35 research outputs found

    Quantum fluctuation theorem to benchmark quantum annealers

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    Near term quantum hardware promises unprecedented computational advantage. Crucial in its development is the characterization and minimization of computational errors. We propose the use of the quantum fluctuation theorem to benchmark the performance of quantum annealers. This versatile tool provides simple means to determine whether the quantum dynamics are unital, unitary, and adiabatic, or whether the system is prone to thermal noise. Our proposal is experimentally tested on two generations of the D-Wave machine, which illustrates the sensitivity of the fluctuation theorem to the smallest aberrations from ideal annealing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figur

    Riccati equation in studies of spin-boson systems

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    W pracy wskazujemy na zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy Hamiltonianem danego uk艂adu z艂o偶onego typu qubitu-otoczenie a blokowymi macierzami operatorowymi. Nast臋pnie wykorzystujemy ich zwi膮zek z r贸wnaniem Riccatiego do badania m.in uk艂ad贸w typu spin-bozon oraz dynamiki zredukowanej qubitu. W szczeg贸lno艣ci rozwa偶amy istnienie symetrii w s艂ynnym, wci膮偶 nie rozwi膮zanym ca艂kowicie modelu Rabiego. Dowodzimy, i偶 pr贸cz zachowania ca艂kowitej energii istnieje nielokalna symetria Z2 (w pewnym sensie ukryta) zadana przez uog贸lniony operator parzysto艣ci. Prezentujemy warunki istnienia tej symetrii, jej posta膰 oraz spos贸b jawnej konstrukcji z wykorzystaniem rozwi膮zania r贸wnania Riccatiego. Dla otwartych uk艂ad贸w dwustanowych wprowadzamy szczeg贸ln膮 klas臋 stan贸w, zwanych stanami defazingowymi (ang. dephasing states). W pierwszej kolejno艣ci pokazujemy, i偶 specyficzna dla modeli defazingowych symetria pomi臋dzy oddzia艂uj膮cymi uk艂adami nie jest konieczna aby zapewni膰 bezstratn膮 energetycznie ewolucj臋 poduk艂ad贸w. Dowodzimy, 偶e wystarczaj膮ce s膮 odpowiednio dobrane warunki pocz膮tkowe stany defazingowe oraz przedstawiamy adekwatn膮 technik臋 ich konstrukcji. Nast臋pnie pokazujemy w jaki spos贸b przygotowa膰 stan pocz膮tkowy uk艂ad qubit-otoczenie, tak aby informacja zakodowana w zadanej na przestrzeni qubitu obserwabli nie zosta艂 utracona na rzecz otoczenia w wyniku ewolucji. Na zako艅czenie rozwa偶amy qubit w kontakcie z fermionowym otoczeniem oraz poddany dzia艂aniu zewn臋trznego pola magnetycznego. Wyprowadzamy dok艂adn膮 posta膰 dynamiki zredukowanej oraz analizujemy przybli偶enie adiabatyczne

    Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the 1D Bose-Hubbard model: excitations and correlations induced by a quench

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    The ground state of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at unit filling undergoes the Mott-superfluid quantum phase transition. It belongs to the Kosterlitz-Thouless universality class with an exponential divergence of the correlation length in place of the usual power law. We present numerical simulations of a linear quench both from the Mott insulator to superfluid and back. The results satisfy the scaling hypothesis that follows from the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). In the superfluid-to-Mott quenches there is no significant excitation in the superfluid phase despite its gaplessness. Since all critical superfluid ground states are qualitatively similar, the excitation begins to build up only after crossing the critical point when the ground state begins to change fundamentally. The last process falls into the KZM framework.Comment: To appear in PR

    Defects in Quantum Computers

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    The shift of interest from general purpose quantum computers to adiabatic quantum computing or quantum annealing calls for a broadly applicable and easy to implement test to assess how quantum or adiabatic is a specific hardware. Here we propose such a test based on an exactly solvable many body system -- the quantum Ising chain in transverse field -- and implement it on the D-Wave machine. An ideal adiabatic quench of the quantum Ising chain should lead to an ordered broken symmetry ground state with all spins aligned in the same direction. An actual quench can be imperfect due to decoherence, noise, flaws in the implemented Hamiltonian, or simply too fast to be adiabatic. Imperfections result in topological defects: Spins change orientation, kinks punctuating ordered sections of the chain. The number of such defects quantifies the extent by which the quantum computer misses the ground state, and is, therefore, imperfect.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Scientific Reports, authors' list complete

    Relation Between Purity of an Open Qubit Dynamics and Its Initial Correlation with an Environment

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    Purity as a quantifier of an impact of environment on an open quantum system is studied for a qubit dephasingly interacting with its environment. We analyze how time evolution of the purity depends on initial states of the composite system both in the case of infinite and finite environments. It is shown that for a certain class of initial preparations, the purity of an evolving qubit state initially correlated with infinite environment can be greater than in the case of uncorrelated qubit-environment initial preparations. We identify a class of initial states leading to such desired outcome