138 research outputs found

    Demandas de representação e comunicação no Facebook: análise de fanpages de organizações indigenistas

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    Este artigo consiste em análise de conteúdo das fanpages das organizações Mobilização Nacional Indígena e Conselho Indigenista Missionário na rede social Facebook, entre agosto e novembro de 2017, considerando a proposta dos elementos de cultura de comunicação on-line de Kavada (2013) e identificação de demandas de representação (representative claim) segundo Saward (2010). Os resultados indicam que as organizações levantam demandas semelhantes, como a demarcação de terras indígenas, mas têm diferenças em relação à abordagem dos conteúdos, fins e funções da comunicação, o que abre espaço para problemas quanto à representação política não eleitoral de povos indígenas.Representative claims and communication on Facebook: indigenists organizations fan pages analysisAbstractThis article consists of content analysis of the fan pages of the organizations Mobilização Nacional Indígena and Conselho Indigenista Missionário on the Facebook, between August and November 2017, considering the proposal of the elements of Kavada's online communication culture (2013) and identification of representative claims (SAWARD, 2010). The results indicate that the organizations raise similar demands, such as the demarcation of indigenous lands, but have differences in relation to the approach to the contents and purposes and functions of communication, which opens space for problems regarding the non-electoral political representation of indigenous peoples.Keywords: indigenous movement; Facebook; political representation; communication culture

    Longitudinal changes of functional capacities among adolescent female basketball players

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    Background: The interpretation of young athletes’ performance during pubertal years is important to support coaches’ decisions, as performance may be erroneously interpreted due to the misalignment between chronological age (CA), biological age (BA) and sport age (SA). Aim: Using a Bayesian multilevel approach, the variation in longitudinal changes in performance was examined considering the influence of CA, BA (age at menarche), SA, body size, and exposure to training among female basketball players. Method: The study had a mixed-longitudinal design. Thirty eight female basketball players (aged 13.38 ± 1.25 years at baseline) were measured three times per season. CA, BA and SA were obtained. Anthropometric and functional measures: countermovement jump, Line drill (LD), Yo-Yo (Yo-Yo IR1). Based on the sum of the z-scores, an index of overall performance was estimated. The effects of training on longitudinal changes in performance were modeled. Results: A decrease in the rate of improvements was apparent at about 14 years of age. When aligned for BA, the slowing of the rate of improvements is apparent about 2 years after menarche for LD. For countermovement jump longitudinal changes, when performance was aligned for BA improvements became linear. For Yo-Yo IR1 and performance index, both indicators showed a linear trend of improvement when aligned for CA and BA, separately. Older players showed higher rates of improvement for Yo-Yo IR1 and performance index from pre-season to end-season. When considering performance changes aligned for BA it was apparent an improvement of performance as players became biologically mature. Conclusions and Implications: The alignment of CA with BA and SA provides important information for coaches. Human growth follows a genetically determined pattern, despite variation in both tempo and timing. When the effects of maturation reach their end, all the girls went through the same process. Hence, there is no need to artificially manipulate youth competitions in order to accelerate gains that sooner or later reach their peak and tend to flat their improvement curve

    High-Protein bar Supplemented with Chia Seed Improves Lipidemic Parameters in Wistar Rats

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    Chia (Salvia hispanical.) seeds are known to have high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and fiber. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a High-Protein Bar (PB) supplemented with chia seed added to the feed on the organs, tissues, and biochemical parameters of male Wistar adult rats (n=32) divided into four groups (n=8), namely group I (ration + 20% chia seeds); group II (ration + PB without chia seeds); group III (ration + 20% PB containing 15% chia seed); group IV (ration + 20% PB containing 20% chia seeds). The shelf-life of PBs was assessed during 45 days in terms of texture, color, and antioxidant activity using the \u3b2-carotene/linoleic acid assay. The centesimal composition of the formulations showed a significantly higher value of fiber offered to group I. Animals of groups III and IV showed a lower consumption of the ration (p<0.05), while those of group I lower weight of the heart as well as of retroperitoneal, epididymal and perirenal tissues (p<0.05). The biochemical parameters showed a significant improvement (p<0.05) in testosterone levels in groups that received the rations partially replaced by chia seed-containing PB. In addition, group II, which received the ration enriched with PB without chia seed, showed the highest serum triacylglycerol value, highlighting the important role of chia seeds on lipidemic parameters. It is worth mentioning that more in-depth studies must be carried out to validate the results obtained in the current study

    Archives as places of memory through archival diffusion

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    Este artigo visa fazer uma reflexão sobre como a difusão arquivística pode auxiliar na efetivação dos arquivos enquanto lugares de memória. Problematiza esta visão, uma vez que ressalta a importância dos arquivos como espaços para disseminação de informações e memória. Da mesma forma, contri- bui para as pesquisas em torno da difusão arquivística, propondo uma análise sobre a importância desta função no processo de efetivação dos arquivos como espaços com duplo papel de lugar de informação e de memória coletiva e individual. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa com uma pes- quisa bibliográfica, que utilizou como fontes de informação livros e artigos sobre o tema. Observou- se que os lugares de memória não são impostos, são construídos a partir de uma identificação das pessoas com o lugar, já que a afirmação de uma identidade e o sentimento de identificação e perten- cimento com um lugar são basilares para a efetivação de um lugar como de memória. Entende-se que a aura simbólica necessária para efetivação dos arquivos como lugares de memória, perpassa o tratamento adequado do acervo custodiado nas instituições. Quanto às conclusões, percebe-se nos arquivos todas as ferramentas para que estes sejam eleitos como lugares de memória. No entanto, compreende-se que a difusão é condição de possibilidade necessária e fundamental no processo de efetivação dos arquivos como lugares de memória.This article aims to reflect on how archival diffusion can help to make archives effective as places of memory. It problematizes this view, since it emphasizes the importance of archives as spaces for the dissemination of information and memory. Likewise, it contributes to research on archival diffusion, proposing an analysis of the importance of this function in the process of making archives effective as spaces with a dual role as a place of information and collective and individual memory. The method- ology used is qualitative with bibliographical research that used as sources of information books and articles on the subject. It was observed that places of memory are not imposed, they are built from an identification of people with the place, since the affirmation of an identity and the feeling of identifi- cation and belonging to a place are fundamental for the realization of a place. as from memory. It is understood that the symbolic aura necessary for the realization of the archives as places of memory, permeates the proper treatment of the collection held in the institutions. As for the conclusions, one can see in the archives all the tools for them to be elected as places of memory. However, it is under- stood that diffusion is a necessary and fundamental condition of possibility in the process of making archives effective as places of memory


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    Incêndios em vegetação não ocorrem apenas em ambientes naturais, eles podem ocorrer também, em áreas urbanas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar descritivamente os dados das ocorrências de incêndio em vegetação, no perímetro urbano de Altamira no período de 2011 a 2020 e verificar as correlações entre as ocorrências e variáveis meteorológicas. Para a realização dessa pesquisa foram utilizados os dados das ocorrências atendidas pelo CBMPA, 9º GBM, registradas no SISCOB. Do total de ocorrências 8,88% são referentes à incêndios, e destes, 57,91% são relativos à incêndio em vegetação. A tipologias de incêndio em vegetação registradas são genéricas, sendo “mato” o tipo mais frequente. As seis localidades que apresentaram os maiores números, juntas representam cerca de um terço do total de ocorrências no período estudado. O número de ocorrências apresentou uma correlação forte e negativa (-0,83) com precipitação, forte e positiva (0,86) com a temperatura e muito forte e negativa (-0,95) com a umidade relativa do ar. Os casos de incêndio em vegetação ocorreram nos meses em que as variáveis meteorológicas se mostravam propícias para tal, revelando a necessidade de se criar campanhas e/ou ações preventivas, principalmente nesse período, para conscientização da população em relação ao uso do fogo.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Corpo de Bombeiros; SISCOB; Amazônia

    Heterofucan from Sargassum filipendula Induces Apoptosis in HeLa Cells

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    Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in sulfated l-fucose. Heterofucan SF-1.5v was extracted from the brown seaweed Sargassum filipendula by proteolytic digestion followed by sequential acetone precipitation. This fucan showed antiproliferative activity on Hela cells and induced apoptosis. However, SF-1.5v was not able to activate caspases. Moreover, SF-1.5v induced glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) activation, but this protein is not involved in the heterofucan SF-1.5v induced apoptosis mechanism. In addition, ERK, p38, p53, pAKT and NFκB were not affected by the presence of SF-1.5v. We determined that SF-1.5v induces apoptosis in HeLa mainly by mitochondrial release of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) into cytosol. In addition, SF-1.5v decreases the expression of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and increased expression of apoptogenic protein Bax. These results are significant in that they provide a mechanistic framework for further exploring the use of SF-1.5v as a novel chemotherapeutics against human cervical cancer