127 research outputs found
Entre a ronda e a cana : os discursos sobre a criminalidade do jovem negro no final do século XIX
Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2013.Tanto os discursos favoráveis quanto os contrários à promulgação da Lei do Ventre Livre, assim como os discursos sobre a implementação de outras medidas de emancipação gradual
da escravidão negra, baseavam-se na mesma imagem, a do escravo como elemento de
periculosidade para seu senhor e para a sociedade. Tal fato, constatado pelo presente trabalho,
conduziu à intensificação da segregação racial e à formulação de justificativas para a
disposição do corpo do negro como espaço de intervenção da violência. A partir do
desenvolvimento do conceito de empatia e autonomia, em Lynn Hunt; da construção do fluxo de informações pluridimensional e da culpa política, de Susan Buck-Morss; e da análise de
discurso de pronunciamentos parlamentares do Senado dos anos 1870 e 1871, de processos
criminais compreendidos entre 1870 e 1900 e de outras obras desse período, o presente
trabalho objetiva demonstrar que o discurso sobre a pretensa criminalidade (iminente e
imanente) do menor de idade negro, construído principalmente a partir de três eixos
conceituais (o castigo moderado, o discernimento e o abandono moral), foi elemento
formador de opinião, poder e sentimento influenciado e constituído pelo medo, o que
ressignificou o espaço das ideias de liberdade, igualdade e mesmo de infância, sob a forma de um pretenso humanismo que, na verdade, apenas mascarava novas formas de submissão. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBoth favorable and opposed discourses to the promulgation of the Brazilian Free Womb Law,
as well as the discourses about the implementation of other measures aiming the gradual
emancipation of black people were based on the same image: the slave as an element of
danger to his master and the society. This fact, as verified by the present work, strengthened
racial segregation and reinforced justifications for the arrangement of the black body as a
space for violent actions. Based on Lynn Hunt’s concept of empathy and autonomy; Susan
Buck-Morss' construction of multidimensional flow of information and political guilt; and the
analysis of 1870 to 1871 parliamentary discourses, pronounced at the Brazilian Senate, 1870
to 1900 criminal law suits, and other works of this period, this study aims to demonstrate that
discourses about underage black boys’ pretense criminalization (imminent and immanent),
built mainly from three conceptual axes (moderated punishment, discernment and moral
abandon), were crucial to form opinions and strengthen feelings based on fear. This resignified
the space of ideas of freedom, equality and even childhood, in the form of an alleged
humanism that in truth only hid new ways of submission
Avaliação da eficácia do programa de competências socioemocionais emocionarte - gps das emoções : um estudo no 1º ciclo do ensino básico
Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia da Educação e da Orientação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2018Ao longo dos anos, vários estudos realizados sobre o desenvolvimento de
competências de aprendizagem socioemocional têm atestado que a promoção deste tipo de
competências traz benefícios para a promoção da saúde e do bem-estar das crianças e dos
jovens, estando associada ao aumento de comportamentos pró-sociais, à redução de
problemas de comportamento e à melhoria dos resultados académicos.
Neste estudo, de abordagem quantitativa e desenho quasi-experimental, pretendeu-se
analisar a eficácia de um programa de competências socioemocionais – Emocionarte -
GPS das Emoções – em alunos do 1º ciclo. Para tal, foram avaliadas junto de vários
informantes cinco componentes de funcionamento dos alunos: o conhecimento emocional,
as competências sociais, o bem-estar, o comportamento antissocial e os resultados
escolares, em dois momentos diferentes, antes e após a aplicação do programa. A amostra
total foi composta por 85 alunos, os respetivos pais e 5 professoras de 1º ciclo do
Agrupamento de Escolas D. Sancho I, em Pontével (três professoras fizeram parte do
grupo experimental, e duas pertenceram ao grupo de controlo).
Os resultados da investigação confirmaram as relações entre as competências
socioemocionais, os problemas de comportamento e a realização académica no sentido em
que a exibição de competências sociais se associa a baixos níveis de problemas de
comportamento e a elevada realização académica. Revelaram também um decréscimo nas
três variáveis de Comportamento Antissocial e melhorias no Autocontrolo/Obediência, nos
alunos do grupo experimental entre T1 e T2. A comparação com os resultados dos alunos
do grupo de controlo dá suporte ao contributo do programa de competências
socioemocionais Emocionarte – GPS das Emoções para as melhorias verificadas nos
alunos do grupo de intervenção ao nível do autocontrolo/obediência, ao passo que o
decréscimo de comportamentos antissociais neles verificado poderá ter sido devido à
intervenção de outros fatores para além da intervenção.
No final da tese são referidas algumas limitações do estudo e pistas para estudos
posteriores.Over the years, several studies performed on the development of socio-emotional
learning have attested that the promotion of this type of skills brings benefits for the
promotion of health and well-being of children and young people, being associated with
the increase of social behaviors, the reduction of behavior problems and the improvement
of academic results.
This study aims to analyze the efficacy of a socio-emotional learning program –
Emocionarte - GPS das Emoções – with students at the first grade. Therefore, five
components of students were evaluated, involving several informants, with the –
Emotional knowledge, social skills, well-being, behavior, academic results - at two
different points in time: before and after the implementation of the program.
A quasi-experimental design was used, and the total sample of participants was
composed by eighty-five students, the respective parents and five 1st grade teachers from
D. Sancho I School, in Pontével (three teachers took part of the experimental group, while
the remaining two belonged to the control group).
The results of the research confirmed the relationship between socioemocional
skills, behavior problems and academic achievement in the sense that the display of social
skills is associated with low levels of behavior problems and the high academic
achievement. They also revealed a decrease in the three variables of antisocial behavior
and improvements in self-control/obedience, in the students of the experimental group
between T1 and T2. The comparison with the results of the students of the control group
supports the contribution of the socioemotional program Emocionarte – GPS das Emoções
for the improvements verified in the students of the intervention group at the level of selfcontrol/
obedience, while the decrease of antisocial behaviors verified in the intervention
group may have been due to the intervention of other factors other than the program.
Study limitations and cues for future studies are discussed and a reflection is made
on the role of the educational psychologist in supporting teachers in this area
Electrochemical study of butylate: application to the analysis of water
The electroactivity of butylate (BTL) is studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and
square wave voltammetry (SWV) at a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and
a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). Britton–Robinson buffer solutions
of pH 1.9–11.5 are used as supporting electrolyte. CV voltammograms using GCE
show a single anodic peak regarding the oxidation of BTL at +1.7V versus AgCl/
Ag, an irreversible process controlled by diffusion. Using a HMDE, a single
cathodic peak is observed, at 1.0V versus AgCl/Ag. The reduction of BTL is
irreversible and controlled by adsorption. Mechanism proposals are presented for
these redox transformations. Optimisation is carried out univaryingly. Linearity
ranges were 0.10–0.50 mmol L-1 and 2.0–9.0 µmolL-1 for anodic and cathodic
peaks, respectively. The proposed method is applied to the determination of BTL
in waters. Analytical results compare well with those obtained by an HPLC
Mudanças Pedagógicas no Ensino de Semiologia para Discentes de Medicina
As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais apontam para a necessidade de melhorias no contexto das praticas que envolvem o processo de ensino, dessa forma o ensino da semiologia médica precisa também se adequar as novas tendências para o atual contexto de ensino aprendizagem. O presente estudo delineia como objeto as mudanças pedagógicas no ensino de semiologia, traz como objetivo identificar novas estratégias de ensino e novos cenários de pratica medica. Trata-se de um estudo observacional descritivo cujo cenário foi o Curso de Medicina da Universidade Severino Sombra e os sujeitos envolvidos foram 65 alunos que cursavam o quarto período do curso e que tinham participado do Programa de Aproximação a Prática Médica desde o primeiro período do curso. A coleta de dados se deu por questionário estruturado e os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de continuidade nas mudanças ocorridas o que reforçam as recomendações das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação de Medicina, bem como vem corroborando com as melhorias no contexto das praticas pedagógicas e êxito na disciplina de semiologia medica
Patrón espacial de la legionelosis en España, 2003-2007
ResumenObjetivosAnalizar el patrón espacial de la legionelosis en España para hombres y mujeres durante el periodo 2003-2007, e identificar agrupamientos espaciales del riesgo.MétodosSe identificó el patrón espacial de la distribución de las tasas de legionelosis a partir del cálculo de las tasas por municipio por el método directo. Se realizó el suavizado de estas tasas por el método Empirical Bayes para estudiar el patrón espacial de la enfermedad, para ambos sexos. Se utilizó el índice de correlación espacial de Moran para analizar la autocorrelación global de las tasas. Localmente se utilizó el índice local de Moran (LISA) para analizar los agrupamientos (clusters) de municipios con mayor riesgo.ResultadosUna vez suavizado el riesgo, las mayores tasas (más de 50 por 100.000 habitantes) se agrupan en las zonas costeras del Mediterráneo oriental y en el norte de la Península, así como en los territorios insulares del Mediterráneo. El índice de Moran de las tasas suavizadas es 0,15 para los hombres y 0,23 para las mujeres. Las agrupaciones espaciales de las tasas más altas estadísticamente significativas calculadas mediante el LISA se distribuyen en el eje norte-levante para ambos sexos.ConclusionesEstos métodos de análisis espacial permiten identificar los patrones de distribución de la enfermedad. Los métodos empleados presentan resultados similares. Estas técnicas son una herramienta complementaria para la vigilancia epidemiológica de las enfermedades infecciosas.AbstractObjectivesTo analyze the spatial pattern of legionellosis in Spain for men and women during the period 2003-2007 and to identify spatial clustering of risk.MethodsWe identified the spatial pattern of the distribution of legionellosis rates based on calculation of rates by municipality through the direct method. Smoothing of these rates was performed by the Empirical Bayes method for studying the spatial pattern of disease for both sexes. We used Morańs index to analyze spatial autocorrelation rates globally. To calculate local rates, the Local Moran's Index [known as local indicators of spatial association (LISA)], was used to analyze the clusters of municipalities with the highest risk.ResultsAfter smoothing the risk, the highest rates (over 50 per 100,000 inhabitants) were grouped in the eastern Mediterranean coastal areas and the north of the mainland, as well as in the Mediterranean islands. Moran's index smoothed rates were 0.15 for men and 0.23 for women. The spatial clusters of statistically significant higher rates calculated by the LISA index were distributed in the north and east for both sexes.ConclusionsThese methods of spatial analysis allow patterns of disease distribution to be identified. All the methods used yielded similar results. These techniques are a complementary tool for epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases
Antagonistic effect of Trichoderma isolates and its metabolites against Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum in chickpea / Efeito antagonista de isolados de Trichoderma e seus metabólitos contra Fusarium solani e F. oxysporum em grão-de-bico
The aim of this work was to study and select Trichoderma sp. strains with biocontrol potential against Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum, the causal agents of root rot and wilt in chickpea. Antagonism against pathogenic isolates of F. solani and F. oxysporum of twenty-one isolates of Trichoderma sp. obtained from the rhizosphere of chickpea plants were evaluated in vitro through competition in dual culture tests as well as the production of volatile and non-volatile organic compounds exhibiting fungicidal and/or fungistatic activity. In the in vivo experiment, four isolates of Trichoderma sp. were selected and their antagonism was evaluated separately and combined with a commercial product based on T. asperellum under greenhouse conditions. Trichoderma sp. isolates were efficient competitors and produced metabolites capable of inhibiting mycelial growth of both species of Fusarium. Our results show the great versatility of the mechanisms of action from Trichoderma isolates, mainly associated with the production of volatile organic compounds. Despite the antagonistic effect of Trichoderma isolates observed in vitro, these isolates did not control Fusarium neither promote chickpea growth in in vivo conditions.
Electrochemical chemically based sensors and emerging enzymatic biosensors for antidepressant drug detection: a review
Major depressive disorder is a widespread condition with antidepressants as the main pharmacological treatment. However, some patients experience concerning adverse reactions or have an inadequate response to treatment. Analytical chromatographic techniques, among other techniques, are valuable tools for investigating medication complications, including those associated with antidepressants. Nevertheless, there is a growing need to address the limitations associated with these techniques. In recent years, electrochemical (bio)sensors have garnered significant attention due to their lower cost, portability, and precision. Electrochemical (bio)sensors can be used for various applications related to depression, such as monitoring the levels of antidepressants in biological and in environmental samples. They can provide accurate and rapid results, which could facilitate personalized treatment and improve patient outcomes. This state-of-the-art literature review aims to explore the latest advancements in the electrochemical detection of antidepressants. The review focuses on two types of electrochemical sensors: Chemically modified sensors and enzyme-based biosensors. The referred papers are carefully categorized according to their respective sensor type. The review examines the differences between the two sensing methods, highlights their unique features and limitations, and provides an in-depth analysis of each sensor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Chemically modified electrodes for the detection of antidepressants
Major depressive disorder is a widespread condition with antidepressants as the main pharmacological treatment. However, some patients experience concerning adverse reactions or have an inadequate response to treatment. Analytical chromatographic techniques, among other techniques, are valuable tools for investigating medication complications, including those associated with antidepressants. Nevertheless, there is a growing need to address the limitations associated with these techniques. In recent years, electrochemical (bio)sensors have garnered significant attention due to their lower cost, portability, and precision. Electrochemical (bio)sensors can be used for various applications related to depression, such as monitoring the levels of antidepressants in biological and in environmental samples. They can provide accurate and rapid results, which could facilitate personalized treatment and improve patient outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Implementação de um Modelo de Supervisão Clínica em Enfermagem - Manual Prático
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