840 research outputs found
The relation of perceptual factors and speed of handwriting to spelling ability.
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit
Zincate-free, electroless nickel deposition on aluminum bond pads
A zincate-free electroless nickel deposition on aluminum bond pads is investigated. A three-step, etch, rinse, and electroless plating, is demonstrated for deposition on aluminum bond pads patterned with polyimide. The chemicals used are compatible with this dielectric material. The deposition has been achieved with good selectivity, uniformity, and deposition rate at 40 × 40 μ m aluminum bond pads. The adhesion and contact resistance were also determined and improved through anneals in the range 200-400°C for 1 h. The optimized condition for adhesion and contact resistance was an anneal at 400°C. The combination of a nickel hypophosphite reducing agent and the additives used leads to an active plating bath in the early stages of deposition, by comparison with commercial solutions, and hence, good coverage of the aluminum bond pad using the simplified process
The epidemiology of hostel rugby injuries at Stellenbosch University
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The contact nature of rugby means that players are at a high risk of injury (Quarrie & Hopkins, 2008). Almost every area of the body is at risk of injury and severity of injury ranges from mild to catastrophic. Injury data pertaining to South African university hostel level players have, however, not been investigated previously. Injuries may have a negative impact on the future opportunities in work and sport for these students. Knowledge of the nature and prevalence of injuries amongst these players will facilitate the development of preventative strategies to mitigate the occurrence of injuries.
The aim of this study was to describe the nature and prevalence of hostel rugby injuries sustained during matches at Stellenbosch University during the 2011 to 2013 seasons.
A retrospective cohort study design was used. The data concerning injuries that occurred during ‘hostel’ rugby matches during 2011 and 2013 were captured on a modified BOKSMART injury surveillance form and entered into an electronic database for analysis (Fuller et al., 2007c). In addition, match fixture data was obtained from the MATIES Rugby Club to enable the reporting of data per 1000 hours of match play.
During 2011 - 2013 hostel seasons, there were 335 injuries which correlated to an injury rate of 17.5/1000 playing hours. Two hundred and thirty three (233) time-loss injuries and 102 medical attention injuries were reported. The head (24%), face (23%), shoulder (13%) and knee (10%) were the body parts most affected and the tackle was the phase of play where most injuries occurred (n = 199; 59.4%). The most common injuries were lacerations (23.6%), joint injuries (16.1%), concussions (15.5%) and ligament injuries (11.9%). Forwards sustained more injuries compared to backs (172 vs 160) and the specific positions that proved most vulnerable were the flanks, centres, left wings, hookers and fullbacks. Most injuries were of moderate severity (resulting in 8-28 days missed) which could have a significant impact in an academic environment. Hostel players may be at higher risk due to long mid-season breaks and lack of conditioning programs in their respective teams (Kaplan et al., 2008).
Hostel players have a similar injury prevalence rate when compared to school boy players and a lower rate when compared to club, provincial and national players (Palmer-Green, et al., 2013; Fuller et al., 2013). They are, however, a distinctive population who are affected by a range of unique risk factors such as lack of conditioning and academic pressure. There is a definite need for prevention strategies in this division of players because injuries may have an effect on their academic performances which in turn may affect their future careers.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kontak aard van rugby lei tot 'n hoë risiko van besering (Quarrie & Hopkins, 2008). Byna elke deel van die liggaam het ‘n risiko vir besering en die erns van die besering wissel van matig tot katastrofies. Beseringsdata met betrekking tot koshuisliga spelers aan ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit is nog nie voorheen bestudeer nie. Beserings kan 'n negatiewe impak op die toekomstige geleenthede vir ‘n student hê. Kennis van die aard en die voorkoms van beserings onder hierdie spelers sal die ontwikkeling van voorkomende strategieë fasiliteer en moontlik die voorkoms van beserings verminder.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die aard en voorkoms van koshuisliga rugbybeserings tydens wedstryde aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch vanaf 2011 tot 2013 te beskryf.
'n Retrospektiewe kohort studie ontwerp is gebruik. Beserings wat tydens koshuisliga rugbywedstryde in 2011, 2012 en 2013 plaasgevind het is op 'n aangepaste BOKSMART beseringsvorm aangedui en is by wyse van ‘n elektroniese databasis geanaliseer (Fuller et al., 2007c). Daarbenewens is inligting rondom wedstryde vanaf die Maties-rugbyklub verkry om die beskrywing van data per 1000 wedstrydure moontlik te maak.
Gedurende die 2011 - 2013 koshuisliga seisoene was die beseringskoers 17.5/1000 speelure. Een honderd nege en sestig (169) beserings het speeltyd ingekort en 84 beserings het mediese aandag vereis. Die kop (24%), gesig (23%), skouer (13%) en knie (10%) was die liggaamsdele wat die meeste geraak is en die meeste beserings het tydens duikslae plaasgevind (199; 59.4%). Die mees algemene beserings was laserasies (23.6%), gewrigsbeserings (16.1%), harsingskudding (15.5%), en ligamentbeserings (11.9%). Voorspelers (172) het meer beserings opgedoen as agterspelers (160) en die spesifieke posisies wat mees kwesbaar was, was die flanke, senters, linkervleuels, hakers en heelagters. Die meeste beserings was van matige erns (8-28 dae speeltyd gemis) wat 'n beduidende impak in 'n akademiese omgewing kan hê. Koshuislliga spelers mag ‘n hoër risiko vir beserings hê as gevolg van die lang mid-seisoen breek en die gebrek aan kondisioneringsprogramme in hul onderskeie spanne (Kaplan et al., 2008).
Koshuisliga spelers het 'n soortgelyke besering voorkomssyfer as skoolseunspelers en 'n laer koers as klub, provinsiale en nasionale spelers (Palmer-Green et al., 2013; Fuller et al., 2012). Hulle is egter 'n eiesoortige populasie wat deur ‘n verskeidenheid unieke risikofaktore geraak word, byvoorbeeld die gebrek aan kondisionering en akademiese druk. Daar is 'n besliste behoefte aan voorkomingstrategieë vir hierdie vlak spelers, aangesien beserings 'n invloed op hul akademiese prestasie kan hê en uiteindelik hul toekomstige loopbane nadelig kan beïnvloed
Mechanisms of personality-targeted intervention effects on adolescent alcohol misuse, internalising and externalising symptoms
Objective: This study aims to explore the mechanisms of personality-targeted
intervention effects on problematic drinking, internalising and externalising symptoms.
Method: As part of a cluster-randomised trial, 1210 high-risk students (mean age 13.7
years) in 19 London high schools (42.6% white, 54% male) were identified using the
Substance Use Risk Profile Scale. Intervention school participants were invited to
participate in personality-matched interventions by trained school staff. MacKinnon’s
products of coefficients method was used to compare three complementary mechanism
hypotheses, namely, whether early changes in i) alcohol use, ii) internalising and
externalising symptoms or iii) personality during the 6 months post-intervention
accounted for intervention effects over 2 years.
Results: Early intervention effects on drinking behaviours during the 6 months postintervention
partially accounted for longer term intervention effects on the onset of binge
drinking (95% CI -.349 to -.062) and drinking problems (95% CI -.206 to -.016) over 2
years. Intervention effects on anxiety symptoms and conduct problems were partially
mediated by early reductions in depressive symptoms (95% CI -.013 to -.001; 95% CI -
.047 to -.001), and intervention effects on internalising symptoms were also partially
mediated by reductions in anxiety sensitivity (95% CI -.003 to 0).
Conclusions: 2 year intervention effects on problematic drinking were largely accounted
for by early changes in drinking behaviours, and were not mediated by changes in mental
health symptoms or personality risk factors. Early improvements in mood and anxiety
sensitivity partially mediated longer term reductions in mental health problems
The effect of G-seat tactile cueing on linear motion perception
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 67-68).by Patricia Barrett Schmidt.M.S
Predictors of disorganized states of mind with regard to trauma in mothers with maltreatment histories
Disorganization is understood as a lack of cognitive and emotional integration of traumatic experiences (Main & Morgan, 1996). Disorganized states of mind appear to be particularly salient to parenting outcomes and represent an important psychological construct for understanding the consequences of child maltreatment and may be particularly important during the postpartum period (Ballen, et al., 2010; Lyons-Ruth & Jacobvitz, 2008; Kanotra, et al., 2007; Kaufman & Zigler, 1987).
Characteristics of child maltreatment and demographic characteristics have been linked to both disorganization and psychological symptoms of PTSD and depression (Bailey, et al., 2007; Banyard, et al., 2001; Davis, et al., 2008; Riggs & Jacobvitz, 2002; Simon, et al., 2008). A small body of research supports the theory that symptoms of PTSD are linked to and possibly maintain disorganized states of mind (Liotti, 1992; Fearon & Mansell, 2001; Simon et al., 2008; Stovall-McClough & Cloitre, 2006). Experiencing depression has also been linked to disorganization, however this relationship is less well understood (Borelli, et al., 2010; Ivarsson, et al., 2010). The current study assessed the presence and frequency of indicators of disorganization and disorganized classification. This study also investigated associations between maltreatment characteristics, demographic risk, and the persistence of psychological symptoms (PTSD and depression) and disorganized states of mind with respect to maltreatment in a sample of new mothers. Indicators of disorganization were common and demonstrated adequate variability. 43% of the sample was classified as disorganized. Experiencing sexual abuse by a non-caregiver within one developmental period was associated with being classified as disorganized as well as the severity of disorganization scores. Demographic characteristics were not related to disorganization. Results also revealed that the persistence of symptoms of depression, but not PTSD, during the postpartum period predicted disorganized classification. The current study provides important information about the frequency of disorganized states of mind as well as links to maltreatment characteristics and symptoms of depression during the postpartum period
An investigation of space suit mobility with applications to EVA operations
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-196).The primary aim of this thesis is to advance the current understanding of astronauts' capabilities and limitations in space-suited extravehicular activity (EVA) by compiling a detailed database of the torques needed to bend the joints of a space suit, developing models of the mechanics of space suit joints based on experimental data, and utilizing these models to estimate a human factors performance metric, the work envelope for space suited EVA work. A detailed space suit joint torque-angle database is compiled in a novel experimental approach that uses space-suited human test subjects to generate realistic, multi-joint motions, which are used to drive an instrumented robot to measure the torques required to accomplish the motions in a pressurized space suit. Based on the experimental data, a mathematical model using the Preisach hysteresis modeling technique is developed to predict joint torque from the joint angle history. Two physics-based models describing the bending load-deflection characteristics of pressurized fabric cylinders were compared to the experimental space suit data. The beam model assumes that bending deflections are completely attributable to elongation of the fabric cylinder wall, while the membrane model assumes that the fabric never stretches.(cont.) The experimental data corresponds closely with the membrane model, implying that space suit joint stiffness is primarily determined by volume changes as the joint bends and the resulting compression of the gas inside the space suit. The space suit models were applied in a computational work envelope analysis to determine the volume in which a space-suited astronaut can comfortably work. A new method that uses inverse kinematics and the space suit model to calculate a work envelope based on visibility constraints and human strength limits is developed. Sensitivity analysis of the work envelope indicates that improving shoulder mobility and upward and downward visibility enlarge the space-suited work envelope.by Patricia Barrett Schmidt.Ph.D
The role of nurse specialists in the delivery of integrated diabetes care: a cross-sectional survey of diabetes nurse specialist services
Objectives: International evidence suggests the diabetes nurse specialist (DNS) has a key role in supporting integrated management of diabetes. We examine whether hospital and community DNS currently support the integration of care, examine regional variation in aspects of the service relevant to the delivery of integrated care and identify barriers to service delivery and areas for improvement. Design: A cross-sectional survey of hospital and community-based DNS in Ireland. Methods: Between September 2015 and April 2016, a 67-item online survey, comprising closed and open questions on their clinical role, diabetes clinics, multidisciplinary working, and barriers and facilitators to service delivery, was administered to all eligible DNS (n=152) in Ireland. DNS were excluded if they were retired or on maternity leave or extended leave. Results: The response rate was 66.4% (n=101): 60.6% (n=74) and 89.3% (n=25) among hospital and community DNS, respectively. Most DNS had patients with stable (81.8%) and complicated type 2 diabetes mellitus (89.9%) attending their service. The majority were delivering nurse-led clinics (81.1%). Almost all DNS had a role liaising with (91%), and providing support and education to (95%), other professionals. However, only a third reported that there was local agreement on how their service should operate between the hospital and primary care. Barriers to service delivery that were experienced by DNS included deficits in the availability of specialist staff (allied health professionals, endocrinologists and DNS), insufficient space for clinics, structured education and issues with integration. Conclusions: Delivering integrated diabetes care through a nurse specialist-led approach requires that wider service issues, including regional disparities in access to specialist resources and formalising agreements and protocols on multidisciplinary working between settings, be explicitly addressed
Avian cerebellar floccular fossa size is not a proxy for flying ability in birds
Extinct animal behavior has often been inferred from qualitative assessments of relative brain region size in fossil endocranial casts. For instance, flight capability in pterosaurs and early birds has been inferred from the relative size of the cerebellar flocculus, which in life protrudes from the lateral surface of the cerebellum. A primary role of the flocculus is to integrate sensory information about head rotation and translation to stabilize visual gaze via the vestibulo-occular reflex (VOR). Because gaze stabilization is a critical aspect of flight, some authors have suggested that the flocculus is enlarged in flying species. Whether this can be further extended to a floccular expansion in highly maneuverable flying species or floccular reduction in flightless species is unknown. Here, we used micro computed-tomography to reconstruct “virtual” endocranial casts of 60 extant bird species, to extract the same level of anatomical information offered by fossils. Volumes of the floccular fossa and entire brain cavity were measured and these values correlated with four indices of flying behavior. Although a weak positive relationship was found between floccular fossa size and brachial index, no significant relationship was found between floccular fossa size and any other flight mode classification. These findings could be the result of the bony endocranium inaccurately reflecting the size of the neural flocculus, but might also reflect the importance of the flocculus for all modes of locomotion in birds. We therefore conclude that the relative size of the flocculus of endocranial casts is an unreliable predictor of locomotor behavior in extinct birds, and probably also pterosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs
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