7 research outputs found

    The good, the bad, and the tiny : a simple, mechanistic-probabilistic model of virus-nutrient colimitation in microbes

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 10 (2015): e0143299, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143299.For phytoplankton and other microbes, nutrient receptors are often the passages through which viruses invade. This presents a bottom-up vs. top-down, co-limitation scenario; how do these would-be-hosts balance minimizing viral susceptibility with maximizing uptake of limiting nutrient(s)? This question has been addressed in the biological literature on evolutionary timescales for populations, but a shorter timescale, mechanistic perspective is lacking, and marine viral literature suggests the strong influence of additional factors, e.g. host size; while the literature on both nutrient uptake and host-virus interactions is expansive, their intersection, of ubiquitous relevance to marine environments, is understudied. I present a simple, mechanistic model from first principles to analyze the effect of this co-limitation scenario on individual growth, which suggests that in environments with high risk of viral invasion or spatial/temporal heterogeneity, an individual host’s growth rate may be optimized with respect to receptor coverage, producing top-down selective pressure on short timescales. The model has general applicability, is suggestive of hypotheses for empirical exploration, and can be extended to theoretical studies of more complex behaviors and systems.This work was supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Charles Vest Presidential Fellowship

    Log-skew-normality of ocean turbulence

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    The statistics of intermittent ocean turbulence is the key link between physical understanding of turbulence and its global implications. The log-normal distribution is the standard but imperfect assumed distribution for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. We argue that as turbulence is often generated by multiple changing sources, a log-skew-normal (LSN) distribution is more appropriate. We show the LSN distribution agrees excellently and robustly with observations. The heavy tail of the LSN distribution has important implications for sampling of turbulence in terrestrial and extraterrestrial analogous systems

    How are under ice phytoplankton related to sea ice in the Southern Ocean?

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    Little is known about Southern Ocean under-ice phytoplankton, despite their suspected potential—ice and stratification conditions permitting—to produce blooms. We use a distributional approach to ask how Southern Ocean sea ice and under-ice phytoplankton characteristics are related, circumventing the dearth of co-located ice and phytoplankton data. We leverage all available Argo float profiles, together with freeboard (height of sea ice above sea level) and lead (ice fractures yielding open water) data from ICESat-2, to describe co-variations over time. We calculate moments of the probability distributions of maximum chlorophyll, particulate backscatter, the depths of these maxima, freeboard, and ice thickness. Argo moments correlate significantly with freeboard variance, lead fraction, and mixed layer depth, implying that sea ice dynamics drive plankton by modulating how much light they receive. We discuss ecological implications in the context of data limitations and advocate for diagnostic models and field studies to test additional processes influencing under-ice phytoplankton

    Testing the skill of a species distribution model using a 21st century virtual ecosystem

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    Plankton communities play an important role in marine food webs, in biogeochemical cycling, and in Earth's climate; yet observations are sparse, and predictions of how they might respond to climate change vary. Correlative species distribution models (SDM's) have been applied to predicting biogeography based on relationships to observed environmental variables. To investigate sources of uncertainty, we use a correlative SDM to predict the plankton biogeography of a 21st century marine ecosystem model (Darwin). Darwin output is sampled to mimic historical ocean observations, and the SDM is trained using generalized additive models. We find that predictive skill varies across test cases, and between functional groups, with errors that are more attributable to spatiotemporal sampling bias than sample size. End-of-century predictions are poor, limited by changes in target-predictor relationships over time. Our findings illustrate the fundamental challenges faced by empirical models in using limited observational data to predict complex, dynamic systems

    Viruses affect picocyanobacterial abundance and biogeography in the North Pacific Ocean

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    The photosynthetic picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are models for dissecting how ecological niches are defined by environmental conditions, but how interactions with bacteriophages affect picocyanobacterial biogeography in open ocean biomes has rarely been assessed. We applied single-virus and single-cell infection approaches to quantify cyanophage abundance and infected picocyanobacteria in 87 surface water samples from five transects that traversed approximately 2,200 km in the North Pacific Ocean on three cruises, with a duration of 2–4 weeks, between 2015 and 2017. We detected a 550-km-wide hotspot of cyanophages and virus-infected picocyanobacteria in the transition zone between the North Pacific Subtropical and Subpolar gyres that was present in each transect. Notably, the hotspot occurred at a consistent temperature and displayed distinct cyanophage-lineage composition on all transects. On two of these transects, the levels of infection in the hotspot were estimated to be sufficient to substantially limit the geographical range of Prochlorococcus. Coincident with the detection of high levels of virally infected picocyanobacteria, we measured an increase of 10–100-fold in the Synechococcus populations in samples that are usually dominated by Prochlorococcus. We developed a multiple regression model of cyanophages, temperature and chlorophyll concentrations that inferred that the hotspot extended across the North Pacific Ocean, creating a biological boundary between gyres, with the potential to release organic matter comparable to that of the sevenfold-larger North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Our results highlight the probable impact of viruses on large-scale phytoplankton biogeography and biogeochemistry in distinct regions of the oceans

    A marginal stability paradigm for shear‐induced diapycnal turbulent mixing in the ocean

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    Turbulent mixing induced by breaking internal waves is key to the ocean circulation and global tracer budgets. While the classic marginal shear instability of Richardson number ∌1/4 has been considered as potentially relevant to turbulent wave breaking, its relevance to flows that are not steady parallel shear flows has been suspect. We show that shear instability is indeed relevant in the ocean interior and propose a new marginal stability paradigm that relates the stability criterion based on Richardson number to one based on the ratio of Ozmidov and Thorpe turbulence scales. The new paradigm applies to both ocean interior and boundary layer flows. This allows for accurate quantification of the transition from downwelling to upwelling zones in a recently emerged paradigm of ocean circulation. Our results help climate models more accurately calculate the mixing-driven deep ocean circulation and fluxes of tracers in the ocean interior

    Plankton Planet : ‘seatizen’ oceanography to assess open ocean life at the planetary scale

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    Abstract In every liter of seawater there are between 10 and 100 billion life forms, mostly invisible, called plankton, which form the largest and most dynamic ecosystem on our planet, at the heart of global ecological and economic processes. While physical and chemical parameters of planktonic ecosystems are fairly well measured and modelled at the planetary scale, but biological data are still scarce due to the extreme cost and relative inflexibility of the classical vessels and instruments used to explore marine biodiversity. Here we introduce ‘ Plankton Planet ’, an initiative whose goal is to merge the creativity of researchers, makers, and mariners to ( i ) develop frugal scientific instrumentation and protocols to assess the genetic and morphological diversity of plankton life, and ( ii ) organize their systematic deployment through fleets of volunteer sailors, fishermen, or cargo-ships to generate comparable and open-access plankton data across global and long-term spatio-temporal scales. As proof-of-concept, we show how 20 crews of sailors (“planktonauts”) were abl to sample plankton biomass from the world surface ocean in a single year, generating the first citizen-based, planetary dataset of plankton biodiversity based on DNA barcodes. The quality of this dataset is comparable to that generated by Tara Oceans and is not biased by the multiplication of samplers. This dataset has unveiled significant genetic novelty and can be used to explore the taxonomic and ecological diversity of plankton at both regional and global scales. This pilot project paves the way for construction of a miniaturized, modular, evolvable, affordable and open-source citizen field-platform that will allow systematic assessment of the eco/morpho/genetic variation of aquatic ecosystems across the dimensions of the Earth system