214 research outputs found

    Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus (SCOPIC)

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    National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    SCOPIC Design and Overview

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    National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Effects of average and specific context probability on reduction of function words BE and HAVE

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    In a study of word shortening of HAVE and contraction of BE, it is found that both high transitional probability and high average context probability (low informativity) result in reduction. Previous studies have found this effect for content words and this study extend the findings to function words. Average context probability is by construction type, showing that words are shorter in constructions with high average predictability, namely in perfect constructions for HAVE and in future and progressive constructions for BE. These findings show that in cases of grammaticalization, it is not an increase in frequency that results in reduction, but a decrease in informativity

    Auslan and Matukar Panau:A modality-agnostic look at quotatives

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    Auslan and Matukar Panau: A modality-agnostic look at quotatives

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    Investigations of quotatives are essential for understanding how humans talk about talking. However, comparison of quotatives and other communicative phenomena have been hampered by theoretical paradigms that privilege Western, spoken, conventionalised forms of communication while marginalising others, including signed languages, visible bodily actions, vocal depiction, and non-Western communication practices more generally. Here we demonstrate how corpus typology methods can redress some of these biases and provide insights on how languages work and why they differ. We investigate the quotatives used by five pairs of Auslan signers and five groups of Matukar Panau speakers undertaking a narrative problem-solving picture task. We find that the signers and speakers in our study used almost unilaterally direct forms of quotatives. However, both groups preferred direct quotation of different narrative elements, with Matukar Panau speakers preferring to quote dialogue and thought, while Auslan signers preferred to quote action and dialogue. We employ a novel “expressivity index” to reveal a range of user variability within each language group. This study demonstrates how a modality-agnostic framework of comparative semiotics is useful for advancing our understanding of inter- and intra-language variability, while enriching our understanding of direct quotation in both signed and spoken language interactions.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Using forced alignment for sociophonetic research on a minority language

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    Until recently, large-scale phonetic analyses have been out of reach for under-documented languages, but with the advent of methodologies such as forced alignment, they have now become possible. This paper describes a methodology for applying forced alignment (using the Montreal Forced Aligner) to a speech corpus of Matukar Panau, a minority language spoken in Papua New Guinea. We obtained measurements for 68,785 vowel tokens, produced in both narrative and conversational data by 34 speakers. We examined the social conditioning on a subset of these vowels according to traditional sociolinguistic categories of age and gender, and also consider the impact of clan as a major axis of organization in this community. We show that there is a role for clan as a sociolinguistic factor in conditioning the variation observed

    Supercritical SC-CO2 and Soxhlet n-Hexane Extract of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica Seeds and Fatty Acids Analysis

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    The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P = 180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO2: 57.60% (spiny), 59.98% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny), 60.66% (thornless), followed by oleic acid, SC-CO2: 22.31% (spiny), 22.40% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny), 20.58% (thornless) and palmitic acid, SC-CO2: 14.3% (spiny), 12.92% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny), 13.08% (thornless). The SC-CO2 profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C20:1, C20:2, and C22.The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44–5.25), and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C) and 4.13 (T = 70°C)

    Macrocolony of NDM-1 producing Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. oharae generates subpopulations with different features regarding the response of antimicrobial agents and biofilm formation

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    Enterobacter cloacae complex has been increasingly recognized as a nosocomial pathogen representing the third major Enterobacteriaceae species involved with infections. This study aims to evaluate virulence and antimicrobial susceptibility of subpopulations generated from macrocolonies of NDM-1 producing Enterobacter hormaechei clinical isolates. Biofilm was quantified using crystal violet method and fimbrial genes were investigated by PCR. Susceptibility of antimicrobials, alone and combined, was determined by minimum inhibitory concentration and checkerboard assays, respectively. Virulence and efficacy of antimicrobials were evaluated in Galleria mellonella larvae. Importantly, we verified that some subpopulations that originate from the same macrocolony present different biofilm production ability and distinct susceptibility to meropenem due to the loss of blaNDM-1 encoding plasmid. A more in-depth study was performed with the 798 macrocolony subpopulations. Type 3 fimbriae were straightly related with biofilm production; however, virulence in larvae was not statistically different among subpopulations. Triple combination with meropenem–rifampicin–polymyxin B showed in vitro synergistic effect against all subpopulations; while in vivo this treatment showed different efficacy rates for 798-1S and 798-4S subpopulations. The ability of multidrug resistant E. hormaechei isolates in generating bacterial subpopulations presenting different susceptible and virulence mechanisms are worrisome and may explain why these infections are hardly overcome

    Traditional Techniques of oil extraction from Kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and Neem (Azadirach indica A. Juss.) Seeds from the Far-North Region of cameroon

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    An investigation was carried out in four localities of the Far-North of Cameroon (Maroua, Mokolo, Kaele and Yagoua in order to improve endogenous methods of oil extraction from kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), mahogany (Hhaya Senegalensis) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) seed. The questionnaire administered to 75 traditional producers permitted us to note that extraction of oil from kapok is scarce. The traditional extraction processes from these oilseeds vary. But two principal techniques are predominant: the kneading process and the heated paste process. Husking, pounding and extraction make up the bottleneck. The yields are low, averagely six pans (of 1L capacity) are used to obtain one litre of oil. Amelioration of these methods through the introduction of grinders and pressers will not only help reduce strenuousness, but also increase the capacity to treat the yields and oil quality