110 research outputs found

    Vortex instabilities in 3D boundary layers: The relationship between Goertler and crossflow vortices

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    The inviscid and viscous stability problems are addressed for a boundary layer which can support both Goertler and crossflow vortices. The change in structure of Goertler vortices is found when the parameter representing the degree of three-dimensionality of the basic boundary layer flow under consideration is increased. It is shown that crossflow vortices emerge naturally as this parameter is increased and ultimately become the only possible vortex instability of the flow. It is shown conclusively that at sufficiently large values of the crossflow there are no unstable Goertler vortices present in a boundary layer which, in the zero crossflow case, is centrifugally unstable. The results suggest that in many practical applications Goertler vortices cannot be a cause of transition because they are destroyed by the 3-D nature of the basic state. In swept wing flows the Goertler mechanism is probably not present for typical angles of sweep of about 20 degrees. Some discussion of the receptivity problem for vortex instabilities in weakly 3-D boundary layers is given; it is shown that inviscid modes have a coupling coefficient marginally smaller than those of the fastest growing viscous modes discussed recently by Denier, Hall, and Seddougui (1990). However the fact that the growth rates of the inviscid modes are the largest in most situations means that they are probably the most likely source of transition

    On the generation of mean flows by the interaction of Goertler vortices and Tollmien-Schlichting waves in curved channel flows

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    There are many fluid flows where the onset of transition can be caused by different instability mechanisms which compete in the nonlinear regime. The interaction of a centrifugal instability mechanism with the viscous mechanism which causes Tollmein-Schlichting waves is discussed. The interaction between these modes can be strong enough to drive the mean state; the interaction is investigated in the context of curved channel flows so as to avoid difficulties associated with boundary layer growth. Essentially it was found that the mean state adjusts itself so that any modes present are neutrally stable even at finite amplitude. In the first instance, the mean state driven by a vortex of short wavelength in the absence of Tollmein-Schlichting waves is considered. It is shown that for a given channel curvature and vortex wavelength, there is an upper limit to the mass flow rate which the channel can support as the pressure gradient is increased. When the Tollmein-Schlichting waves are present, then the nonlinear differential equation to determine the mean state is modified

    Concerning the interaction of non-stationary cross-flow vortices in a three-dimensional boundary layer

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    Recently there has been much work devoted to considering some of the many and varied interaction mechanisms which may be operative in three-dimensional boundary layer flows. This paper is concerned with resonant triads of crossflow vortices. The effects of interactions upon resonant triads is examined where each member of the triad has the property of being linearly neutrally stable so that the importance of the interplay between modes can be relatively easily assessed. Modes within the boundary layer flow above a rotating disc are investigated because of the similarity between this disc flow and many important practical flows and, secondly, because the selected flow is an exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equations which makes its theoretical analysis especially attractive. It is demonstrated that the desired triads of linearly neutrally stable modes can exist within the chosen boundary layer flow. Evolution equations are obtained to describe the development of the amplitudes of these modes once the interaction mechanism is accounted for. It is found that the coefficients of the interaction terms within the evolution equations are, in general, given by quite intricate expressions although some elementary numerical work shows that the evaluation of these coefficients is practicable. The basis of the work lends itself to generalization to more complicated boundary layers, and effects of detuning or non-parallelism could be provided for within the asymptotic framework

    New exact solutions for the discrete fourth Painlev\'e equation

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    In this paper we derive a number of exact solutions of the discrete equation x_{n+1}x_{n-1}+x_n(x_{n+1}+x_{n-1})= {-2z_nx_n^3+(\eta-3\delta^{-2}-z_n^2)x_n^2+\mu^2\over (x_n+z_n+\gamma)(x_n+z_n-\gamma)},\eqno(1) where zn=nδz_n=n\delta and η\eta, δ\delta, μ\mu and γ\gamma are constants. In an appropriate limit (1) reduces to the fourth \p\ (PIV) equation {\d^2w\over\d z^2} = {1\over2w}\left({\d w\over\d z}\right)^2+\tfr32w^3 + 4zw^2 + 2(z^2-\alpha)w +{\beta\over w},\eqno(2) where α\alpha and β\beta are constants and (1) is commonly referred to as the discretised fourth Painlev\'e equation. A suitable factorisation of (1) facilitates the identification of a number of solutions which take the form of ratios of two polynomials in the variable znz_n. Limits of these solutions yield rational solutions of PIV (2). It is also known that there exist exact solutions of PIV (2) that are expressible in terms of the complementary error function and in this article we show that a discrete analogue of this function can be obtained by analysis of (1).Comment: Tex file 14 page

    The spiral wind-up and dissipation of vorticity and a passive scalar in a strained planar vortex

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    Copyright © 1999 Cambridge University Press. Published version reproduced with the permission of the publisher.The response of a Gaussian vortex to a weak time-dependent external strain field is studied numerically. The cases of an impulsive strain, an on–off step function, and a continuous random strain are considered. Transfers of enstrophy between mean and azimuthal components are observed, and the results are compared with an analogous passive scalar model and with Kida's elliptical vortex model. A ‘rebound’ phenomenon is seen: after enstrophy is transferred from mean to azimuthal component by the external straining field, there is a subsequent transfer of enstrophy back from the azimuthal component to the mean. Analytical support is given for this phenomenon using Lundgren's asymptotic formulation of the spiral wind-up of vorticity. Finally the decay of the vortex under a continuous random external strain is studied numerically and compared with the passive scalar model. The vorticity distribution decays more slowly than the scalar because of the rebound phenomenon

    The effects of suction on the nonlinear stability of the three-dimensional boundary layer above a rotating disc

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    There exist two types of stationary instability of the flow over a rotating disc corresponding to the upper branch, inviscid mode and the lower branch mode, which has a triple deck structure, of the neutral stability curve. A theoretical study of the linear problem and an account of the weakly nonlinear properties of the lower branch modes have been undertaken by Hall and MacKerrell respectively. Motivated by recent reports of experimental sightings of the lower branch mode and an examination of the role of suction on the linear stability properties of the flow here, the effects are studied of suction on the nonlinear disturbance described by MacKerrell. The additional analysis required in order to incorporate suction is relatively straightforward and enables the derivation of an amplitude equation which describes the evolution of the mode. For each value of the suction, a threshold value of the disturbance amplitude is obtained; modes of size greater than this threshold grow without limit as they develop away from the point of neutral stability

    On the instability of Goertler vortices to nonlinear travelling waves

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    Recent theoretical work by Hall and Seddougui (1989) has shown that strongly nonlinear, high wavenumber Goertler vortices developing within a boundary layer flow are susceptible to a secondary instability which takes the form of travelling waves confined to a thin region centered at the outer edge of the vortex. The case is considered in which the secondary mode could be satisfactorily described by a linear stability theory and herein the objective is to extend this investigation of Hall and Seddougui (1989) into the nonlinear regime. It was found that at this stage not only does the secondary mode become nonlinear but it also interacts with itself so as to modify the governing equations for the primary Goertler vortex. In this case then, the vortex and the travelling wave drive each other and, indeed, the whole flow structure is described by an infinite set of coupled, nonlinear differential equations. A Stuart-Watson type of weakly nonlinear analysis of these equations is undertaken and concluded, in particular, that on this basis there exist stable flow configurations in which the travelling mode is of finite amplitude. Implications of the findings for practical situations are discussed and it is shown that the theoretical conclusions drawn here are in good qualitative agreement with available experimental observations

    Fully nonlinear development of the most unstable goertler vortex in a three dimensional boundary layer

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    The nonlinear development is studied of the most unstable Gortler mode within a general 3-D boundary layer upon a suitably concave surface. The structure of this mode was first identified by Denier, Hall and Seddougui (1991) who demonstrated that the growth rate of this instability is O(G sup 3/5) where G is the Gortler number (taken to be large here), which is effectively a measure of the curvature of the surface. Previous researchers have described the fate of the most unstable mode within a 2-D boundary layer. Denier and Hall (1992) discussed the fully nonlinear development of the vortex in this case and showed that the nonlinearity causes a breakdown of the flow structure. The effect of crossflow and unsteadiness upon an infinitesimal unstable mode was elucidated by Bassom and Hall (1991). They demonstrated that crossflow tends to stabilize the most unstable Gortler mode, and for certain crossflow/frequency combinations the Gortler mode may be made neutrally stable. These vortex configurations naturally lend themselves to a weakly nonlinear stability analysis; work which is described in a previous article by the present author. Here we extend the ideas of Denier and Hall (1992) to the three-dimensional boundary layer problem. It is found that the numerical solution of the fully nonlinear equations is best conducted using a method which is essentially an adaption of that utilized by Denier and Hall (1992). The influence of crossflow and unsteadiness upon the breakdown of the flow is described

    Nonlinear Instability of Hypersonic Flow past a Wedge

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    The nonlinear stability of a compressible flow past a wedge is investigated in the hypersonic limit. The analysis follows the ideas of a weakly nonlinear approach. Interest is focussed on Tollmien-Schlichting waves governed by a triple deck structure and it is found that the attached shock can profoundly affect the stability characteristics of the flow. In particular, it is shown that nonlinearity tends to have a stabilizing influence. The nonlinear evolution of the Tollmien-Schlichting mode is described in a number of asymptotic limits
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