47 research outputs found


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    The analysis of media content for children is one of the most demanded expert ethical tasks from the moan of society and requires special training of experts.  A scientific seminar in the format of a roundtable was held with the aim of developing and testing a methodology for the ethical expertise of children's media and media content addressed to a children's audience.  The research group proposed to the participants of the roundtable in advance the methodology for conducting the ethical review.  The 3rd year students of the Applied Ethics direction of training took part in the roundtable. Students presented the ethical review of children's media.  As an object of assessment, students chose animated films that have a large audience coverage and affect the consciousness of the child.  The scientific seminar made it possible to identify the most difficult and problematic areas of ethical expertise of such a cultural product as children's media.Анализ медийного контента для детей является одной из наиболее востребованных со стоны общества экспертных этических задач и требует особой подготовки экспертов. Научный семинар в формате круглого стола был проведен с целью разработки и апробирования методологии этической экспертизы детских медиа и медийного контента, адресованного детской аудитории. Исследовательской группой участникам круглого стола была заранее предложена методология проведения эти-ческой экспертизы. В работе круглого стола приняли участие студенты 3 курса направления подготовки «Прикладная этика», представив этическую экспертизу детских медиа. В качестве объекта оценки студентами были выбраны мультипликационные фильмы, имеющие большой охват аудитории и оказывающие влияние на сознание ребенка. Научный семинар позволил выявить наиболее сложные и проблемные сферы этической экспертизы такого культурного продукта, как детские медиа


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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of cultural frontier in terms of the existence of variant of moral attitudes and practices. There are two strategies of the formation of cultural identity: «intolerant» model of the perception of social and cultural reality and a model in which we can speak about a tolerant perception of different social and cultural reality. The integrative potential of public morality allows you to create a transition from a «I-Other-Alien-Enemy» strategy of identity formation to a «I-Alien-Other» strategy.В статье анализируется феномен культурного пограничья с точки зрения существования вариативных нравственных стереотипов и практик. Выделяются две основные стратегии формирования культурной идентичности: «интолерантная» модель восприятия социокультурной реальности и модель, в рамках которой можно говорить о терпимом восприятии отличной социокультурной реальности. Интегративный потенциал общественной морали позволяет сформировать переход от стратегии формирования идентичности по линии «Я-Другой-Чужой-Враг» к стратегии «Я-Иной-Другой»

    Crystal Lattice Distortions and Chemical Composition of Nonstoichiometric Compounds TbFe2Mnx (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4)

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    In this paper we studied crystal lattice and chemical composition of TbFe2Mnx Laves phase. It was shown that magnetostriction induces splitting of x-ray diffraction reflects and spontaneous magnetostriction can be calculated. Chemical composition was checked by x-ray fluorescent analysis.Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (проект № 20-42-660008) и правительства Свердловской области. Так же благодарим Кулеша Н. А. за проведенный химический анализ

    Construction task allocation through the collective perception of a dynamic environment

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    Building structures is a remarkable collective process but its automation remains an open challenge. Robot swarms provide a promising solution to this challenge. However, collective construction involves a number of difficulties regarding efficient robots allocation to the different activities, particularly if the goal is to reach an optimal construction rate. In this paper, we study an abstract construction scenario, where a swarm of robots is engaged in a collective perception process to estimate the density of building blocks around a construction site. The goal of this perception process is to maintain a minimum density of blocks available to the robots for construction. To maintain this density, the allocation of robots to the foraging task needs to be adjusted such that enough blocks are retrieved. Our results show a robust collective perception that enables the swarm to maintain a minimum block density under different rates of construction and foraging. Our approach leads the system to stabilize around a state in which the robots allocation allows the swarm to maintain a tile density that is close to or above the target minimum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedDorigo, M. Stützle, T. Blesa, M. J. Blum, C. Hamann, H. Heinrich, M. K. & Strobel, V. (2020). Swarm Intelligence: 12th International Conference, ANTS 2020, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-28, 2020, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG


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    In this work, the magnetic properties and crystal structure of the TbFe2Mnx Laves phase were studied. It is shown that magnetic anisotropy constant Keff. decreases with increase of Mn content, while lattice constant increases.Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (проект № 20-42-660008) и правительства Свердловской области

    Square Kilometre Array Science Data Challenge 1: analysis and results

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    As the largest radio telescope in the world, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will lead the next generation of radio astronomy. The feats of engineering required to construct the telescope array will be matched only by the techniques developed to exploit the rich scientific value of the data. To drive forward the development of efficient and accurate analysis methods, we are designing a series of data challenges that will provide the scientific community with high-quality data sets for testing and evaluating new techniques. In this paper, we present a description and results from the first such Science Data Challenge 1 (SDC1). Based on SKA MID continuum simulated observations and covering three frequencies (560, 1400, and 9200 MHz) at three depths (8, 100, and 1000 h), SDC1 asked participants to apply source detection, characterization, and classification methods to simulated data. The challenge opened in 2018 November, with nine teams submitting results by the deadline of 2019 April. In this work, we analyse the results for eight of those teams, showcasing the variety of approaches that can be successfully used to find, characterize, and classify sources in a deep, crowded field. The results also demonstrate the importance of building domain knowledge and expertise on this kind of analysis to obtain the best performance. As high-resolution observations begin revealing the true complexity of the sky, one of the outstanding challenges emerging from this analysis is the ability to deal with highly resolved and complex sources as effectively as the unresolved source population