334 research outputs found

    Jacques le Fataliste: dialogismo, antifinalismo, espinosismo e o desejo moderno

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    Jacques le fataliste, a novel by Diderot, raises some philosophical questions pertaining to formal structures that refer to a way of thinking by means of transgressions. The dialogism is intense and rapid and refers to the apparent omnipotence of the narrator which is actually limited (a paradox between infinite and finite ideas formally integrated in the novel). Likewise, the finalism (teleology) and the abstractionism, typical of the Eastern philosophy, are contested in the formal level of this narrative. The practice of scientific “demonstration,” or the couple cause-effect, is shaped as if it is attuned to the thought of Spinoza, for whom the body (concrete dimension) is inseparable from abstracts levels (philosophical and religious doctrines), mediated by language, a sliding moderator between the two levels. Therefore, we analyze the apparently banal acts of repetition of the characters – the snuffbox and the clock of the master and the canteen of Jacques – as elements of the subjective self-organization of the individual, approaching them to concepts from psychoanalysis (the symptom) and philosophy (the ritornello).O romance Jacques le fataliste, de Diderot, traz um feixe de questões filosóficas ligadas a estruturas formais que remetem a um modo de pensar por meio de transgressões. O dialogismo é intenso e veloz, e remete a uma aparente onipotência do narrador que, na verdade, revela-se limitada (paradoxo entre infinito e finitude, incrustado formalmente na obra). Do mesmo modo, o finalismo (teleologia) e o abstracionismo típico da filosofia ocidental são contestados no próprio nível formal. Expedientes como a crítica à “demonstração” científica, ou ao par causa-efeito ganham uma conformação sintonizada com o pensamento de Espinosa, segundo o qual o corpo (concretude) é inseparável das camadas abstratas (doutrinas filosóficas ou religiosas), mediadas pela linguagem, esta última sendo uma mediadora deslizante entre os dois níveis. Nesse âmbito, considera-se a repetição aparentemente banal e identitária dos personagens – a caixa de rapé e o relógio do patrão, bem como o cantil de Jacques – como elementos de uma prática de auto-organização subjetiva do indivíduo, aproximando-os de conceitos psicanalíticos (sintoma) e filosóficos (ritornello)

    Sade contra o amor incondicional: o limiar da modernidade em “Les crimes de l’amour”

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    Rousseau, sade e casanova: estratégias de sensibilité pura e de libertinagem artificiosa

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    The article is an analysis of the narrative strategies of J.-J. Rousseau, D.F.A. Sade and G. Casanova regarding the conceptions of love and desire, related to the “truths of heart” and “illusionist excess”. From the idea of a rural autonomy in La Nouvelle Heloise by Rousseau – with its moralizing contraposition in relation to the artifices of the rural surroundings – such as sumptuous parties as love’s proof (or desire), in La double épreuve, by Sade, what is evaluated is the ethos of sensibility versus the libertine. The first one establishes the modern subjective positiveness; the second one fights against it in the name of the modern notion in constitution of desire and seduction. In Histoire de ma vie, Casanova proposes an alternative route, with the conception neither moralizing nor cerebral of the loving erotic encounter. It indicates a type of pleasure in the multiplicity of the moment, with no urge to domination. We point out to some consequences of these oppositions in the constitution of modern subjectivity.Análise das estratégias narrativas de J.-J. Rousseau, D.F.A. Sade e G. Casanova no que toca às concepções de amor e desejo, relacionadas às de “verdade do coração” e “excesso ilusionista”. Da ideia de autarquia rural, em La Nouvelle Heloïse, de Rousseau – com sua contraposição moralizante aos artifícios do meio urbano –, à de festas suntuosas como provas de amor (ou desejo), em La double épreuve, de Sade, o que se avalia é o ethos da sensibilité versus o libertino. O primeiro estabelece a positividade subjetiva moderna; o segundo a combate em nome da noção moderna, em constituição, do desejo e da sedução. Em Histoire de ma vie, Casanova propõe uma via alternativa, com a concepção nem moralizante, nem cerebral do encontro erótico-amoroso. Indica um modo de prazer na multiplicidade do aqui-e-agora, sem ganas de dominação. Apontamos consequências desses embates na constituição da subjetividade moderna

    Como narrar o banal? – Jacques le fataliste sem destino e sem juízo final

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    Procuramos mostrar que conceitos enunciados pelo Diderot dos escritos teórico-críticos, como o Paradoxe sur le comédien ou a Entretien entre d’Alembert et Diderot, ajudam a esclarecer a complexa figuração do romance Jacques le fataliste et son maître. Essa última constituiria uma espécie de tratado sobre a própria mimese e a possibilidade de narrar em momento de mutação cultural ampla.Trata-se de perceber como o novo foco na consciência individual como base do romance, e a estrutura do “pergaminho já escrito nos céus” integra uma nova forma narrativa em que a onisciência e a impotência individual interagem paradoxalmente. Essa estrutura complexa aponta para um vazio da mimese, em que o narrar não tem mais as balizas nem do destino mitológico, nem da seta teleológica do juízo final, restando a ele tratar do aqui-e-agora banal e arriscado do agir.

    Les années 1720 et leur répercussion subjective: la dématérialisation des valeurs et la Mimesis du quotidien aggravé

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    In the same period in which occurs the failure of the economic plan created by the Scotsman John Law, the Law’s System, that was the first speculative model of modern eastern culture, the novels by Marivaux and Prévost are published in France. They bring a « new realism ». The concept of realism in E. Auerbach helps us to analyze the aesthetic transformations in the fictional prose of that time. The goal is to address the aggravation of the representation of the human risk in the here and now, equalizing and making the characters and their actions « common » which do not structure themselves anymore from a teleological or biblical interpretation.The theatre by Marivaux and the dramatic theory by Diderot, with the concepts of « condition » and « tableau », help us to examine this moment of aesthetic change in the fictional narrative.Le moment de l’économie française de l’échec du plan créé par l’écossais John Law (le Système de Law), premier modèle spéculatif occidental moderne, c’est le même qui voit surgir les romans de Marivaux et Prévost. C’est le « nouveau réalisme ». Le concept de réalisme par E. Auerbach peut nous aider à analyser la transformation esthétique de la prose fictionnelle de l’époque. C’était le cas d’aggraver la représentation du risque humain dans l’ ici-et-maintenant, en égalant et faisant « communs » les caractères et leurs actions, qui ne se structurent plus à partir d’une téléologie ou interprétation biblique. Le théâtre de Marivaux et la théorie dramatique de Diderot, avec les concepts de « condition » et « tableau », nous aident à examiner le moment de changement esthétique du récit de fiction

    Longitudinal changes of functional capacities among adolescent female basketball players

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    Background: The interpretation of young athletes’ performance during pubertal years is important to support coaches’ decisions, as performance may be erroneously interpreted due to the misalignment between chronological age (CA), biological age (BA) and sport age (SA). Aim: Using a Bayesian multilevel approach, the variation in longitudinal changes in performance was examined considering the influence of CA, BA (age at menarche), SA, body size, and exposure to training among female basketball players. Method: The study had a mixed-longitudinal design. Thirty eight female basketball players (aged 13.38 ± 1.25 years at baseline) were measured three times per season. CA, BA and SA were obtained. Anthropometric and functional measures: countermovement jump, Line drill (LD), Yo-Yo (Yo-Yo IR1). Based on the sum of the z-scores, an index of overall performance was estimated. The effects of training on longitudinal changes in performance were modeled. Results: A decrease in the rate of improvements was apparent at about 14 years of age. When aligned for BA, the slowing of the rate of improvements is apparent about 2 years after menarche for LD. For countermovement jump longitudinal changes, when performance was aligned for BA improvements became linear. For Yo-Yo IR1 and performance index, both indicators showed a linear trend of improvement when aligned for CA and BA, separately. Older players showed higher rates of improvement for Yo-Yo IR1 and performance index from pre-season to end-season. When considering performance changes aligned for BA it was apparent an improvement of performance as players became biologically mature. Conclusions and Implications: The alignment of CA with BA and SA provides important information for coaches. Human growth follows a genetically determined pattern, despite variation in both tempo and timing. When the effects of maturation reach their end, all the girls went through the same process. Hence, there is no need to artificially manipulate youth competitions in order to accelerate gains that sooner or later reach their peak and tend to flat their improvement curve