67 research outputs found

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    Recommandations des interventions en physiothérapie pour une clientèle âgée souffrant de démence

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    Travail d'intégration présenté à la Faculté de médecine en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise professionnelle en physiothérapieIntroduction : La prévalence de la démence augmente avec le vieillissement de la population. Considérant qu’elle représente la cause la plus importante d’invalidité chez les aînés, le physiothérapeute doit intervenir efficacement auprès de cette clientèle. Objectifs : Répertorier les outils d’évaluation et d’intervention les plus efficaces en physiothérapie auprès des aînés atteints de démence et émettre des recommandations aux professionnels. Stratégie méthodologique : Une recherche a été effectuée sur PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE et PEDro, avec les mots-clés suivants : exercise, dementia, music therapy, patient compliance, Alzheimer, cognition, falls, incontinence, interdisciplinarity, hip protectors, measurement assessment, balance, strength, gait, elderly, geriatric comprehensive assessment. Résultats : L’exercice prévient les démences (évidence grade B), mais son efficacité pour améliorer les fonctions cognitives chez les personnes atteintes est controversée. L’évaluation gériatrique multidimensionnelle est à privilégier. Pour évaluer la force musculaire, le dynamomètre manuel et le Five times sit-to-stand sont fiables, alors que le TUG et le POMA le sont pour la marche et l’équilibre. Les exercices et le traitement de l’incontinence sont efficaces pour prévenir les chutes (évidence grade A et B). En cas de chute, le port de protecteurs de hanche diminue le risque de fracture

    El Periódico 15. Reconstrucción histórica y aportes en la formación periodística

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    This paper presents what was exposed in the investigation “Periódico 15 and its importance in journalism training at Unab”. This research was oriented towards documenting the historic evolution of journalism training and establishing the role of Periódico 15 as a dissertation requirement for obtaining the Master of Education degree from Unab. For the present study, we developed a qualitative ethnographic methodology. In order to do so, we revised documents and documented testimonials from students, teachers, and former news directors, which were involved in the first 13 years of activities of Periódico 15. Based on these testimonials, we performed a historical reconstruction of the newspaper and established its importance allowing students to gain real-world experience in journalism. Periódico 15 provides students with first-hand experiences allowing them to understand the Social context and natural scenarios under which journalism develops and, at the same time, teaches them to be more mature and responsible journalists. In addition, we concluded that Periódico 15 needs to continue its formative tasks by reinforcing a closer monitoring of academic experiences. It also needs to improve all aspects related with digital context and its related courses.Este artículo presenta las consideraciones expuestas en la investigación “El Periódico 15 en la formación periodística en la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga”, orientada a documentar la evolución histórica y establecer el papel de este espacio de práctica en la enseñanza del periodismo y elaborada como tesis de grado para optar al título de magíster en Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. Este trabajo no fue un estudio de caso, sino que desarrolló una metodología cualitativa de corte etnográfico, para lo cual se revisaron documentos y tomaron testimonios de estudiantes, directores y docentes que estuvieron vinculados al periódico en los primeros 13 años de actividades. A partir de estos datos se hizo la reconstrucción histórica del medio y se estableció que la experiencia en el periódico permitió a los estudiantes hacer una práctica real del ejercicio periodístico, al aplicar los conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas adquiridas; reconocer su orientación vocacional; conocer de primera mano la cotidianidad del entorno social, escenario natural del periodismo; y desarrollar cualidades como la responsabilidad y la madurez. Además, se encontró que este núcleo integrador debe mantenerse y que se debe hacer un seguimiento permanente a esta experiencia académica, así como fortalecer los aspectos relacionados con el entorno digital y la integración de los cursos relacionados con este escenario de práctica

    Italia, Europa e nuove immigrazioni

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    Il volume esamina il problema generale dell’insediamento delle minoranze extraeuropee nei paesi comunitari, ricostruendone la genesi storica. Vengono anche discusse le politiche di inserimento di paesi europei - come la Gran Bretagna, la Francia, la Repubblica federale tedesca e la Svezia - con alti flussi in entrata.- Indice #7- Prefazione #11- Prima parte Introduzione al fenomeno delle migrazioni internazionali in Europa #13- Nodi conflittuali conseguenti all’insediamento definitivo delle popolazioni immigrate nei paesi europei, Albert Bastenier e Felice Dassetto #15- Seconda parte Le politiche nazionali dell’immigrazione #77- L’atteggiamento verso gli immigrati in Gran Bretagna, John Rex #79- Il caso francese, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden #99- La politica verso gli stranieri. Il dibattito per una legge degli anni Novanta sugli stranieri nella Repubblica federale tedesca, Ursula Mehrländer #117- La situazione svedese. Politica sull’immigrazione e sui rifugiati, politica di integrazione e di organizzazione etnica, Carl-Ulrik Schierup #137- Terza parte Problematiche emergenti dall’attuale processo immigratorio in Europa #173- I rifugiati in Europa, Danièle Joly #175- L’emergenza delle politiche di integrazione per gli immigrati in Europa, Han B. Entzinger #191- Nazionalità e cittadinanza nell’Europa delle immigrazioni, Jean Leca #21

    Governing multicultural Brussels: paradoxes of a multi-level, multi-cultural, multi-national urban anomaly

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    Updating our earlier work on Brussels as the paradigm of a multi-level, multi-cultural, multi-national city, and in the context of Brussels’s recent troubled emergence as the epicentre of violent conflict between radical political Islam and the West, this paper sets out the paradoxical intersection of national (i.e. Flemish and Francophone), non-national and ethnic minority politics in a city placed as a multi-cultural and multi-national ‘urban anomaly’ at the heart of linguistic struggle of the two dominant Belgian communities. Brussels is one of the three Regions of the Belgian federal model alongside Flanders and Wallonia. It is also an extraordinarily diverse and cosmopolitan city, in which a mixed language Belgian population lives alongside very high numbers of resident non-nationals, including European elites, other European immigrant workers, and immigrants from Africa and Asia. After laying out the complex distribution of power and competences within the Belgian federal structure, we explore whether these structures have worked over the years to include or exclude disadvantaged ethnic groups. To better understand these processes, we introduce our view of the multi-level governance perspective

    Hygiène sociale: hygiène du milieu

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    Première édition troisième tirage 19733ème Doc. Méd. Chir. Acc.info:eu-repo/semantics/published

    Le croire et le cru: les appartenances religieuses au sein du christianisme européen revisitées à partir des travaux de Michel de Certeau

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    In order to better understand the developments taking place within European Christianity, it seems worth our while to take another took at the notion of religious belonging, one which turns out to be more complex than it seemed at first glance. The flow of affiliations and disaffiliations it sets in motion might well be reinterpreted as the ambivalent expression of the engagements and disengagements associated with the construction of a common world. In this connection, the works of the historian, M. de Certeau, leading to an anthropology of belief, offer a significant contribution to the development of a theory of belonging

    International Bibliography of Sociology of Religions 1989

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