344 research outputs found

    The protein import apparatus of chloroplasts

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    Routing of cytosolically synthesized precursor proteins into chloroplasts is a specific process which involves a multitude of soluble and membrane components. In this review we wil1 focus on early events of the translocation pathway of nuclear coded plastidic precursor proteins and compare import routes for polypeptide of the outer chloroplast envelope to that of internal chloroplast compartments. A number of proteins housed in the chloroplast envelopes have been implied to be involved in the translocation process, but so far a certain function has not been assigned to any of these proteins. The only exception could be an envelope localized hsc 70 homologue which could retain the import competence of a precursor protein in transit into the organelle

    Fatal affairs - conjugational transfer of a dinoflagellate-killing plasmid between marine Rhodobacterales

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    The roseobacter group of marine bacteria is characterized by a mosaic distribution of ecologically important phenotypes. These are often encoded on mobile extrachromosomal replicons. So far, conjugation had only been experimentally proven between the two model organisms Phaeobacter inhibens and Dinoroseobacter shibae. Here, we show that two large natural RepABC-type plasmids from D. shibae can be transferred into representatives of all known major Rhodobacterales lineages. Complete genome sequencing of the newly established Phaeobacter inhibens transconjugants confirmed their genomic integrity. The conjugated plasmids were stably maintained as single copy number replicons in the genuine as well as the new host. Co-cultivation of Phaeobacter inhibens and the transconjugants with the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum demonstrated that Phaeobacter inhibens is a probiotic strain that improves the yield and stability of the dinoflagellate culture. The transconjugant carrying the 191 kb plasmid, but not the 126 kb sister plasmid, killed the dinoflagellate in co-culture

    Entanglement of dark electron-nuclear spin defects in diamond

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    A promising approach for multi-qubit quantum registers is to use optically addressable spins to control multiple dark electron-spin defects in the environment. While recent experiments have observed signatures of coherent interactions with such dark spins, it is an open challenge to realize the individual control required for quantum information processing. Here we demonstrate the initialisation, control and entanglement of individual dark spins associated to multiple P1 centers, which are part of a spin bath surrounding a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. We realize projective measurements to prepare the multiple degrees of freedom of P1 centers - their Jahn-Teller axis, nuclear spin and charge state - and exploit these to selectively access multiple P1s in the bath. We develop control and single-shot readout of the nuclear and electron spin, and use this to demonstrate an entangled state of two P1 centers. These results provide a proof-of-principle towards using dark electron-nuclear spin defects as qubits for quantum sensing, computation and networks

    Life in a Harsh Environment: The Effects of Age, Sex, Reproductive Condition, and Season on Hair Cortisol Concentration in a Wild Non-Human Primate

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) provides a long-term retrospective measure of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity, and is increasingly used to assess the life history, health and ecology of wild mammals. Given that sex, age, season and pregnancy influence HCC, and that it may indicate ongoing stress, we examined HCC in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) naturally inhabiting a hot and dry semi-desert like habitat, Caatinga, in northeastern Brazil. We trapped, measured, weighed, marked and collected shaved hair from the back of the neck of 61 wild marmosets during the wet and dry seasons. Using enzyme immunoassay, we found that HCC was higher in the dry season compared with the wet season among all age/sex classes. Females had significantly higher HCC than males, juveniles had higher HCC than adults, and reproductively active adult females and non-pregnant/non lactating adult females did not differ in HCC. There were no interaction effects of sex, age, group, or season on HCC. The magnitude of the effect of this extremely hot and dry environment (average yearly rainfall was only 271 mm) on HCC in common marmosets is difficult to ascertain as these animals are also experiencing a variety of other stressors. However, the elevated HCC seen in common marmosets during the 5–8 month dry season, suggests these primates face an extended period of heat, water and possibly nutritional stress, which appears to result in a high rate of juvenile mortality

    Control of individual electron-spin pairs in an electron-spin bath

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    The decoherence of a central electron spin due to the dynamics of a coupled electron-spin bath is a core problem in solid-state spin physics. Ensemble experiments have studied the central spin coherence in detail, but such experiments average out the underlying quantum dynamics of the bath. Here, we show the coherent back-action of an individual NV center on an electron-spin bath and use it to detect, prepare and control the dynamics of a pair of bath spins. We image the NV-pair system with sub-nanometer resolution and reveal a long dephasing time (T2=44(9)T_2^* = 44(9) ms) for a qubit encoded in the electron-spin pair. Our experiment reveals the microscopic quantum dynamics that underlie the central spin decoherence and provides new opportunities for controlling and sensing interacting spin systems

    Lignin-first biorefining of Nordic poplar to produce cellulose fibers could displace cotton production on agricultural lands

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    Here, we show that lignin-first biorefining of poplar can enable the production of dissolving cellulose pulp that can produce regenerated cellulose, which could substitute cotton. These results in turn indicate that agricultural land dedicated to cotton could be reclaimed for food production by extending poplar plantations to produce textile fibers. Based on climate-adapted poplar clones capable of growth on marginal lands in the Nordic region, we estimate an environmentally sustainable annual biomass production of similar to 11 tonnes/ha. At scale, lignin-first biorefining of this poplar could annually generate 2.4 tonnes/ha of dissolving pulp for textiles and 1.1 m(3) biofuels. Life cycle assessment indicates that, relative to cotton production, this approach could substantially reduce water consumption and identifies certain areas for further improvement. Overall, this work highlights a new value chain to reduce the environmental footprint of textiles, chemicals, and biofuels while enabling land reclamation and water savings from cotton back to food production

    The joy of ruling: an experimental investigation on collective giving

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    We analyse team dictator games with different voting mechanisms in the laboratory. Individuals vote to select a donation for all group members. Standard Bayesian analysis makes the same prediction for all three mechanisms: participants should cast the same vote regardless of the voting mechanism used to determine the common donation level. Our experimental results show that subjects fail to choose the same vote. We show that their behaviour is consistent with a joy of ruling: individuals get an extra utility when they determine the voting outcome