399 research outputs found

    Enhancing multi-scale Mekong water governance

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    The CPWF Project PN50 “Enhancing multi-scale water governance” was a flagship activity of the Mekong Program on Water, Environment Resilience (M-POWER). The goal of helping improve livelihood security, human and ecosystem health in the Mekong Region through democratizing water governance was pursued through critical research and direct engagement with stakeholders involved in managing floods, irrigation, hydropower, watersheds, fisheries and urban water works at various scales. We identified commons governance problems and suggested ways that some can be addressed. Often, for example, there are needs to: strengthen local representation, improve the quality of deliberative processes, enhance the interplay between institutions at different levels, and build capacities to handle uncertainties and adapt to changes in flow regimes

    Enhancing Genetic Gain in Potato Clones through Phenotyping Late Blight Resistance

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    Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, is a devastating disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). To identify potential sources of resistance to the disease, 32 clones received from the National Potato Research Program (NPRP) were evaluated under natural conditions at the National Maize Research Program Rampur, Chitwan in 2018 and 2019. Potato cultivars Desire, Kufri Jyoti, and Farmers local were used as moderately resistant, susceptible, and highly susceptible checks, respectively. The experiments were laid out in α-lattice design with two replications. Each experimental plot of 3.6 m2 was seeded as two 3m long rows with 0.6 and 0.25 m row and plant spacing, respectively. Agronomic practices were followed as recommended by NPRP. The disease severity was measured based on a percentage of leaf area infected using disease scale of (1 to 9) at three times in seven days intervals. Disease severity values were converted into the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). During harvest, the total yield and its components were recorded. Potato clones differed significantly (P ≤ 0.01) for disease severity, yield, and yield components. The results revealed high genetic variability, heritability, and genetic gain for disease parameters, tuber yield, and its components. Six clones (CIP311622.9, PRP277072.122, PRP146971.135, PRP147072.27, CIP311350.27, and PRP146971.117 had lower area under disease progress curve AUDPC) values (274.25 to 421.03), showed higher resistant in both years and yielded more tuber yield (~20 t/ha) than other clones. These clones could be used to develop late blight resistant, high yielding potato varietie

    Trichoderma species as Biocontrol Agent against Soil Borne Fungal Pathogens

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    Soil borne pathogenic fungi are of major concern in agriculture which significantly decreases the plant yield. Chemically controlled plant imposes environmental threats potentially dangerous to humans as well as other animals. Thus, application of biological methods in plant disease control is more effective alternative technique. This study was carried out to isolate Trichoderma species from soil sample and to assess its in vitro biocontrol efficacy against fungal pathogens viz. Sclerotium rolfsii, Sclerotionia sclerotiorum, Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani. Biocontrol efficacy testing of isolates against different fungal pathogens was performed by dual culture technique.In this study, 5 different Trichoderma species were isolated from 26 various soil samples and were tested against four fungal soil-borne pathogens. Inhibition percentage of radial growth of Sclerotium rolfsii by three of the Trichoderma isolates was found to be 100%; about 62% and 68% of maximum inhibition was observed against Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani respectively whereas Sclerotionia sclerotiorum was inhibited maximum up to 23%. This in vitro study revealed that although Trichoderma species plays an important role in controlling all type of soil borne fungal plant pathogens, however, isolates as biocontrol agent against Sclerotium rolfsii was found to be more efficient in comparison to other pathogens.Nepal Journal of Biotechnology. Dec. 2017 Vol. 5, No. 1: 39-4

    Design Integration of Dedicated Outdoor Air System with Variable Refrigerant Flow System

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    In hot and humid countries like India, the HVAC systems in the commercial and building sector are responsible for major part of energy consumption.Ă‚ About 30 to 70% of electrical power consumed in various facilities is for HVAC&R.Ă‚ Moreover air-conditioning systems need to be supplied with increased fresh air to improve Indoor Air Quality, IAQ, and ventilation to comply with latest norms.Ă‚ Treating fresh air typically consumes 20 to 40% of energy required for air-conditioning. Ă‚ Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems are increasingly being considered in air-conditioning systems to improve Indoor Air Quality, IAQ and reduce energy consumption. Fresh air is treated separately before being introduced in the air conditioned space while limiting the increase in energy cost. This improves Indoor Air Quality, as more outdoor air can be introduced in the conditioned space while limiting the load and energy required.Ă‚ Energy is saved by decoupling sensible and latent loads. Ă‚ DOAS usually operate along with some other sensible cooling equipment, mainly VRF system, radiant panels, RP or Fan Coil Units, FCU.Ă‚ Integration of non-compressor based DOAS needs to be investigated further to optimally integrate these systems with various existing conventional air-conditioning systems.Ă‚ VRF systems have emerged as energy efficient HVAC equipment in recent years, therefore judiciously combining DOAS with VRF system needs to be investigated. Ă‚ This paper consolidates the understanding about various ways of integrating different DOAS and identifying best practices for energy efficient and cost effective integration with balance air-conditioning load handling system.Ă‚ As DOAS is site specific, supply air conditions like DBT, DPT and supply airflow rate affect the performance of DOAS.Ă‚ Assuming indoor air conditions to be 27oC DBT and 50% rh, data for different Indian climatic zones is used to evaluate performance of different non compressor based configurations like evaporative pre cooling, air to air heat recovery and indirect evaporative cooling. Ă‚ A novel configuration, with less number of components is proposed and investigated for possible integration with existing air-conditioning systems.Ă‚ The configuration is cooling and desiccant dehumidification of fresh outdoor air by indirect evaporative cooling of exhaust air. Ă‚ Comparative psychrometric analysis between the select DOAS configuration and previous configurations is performed for various climate conditions of different Indian Cities: Warm and Humid (Mumbai), Composite (New Delhi), Moderate (Bangalore) and Hot and Dry (Ahmedabad). Ă‚ Theoretical analysis for heat and mass transfer was carried out based on patented nine enhanced passage aluminium extrusion for deployment in Mumbai.Ă‚ Overall heat transfer coefficient on outdoor air side is calculated as 13.89 W/m2K.Ă‚ Mass transfer coefficient on outdoor and indoor air side is obtained as 0.03 m/s and 0.04 m/s respectively. Assumed outdoor air conditions are 31.0 DBT and 80% rh.Ă‚ Water evaporated on indoor air side and water condensed in outdoor air side is obtained as 0.34 g/s and 0.37 g/s respectively.Ă‚ LMTD for the heat transfer process is obtained as 4.2oC for a counter flow heat and mass exchange.Ă‚ Energy and cost saving calculations suggest savings of 2171 INR/day from heat recovery and 38.6% increase in COP of parallel VRF system

    Exploring differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to human tonsillar cells using RNA sequencing

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    Background - The nose and the throat are the most predominant colonizing sites of Staphylococcus aureus, and colonization is a risk factor for infection. Nasal colonization is well described; however, we have limited knowledge about S. aureus throat colonization. The main objective of this study was to explore differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in S. aureus throat isolate TR145 exposed to human tonsil epithelial cells (HTEpiC) by using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and pathway analysis. DEGs in S. aureus at 1 or 3 hours (h) interaction with its host were explored. Results - S. aureus was co-cultured in absence and presence of tonsillar cells at 1 or 3 h. Over the 3 h time frame, the bacteria multiplied, but still caused only minor cytotoxicity. Upon exposure to tonsillar cell line, S. aureus changed its transcriptomic profile. A total of 508 DEGs were identified including unique (1 h, 160 DEGs and 3 h, 78 DEGs) and commonly shared genes (1 and 3 h, 270 DEGs). Among the DEGs, were genes encoding proteins involved in adhesion and immune evasion, as well as iron acquisition and transport. Reverse transcription qPCR was done on selected genes, and the results correlated with the RNA-seq data. Conclusion - We have shown the suitability of using HTEpiC as an in vitro model for investigating key determinants in S. aureus during co-incubation with host cells. Several DEGs were unique after 1 or 3 h exposure to host cells, while others were commonly expressed at both time points. As their expression is induced upon meeting with the host, they might be explored further for future targets for intervention to prevent either colonization or infection in the throat

    Effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of different rice varieties in DDSR condition at Kanchanpur, Nepal

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    An experiment on the effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of different rice varieties was conducted in Kanchanpur, Nepal, from March 2021 to July 2021. The experiment was laid in randomized complete block design with two factors: nitrogen levels and rice varieties, each factor having three levels (Nitrogen: 60kg/ha, 120kg/ha, and 180kg/ha and rice varieties: Hardinath 1, Hardianth 3 and Chaite 5) resulting in nine treatment combinations. Rice seeds were sown directly in experimental plots under the dry condition on March 24, 2021. The plant spacing was 20x20cm^2. Growth parameters, grain yield, and yield attributing traits of rice were recorded. The statistical results revealed significant differences between the treatments regarding agronomical parameters, yield attributing characters, and grain yield. The results indicated that the 180 kg/ha level of N application contributes to the higher plant height (74.502 cm), the number of tillers (1101.667), effective tillers (577.222), filled grain per panicle (116.490), panicle length (25.241 cm), grain yield (4.7 ton/ha) and straw yield (10.564 ton/ha). Among the varieties, Hardinath 3 produced significantly higher plant height (79.68 cm), panicle length (25.68cm), sterility percentage, and 1000 grain weight (24.60g) as compared to Hardinath 1 and Chapter 5, respectively. However, yield and yield attributing characters like grain yield, straw yield, effective tillers, and filled grains per panicle were significantly higher in Chaite 5. Therefore, a nitrogen level of 180 kg/ha and variety Chaite5 may be used for better productivity in Kanchanpur, Nepal

    Enhancing coordination in water management through communication tools: results from experimental games in Coastal Bangladesh

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    Canal siltation is a pervasive problem in coastal Bangladesh causing water-logging and losses in crop yield. Although timely maintenance of canals through regular contributions from the community can solve this problem; it often breaks down because of the free riding issue, a common feature in the provision of public goods. Previous literature on experimental games has shown how different communication strategies can help to achieve coordination. We conducted experimental games with the aims to: (i) determine the effectiveness of these communication institutions in the specific problem of maintenance of canal; and (ii) compare the relative effectiveness of different communication mechanisms. Playing these games was also a part of a participatory action research approach with the idea that community members would have a clearer understanding of the incentives and constraints of contribution for canal maintenance. The basic insight from our study is that any institution that enables more information sharing about both the intended contribution and setting the group norm translates into better coordination among the users to increase the group income towards Pareto Optimum outcomes. The lessons from these games could potentially open up a forum of discussion and help the villagers in their future communications as a tool for understanding and testing different alternatives for community management of natural resources. The results are also of interest for development practitioners supporting community organizations for sustaining local public goods

    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells

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    IntroductionImproved understanding of Staphylococcus aureus throat colonization in the presence of other co-existing microbes is important for mapping S. aureus adaptation to the human throat, and recurrence of infection. Here, we explore the responses triggered by the encounter between two common throat bacteria, S. aureus and Streptococcus anginosus, to identify genes in S. aureus that are important for colonization in the presence of human tonsillar epithelial cells and S. anginosus, and further compare this transcriptome with the genes expressed in S. aureus as only bacterium.MethodsWe performed an in vitro co-culture experiment followed by RNA sequencing to identify interaction-induced transcriptional alterations and differentially expressed genes (DEGs), followed by gene enrichment analysis.Results and discussionA total of 332 and 279 significantly differentially expressed genes with p-value < 0.05 and log2 FoldChange (log2FC) ≥ |2| were identified in S. aureus after 1 h and 3 h co-culturing, respectively. Alterations in expression of various S. aureus survival factors were observed when co-cultured with S. anginosus and tonsillar cells. The serine-aspartate repeat-containing protein D (sdrD) involved in adhesion, was for example highly upregulated in S. aureus during co-culturing with S. anginosus compared to S. aureus grown in the absence of S. anginosus, especially at 3 h. Several virulence genes encoding secreted proteins were also highly upregulated only when S. aureus was co-cultured with S. anginosus and tonsillar cells, and iron does not appear to be a limiting factor in this environment. These findings may be useful for the development of interventions against S. aureus throat colonization and could be further investigated to decipher the roles of the identified genes in the host immune response in context of a throat commensal landscape

    Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in questing Ixodes ricinus nymphs in southern Scandinavia and the possible influence of meteorological factors

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    Ixodes ricinus ticks are Scandinavia's main vector for tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), which infects many people annually. The aims of the present study were (i) to obtain information on the TBEV prevalence in host-seeking I. ricinus collected within the oresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (oKS) region, which lies in southern Norway, southern Sweden and Denmark; (ii) to analyse whether there are potential spatial patterns in the TBEV prevalence; and (iii) to understand the relationship between TBEV prevalence and meteorological factors in southern Scandinavia. Tick nymphs were collected in 2016, in southern Scandinavia, and screened for TBEV, using pools of 10 nymphs, with RT real-time PCR, and positive samples were confirmed with pyrosequencing. Spatial autocorrelation and cluster analysis was performed with Global Moran's I and SatScan to test for spatial patterns and potential local clusters of the TBEV pool prevalence at each of the 50 sites. A climatic analysis was made to correlate parameters such as minimum, mean and maximum temperature, relative humidity and saturation deficit with TBEV pool prevalence. The climatic data were acquired from the nearest meteorological stations for 2015 and 2016. This study confirms the presence of TBEV in 12 out of 30 locations in Denmark, where six were from Jutland, three from Zealand and two from Bornholm and Falster counties. In total, five out of nine sites were positive from southern Sweden. TBEV prevalence of 0.7%, 0.5% and 0.5%, in nymphs, was found at three sites along the Oslofjord (two sites) and northern Skane region (one site), indicating a potential concern for public health. We report an overall estimated TBEV prevalence of 0.1% in questing I. ricinus nymphs in southern Scandinavia with a region-specific prevalence of 0.1% in Denmark, 0.2% in southern Sweden and 0.1% in southeastern Norway. No evidence of a spatial pattern or local clusters was found in the study region. We found a strong correlation between TBEV prevalence in ticks and relative humidity in Sweden and Norway, which might suggest that humidity has a role in maintaining TBEV prevalence in ticks. TBEV is an emerging tick-borne pathogen in southern Scandinavia, and we recommend further studies to understand the TBEV transmission potential with changing climate in Scandinavia
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