lele di Gunung Pati mempunyai prospek baik karena sebagian besar penduduknya membudidayakan ikan lele dan memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 54,11 km2 dengan luas areal budidaya yang ada sekitar 12,56 Ha. Konsumsi ikan lele yang semakin meningkat merupakan peluang untuk pengembangan budidaya pembesaran ikan lele. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi budidaya pembesaran ikan lele (Clarias sp.), untuk mengetahui potensi pasar budidaya pembesaran ikan lele (Clarias sp.), serta untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan budidaya pembesaran ikan lele (Clarias sp.) di Kecamatan Gunung Pati Semarang. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara dan metode distribusi kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi budidaya pembesaran ikan lele di Kecamatan Gunung Pati Kota Semarang dengan menggunakan metode semi intensif dapat dikembangkan dengan adanya potensi lahan yang tersedia dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang mendukung. Produksi budidaya memberikan hasil 27 ton/tahun, luas lahan yang masih tersedia 5,35 Ha, potensi pasar pada tahun 2015 mencapai 355,8 ton/tahun. Berdasarkan analisis faktor internal, kekuatan terbesar yaitu luas lahan budidaya (0,42) dan analisis faktor eksternal yaitu luas lahan di kecamatan Gunung Pati (0,41). Alternatif strategi yang tepat adalah SO (Strengths-Opportunities) dengan skor 3,93 dan kuadran SWOT berada pada posisi I yaitu agresive dimana menggunakan kekuatan dan peluang yang dimanfaatkan untuk meminimalisir kelemahan dan ancaman. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa potensi budidaya pada pembesaran ikan lele di Kecamatan Gunung Pati Kota Semarang cukup baik dengan menggunakan metode semi intensif; potensi pasar di Kecamatan Gunung Pati cukup tinggi karena konsumsi ikan lele meningkat; potensi pengembangan budidaya pembesaran ikan lele di Kecamatan Gunung Pati memiliki kekuatan dan peluang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meminimalisir kelemahan dan ancaman dan kemungkinan dapat mengembangkan usaha budidaya pembesaran ikan lele untuk menjaga kontinuitas produksi; strategi yang digunakan yaitu strategi SO dengan memanfaatkan kebijakan pemerintah dalam pengembangan budidaya pembesaran ikan lele dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan yang tersedia untuk meningkatkan hasil produksi. Kata kunci: Ikan lele; pembesaran ikan lele; pengembangan budidaya; SWO

    Analisis Genetic Gain Ikan Nila Pandu (Oreochromis Niloticus) Antara Generasi F4 Dan F5 Pada Umur 5 Bulan

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    The purpose of this research is to compare the growth of the 4th generation (F4) and the 5th generation (F5) of Pandu tilapia and to determine the genetic gain value of Pandu tilapia from the F4 generation to the F5 generation at the age of 5 months. This research took place in Janti Freshwater Fish Hatchery and Aquaculture Unit, Klaten, in October-November 2012. The fish samples were males and females of F4 and F5 generation Pandu tilapia at the age of 4 months. This research applied 2 treatments and 3 replications for each sex, the F4 and F5 generations for male Pandu tilapia and also the F4 and F5 generations for female Pandu tilapia. The rearing treatment lasted in 30 days. The variables measured were weight, total length, thickness, survival rate, specific growth rate, relative growth rate, feed convertion ratio, and genetic gain of each variable. The results of this research indicate that the growth of F5 Pandu tilapia is better than F4 Pandu tilapia. The genetic gain value of Pandu tilapia from F4 to F5 generation at the age of 5 months are as follows, weight genetic gain : male (♂) 30,56 % and female (♀) 27,90 %; total length genetic gain : male (♂) 9,64 % and female (♀) 1,71 %; thickness genetic gain : male (♂) 13,26 % and female (♀) 11,71 %; survival rate (SR) genetic gain : male (♂) 1,89 % and female (♀) 2,75 %; specific growth rate (SGR) genetic gain : male (♂) 12,81 % and females (♀) 10,84 %; feed convertion ratio (FCR) genetic gain : male (♂) 0,78 % and females (♀) 0,63 %

    VIVOICE: An Effort to Promote EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    COVID-19 is a new pandemic affecting every sector worldwide including in educational environment. Thus, a mixture of various e-learning is required in order to make TLP possible. Besides, having self-regulated learning is beneficial for each student to survive during study from home because of the pandemic. Thus, most students need a media and teaching instruction that motivate them better than the existed media. In this way, this research is aimed at developing VIVOICE (Virtual Vocabulary Voice) to promote EFL learners’ self-regulated vocabulary learning. The research design is R&D completed with quasi-experimental research design to prove the effectiveness of the developed product. A set of questionnaire and interview are used to collect the data of the research. The finding of need analysis showed that most students need a better media of TLP during the outbreak. However, the product was developed based on the result of the students’ need analysis, Buku Ajar Vocabulary 1 (@televocabot) (@televocabot), evaluation and suggestion from the expert validators. More importantly, the findings of the field testing showed that product gets supportive support from the students and proved practical enough during the outbreak. The quasi-experimental in field testing done to prove the effectiveness of the developed product resulted the mean score of experimental groups is increased from 75.9 to 80.8 while control group is also increased 76.1 to 76.7. Then, after the analysis by using SPSS version 25, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) in independent sample t-test was 0.035 (<0.05) meaning that there is a significance difference between experimental group and control group. Meanwhile from paired sample t-test result, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.005 (<0.05) that mean there is an improvement of self-regulated learning level in the experimental group after using VIVOICE during the outbreak. In conclusion, VIVOICE (Virtual Vocabulary Voice) is an effective audio-visual application to promote EFL learners’ self-regulated learning during the outbreak
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