5,628 research outputs found

    Revisiting Cotard’s syndrome: illustration of two psychiatric clinical cases

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    Introdução: A Síndrome de Cotard (SC) é uma Síndrome neuropsiquiátrica rara e grave, cuja característica central é a existência de delírios niilistas. Tem surgido controvérsia relativamente ao quadro clínico que Jules Cotard descreveu e recentemente têm sido feitas tentativas, não só para clarificar a terminologia utilizada, mas também para definir dife - rentes subtipos desta síndrome e explorar as suas bases biológicas. Objetivos: Rever sumariamente a termino- logia, etiologia, epidemiologia e diagnósticos diferenciais desta síndrome, a propósito da descrição de dois casos clínicos. Métodos: Pesquisa bibliográfica através das bases de dados eletrónicas Medline e Gallica (Biblioteca Nacional de França), consulta de registos clínicos e entrevistas diretas com os doentes. Resultados e Conclusões: Tipicamente os doentes diagnosticados com SC verbalizam a ideia delirante de que estão mortos ou prestes a morrer. Podem, no entanto, negar apenas a existência de partes do corpo ou do funcionamento de órgãos, ou chegar mesmo a pôr em causa a própria existência do mundo externo. Ilustramos o caso de uma doente de 66 anos com o diagnóstico de perturbação afetiva bipolar, admitida no contexto de um episódio depressivo grave com sintomas psicóticos, compatível com o tipo II da SC, e o caso de um jovem de 22 anos admitido por um primeiro surto psicótico com características esquizomorfas, que apresentava delírios niilistas configurando uma SC tipo I

    A RAPD-PCR-based genetic diversity analysis of Helicoverpa armigera and H. zea populations in Brazil.

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    Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of H. armigera and H. zea populations by RAPD-PCR analysis. The most important result was the clustering of one H. armigera population in a group predominantly formed by H. zea. It could indicate a possible occurrence of an interspecific cross between these species. This is a concern to Brazilian agriculture due to the possibility of selection of hybrids well adapted to the American environment, which would be inherited from H. zea

    Reptilia, Squamata, Tropiduridae, <i>Stenocercus sinesaccus</i> Torres–Carvajal, 2005: Distribution extension

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    The present study reports the easternmost known record for the tropidurid lizard Stenocercussinesaccus Torres–Carvajal, 2005, at Floresta Nacional de Silvânia, state of Goiás, Brazil, in a transition areabetween cerrado sensu strictu and gallery fores

    The Arena: An indoor mixed reality space

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    ln this paper, we introduce the Arena, an indoor space for mobile mixed reality interaction. The Arena includes a new user tracking system appropriate for AR/MR applications and a new Too/kit oriented to the augmented and mixed reality applications developer, the MX Too/kit. This too/kit is defined at a somewhat higher abstraction levei, by hiding from the programmer low-level implementation details and facilitating ARJMR object-oriented programming. The system handles, uniformly, video input, video output (for headsets and monitors), sound aurelisation and Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction in ARJMR, including, tangible interfaces, speech recognition and gesture recognition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reducing the False Positive Rate Using Bayesian Inference in Autonomous Driving Perception

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    Object recognition is a crucial step in perception systems for autonomous and intelligent vehicles, as evidenced by the numerous research works in the topic. In this paper, object recognition is explored by using multisensory and multimodality approaches, with the intention of reducing the false positive rate (FPR). The reduction of the FPR becomes increasingly important in perception systems since the misclassification of an object can potentially cause accidents. In particular, this work presents a strategy through Bayesian inference to reduce the FPR considering the likelihood function as a cumulative distribution function from Gaussian kernel density estimations, and the prior probabilities as cumulative functions of normalized histograms. The validation of the proposed methodology is performed on the KITTI dataset using deep networks (DenseNet, NasNet, and EfficientNet), and recent 3D point cloud networks (PointNet, and PintNet++), by considering three object-categories (cars, cyclists, pedestrians) and the RGB and LiDAR sensor modalities.Comment: This paper has been submitted to the journal Pattern Recognition Letter

    Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission containing monochlorobenzene

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    This study presents the operation of a biotrickling filter when treating a monochlorobenzene (MCB) contaminated gaseous emission. Treatment dynamics were characterised by exposing the reactor to various MCB Organic Loads (OL). The use of different growth support materials, namely limestone, sand, ceramic and PVC pall-rings, was investigated. Limestone led to clogging of the reactor due to the accumulation of surface precipitates, but PVC pall-rings allowed for a uniform biofilm growth. The biotrickling filter presented maximum removal efficiency (RE, 95%) under OL regimes of 10 g m-3-reactor h-1. Treatment inhibition was observed when the reactor was exposed to OL of 45 g m-3-reactor h-1 with RE reaching a minimum value (8%) and elimination capacity of 8 g m3-reactor h-1 The first half of the reactor height was the predominant section for MCB biodegradation and increasing the mineral medium redrculation rate was beneficial for the overall treatment

    Determinação da compatibilidade genética entre espécies de passifloras visando à obtenção de híbridos.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os horários de antese e obter híbridos interespecíficos utilizando algumas espécies silvestres de maracujazeiro, visando à introdução de genes de resistência a doenças em germoplasma de maracujá. Para esta finalidade, dois genótipos de Passiflora edulis e dez espécies silvestres foram avaliados. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação e em campo experimental da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, no período de agosto de 2012 a junho de 2013