183 research outputs found

    The impact of innovation on companies’ performance: an entropy-based analysis of the STAR market segment of the Italian Stock Exchange

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    This paper proposes the use of a class of concentration-based entropy measures as a new instrument to quantify business performances through an analysis of growth, profitability and productivity. Such measures are tested against a complex analysis of the link between innovation and performance for firms listed in the STAR market segment of the Italian Stock Exchange. In so doing, two targets are achieved: (1) the identification of parameters that are relevant for explaining the relationship between innovation and performance for the considered sample, with special focus on innovation type, innovation level and business size; (2) the elaboration of a new methodology – based on information theory – for the analysis of the impact of innovation on performance. The study shows that type of innovation and size play a key role in determining company performance. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Technology Analysis & Strategic Management on 04/09/2014, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/09537325.2014.95262

    How to Turn Poultry Manure into Valuable Resources: A Circular Business Model for Resilient and Sustainable Small and Medium-Sized Farms

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    This paper illustrates how small and medium-sized farmers can resolve the complex issue of poultry manure disposal by implementing an innovative technology with the aims of reducing emissions and waste and transforming manure into precious resources for the production of energy and fertilizers. After a literature review, a case study is analyzed to identify the main elements of a circular business model that can realize a strategic priority, such as defining production and consumption processes compatible with sustainability, circularity, and resilience. This paper identifies the main elements that constitute the “value proposition,” “value creation and delivery,” and “value captured,” showing the potential benefits in terms of competitiveness and profitability. This good practice may be replicated by other breeding and agricultural companies that want to be sustainable and resilient. The analyzed topic is a key concern given the great quantity of energy and chemical substances used by farms and the challenges posed by current dramatic events, such as the Russia–Ukraine conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have led to less availability of energy and fertilizers and unsustainable prices

    Seeking the Optimal Dimension of Local Administrative Units: A Reflection on Urban Concentration and Changes in Municipal Size

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    In the search for a better administrative functioning as a key dimension of economic performances, changes in municipal boundaries and the creation (or suppression) of local administrative units reflect a progressive adjustment to a spatially varying population size and density. With intense population growth, municipal size reflects the overall amount (and spatial concentration) of services and infrastructures, being functionally related with agglomeration economies, land availability for building, and specific sociodemographic attributes of local communities. Based on these premises, the intrinsic relationship between settlement expansion, population growth, and municipal size in a metropolitan region of Southern Europe (Attica, hosting the Greater Athens’ area in Central Greece) was investigated in this study over nearly one century as a contribution to a refined investigation of the (changing) organization of local administrative units under a complete metropolitan cycle from urbanization to reurbanization. Based on descriptive statistics, mapping, (parametric and nonparametric) correlation coefficients, and econometric techniques, a quantitative analysis of the relationship between population size and density and municipal area provides pivotal knowledge to policy and planning adjustments toward a more balanced spatial distribution of population and administered land among local government units. Together with a slight decrease in the average municipal size over time, the average population density per municipal unit increased systematically, with a considerable reduction in spatial heterogeneity of settlements. The observed goodness-of-fit of the linear model explaining municipal area with population density, increased significantly over time. Empirical results of our study indicate that municipal size has slowly adjusted to population density across metropolitan areas, determining an imbalanced spatial distribution of resident population and a supposedly less efficient government partition. The recent administrative reform of local authorities in Greece (the so-called ‘Kallikratis’ law) seems to consolidate–rather than rebalance this organizational structure over space, reflecting spatially polarized settlements. Such conditions represent a base for informed analysis of the spatial structure of local administrative units as a pivotal element of economic sustainability and may contribute to the debate on the optimal size of municipalities at both urban and metropolitan scales of governance

    An Integrated Approach to Skeletal Muscle Health in Aging

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    A decline in muscle mass and function represents one of the most problematic changes associated with aging, and has dramatic effects on autonomy and quality of life. Several factors contribute to the inexorable process of sarcopenia, such as mitochondrial and autophagy dysfunction, and the lack of regeneration capacity of satellite cells. The physiologic decline in muscle mass and in motoneuron functionality associated with aging is exacerbated by the sedentary lifestyle that accompanies elderly people. Regular physical activity is beneficial to most people, but the elderly need well-designed and carefully administered training programs that improve muscle mass and, consequently, both functional ability and quality of life. Aging also causes alteration in the gut microbiota composition associated with sarcopenia, and some advances in research have elucidated that interventions via the gut microbiota-muscle axis have the potential to ameliorate the sarcopenic phenotype. Several mechanisms are involved in vitamin D muscle atrophy protection, as demonstrated by the decreased muscular function related to vitamin D deficiency. Malnutrition, chronic inflammation, vitamin deficiencies, and an imbalance in the muscle-gut axis are just a few of the factors that can lead to sarcopenia. Supplementing the diet with antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics, proteins, kefir, and short-chain fatty acids could be potential nutritional therapies against sarcopenia. Finally, a personalized integrated strategy to counteract sarcopenia and maintain the health of skeletal muscles is suggested in this review

    Macrophage phenotype in response to ECM bioscaffolds

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    Macrophage presence and phenotype are critical determinants of the healing response following injury. Downregulation of the pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype has been associated with the therapeutic use of bioscaffolds composed of extracellular matrix (ECM), but phenotypic characterization of macrophages has typically been limited to small number of non-specific cell surface markers or expressed proteins. The present study determined the response of both primary murine bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) and a transformed human mononuclear cell line (THP-1 cells) to degradation products of two different, commonly used ECM bioscaffolds; urinary bladder matrix (UBM-ECM) and small intestinal submucosa (SIS-ECM). Quantified cell responses included gene expression, protein expression, commonly used cell surface markers, and functional assays. Results showed that the phenotype elicited by ECM exposure (MECM) is distinct from both the classically activated IFNÎł + LPS phenotype and the alternatively activated IL-4 phenotype. Furthermore, the BMDM and THP-1 macrophages responded differently to identical stimuli, and UBM-ECM and SIS-ECM bioscaffolds induced similar, yet distinct phenotypic profiles. The results of this study not only characterized an MECM phenotype that has anti-inflammatory traits but also showed the risks and challenges of making conclusions about the role of macrophage mediated events without consideration of the source of macrophages and the limitations of individual cell markers

    Il mercato tra analisi e regolamentazione

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    L’art. 41 della Costituzione, nel riconoscere la libertà di iniziativa economica privata purché non si svolga in contrasto con l’utilità sociale o in modo da recare danno alla salute, all’ambiente, alla sicurezza, alla libertà e alla dignità umana, non contempla ma presuppone necessariamente il mercato il quale, tra le varie possibili accezioni, si sostanzia in un’area istituzionalizzata di relazioni economiche. L’esigenza di perseguire finalità che il funzionamento spontaneo del mercato non potrebbe assicurare costituisce una delle ragioni alla base di un intervento esterno. Ai limiti connaturati all’analisi dello specifico settore sul quale si rende necessario agire, dovuti ai profili di complessità che quest’ultimo presenta, si aggiungono le questioni relative all’idoneità degli strumenti impiegati. I contributi presenti nel volume, nell’ambito dei diversi settori disciplinari giuridici ed economici, si sviluppano all’interno del quadro sinteticamente descritto

    Matrix-Bound Nanovesicles: The Effects of Isolation Method upon Yield, Purity, and Function

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    Identification of matrix-bound nanovesicles (MBV) as ubiquitous components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) raises questions regarding their biologic functions and their potential theranostic application. Unlike liquid-phase extracellular vesicles (e.g., exosomes), MBV are tightly bound to the ECM, which makes their isolation and harvesting more challenging. The indiscriminate use of different methods to harvest MBV can alter or disrupt their structural and/or functional integrity. The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of various MBV harvesting methods upon yield, purity, and biologic activity. Combinations of four methods to solubilize the ECM (collagenase [COL], liberase [LIB], or proteinase K [PK] and nonenzymatic elution with potassium chloride) and four isolation methods (ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration [UF], density barrier, and size exclusion chromatography [SEC]) were used to isolate MBV from urinary bladder-derived ECM. All combinations of solubilization and isolation methods allowed for the harvesting of MBV, however, distinct differences were noted. The highest yield, purity, cellular uptake, and biologic activity were seen with MBV isolated by a combination of liberase or collagenase followed by SEC. The combination of proteinase K and UF was shown to have detrimental effects on bioactivity. The results show the importance of selecting appropriate MBV harvesting methods for the characterization and evaluation of MBV and for analysis of their potential theranostic application

    Improved functionalization of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can providemultiple benefits for biomedical applications in aqueous environments such asmagnetic separation or magnetic resonance imaging. To increase the colloidal stability and allow subsequent reactions, the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups onto the particles’ surface is essential. During this process, the original coating is exchanged by preferably covalently bonded ligands such as trialkoxysilanes. The duration of the silane exchange reaction, which commonly takes more than 24 h, is an important drawback for this approach. In this paper, we present a novel method, which introduces ultrasonication as an energy source to dramatically accelerate this process, resulting in high-quality waterdispersible nanoparticles around 10 nmin size. To prove the generic character, different functional groups were introduced on the surface including polyethylene glycol chains, carboxylic acid, amine, and thiol groups. Their colloidal stability in various aqueous buffer solutions as well as human plasma and serum was investigated to allow implementation in biomedical and sensing applications.status: publishe
