37 research outputs found

    Jak na online třídnické hodiny: praktická příručka pro školní psychology

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    V uplynulém roce 2020 čelil svět nečekané výzvě v podobě pandemie Covid-19, která mimo jiné významným způsobem ovlivnila průběh vzdělávání. Přechod na distanční výuku znamenal i pro školní psychology nutnost přehodnotit možnosti své práce a především hledání nových cest, jak podpořit učitele i žáky v této obtížné životní situaci.  V této příručce pro školní psychology nabízíme jedno z mnoha témat, která jsou v současné době aktuální – věnujeme se možnosti online třídnických hodin. Rádi bychom vám poskytli praktickou příručku, která může sloužit jako zásobník inspirace pro práci se třídami na základních (a potenciálně i středních) školách. Aktivity lze různě variovat, dle věku dětí, míry stmelení kolektivu atd. Nebojte se improvizovat a být kreativní. Budeme velmi rádi, když se s námi o vaše zkušenosti nebo alternativní provedení aktivit podělíte a zašlete nám je na [email protected]

    Czech Adaptation Of The Brunel Mood States For Adolescent Athletes

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    The Brunel Mood States is a 24-item long questionnaire (formerly referred to as the Profile of Mood States for Adolescents POMS-A) used to capture the emotional profile of an individual. It has been used in various settings including sport psychology, where it is considered a valid indicator for overtraining syndrome. The aim of this study was to develop the Czech adaptation of BRUMS and verify its psychometric properties in adolescent athletes. The data was collected from a sample of 246 participant (50.8% females; age range 14-19 years). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate original six-dimensional structure (with factors of Depression, Tension, Confusion, Anger, Fatigue, and Vigor). Even though this model shows an acceptable fit to the data, Depression and Tension factors were empirically indistinguishable. Therefore, we proposed and verified alternative five-factor model with these two factors collapsed. Measurement invariance across gender was assessed using the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. Although three items showed signs of differential item functioning, the Czech adaptation of the instrument can in general be considered a measurement invariant

    The Role Of Personality Traits In Development Of Overtraining Syndrome In Elite Athletes In Adolescence: A Review Study

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    Sport performance of elite athletes is accompanied by long-term intensive training. Without adequate period of rest this intensive training can cause overreaching of young athlete. Stress, fatigue, lack of rest and load before and during competitions increase the risk of overtraining that leads to a decrease of performance, persistent fatigue, reduced ability to compete and mood disorders. The main purpose of this study is to map the theoretical background and previous empirical research work to integrate existing knowledge about a role of personality traits in development of overtraining syndrome of young elite athletes and to create basis for a further research in the field of sport psychology. The review of quantitative researches covered the period from 1999 to 2016. Nine relevant studies fulfilling the criteria were chosen. Neuroticism and Conscientiousness were found to be significant predictors of athlete’s performance. The differences between athletes and physically inactive population were found for dimension of Neuroticism, Extraversion and Conscientiousness. Differences between individual and team sports were found in all five dimensions of personality. Some differences occur also in female and male athletes and athletes competing on national and international level of competition compared to those competing on regional level of competition. Due to the symptoms of overtraining syndrome and areas that can be affected by it, it is possible to assume certain changes in personality traits, caused by long-term overload of the athletes. High level of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness are considered as possible risk factors for development of overtraining syndrome.Sport performance of elite athletes is accompanied by long-term intensive training. Without an adequate period of rest, this intensive training can cause an overload of the young athlete. Stress, fatigue, lack of rest and load before and during competitions increase the risk of overtraining that leads to a decrease in performance, persistent fatigue, reduced ability to compete and mood disorders. The main purpose of this study was to map the theoretical background and previous empirical research work to integrate existing knowledge about the role of personality traits in the development of overtraining syndrome of young elite athletes and to create a basis for further research in the field of sport psychology. The review of quantitative research covered the period from 1999 to 2016. Nine relevant studies fulfilling the criteria were chosen. Neuroticism and Conscientiousness were found to be significant predictors of athlete’s performance. The differences between athletes and physically inactive population were found for dimension of Neuroticism, Extraversion and Conscientiousness. Differences between individual and team sports were found in all five dimensions of personality. Some differences occured also in female and male athletes and athletes competing on national and international level of competition compared to those competing at a regional level of competition. Due to the symptoms of overtraining syndrome and areas that can be affected by it, it is possible to assume certain changes in personality traits, caused by long-term overload of the athletes. High level of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness are considered as possible risk factors for development of overtraining syndrome

    The Role Of Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate In The Development Of Overtraining Syndrome In Adolescent Elite Athletes: A Review Study

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    Parents are not only gatekeepers to sport, they have significant influence on how young athlete perceives and interprets the sport experience. Their influence is mediated through the parent-initiated motivational climate and is not limited to sport environment, but also to non-sport environment. The quality of parent-child relationship is considered to be a predictor of motivation, level of perceived stress and enjoyment of activities in young athlete. It is supposed overtraining as a multifactorial in nature and that non-sport stress may be a contributing factor. The main purpose of this study is to review empirical research works examining the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of youth elite sport and its potential influence on young elite athlete. Moreover, the study provides theoretical background of the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of sport participation. This study reviewed empirical research works of quantitative and qualitative research design. From all searched works from 1992 to 2016, fourteen studies fulfilled set requirements. Two qualitative studies focusing on the parent-initiated motivational climate and its relation to overtraining were found out. These studies supported the assumption that non-sport stress contribute in the development of overtraining. Even though no research studies with quantitative research design examining this relationship were found out, they supported the relationship between parent-initiated motivational climate and psychological outcomes associated with sport participation, such as maladaptive behavioural patterns, that are considered to be risks factors to overtraining.Parents are not only gatekeepers to sport, they have a significant influence on how a young athlete perceives and interprets the sport experience. Their influence is mediated through the parent-initiated motivational climate and is not limited to the sport environment, but also to non-sport environment. The quality of parent-child relationships is considered to be a predictor of motivation and a level of perceived stress and enjoyment of activities in young athlete. It is supposed that overtraining is multifactorial in nature and that non-sport stress may be a contributing factor. The main purpose of this study is to review empirical research examining the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of youth elite sport and its potential influence on young elite athletes. Moreover, the study provides theoretical background of the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of sport participation. This study reviewed empirical research works of quantitative and qualitative research design. From all searched works from 1992 to 2016, fourteen studies fulfilled set requirements. Two qualitative studies focusing on the parent-initiated motivational climate and its relation to overtraining were discovered. These studies supported the assumption that non-sport stress contributed in the development of overtraining. Even though no research studies with quantitative research design examining this relationship were revealed, they supported the relationship between parent-initiated motivational climate and psychological outcomes associated with sport participation, such as maladaptive behavioural patterns, that are considered to be risks factors to overtraining

    The gap in memory and the gap in the text. The revealing of the history through stories in the novels by Elisabeth Reichart.

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    Diplomová práce analyzuje mezery ve vědomí a mezery v textu v dílech "Februarschatten", "Das Haus der sterbenden Männer", "Komm über den See" rakouské spisovatelky Elisabeth Reichart. Práce se dále zabývá otázkou viny jedince i kolektivu, metodickým východiskem pro toto zkoumání byla Jaspersova "Die Schuldfrage".ObhájenoThis master thesis analyzes the gap in memory and the gap in the text in the works "Februarschatten", "Das Haus der sterbenden Männer", "Komm über den See" by the Austrian writer Elisabeth Reichart. The existential study of Karl Jaspers "Die Schuldfrage. Von der politischen Haftung Deutschlands" represents the methodical basis for the analysis of the guilt of the main characters and the collective

    Breeding of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in captivity and subsequent reintroduction into huntingarea Boršov.

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the breeding of the wild rabbit and its release into the wild and is based on an effort to reintroduce the wild rabbit into the Czech nature. In the first part it describes the history of the wild rabbit, its breeding in captivity and subsequent transfer to the wild. The next part contains the results of successful release and sustainability of the rabbit in the Boršov hunting ground

    Sound in animated film

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    This piece of work discusses the essence and meaning of sound in animated film. It focuses on individual means of expression of sound in animated film and on the relationship between visuals and sound. It compares different ways of approach and demonstrates it on examples of particular films. Part of this work is also dedicated to a short history of sound in animated film

    Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with current indications of non-cancer radiotherapy and methods of their implementation, including the sources of ionizing radiation used. Non-cancer therapy has been used for over 100 years. Treatment with ionizing radiation in non-cancer diseases brings the expected effect, risk is very small due to the low doses used. Another advantage of this therapy is also simpler irradiation techniques, often we can only make do with one or two input fields. The main principles include the application of the smallest and most effective individual and total doses of radiation with maximum investigation of surrounding healthy tissues. The introduction of the theoretical part contains a brief overview of information on non-cancer radiotherapy and clarifies the non-cancer diseases affected by ionizing radiation treatment. Furthermore, there is characterized by an X-ray machine and general information about X-ray therapy and the method of application of radiation. The second part of the thesis, i.e. the practical part, focuses on the therapy of the heel spurs, or calcar calcanei, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of X-ray therapy after its completion. Respondents are patients who have been irradiated for pat pain with calcar calcanei diagnosis at the Oncology Department of The Hospital České Budějovice a.s. in the period 2019-2020. In this work were used a quantitative type of research investigation and anonymized data from the patient register of the Oncology Department of the Hospital České Budějovice a.s. The overall concept of this bachelor's thesis can serve as study material for students of higher education institutions in the field of radiological assistant and for the creation of an information leaflet for future patients or for the general public

    Chrysophycean cysts and scales in paleolimnological studies

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    This thesis deals with chrysophyte scales and stomatocysts as useful tool of paleoecological reconstructions in lake ecosystems. In the first part the geological physical and biological aspects of lake reconstructions are described. The second part contents information about chrysophyte taxa and their utilisation as paleoekological indicators. Chrysophyte microphosils include two major groups of siliceous indicator: stomatocysts and sculptured and ornamented species-specific scales. Using surface-sediment training sets, quantitative inference models have been constructed for eutrophication, acidification, air-born pollution, salinification, climatic change, and other environmental changes. This thesis represents a literature review