59 research outputs found

    Identificação e promoção do talento feminino : conhecendo trajetórias e despertando potenciais

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2018.O conhecimento limitado acerca do processo de desenvolvimento do talento, especialmente em mulheres, tem se refletido no despreparo de profissionais e na escassez de serviços em prol do fortalecimento desse grupo. Este trabalho buscou avançar nessadireção por meio da realização de dois estudos. O primeiro, de natureza qualitativa e baseado na Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, teve como objetivo investigar a trajetóriade mulheres talentosas e eminentes de acordo com o Mega-Modelo de Desenvolvimento de Talentos concebido por Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius e Worrell (2011), e analisar a relação existente entre as dimensões individuais, contextuais e interpessoais no seu percurso profissional. Foram realizadas entrevistas (duas face a face, uma a distância e duas por correio eletrônico) com as cinco participantes do estudo. Independente da área em que atuam e de diferenças encontradas em relação à idade, formação educacional e estrutura familiar, alguns fatores, como resistência a estereótipos de gênero, trabalho como fonte de transformação social, presença de mentores,otimismo e resiliência, foram considerados decisivos para a expressão e desenvolvimento de seus potenciais. Esses fatores foram classificados como facilitadores e variáveis de proteção frente às adversidades encontradas. O segundo estudo desta pesquisa, constituiu na elaboração, implementação e avaliação de um programa online de desenvolvimento de talentos para mulheres brasileiras, por meio de uma pesquisa-intervenção. O estudo analisou a percepção das participantes acerca da influência do programa na identificação de suas potencialidades e dos aspectos internos e externosassociados ao desenvolvimento dessas potencialidades. O programa pareceu atender positivamente às expectativas das integrantes, o que contribuiu para o alto nível de satisfação informado ao final da intervenção. O autoconhecimento, a interação entre elas por meio do programa e o espaço para compartilhar experiências foram fatores considerados significativos em seus processos de florescimento de talentos. Esse resultado evidenciou a importância da rede social de apoio, mas também sugere que as interações por meio digital podem oferecer benefícios e constituem potencial recurso para o autoconhecimento e promoção do talento em alta escala. Este estudo buscou integrar teoria, pesquisa e prática, ampliar a compreensão do processo de desenvolvimento do talento feminino, bem como oferecer subsídios para o planejamento de ações inovadoras com vistas à promoção de condições favoráveis à identificação e expressão de seus potenciais. Os resultados poderão ainda dar visibilidade à área do talento, superdotação e eminência como campo legítimo de pesquisa e prática em psicologia.The limited knowledge about the process of talent development, especially in women, has been reflected in the lack of preparation of professionals and in the lack of services that may favor the strengthening of this group. This investigation sought to advance in this direction through the accomplishment of two studies. The first, a qualitative Grounded Theory research, aimed to investigate the trajectory of talented and eminent women according to the Mega-Model of Talent Development conceived by Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius and Worrell (2011), and also aimed to analyze the relationship between individual, contextual and interpersonal dimensions in these women professional career. Interviews (two face-to-face, one remote and two by e-mail) were conducted with the five participants. Regardless of the area in which they work and the differences found in relation to age, educational background and family structure, some factors, such as resistance to gender stereotypes, work as a source of social transformation, presence of mentors, optimism and resilience were considered decisive for the expression and development of their potentials. These factors were classified as facilitatorand variables of protection against the adversities encountered. The second study,consisted in the design, implementation and evaluation of an online talent development program for Brazilian women through an intervention-research. The study analyzed the participants’ perception about the influence of the program in the identification of its potentialities and the internal and external aspects associated with talent development. The program seemed to positively meet the expectations of the members which contributed to the high level of satisfaction informed in the end. Selfknowledge, the interaction between the participants during the program and having a space to share experiences were factors considered significant in their talent development processes. This result evidenced the importance of the social support network, but also suggests that digital interactions can offer benefits and are a potential resource for self-knowledge and the promotion of talent on a broad scale. This research sought to integrate theory, research and practice and to broaden the understanding of the process of female talent development, as well as offer subsidies to innovative projects and actions that offer conditions to identify and express their potential. The results will also give visibility to the area of talent, giftedness and eminence as a legitimate field of research and practice in psychology

    The Drosophila pericentrin-like protein is essential for cilia/flagella function, but appears to be dispensable for mitosis

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    Centrosomes consist of a pair of centrioles surrounded by an amorphous pericentriolar material (PCM). Proteins that contain a Pericentrin/AKAP450 centrosomal targeting (PACT) domain have been implicated in recruiting several proteins to the PCM. We show that the only PACT domain protein in Drosophila (the Drosophila pericentrin-like protein [D-PLP]) is associated with both the centrioles and the PCM, and is essential for the efficient centrosomal recruitment of all six PCM components that we tested. Surprisingly, however, all six PCM components are eventually recruited to centrosomes during mitosis in d-plp mutant cells, and mitosis is not dramatically perturbed. Although viable, d-plp mutant flies are severely uncoordinated, a phenotype usually associated with defects in mechanosensory neuron function. We show that the sensory cilia of these neurons are malformed and the neurons are nonfunctional in d-plp mutants. Moreover, the flagella in mutant sperm are nonmotile. Thus, D-PLP is essential for the formation of functional cilia and flagella in flies

    Genetic instability from a single S phase after whole-genome duplication

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    Diploid and stable karyotypes are associated with health and fitness in animals. By contrast, whole-genome duplications—doublings of the entire complement of chromosomes—are linked to genetic instability and frequently found in human cancers(1–3). It has been established that whole-genome duplications fuel chromosome instability through abnormal mitosis(4–8); however, the immediate consequences of tetraploidy in the first interphase are not known. This is a key question because single whole-genome duplication events such as cytokinesis failure can promote tumorigenesis(9). Here we find that human cells undergo high rates of DNA damage during DNA replication in the first S phase following induction of tetraploidy. Using DNA combing and single-cell sequencing, we show that DNA replication dynamics is perturbed, generating under- and over-replicated regions. Mechanistically, we find that these defects result from a shortage of proteins during the G1/S transition, which impairs the fidelity of DNA replication. This work shows that within a single interphase, unscheduled tetraploid cells can acquire highly abnormal karyotypes. These findings provide an explanation for the genetic instability landscape that favours tumorigenesis after tetraploidization

    Microcephaly: STIL(l) a Tale of Too Many Centrosomes

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    SummaryCentrosome mutations associated with microcephaly are normally thought to result in loss-of-function phenotypes. A new study shows, however, that mutations found in the human microcephaly STIL gene cause centrosome amplification, suggesting a direct link between the presence of extra centrosomes and the establishment of this disease

    Multiple centrosomes: together they stand, divided they fall

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    Cells with extra centrosomes rely entirely on centrosome clustering mechanisms to assemble a bipolar spindle and to divide in a bipolar fashion. To identify the pathways involved in suppression of multipolarity, Kwon, Godinho, and colleagues (pp. 2189–2203) have set up a genome-wide screen in Drosophila S2 cells. Surprisingly, they found that efficient clustering requires a large number of proteins associated with a variety of cellular functions

    When E-cadherin is away, centrosomes can play

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    The landscape as a political issue for Ruy Duarte de Carvalho

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    Este artigo propõe uma leitura do caráter político que o autor angolano Ruy Duarte de Carvalho percebe na paisagem, no livro As paisagens propícias (2005). Dedicando sua produção literária à preservação da memória dos povos Kuvale, povos nômades, rurais, analfabetos e ambicionando manter vivas as suas tradições e o seu modo de vida, Ruy Duarte acaba por propor reflexões sobre as consequências do colonialismo na sociedade angolana que aderiu aos valores da civilização ocidental.This article proposes an analysis of the political nature that the Angolan author Ruy Duarte de Carvalho perceives in landscape, in the book As paisagens propícias (2005). Dedicating his literary production to the preservation of the memory of the Kuvale peoples, who are nomadic, rural and illiterate, and aiming to keep alive their traditions and way of life, Ruy Duarte ends up proposing reflections on the consequences of colonialism in Angolan society that adhered to the values of Western civilization
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