6 research outputs found

    Factors related to the presence of large for gestational age newborns in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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    PURPOSE: to evaluate factors related to the presence of neonatal macrosomia in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS: 157 pregnant women presenting gestational diabetes mellitus in follow-up were retrospectively selected from January 2004 to July 2006. This group has been divided into two subgroups: one with newborns with weight in accordance with the gestational age (n=136) and another with macrosomic newborns (n=21). Maternal characteristics have been compared between the groups. The t-Student test was used for the analysis of equality hypothesis between the averages of the two groups, and chi-square test, to check the groups' homogeneity concerning ratios. RESULTS: the groups did not show any significant difference concerning the gestational age, body mass index, weight gain along the gestation, number of previous pregnancies, fast glycemia in the oral glucose tolerance test after the ingestion of 75 g (TOTG 75 g), gestational age at delivery, glycemic values during the treatment, and the type of treatment used (p>0.05). In the group with neonatal macrosomia, there was a higher two-hour-glycemia in the TOTG 75 g (p=0.02), higher gestational age at the treatment onset (p=0.02), and a lower number of appointments at the health service (p0,05). No grupo com recém-nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional, observou-se valor de glicemia de duas horas no TOTG 75 g maior (p=0,02), a idade gestacional de início de tratamento maior (p=0,02), e um número menor de consultas realizadas no serviço (p<0,01). Ajustando-se a um modelo de regressão logística, foi encontrado, no valor da glicemia de duas horas do TOTG 75 g, o fator de maior importância (p<0,01) na predição de recém-nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional. CONCLUSÕES: os fatores que se relacionam melhor com a ocorrência de recém-nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional foram o início tardio do tratamento e, consequentemente, o menor número de consultas e, principalmente, o maior valor da glicemia de duas horas no TOTG 75 g.Universidade da Região de JoinvilleHospital Dona HelenaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Hospital da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de ObstetríciaHospital Dona Helena Hospital da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESP, Hospital da UNIFESP, Depto. de ObstetríciaHospital Dona Helena Hospital da UNIFESPSciEL

    Integração de sensoriamento remoto, aerogeofísica e análise estrutural no mapeamento geológico: estudo de caso da região de Vieirópolis, Província Borborema, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Este estudo integra ASTER GDEM, dados aerogeofísicos (magnetometria e gamaespectrometria) e relações de campo para o mapeamento de unidades, domínios e estruturas geológicas da região de Vieirópolis, Paraíba. Essa área é conhecida pela ocorrência de minerais gemológicos e industriais, tais como esmeralda e amazonita. Está inserida na Subprovíncia Rio Grande do Norte da Província Borborema, a qual é caracterizada como um cinturão orogênico estruturalmente complexo que possui continuidade nas faixas móveis do Oeste Africano. O conjunto de dados integrados revelou que a região é cons-tituída por rochas do embasamento, intensamente deformadas por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes NE-SW. Seis uni-dades litológicas principais e três novas zonas de cisalhamento mapeadas (i.e., Vieirópolis, Lastro e São Pedro) foram iden-tificadas, assim como a expressão da Zona de Cisalhamento Portalegre, de trend NE-SW. Essa última controla a ocorrência de flogopita xistos esmeraldíferos. Dados magnéticos e de campo sugerem que esse grande sistema de cisalhamentos afeta a borda da Sub-bacia Brejo das Freiras, bem como granitos sin-cinemáticos. Lineamentos NW-SE, ESSE-WNW e E-W foram correlacionados às estruturas rúpteis menos extensas que cortam a foliação regional e favorecem a acomodação de diques pegmatíticos. Esses resultados demostram a importância da integração de sensoriamento remoto, geofísica e dados de campo para elucidar a geologia local de regiões fortemente deformadas.The integration of geological data obtained through fieldwork, remote sensing and airborne geophysics has been shown to be efficient in creation of precise geological maps. The Vieirópolis region, sited in the west of the Rio Grande do Norte Subprovince of the Borborema Province, is characteristically made up of rocks intensely deformed by transcurrent shear zones and late brittle structures which control the mineralization of gemmological and industrial minerals. ASTER GDEM and airborne geophysical images (magnetometry and gamma-ray spectrometry) were used in order to enhance the geological knowledge of this region and to facilitate the identification and delimitation of structures and lithologies mapped during stages of fieldwork. Thus, a geological map on a scale of 1:50,000 was achieved, made up of six main lithological units and three new shear zones (Vieirópolis, Lastro and São Pedro), as well as the NE-SW-trending Portalegre Shear Zone. Within the newly mapped structures, the Vieirópolis Shear Zone stands out due to its expressiveness. Aeromagnetometry data suggest that this zone originated on the edge of the Brejo das Freiras Subbasin, part of the Portalegre Shear Zone System. NW-SE, ESE-WNW and E-W lineaments were correlated to lesser extent brittle structures which sometimes transversely cut the regional foliation, allowing pegmatite fluids to rise. The RGB ternary composition map (K, eTh, eU) also corroborates the presence of these structures, besides helping to determine lithological units. In this case study, the integration of direct and indirect data showed to be essential for the understanding and producing of local geological map

    Microtextural, spectroscopic, and chemical characterization of amazonite from the Serra Branca Pegmatite, Northeastern Brazil

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    The Serra Branca pegmatite in northeastern Brazil is unique because of its megacrysts of bluish-green amazonite currently exploited for ornamental purposes and as high-quality gemstones. Here we analyze microtextural, spectroscopic, and geochemical data on specimens from two magmatic generations of amazonite from this pegmatite in order to characterize their mineralogy and propose a schematic evolution diagram for twinning during their development. The amazonite consists of intergrowths of the low microcline and low albite XRD varieties that evolved according to a twin coarsening process, in which the first generation (I-tg) of ± A/P twinning developed at the monoclinic-triclinic transformation, whereas the second generation (II-tg) gave rise mainly to ± A twins. The bluish-green color of the amazonite was preserved during the process of microcline twinning. In addition to the irrational II-tg twinning, which is typically found in microcline from anorogenic settings, the serra branca amazonite crystals also show elevated contents of Rb, Pb, Fe, Cs, and Tl in both generations, whereas albitic intergrowths present high concentrations of Fe, Pb, Sr, and Ga. Finally, our chemical and spectroscopic results are compatible with the hypothesis that Pb-water centers account for the bluish green color in amazonite.We thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for the scholarship granted to Glenda Lira Santos, Igor Manoel Belo de Albuquerque e Souza, and José Ferreira de Araújo Neto during this research.Peer reviewe

    Política educacional para populações camponesas: da aparência à essência

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    El artículo trata de la política para la educación que se destina a las poblaciones campesinas. Visa analizar las concepciones que informan la educación del campo y el Programa Escuela Activa en el sentido de captar las contradicciones que impregnan la política del Estado para esas poblaciones. Y, así, comprender las razones que explican la reedición de la Escuela Nueva identificada como Escuela Activa en una realidad y tiempo que son diferentes de los que la originaron. Parte de una apariencia materializada en las estrategias del Estado explicitadas en los documentos que orientan la aplicación de la Escuela Activa y de la educación del campo para penetrar en la esencia que informa tales estrategias. Las revelaciones y ampliación de cuestiones resultantes de este análisis podrán subsidiar investigadores y educadores comprometidos con la educación del campo, confirmando así la relevancia del trabajo. Palabras clave