328 research outputs found


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    This article describes the importance of technology transfer process (TT) for public research institutions and its necessity to be planned from a research project design. It also presents a comparative analysis of technology transfer process between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (Embrapa) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Therefore, a descriptive study was conducted with the use of printed and electronic documents. Interviews were also developed with employees associated to this process in strategic and operational levels for both institutions. Results demonstrate that both institutions rely on a structured TT process. However, this process is more effective in ARS than at Embrapa. One of the most probable causes supports that the research model used in ARS is the reverse linear model (demand pull), which considers market demands in the development of research projects, while Embrapa works with the research linear model, where TT process begins only after obtaining the research result. The papers suggests, in order to make the TT process more effective, Embrapa could consider the demands of its targets audience and planning the TT actions where elaborating its projects conjoint

    Análise dos Impactos Ambientais no Oeste Catarinense e das Tecnologias Desenvolvidas pela Embrapa Suínos e Aves

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    The environmental impacts of swine have increased in recent years, due to the adoption of the intensive system of rearing pigs. The pig is one of the pillars of the economy in the western of Santa Catarina. Despite the undeniable importance of this activity to regional development, the economic, social and especially environmental, which flow from it, have generated concern among both government agencies and private hospitals. Embrapa Swine and Poultry, public research institution, has made efforts in trying to find solutions or at least minimize these impacts, by developing environmental technologies that can be used by pig farmers in the region. Despite the intensification of research by the institution, it is considered that the problem of managing swine waste is complex and there is a solution in the short term. Another aggravating factor is that the pace of activity growth and therefore their impact is far greater than the technologies generated, which demonstrates the need for measures looking to find balance in this relationship.Os impactos ambientais decorrentes da suinocultura têm aumentado nos últimos anos, em decorrência da adoção do sistema intensivo de criação de suínos.  A suinocultura constitui um dos pilares da economia no este de Catarinense. Apesar da inegável importância desta atividade para o desenvolvimento regional, os impactos econômicos,  sociais  e principalmente  ambientais, decorrentes da mesma têm gerado preocupação tanto dos órgãos públicos como dos privados.  A Embrapa Suínos e Aves, instituição pública de pesquisa, tem envidado esforços na tentativa de buscar soluções ou, ao menos, minimizar estes impactos, por meio do desenvolvimento tecnologias ambientais que possam ser utilizadas pelos suinocultores da região. Apesar da intensificação das pesquisas pela instituição, é necessário considerar que o problema da gestão dos dejetos de suínos é complexo e não existe uma solução à curto prazo. Outro fator agravante é que o ritmo de crescimento da atividade e conseqüentemente de seus impactos, é bem maior do que das tecnologias geradas, o que demonstra a necessidade de medidas prospectivas para buscar o equilíbrio nesta relação

    Machine Learning and MADIT methodology for the fake news identification: the persuasion index

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    [EN] The phenomenon of fake news has grown concurrently with the rise of social networks that allow people to directly access news without the mediation of reliable sources. Recognizing news as fake is a difficult task for humans, and even tougher for a machine. This proposal aims to redesign the problem: from a check of truthfulness of news content, to the analysis of texts’ persuasion level. That is how information is introduced to the reader, assuming that fake news is aimed at persuading towards the reality of sense they intend to convey. M.A.D.I.T. methodology has been chosen. It is useful to describe how texts are built, overcoming the content/structure analysis level and stressing the study of Discursive Repertories: discursive modalities of reality of sense building, classified into real and fake news categories thanks to the Machine learning application. For the dataset building 7,387 news have been analysed. The results highlight different profiles of text building between the two groups: the different and typical discursive repertories allow to validate the methodological approach as a good predictor of the persuasion level of texts, not only of news, but also of information in domains such as the economic financial one (e.g. GameStop event).Orrù, L.; Moro, C.; Cuccarini, M.; Paita, M.; Dalla Riva, MS.; Bassi, D.; Da San Martino, G.... (2022). Machine Learning and MADIT methodology for the fake news identification: the persuasion index. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 165-172. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1508116517

    The effect of spontaneous collapses on neutrino oscillations

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    We compute the effect of collapse models on neutrino oscillations. The effect of the collapse is to modify the evolution of the `spatial' part of the wave function, which indirectly amounts to a change on the flavor components. In many respects, this phenomenon is similar to neutrino propagation through matter. For the analysis we use the mass proportional CSL model, and perform the calculation to second order perturbation theory. As we will show, the CSL prediction is very small - mainly due to the very small mass of neutrinos - and practically undetectable.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX. Updated versio

    O que é relevante para planejar e gerir residuos solidos? Uma proposta de definição de variáveis para a formulação e avaliação de políticas públicas

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    The increase in the generation of solid waste is a problem for society and find ways for your equation and environmentally safe disposal is one of the biggest challenges today. The objective of this paper is to determine the most relevant variables for proposing and evaluating public policies for the urban solid waste management. The study evaluated theoretical models of waste management and presented a theoretical proposition of a model from these studied. From this theoretical model, the method allowed the definition of a model adjusted to the perception of an expert panel. The research is exploratory and descriptive, using bibliographic and documentary method and subsequently lifting the main variables with experts through the Delphi technique. As a result, we defined a model assessment analysis and proposition of waste management, which establishes the main variables, their degree of relevance to plan and manage solid waste.O aumento na geração dos resíduos sólidos é um problema para a sociedade e encontrar formas para o seu equacionamento e disposição ambientalmente segura é um dos maiores desafios atuais. O objetivo deste artigo é determinar as variáveis mais relevantes para proposição e avaliação de políticas públicas para a gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos. O trabalho avaliou modelos teóricos de gestão de resíduos e apresentou uma proposição teórica de um modelo a partir destes estudados. A partir deste modelo teórico, o método permitiu definir um modelo ajustado com a percepção de um painel de especialista. A pesquisa é exploratória e descritiva, utiliza método bibliográfico e documental e, posteriormente, o levantamento das principais variáveis com especialistas por meio da técnica Delphi. Como resultado, definiu-se um modelo de análise da avaliação e proposição da gestão de resíduos, que estabelece as principais variáveis, por grau de relevância, para planejar e gerir resíduos sólidos


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    O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo comparar a gestão dosresíduos sólidos de dez capitais brasileiras, destacando seus aspectosnegativos e positivos. Muitos municípios brasileiros possuem dificuldadesem fazer uma gestão adequada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos devido avários fatores, como: falta de capacidade financeira e administrativa, poucacapacidade técnica na gestão dos serviços de limpeza pública, além dotema não ser uma prioridade em muitos casos para a gestão pública. Tratasede uma pesquisa qualitativa e de análise de conteúdo, que buscacompreender melhor a forma de gestão dos resíduos sólidos desde oplanejamento até a aplicação. Com os resultados observam-se que amaioria dessas capitais possui uma gestão que contempla a coleta seletiva,tratamento, pontos de transbordo, cooperativas de catadores de papel,além da parceria da prefeitura com programas e projetos específicosenvolvendo os resíduos sólidos. Entretanto, problemas básicos aindapersistem, como o não atendimento da coleta a 100% da área urbana emalguns municípios e a demanda por mais aterros pela exaustão dos atuais epelo crescente volume de novos resíduos destinados

    Quantum measurement and quantum gravity : many-worlds or collapse of the wave-function?

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    At present, there are two possible, and equally plausible, explanations for the physics of quantum measurement. The first explanation, known as the many-worlds interpretation, does not require any modification of quantum mechanics, and asserts that at the time of measurement the Universe splits into many branches, one branch for every possible alternative. The various branches do not interfere with each other because of decoherence, thus providing a picture broadly consistent with the observed Universe. The second explanation, which requires quantum mechanics to be modified from its presently known form, is that at the time of measurement the wave-function collapses into one of the possible alternatives. The two explanations are mutually exclusive, and up until now, no theoretical reasoning has been put forward to choose one explanation over the other. In this article, we provide an argument which implies that the collapse interpretation is favored over the many-worlds interpretation. Our starting point is the assertion (which we justify) that there ought to exist a reformulation of quantum mechanics which does not refer to a classical spacetime manifold. The need for such a reformulation implies that quantum theory becomes non-linear on the Planck mass/energy scale. Standard linear quantum mechanics is an approximation to this non-linear theory, valid at energy scales much smaller than the Planck scale. Using ideas based on noncommutative differential geometry, we develop such a reformulation and derive a non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, which can explain collapse of the wave-function. We also obtain an expression for the lifetime of a quantum superposition. We suggest ideas for an experimental test of this model.Comment: 23 pages. Based on talks given at: [FTAGVI, HRI, Allahabad, 13-18 Nov. 2007]; [Himalayan Relativity Dialog, Mirik, April, 2007]; [Workshop Session on Quantum Gravity, IAGRG, Delhi, Feb. 2007]; [Parmenides Workshop: The present - perspectives from physics and philosophy, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, October, 2006]; [ICGC,Pune, Dec.2007

    Outcomes and risk score for distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) : an international multicenter analysis

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    Background: Distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) is a treatment option for selected patients with pancreatic cancer involving the celiac axis. A recent multicenter European study reported a 90-day mortality rate of 16%, highlighting the importance of patient selection. The authors constructed a risk score to predict 90-day mortality and assessed oncologic outcomes. Methods: This multicenter retrospective cohort study investigated patients undergoing DP-CAR at 20 European centers from 12 countries (model design 2000-2016) and three very-high-volume international centers in the United States and Japan (model validation 2004-2017). The area under receiver operator curve (AUC) and calibration plots were used for validation of the 90-day mortality risk model. Secondary outcomes included resection margin status, adjuvant therapy, and survival. Results: For 191 DP-CAR patients, the 90-day mortality rate was 5.5% (95 confidence interval [CI], 2.2-11%) at 5 high-volume (1 DP-CAR/year) and 18% (95 CI, 9-30%) at 18 low-volume DP-CAR centers (P=0.015). A risk score with age, sex, body mass index (BMI), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, multivisceral resection, open versus minimally invasive surgery, and low- versus high-volume center performed well in both the design and validation cohorts (AUC, 0.79 vs 0.74; P=0.642). For 174 patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the R0 resection rate was 60%, neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies were applied for respectively 69% and 67% of the patients, and the median overall survival period was 19months (95 CI, 15-25months). Conclusions: When performed for selected patients at high-volume centers, DP-CAR is associated with acceptable 90-day mortality and overall survival. The authors propose a 90-day mortality risk score to improve patient selection and outcomes, with DP-CAR volume as the dominant predictor

    Models of wave-function collapse, underlying theories, and experimental tests

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    We describe the state of the art in preparing, manipulating and detecting coherent molecular matter. We focus on experimental methods for handling the quantum motion of compound systems from diatomic molecules to clusters or biomolecules.Molecular quantum optics offers many challenges and innovative prospects: already the combination of two atoms into one molecule takes several well-established methods from atomic physics, such as for instance laser cooling, to their limits. The enormous internal complexity that arises when hundreds or thousands of atoms are bound in a single organic molecule, cluster or nanocrystal provides a richness that can only be tackled by combining methods from atomic physics, chemistry, cluster physics, nanotechnology and the life sciences.We review various molecular beam sources and their suitability for matter-wave experiments. We discuss numerous molecular detection schemes and give an overview over diffraction and interference experiments that have already been performed with molecules or clusters.Applications of de Broglie studies with composite systems range from fundamental tests of physics up to quantum-enhanced metrology in physical chemistry, biophysics and the surface sciences.Nanoparticle quantum optics is a growing field, which will intrigue researchers still for many years to come. This review can, therefore, only be a snapshot of a very dynamical process