24 research outputs found

    Naturalized Breeds in Brazil: Reports on the Origin and Genetic Diversity of the Pantaneiro Sheep

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    Brazil has several breeds of sheep, including animals that developed from breeds brought by settlers soon after their discovery. Over the years, these animals were under the process of natural selection, resulting in breeds that are considered naturalized. The Pantaneiro sheep shows rusticity and ability of adaptation to tropical climate regions and tolerance or resistance to disease and parasites. Molecular tools have marked the discovery of the origin and domestication processes of a wide variety of species, using both nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers. These tools have aided in the understanding of evolutionary relationships, taxonomies, and demographics of various species and provided support to identify the most important areas for conservation programs, in addition to assisting in the analysis of genetic diversity in domestic, wildlife and endangered species. Researches using these tools show the importance of exploiting the potential of the genetic diversity found in locally adapted livestock. So far, a few studies were performed to observe that Pantaneiro sheep served as maternal basis for the origin of other breeds reared. Moreover, it is possible to suggest an European origin for the sheep populations studied; therefore, more studies using more markers are needed, so that it is possible to prove their origin

    Avaliação da expressão dos genes GDF-8 e PPAR? e qualidade da carne de cordeiros Pantaneiros / Assessment of the expression of GDF-8 and PPAR? genes and quality of Pantaneiro lamb meat

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a expressão dos genes GDF-8 e PPAR? no músculo Longissimus e suas correlações com características de carcaça e desempenho de cordeiros Pantaneiros abatidos com diferentes categorias de peso. A expressão do gene GDF-8 não apresentou correlação significativa com as características fenotípicas. Entretanto, os resultados sugerem que a maior expressão do gene PPAR? pode aumentar a deposição de marmoreio, manter o pH da carne em faixa ótima e melhorar a eficiência alimentar e proteica em ovinos Pantaneiros. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários para avaliar a futura aplicação do gene na seleção de ovinos Pantaneiros.

    The Yellow Fever Mosquito <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Linnaeus): The Breeding Sites

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    Important information about yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and the identification and quantification of the main Brazilian breeding sites for this vector are highlighted in this chapter. Although most of the control actions have been directed to the adult (winged) phase of the vector, the reduction of immature forms (eggs and larvae) of Aedes is the most important way to control these insects, especially to eliminate breeding sites. These are, in principle, the most important targets for mosquito population control in order to reduce infestation and, consequently, the transmission and incidence of diseases transmitted by insect vectors. Thus, this chapter presents a compilation and discussion that allows comparing characteristics and similarities of Aedes species

    Evaluation of Water Quality in Streams Under Strong Influence of Sugarcane Cultivation Using the Allium cepa Test

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    The Ivinhema River Basin is affected by the expansion of sugarcane cultivation areas, which impacts the water quality ofits streams. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic potential of water samples fromthree streams of the Ivinhema River Basin using the Allium cepa test. Sampling was conducted in March 2017. Surfacewater samples collected from the Piravevê, Vitória, and Rosário streams induced cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in A. cepa.Reductions in both germination and cell division were observed, which may have been related to the flow of toxic residuesfrom the sugarcane monoculture into the stream’s waters. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop restoration projectsaimed at conserving the water quality and biodiversity in these aquatic environments

    Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Aluminum, Manganese and Lead in Meristematic Cells of Root Allium cepa

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    Metals are chemical contaminants that are not normally biodegradable and accumulate in living organisms. In addition, they may present toxic effects to plants and affect human health causing mutations and adn damage of exposed organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity of the aluminum, manganese and lead using A.cepa test. Solutions in three concentrations with the metals and controls were prepared for the genetic analyzes. The seeds of A. cepa were exposed to germination, and evaluation of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity. The results showed that the concentrations of the metals did not interfere in the growth of the radicle, but the increase in the concentration of the metals was directly proportional to the increase of the number of seeds germinated. For the mitotic index it was observed that the increase in Al concentration provided the increase of cells in cell division, but for Mn and Pb there was reduction. The metals at the concentrations evaluated did not present genotoxic and mutagenic potential for meristematic cells of A. cepa. The A. cepa test it showed to be effective for performed analyzes, however, further studies are needed using other biological assays. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v10i1.1037 </p

    Genetic Diversity of Campomanesia adamantium and Its Correlation with Land Use and Land Cover

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    (1) Background: Campomanesia adamantium is an endemic species of the Cerrado and this biome has been under threat by its constant degradation. The genetic diversity of C. adamantium was characterized using species-specific microsatellites in two different time periods and correlations of these parameters of genetic diversity with the land use and land cover data. (2) Methods: We used 10 microsatellite loci to analyze C. adamantium from five populations, collected in 2011 and 2017. Maps of land use and land cover of the collection sites in both years were generated and subsequently correlated with genetic diversity. (3) Results: No significant loss of genetic diversity was observed in the analyzed period and a positive inbreeding coefficient was observed in all populations. AMOVA and STRUCTURE showed that there is no population structure between years and populations. Significant Pearson correlations were observed in 2017 between parameters of genetic diversity and land use and land cover, with a positive correlation between expected heterozygosity and secondary vegetation, and a negative correlation between inbreeding coefficient and exposed soil. (4) Conclusions: There was no decline in genetic diversity from 2011 to 2017. The high rates of the inbreeding coefficient could lead, for the species, in the long run, to an inbreeding depression as the Cerrado fragmentation might cause a population bottleneck

    Identificação de contaminação microbiológica e potencial mutagênico de águas superficiais do município de Dourados, MS

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the water quality of the Água Boa stream and the lakes of the parks Arnulpho Fioravante and Antenor Martins (Dourados - MS), through physico-chemical parameters, microbiological analysis and mutagenicity test to monitor interference from Antropic activities and water depuration capacity. Initially the water samples were processed for coliform analysis using the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. For the research of Salmonella spp., it was performed the pre-enrichment and enrichment of the water sample and streaking in Xylose Lysine Deoxicolate (XLD) agar. For the evaluation of the mutagenicity, smear peripheral blood of the specimens Astyanax lacustris were collected from the places studied. The Arnulpho Fioravante Park had higher mean values for Electrical Conductivity (353.5 uS cm-2), Total Dissolved Solids (179.3 mg L-1) and the highest values for total coliforms. Salmonella spp. it was identified in the water in both parks. The highest numbers of micronucleus were observed in Água Boa stream. Considering microbiological contamination and higher micronucleus number, it’s relevant to highlight the effects of anthropic interferences in local biota. Therefore, it’s of great importance to intensify the supervision of the municipal legislation, in order to conserve and preserve these ecosystemsO objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da água do córrego Água Boa e lagos dos parques Arnulpho Fioravante e Antenor Martins (Dourados – MS), por meio de parâmetros físico-químicos, análises microbiológicas e teste de mutagenicidade para monitorar a interferência proveniente de atividades antrópicas e a capacidade de depuração da água. Inicialmente as amostras de água foram processadas para análise de coliformes técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP). Realizou-se o pré enriquecimento e enriquecimento das amostra e estriamento em Agar Desoxicolato Lisina Xilose (XLD) para pesquisa de Salmonella spp. Para avaliação da mutagenicidade foi realizado o esfregaço sanguíneo de espécimes de Astyanax lacustris coletados nos locais de estudo. O parque Arnulpho Fioravante apresentou as maiores médias para Condutividade Elétrica (353,5 uS cm-2), Sólidos Totais Dissolvidos (179,3 mg L-1) e os maiores valores para coliformes totais. Salmonella spp também foram identificadas nas águas provenientes dos Lagos dos parques. Os maiores números de micronúcleo foram observados no córrego Água Boa. Considerando a contaminação microbiológica e o número elevado de micronúcleo, torna-se relevante ressaltar os efeitos das interferências antrópicas na biota local. Sendo de grande importância a intensificação da fiscalização de legislações municipais vigentes para que haja a conservação e preservação desses ecossistemas

    Sequências de gene mitocondrial para identificação de espécies animais

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    Molecular markers based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have maternal inheritance and may be used to evaluate phylogenetic and taxonomic issues. The similarity diagnosis of living beings can be performed by genomic analysis of the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the molecular marker in 16S rRNA gene potential to identify different animal species and determine the degree of genetic similarity among individuals. DNA was extracted from 13 animals being 5 sheep, 4 cattle and 4 fish and the samples were amplified, purified and sequenced. The analysis were made with MEGA 5.10 and BLAST programs. The sequences identified on GenBank® showed that the animals belonged to the Ovis aries (sheep), Bos taurus (cattle), Prochilodus lineatus (curimba), Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (pintado), Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (cachara) and Leporinus obtusidens (piau) species. The genetic distance between the different animal groups was 0,10 cattle/sheep, 0,66 cattle/fish and 0,65 sheep/fish. The construction of the phylogenetic tree has determined two different classes being Mammalia containing the subfamillies: Bovinae and Caprinae, and Actinopterygii containing the orders: Caraciforme (curimba and piau) and Siluriforme (pintado and cachara). The mtDNA molecular markers technology demonstrated the possibility of using it as a tool for species identification and differentiation thereby assisting the work of taxonomists. Thus, the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was sufficient for the identification of sheep, cattle and different species of fish based on the similarity of that gene in BLAST.Marcadores moleculares baseados em DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA) possuem um padrão de herança materna podendo ser utilizados na avaliação de relações filogenéticas e taxonômicas. O diagnóstico de similaridade entre seres vivos pode ser realizado pela análise genômica do RNA ribossômico 16S (16S rRNA). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade de marcador molecular na região 16S rRNA para identificação de diferentes espécies de animais e determinar o grau de similaridade genética entre estes indivíduos. Para isso, extraiu-se o DNA de 13 animais, sendo 5 ovinos, 4 bovinos e 4 peixes, em seguida as amostras foram amplificadas, purificadas e sequenciadas. As análises das sequências foram realizadas nos programas MEGA 5.10 e BLAST. As análises das sequências no GenBank® demonstraram que os animais pertenciam as espécies de Ovis aries (ovino), Bos taurus (bovino), Prochilodus lineatus (curimba), Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (pintado), Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (cachara) e Leporinus obtusidens (piau). A distância genética entre os diferentes grupos animais foi de 0,10 bovinos/ovinos, 0,66 bovinos/peixes e de 0,65 ovinos/peixes. A construção da árvore filogenética permitiu determinar duas classes distintas sendo Mammalia, contendo as subfamílias: Bovinae e Caprinae, e Actinopterygii contendo as ordens: Caraciforme (curimba e piau) e Siluriforme (pintado e cachara). A tecnologia de marcadores moleculares de mtDNA demonstrou a possibilidade da sua utilização como ferramenta na identificação e diferenciação de espécies auxiliando o trabalho de taxonomistas. Assim, o sequenciamento parcial da região do gene 16S rRNA foi suficiente para a identificação de ovinos, bovinos e diferentes espécies de peixes com base na similaridade do gene no programa BLAST.Marcadores moleculares basados en el ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt) tienen herencia materna y se pueden utilizar para evaluar relaciones filogenéticas y taxonómicas. El diagnóstico de similaridad en los seres vivos se puede lograr mediante análisis genómico del ARN ribosomal 16S (16S rARN). El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el potencial de marcador molecular en el16S ARNr como una metodología para la identificación de las diferentes especies de animales y determinar el grado de similitud genética entre estos individuos. Para ello, el ADN se extrajo a partir de 13 animales, 5 ovinos, 4 bovinos y 4 peces, a continuación se amplificaron, se purificaron y se secuenciaron las muestras. Los análisis de las secuencias se realizaron en los programas MEGA 5.10 y BLAST. Las secuencias identificadas en GenBank® mostraron que los animales pertenecían a las espécies Ovis aries (ovino), Bos taurus (bovino), Prochilodus lineatus (curimba) Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (pintado), Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (cachara) y Leporinus obtusidens (piau). La distancia genética entre los diferentes grupos de animales fue de 0,10 bovinos/ovinos, 0,66 bovinos/peces y 0,65 ovinos/peces. La construcción del árbol filogenético ha determinado dos clases distintas siendo Mammalia, que contiene las subfamilias: Bovinae y Caprinae, y Actinopterygii que contiene las órdenes: Caraciforme (curimba y piau) y Siluriforme (pintado y cachara). La tecnología de los marcadores moleculares del ADNmt demonstró la posibilidad de utilizarla como herramienta en la identificación y diferenciación de las especies asistiendo a la obra de los taxonomistas. Por lo tanto, la secuenciación parcial de la región del gen 16S rARN fue suficiente para la identificación de ovinos, bovinos y diferentes especies de peces sobre la base de la similitud del gen en programa BLAST