1,494 research outputs found

    Nerve lesions during arthroscopic procedure: a literature overview

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    Arthroscopy is more and more popular. Although minimally-invasive, it's not completely free of complications as nerves lesions which can be invalidating for the patient and frustrating for the surgeon with significant economic, psychological and medico-legal implications. The purpose was to review the literature about nerve injuries related to arthroscopy. A scientific literature review was performed in PubMed/Medline, including articles dealing with cases of iatrogen lesions of the peripheral nerves occurred during arthroscopic procedures. These lesions are mainly due to direct damage by nerve section while cutting for making the portals or during surgical maneuvers, or indirect damage due to traction or pressure mechanisms especially for errors in patient positioning. Also the tourniquet can lead to compression and ischemic nerve injury. Arthroscopy can cause both transient and permanent neurological lesions manifested with dysesthesia up to paralysis according to Seddon's classification in neuroapraxia, axonotmesis and neurotmesis. Incidence of complications in general and of nerve injuries during arthroscopy are reported by joint. A rigorous respect for surgical technique and all perioperative precautions, particularly in relation to the positioning of the patient, greatly reduce the risk of nerve injury. The suggested waiting time before surgical nerve revision is 6 months. In the meanwhile the patient should perform physiotherapy constantly and improvements should be evaluated with clinical examination and electromyography 15-20 days after the lesion, and thereafter at 3 and 6 months

    Analisi CFD della fase di transitorio del lancio di un UAV

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    Il presente elaborato ha lo scopo di illustrare il lavoro effettuato per la simulazione CFD nella fase transitoria del lancio di un UAV La prima parte dell' elaborato comprende una breve descrizione e classificazione dei velivoli UAV, in base al peso, autonomia e missione operativa. In seguito si parla del UAV trattato in questo elaborato, descrivendone i tratti salienti e fornendo alcune immagini del disegno CAD. Vengono poi descritti il decollo di Horus, le modalità e le differenze tra i due tipi di decolli previsti, e il transitorio, che fa seguito al lancio, quando il velivolo estrae le superfici alari mobili e l'elica, iniziando così la vera fase di volo. Successivamente si passa all'analisi della metodologia e della procedura, con i quali si è fatta la simulazione CFD, spiegandone i contenuti teorici, la procedura pratica e i passaggi con cui si è arrivati a definirla. Si completa questa parte illustrando come è stata settata la procedura e la simulazione. Infine vengono riportati i dati della simulazione con grafici, interpretazioni, commenti e le conclusioni

    Updated landslide inventory of the area between the Furiano and Rosmarino creeks (Sicily, Italy)

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    A 1:10,000 scale landslide inventory map has been prepared for the area between the Furiano and Rosmarino creeks, in the Nebrodi Mountains (north-eastern Sicily, Italy), a territory highly prone to slope failures, due to the local geological and geomorphological settings and intense rainfall. The landslide inventory database included within the Hydrogeological Setting Plan of the Sicily Region has been used as a starting point for this work. The updated inventory map has been compiled through a combination of conventional approaches (i.e. aerial photo-interpretation and field surveys) and new remote sensing techniques (ground deformation measurements obtained by interferometric analysis of satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar images). The new landslide inventory consists of 566 events, classified according to their typology and state of activity

    Gain-of-function p53 mutants have widespread genomic locations partially overlapping with p63

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    p53 and p63 are transcription factors -TFs- playing master roles in the DNA-damage response and in the development and maintenance of pluristratified epithelia, respectively. p53 mutations are common in epithelial tumors and HaCaT keratinocytes harbor two p53 alleles -H179Y and R282Q- with gain-of-function (GOF) activity. Indeed, functional inactivation of mutp53 affects the growth rate of HaCaT. We investigated the strategy of mutp53, by performing ChIP-Seq experiments of mutp53 and p63 and analyzed the transcriptome after mutp53 inactivation. Mutp53 bind to 7135 locations in vivo, with a robust overlap with p63. De novo motifs discovery recovered a p53/p63RE with high information content in sites bound by p63 and mutp53/p63, but not by mutp53 alone: these sites are rather enriched in elements of other TFs. The HaCaT p63 locations are only partially overlapping with those of normal keratinocytes; importantly, and enriched in mutp53 sites which delineate a functionally different group of target genes. Our data favour a model whereby mutp53 GOF mutants act both by tethering growth-controlling TFs and highjacking p63 to new locations

    Atrophic pseudarthrosis of humeral diaphyseal fractures: medico-legal implications and methodological analysis of the evaluation

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    Humeral shaft fractures account for 1- 3% of all fractures and about 20-27% of those involving the humerus. In the past they were often conservatively treated, with an acceptable consolidation rate. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is the best choice in polytrauma patients, in complex or pathological fractures and in those associated with vascular injuries. Regardless the type of fixation used, these fractures can evolve into delayed union or pseudarthrosis (PSA). It should be noted that the humeral shaft itself has a high intrinsic healing potential, due to the blood supply provided by the surrounding muscles. The aim of this work is to evaluate whether the causes that led to the development of atrophic pseudarthrosis in a humeral diaphyseal fracture are attributable to inadequate management of this fearful complication and to highlight the possible medico-legal repercussions. We will try to verify whether the currently used forensic evaluation parameters of permanent disability are appropriate and adequate in relation to the complexity of such injuries. This complexity also includes the repercussions on the ergonomic efficiency of the entire limb, the relative possible postural alterations, the inevitable extension of the period of traumatic illness and the relative repercussions on the overall compromised structure of the subject

    Long-term assessment of plasma lipids in transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus in relation to fatty liver.

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    Immunosuppression has improved graft and recipient survival in transplantation but is associated with possible adverse effects including cardiovascular diseases. The impact of tacrolimus on the lipidic profile has been debated for several years. Twenty-nine kidney transplant recipients on tacrolimus treatment were monitored for six years, and multiple laboratory parameters investigating the lipid asset, as well as glucose profile, were carried out. Tacrolimus has been responsible for significant changes in plasma lipid concentrations only for the first six months, but not for the remaining time of observation. Similarly, in the same periods, glycemic imbalance was highlighted. The liver enzyme activity showed a modest derangement during the tacrolimus treatment, suggesting the presence of lipid accumulation in the liver. Fatty liver reversed in the long term follow-up. Tacrolimus, although it is not a completely safe option in the first months of the immunosuppressive protocols in organ transplanted recipients, still retains a certain role in the long-term post-transplantation immunosuppressive approach with high cardiovascular risk

    Remote sensing as tool for development of landslide databases: The case of the Messina Province (Italy) geodatabase

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    Landslide geodatabases, including inventories and thematic data, today are fundamental tools for national and/or local authorities in susceptibility, hazard and risk management. A well organized landslide geo-database contains different kinds of data such as past information (landslide inventory maps), ancillary data and updated remote sensing (space-borne and ground based) data, which can be integrated in order to produce landslide susceptibility maps, updated landslide inventory maps and hazard and risk assessment maps. Italy is strongly affected by landslide phenomena which cause victims and significant economic damage to buildings and infrastructure, loss of productive soils and pasture lands. In particular, the Messina Province (southern Italy) represents an area where landslides are recurrent and characterized by high magnitude, due to several predisposing factors (e.g. morphology, land use, lithologies) and different triggering mechanisms (meteorological conditions, seismicity, active tectonics and volcanic activity). For this area, a geodatabase was created by using different monitoring techniques, including remote sensing (e.g. SAR satellite ERS1/2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) data, and in situ measurements (e.g. GBInSAR, damage assessment). In this paper a complete landslide geodatabase of the Messina Province, designed following the requirements of the local and national Civil Protection authorities, is presented. This geo-database was used to produce maps (e.g. susceptibility, ground deformation velocities, damage assessment, risk zonation) which today are constantly used by the Civil Protection authorities to manage the landslide hazard of the Messina Province

    Seismic geomorphology of the last lacustrine transgression of the Pozo D-129 Formation in the Fold Belt region, Golfo San Jorge Basin

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    La cuenca del Golfo San Jorge cuenta con más de 100 años de historia de producción de hidrocarburos. La Formación Pozo D-129, principal roca generadora de la cuenca, es una unidad de origen lacustre con gran participación piroclástica, que cubre grandes extensiones en el subsuelo; sus espesores aumentan hacia el centro de la cuenca alcanzando los 1500 metros. En el ámbito de la faja plegada de San Bernardo, en la provincia de Santa Cruz, se analizó la información de más de 200 pozos y se reconocieron tres secciones principales en la Formación Pozo D-129, basadas en variaciones litológicas y geoquímicas. En la sección superior de la unidad un intervalo compuesto íntegramente por arcilitas negras ricas en materia orgánica representa la última y más extendida transgresión lacustre de esta unidad, que se denomina informalmente “cuello pelítico”. El análisis y caracterización de este intervalo constituye el objetivo del presente trabajo. Mediante técnicas de visualización 3D y la confección de mapas de facies sísmicas, se reconocieron geoformas asociadas al último evento transgresivo lacustre. Se evidencia una marcada variación de su espesor asociado a su depositación en depocentros aislados. La caracterización depositacional del “cuello pelítico” en este área permite ampliar el conocimiento del modelo paleoambiental existente de la unidad.The Golfo San Jorge Basin records a hydrocarbon production history of more than 100 years. The Pozo D-129 Formation, which is the main source rock of the basin, is a lacustrine unit with high pyroclastic participation that spreads over a wide extension within the subsurface of the basin; its thickness increases toward the central area of the basin, reaching up to 1500 meters. In the San Bernardo Fold Belt of Santa Cruz province, more than 200 wells were analyzed and three main sections in the Pozo D-129 Formation were recognized, based on lithological and geochemical variations. In the uppermost section of the unit an stratigraphic interval characterized by black shales rich in organic matter is interpreted as the last and most extended lacustrine transgression of this unit, informally named “cuello pelítico”. The analysis and characterization of this interval becomes the main objective of the present study. 3D seismic visualization and seismic facies identification allowed the recognition of the main geomorphologic patterns associated with the last lacustrine transgressive event. A strong thickness variation could be recognized mainly related to the distribution within isolated depocentres. The depositional characterization of the “cuello pelítico” in the area improves the knowledge of the current paleoenvironmental model of the unit.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica