52 research outputs found

    Mutations in three genes encoding proteins involved in hair shaft formation cause uncombable hair syndrome

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    Uncombable hair syndrome (UHS), also known as "spun glass hair syndrome," "pili trianguli et canaliculi," or "cheveux incoiffables" is a rare anomaly of the hair shaft that occurs in children and improves with age. UHS is characterized by dry, frizzy, spangly, and often fair hair that is resistant to being combed flat. Until now, both simplex and familial UHS-affected case subjects with autosomal-dominant as well as -recessive inheritance have been reported. However, none of these case subjects were linked to a molecular genetic cause. Here, we report the identification of UHS-causative mutations located in the three genes PADI3 (peptidylarginine deiminase 3), TGM3 (transglutaminase 3), and TCHH (trichohyalin) in a total of 11 children. All of these individuals carry homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in one of these three genes, indicating an autosomal-recessive inheritance pattern in the majority of UHS case subjects. The two enzymes PADI3 and TGM3, responsible for posttranslational protein modifications, and their target structural protein TCHH are all involved in hair shaft formation. Elucidation of the molecular outcomes of the disease-causing mutations by cell culture experiments and tridimensional protein models demonstrated clear differences in the structural organization and activity of mutant and wild-type proteins. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed morphological alterations in hair coat of Padi3 knockout mice. All together, these findings elucidate the molecular genetic causes of UHS and shed light on its pathophysiology and hair physiology in general

    Protein nanobarcodes enable single-step multiplexed fluorescence imaging

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    Multiplexed cellular imaging typically relies on the sequential application of detection probes, as antibodies or DNA barcodes, which is complex and time-consuming. To address this, we developed here protein nanobarcodes, composed of combinations of epitopes recognized by specific sets of nanobodies. The nanobarcodes are read in a single imaging step, relying on nanobodies conjugated to distinct fluorophores, which enables a precise analysis of large numbers of protein combinations. Fluorescence images from nanobarcodes were used as input images for a deep neural network, which was able to identify proteins with high precision. We thus present an efficient and straightforward protein identification method, which is applicable to relatively complex biological assays. We demonstrate this by a multicell competition assay, in which we successfully used our nanobarcoded proteins together with neurexin and neuroligin isoforms, thereby testing the preferred binding combinations of multiple isoforms, in parallel

    Autosomal-dominant hypotrichosis with woolly hair : novel gene locus on chromosome 4q35.1-q35.2

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    Hypotrichosis simplex (HS) with and without woolly hair (WH) comprises a group of rare, monogenic disorders of hair loss. Patients present with a diffuse loss of scalp and/or body hair, which usually begins in early childhood and progresses into adulthood. Some of the patients also show hair that is tightly curled. Approximately 10 genes for autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant forms of HS have been identified in the last decade, among them five genes for the dominant form. We collected blood and buccal samples from 17 individuals of a large British family with HS and WH. After having sequenced all known dominant genes for HS in this family without the identification of any disease causing mutation, we performed a genome-wide scan, using the HumanLinkage-24 BeadChip, followed by a classical linkage analysis; and whole exome-sequencing (WES). Evidence for linkage was found for a region on chromosome 4q35.1-q35.2 with a maximum LOD score of 3.61. WES led to the identification of a mutation in the gene SORBS2, encoding sorbin and SH3 domain containing 2. Unfortunately, we could not find an additional mutation in any other patient/family with HS; and in cell culture, we could not observe any difference between cloned wildtype and mutant SORBS2 using western blotting and immunofluorescence analyses. Therefore, at present, SORBS2 cannot be considered a definite disease gene for this phenotype. However, the locus on chromosome 4q is a robust and novel finding for hypotrichosis with woolly hair. Further fine mapping and sequencing efforts are therefore warranted in order to confirm SORBS2 as a plausible HS disease gene

    Sequential growth factor delivery from complexed microspheres for bone tissue engineering

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    Aim of the study was to design a 3D tissue-engineering scaffold capable of sequentially delivering two bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). The novel delivery system consisted of microspheres of polyelectrolyte complexes of poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VN) and alginic acid loaded with the growth factors BMP-2 and BMP-7 which themselves were loaded into the scaffolds constructed of PLGA. Microspheres carrying the growth factors were prepared using polyelectrolyte solutions with different concentrations (4-10%) to control the growth factor release rate. Release kinetics was studied using albumin as the model drug and the populations that release their contents very early and very late in the release study were selected to carry BMP-2 and BMP-7, respectively. Foam porosity changed when the microspheres were loaded. Bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) from rats were seeded into these foams. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities were found to be lowest and cell proliferation was highest at all time points with foams carrying both the microsphere populations, regardless of BMP presence. With the present doses used neither BMP-2 nor BMP-7 delivery had any direct effect on proliferation, however, they enhanced osteogenic differentiation. Co-administration of BMP enhanced osteogenic differentiation to a higher degree than with their single administration

    Image data

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    This dataset contains multiplexed fluorescence microscopy images of the protein nanobarcodes with the immunostaining protocol described in the manuscript.Data are provided for 4 different expression times, namely overnight, 24h, 48h, and 72h, for all the constructs used in the research. The datasets used in for training, validation, and testing of the deep network used for identification of nanobarcodes are solely obtained from the provided images.Multiplexed cellular imaging typically relies on the sequential application of detection probes, such as antibodies or DNA barcodes, which is complex and time-consuming. To address this, we developed here protein nanobarcodes, composed of combinations of epitopes recognized by specific sets of nanobodies. The nanobarcodes are read in a single imaging step, relying on nanobodies conjugated to distinct fluorophores, which enables a precise analysis of large numbers of protein combinations

    Data corresponding to the Main and Supplementary Figures/Tables

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    Multiplexed cellular imaging typically relies on the sequential application of detection probes, as antibodies or DNA barcodes, which is complex and time-consuming. To address this, we developed here protein nanobarcodes, composed of combinations of epitopes recognized by specific sets of nanobodies. The nanobarcodes are read in a single imaging step, relying on nanobodies conjugated to distinct fluorophores, which enables a precise analysis of large numbers of protein combinations. Fluorescence images from nanobarcodes were used as input images for a deep neural network, which was able to identify proteins with high precision. We thus present an efficient and straightforward protein identification method, which is applicable to relatively complex biological assays. We demonstrate this by a multi-cell competition assay, in which we successfully used our nanobarcoded proteins together with neurexin and neuroligin isoforms, thereby testing the preferred binding combinations of multiple isoforms, in parallel

    Design and topology of protein constructs.

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    (A-C) Legends for expected topology (A), protein length (B), and construct epitopes (C). (D) Protein topology schemes for the 15 constructs used. Below is a list with detailed information about the respective topology scheme of each construct depicted in (B). Uniprot accession numbers (acc.nr.) are available under https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/. Sequences of all constructs are listed in “plasmid_sequence_information.xlsx” stored in “Plasmid_design.zip” available from http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-40101. No protein, used for background signals. (TIF)</p

    An analysis of the colocalization of epitope-tagged proteins to their expected compartments.

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    The images from S5 and S16 Figs were analyzed by measuring the Pearson’s correlation coefficient in different image regions. The box plot indicates the respective values, compared to a control, consisting of similar measurements across the same regions in the protein-of-interest channel, and mirrored regions in the compartment channel. All proteins show a colocalization that is significantly above the control values (Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Tukey post hoc test, p S1 Data file, Sheet “SFig 17_all_loc_func,” available from http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-40101. (TIF)</p