11 research outputs found

    Application of linguistic cues in the analysis of language of hate groups

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    Hate speech and fringe ideologies are social phenomena that thrive on-line. Members of the political and religious fringe are able to propagate their ideas via the Internet with less effort than in traditional media. In this article, we attempt to use linguistic cues such as the occurrence of certain parts of speech in order to distinguish the language of fringe groups from strictly informative sources. The aim of this research is to provide a preliminary model for identifying deceptive materials online. Examples of these would include aggressive marketing and hate speech. For the sake of this paper, we aim to focus on the political aspect. Our research has shown that information about sentence length and the occurrence of adjectives and adverbs can provide information for the identification of differences between the language of fringe political groups and mainstream media

    Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges

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    Dynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres

    Best tools for detecting fake news (and why they do not work)

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    Artyku艂 stanowi przybli偶enie technik informatycznych wykorzystywanych w procesie rozpoznawania fa艂szywych wiadomo艣ci. R贸wnocze艣nie wskazuje na spo艂eczne i psychologiczne czynniki wp艂ywaj膮ce na popularno艣膰 fake news, oraz wskazuje na spo艂eczne konsekwencje stosowania r贸偶nych metod wykrywania Fake News.The article provides a review of various technologies used in detecting fake news online. It also provides discussion of sociological and psychological factors which influence the popularity of fake news. Finally a discussion of political consequences of the use of said technologies is provided

    Application of linguistic cues in the analysis of language of hate groups

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 155-156.Hate speech and fringe ideologies are social phenomena that thrive on-line. Members of the political and religious fringe are able to propagate their ideas via the Internet with less effort than in traditional media. In this article, we attempt to use linguistic cues such as the occurrence of certain parts of speech in order to distinguish the language of fringe groups from strictly informative sources. The aim of this research is to provide a preliminary model for identifying deceptive materials online. Examples of these would include aggressive marketing and hate speech. For the sake of this paper, we aim to focus on the political aspect. Our research has shown that information about sentence length and the occurrence of adjectives and adverbs can provide information for the identification of differences between the language of fringe political groups and mainstream media.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: hate speech, natural language processing, propaganda, machine learning

    Active annotation in evaluating the credibility of web-based medical information : guidelines for creating training data sets for machine learning

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    Background: The spread of false medical information on the web is rapidly accelerating. Establishing the credibility of web-based medical information has become a pressing necessity. Machine learning offers a solution that, when properly deployed, can be an effective tool in fighting medical misinformation on the web. Objective: The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive framework for designing and curating machine learning training data sets for web-based medical information credibility assessment. We show how to construct the annotation process. Our main objective is to support researchers from the medical and computer science communities. We offer guidelines on the preparation of data sets for machine learning models that can fight medical misinformation. Methods: We begin by providing the annotation protocol for medical experts involved in medical sentence credibility evaluation. The protocol is based on a qualitative study of our experimental data. To address the problem of insufficient initial labels, we propose a preprocessing pipeline for the batch of sentences to be assessed. It consists of representation learning, clustering, and reranking. We call this process active annotation. Results: We collected more than 10,000 annotations of statements related to selected medical subjects (psychiatry, cholesterol, autism, antibiotics, vaccines, steroids, birth methods, and food allergy testing) for less than US $7000 by employing 9 highly qualified annotators (certified medical professionals), and we release this data set to the general public. We developed an active annotation framework for more efficient annotation of noncredible medical statements. The application of qualitative analysis resulted in a better annotation protocol for our future efforts in data set creation. Conclusions: The results of the qualitative analysis support our claims of the efficacy of the presented method

    FEM Numerical and Experimental Study on Dimensional Accuracy of Tubes Extruded from 6082 and 7021 Aluminium Alloys

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    The extrusion of hollow profiles from hard-deformable AlZnMg alloys by using porthole dies encounters great technological difficulties in practice. High extrusion force accompanies the technological process, which is caused by high deformation resistance and high friction resistance in extrusion conditions. As a result of high thermo-mechanical loads affecting the die, a significant loss of dimensional accuracy of extruded profiles can be observed. The different projects of porthole dies for the extrusion of 脴50 脳 2 mm tubes from the 7021 alloy were numerically calculated and then tested in industrial conditions by using a press of 25 MN capacity equipped with a container with a diameter of 7 inches (for 7021 alloy and 6082 alloy for comparison). New extrusion die 3 with modified bridge and mandrel geometry and a special radial鈥揷onvex entry to the die opening was proposed. FEM was applied to analyse the metal flow during extrusion, geometrical stability of extruded tubes and the die deflection. The photogrammetric measuring method was used to evaluate dimensional accuracy of tubes extruded in different conditions and geometrical deviations in porthole dies elements, especially the bridges and the mandrels. Research revealed a high dimensional accuracy of tubes extruded from the 6082 alloy and from the 7021 alloy by using original extrusion die 3, while much higher dimensional deviations were noted for tubes extruded from the 7021 alloy by using extrusion dies 1 and 2, particularly in relation to the circularity, centricity and wall thickness