166 research outputs found

    Simulation Results on a Triangle-Based Network Evolution Model

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    We study a continuous time network evolution model. We consider the collaboration of three individuals. In our model, it is described by three connected vertices, that is by a triangle. During the evolution new collaborations, that is new triangles are created. The reproduction of the triangles is governed by a continuous time branching process. The long time behaviour of the number of triangles, edges and vertices is described. In this paper, we highlight the asymptotic behaviour of the network by simulation results

    Process considerations of a biorefinery producing value-added products from corn fibre

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    Corn fibre, a co-product of corn wet milling, can be a suitable raw material of a biorefinery producing biofuels and value-added chemicals. The simulated process is able to produce bioethanol, biomethane and xylitol synergistically, while it also covers its own heat demand. The proposed plant consists of the following process steps: fractionation, enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation, distillation and dehydration, anaerobic digestion, biogas upgrading, aerobic waste water treatment, combined heat and power production, xylitol fermentation and recovery. Various scenarios of the biorefinery were investigated and the process configurations were compared in terms of energy efficiency, or mass flows of the products. Incineration of the sludge and production of district heat are found to be effective methods to increase the energy efficiency, on which aerobic sludge yield has a great effect. The solid-liquid separations, which are carried out in filterpress, have a curial role in terms of energy efficiency . Combustion of the solid part of cellulose hydrolysis residue is favourable compared with the anaerobic digestion, except if the dry matter content of the filterpressed solid was set to 30% instead of 40%. The amounts of the produced xylitol and biomethane are variable, which ensures the ability of market adaptation for the biorefinery

    A dopamin D4 receptor gén promoter polimorfizmusainak hatása a génexpresszióra in vitro rendszerekben, illetve ezek szerepe a drogfüggőség kialakulásában = Effect of polymorphisms in the dopamine D4 receptor gene promoter on gene expression in vitro and their role in the development of drug addiction

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    A jelen projekt három részből állt össze. Az első szakaszban folyó molekuláris biológiai munka során a drogfüggőség kialakulásában feltételezhetően szerepet játszó dopamin D4-es receptor (DRD4) gén promoterének polimorfizmusait vizsgáltuk génexpressziós kísérletekkel. Olyan riporter gén-konstruktumokat hozunk létre, melyek a DRD4 gén promoter szakaszának különböző szekvencia-változatait tartalmazták, majd megmértük ezeknek a szekvenciáknak a promoter aktivitását idegi eredetű és kontroll sejteken. A megszokottól eltérő promoter aktivitással rendelkező variánsok funkcionális jelentőségűek lehetnek az opiátfüggőség patogenezisében. A projekt második részében, a pszichológiai vizsgálat során a budapesti Nyírő Gyula kórházban kezelt, és a metadon programban résztvevő opiátfüggők részletes pszichológiai jellemzésére került sor, különös tekintettel a metadonkezelésre adott terápiás válaszukra. A harmadik, genetikai asszociáció-vizsgálatban a DRD4, a szerotonin transzporter (SERT), illetve néhány további, a heroinfüggés kialakulásában, valamint a metadonválszban esetleg szerepet játszó gén polimorfizmusait tanulmányoztuk. A 171 betegtől DNS mintát vettünk, meghatároztuk bennük a különböző genetikai variációkat, majd statisztikai asszociációelemzést végeztünk a metadonválasz, a genetikai markerek és a felvett pszichológiai mérőszámok között. | The current project consists of three parts. In the first phase during the molecular biological work we performed gene expression analyses of the promoter polymorphisms of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene, which might play a role in the development of substance dependence. We created gene constructs that included different sequence variants of the DRD4 gene promoter and measured the expressional activity of these constructs in different neural and control cell lines. The variants with an unusual promoter activity might have functional relevance in the pathogenesis of opiate dependence. During the second phase of the project we performed detailed psychological assessment of opiate dependent subjects on methadone maintenance therapy at Nyírő Gyula Hospital in Budapest with special emphasis on their response to methadone. During the third, the genetic association part we studied polymorphisms of genes previously implicated in the development of heroin dependence or involved in methadone response, such as DRD4, the serotonin transporter (SERT), as well as some other genes. We collected DNA samples of 171 patients, determined different genetic variations and performed statistical association analyses regarding methadone response, the genetic markers and the psychological assessment data

    Oszcillációs reometria alkalmazása az élelmiszervizsgálatokban = Application of oscillatory rheometry in food analysis

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    Az oszcillációs Teológiai módszereket viszkoelasztikus anyagok vizsgálatára használják, a kis viszkozitású folyadékok, polimer oldatok, paszták, gélek és merev szilárd anyagok esetén egyaránt. A tanulmányunkban az oszcillációs méréstechnika elméleti alapjait és főbb mérési módszereit foglaljuk össze, majd saját méréseink alapján néhány alkalmazási példát is bem utatunk. M éréseinket a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Konzervtechnológiai Tanszékén üzemelő MCR51 típusú oszcillációs reométerrel végeztük. Oscillatory rheological methods are used for investigation of viscoelastic materials such as low viscosity fluids, polimer solutions, gels and rigid solids. In the present study rheological principals and typical measurement methods of oscillatory technique are overviewed. Some application are also introduced based on our results measured by an oscillatory rheometer type MCR51 at Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Food Preservation

    Oszcillációs reometria alkalmazása az élelmiszervizsgálatokban = Application of oscillatory rheometry in food analysis

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    Az oszcillációs Teológiai módszereket viszkoelasztikus anyagok vizsgálatára használják kis viszkozitású folyadékok, polimer oldatok, paszták, gélek és merev szilárd anyagok esetén egyaránt. Tanulmányunkban az oszcillációs méréstechnika elméleti alapjait és főbb mérési módszereit foglaljuk össze, majd saját méréseink alapján néhány alkalmazási példát is bemutatunk. Méréseinket a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Konzervtechnológiai Tanszékén üzemelő MCR51 típusú oszcillációs reométerrel végeztük. Oscillatory rheological methods are used for investigation of viscoelastic materials such as low viscosity fluids, polimer solutions, gels and rigid solids. In the present study rheological principals and typical measurement methods of oscillatory technique are overviewed. Some application are also introduced based on our results measured by an oscillatory rheometer type MCR51 at Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Food Preservation

    Calculation nitrogen and sodium budget from lysimeter-grown shortrotation willow coppice experiment

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    Alternative water resources utilization should take priority over the conventional irrigation water resources (surface and subsurface waters) in the future in Hungary as well, similarly to the global trends because of the climate change impacts. However because of the environmental risks (e.g. nitrate leaching and soil salinization) the reuse of the wastewater require sustainable practices hence the farmers and researchers are responsible for development soil management practices and irrigation principles. Aim of our study was to determine the impact of a wastewater originated from an African intensive catfish farm on the nitrogen budget of the soil-water-plant system in order to evaluate the nitrogen substitution effect and the risk of the nitrate leaching. On the other hand, the aim of the study was to calculate also sodium budget to assess the risk of the sodicity regard to the high sodium concentration of the wastewater. The experiment was conducted at the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK), Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Management (OVKI) in Szarvas, Hungary. The experiment was set up in the NAIK ÖVKI Lysimeter Station in 2014 with energy willow. During the study (between 03.07.2015 and 21.04.2017) irrigation water quality, rainwater quality, willow N and Na uptake by stems and N and Na leaching was measured. Nitrogen and sodium budget were calculated for two years (2015, 2016) from these data. According to our results the wastewater had high nitrogen content what was able to increase the nitrogen amount in the examined budget however without supplementary fertilizer it could not able to balance the budget only just at W60 treatment (irrigation with wastewater: N concentration 22,7 mg/l). The wastewater had high environmental risk as soil sodicity according to results of the sodium budget

    Mapping Freshwater Carbonate Deposits by Using Ground-Penetrating Radar at Lake Kolon, Hungary

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    Freshwater carbonate deposit, as a special phenomenon in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, located in the centre of Hungary, is a significant geological heritage in the Carpathian Basin. At present there is not any applicable method to investigate the presence of carbonate layers in an undisturbed way, as neither vegetation nor morphological characteristics indicate unambiguously these formations. Ground-penetrating radar technology is widely used in various earth science related researches, and the number of applications is steadily increasing. The aim of the study was to determine the spatial extension of freshwater limestone using geophysical methods near Lake Kolon, Hungary. The lake, which is now a protected wetland area with opened water surfaces, was formed in the paleo-channel of the River Danube. Measurements were performed with the help of ground-penetrating radar, the results were calibrated by high spatial resolution drillings. Investigations have been made since 2012, and freshwater limestone was detected at several locations determining the more exact extension of the formation. Ground-penetrating radar proved to be an appropriate method to detect the compact and fragmented freshwater limestone layers in such an environment. However, based on the results the method can be best applied under dry soil or sediment conditions while the uncertainty of the results increases significantly as a matter of higher soil moisture. Further control measurements are necessary verified by several drillings in order to give an exact method to determine freshwater limestone

    Effects of pH and Aeration Conditions on Xylitol Production by Candida and Hansenula Yeasts

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    During the fermentative production of xylitol the following environmental parameters have a controlling effect on the xylitol yield: concentration of monosaccharides, temperature, aeration and pH. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate xylitol production by four yeast strains at different pH values and oxygen transfer rates (OTRs). The highest xylitol yields were obtained under the following conditions: Candida parapsilosis: pH 5.0, OTR 6.1 mmol L-1 h-1;Candida guilliermondii: pH 4.5, OTR 5.7 mmol L-1 h-1; Candida boidinii: pH 6.0, OTR 5.7 mmol L-1 h-1; Hansenula anomala: pH 4.5, OTR 2.8 mmol L-1 h-1 using 50 g L-1 initial xylose concentration

    Screening for Mutations of 21-Hydroxylase Gene in Hungarian Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders, causing impaired secretion of cortisol and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, with subsequent overproduction of adrenal androgens. The most common enzyme defect causing CAH is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. To determine the mutational spectrum in the Hungarian CAH population, the CYP21 active gene was analyzed using PCR. A total of 297 Hungarian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are registered in the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary, and their clinical status was evaluated. Blood samples for CYP21 genotype determination could be obtained from 167 patients (representing 306 unrelated chromosomes and 56.2% of the total group of patients). Eight of the most common mutations were screened [In2 (intron 2 splice mutation), I172N, Del (Del: apparents large gene conversion), Q318X, R356W, 1761Tins, ClusterE6, V281L] using allele-specific amplification. The most frequent mutation in the Hungarian CAH population was found to be In2. Our results have shown a good genotype/phenotype correlation in case of most mutations; the In2 mutation is associated mostly with the severe form of the disease, whereas I172N was expressed in a wide spectrum of phenotypes