759 research outputs found

    Análisis de procesos de inestabilidad en taludes mediante comparativo entre métodos de equilibrio límite y elementos finitos

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    Introduction: The article presents research results on the analysis of slope instability processes, conducted at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia in 2019. Problem: Slope instability processes are permanently present in the state of Boyacá – Colombia. The stability analysis through the application of conventional limit equilibrium methods does not reflect the real conditions of mechanical resistance of the materials found. Aim: Analyze slope instability processes utilizing the finite element method in two critical spots located on the road that connects the city of Tunja with the town of Miraflores. Methods: Start with the search and compilation of information from critical spots with relevant geotechnical characterization on roads in the state, thereby permitting the identification of two unstable critical spots. With the use of geological, geotechnical and hydrological information, the mechanical behavior of the materials is modelled through the software Slide and Midas GTS NX. Results: The estimation of material stability through the finite element method shows more reliable results compared to the actual behavior of the studied locations and compared to the methods based on limit equilibrium. Conclusion:The use of this numerical simulation technique is recommended to replace conventional methods, being an affordable and effective tool for the analysis of instability processes. Originality: Most analyses of instability processes conducted in the state of Boyacá – Colombiado not use the finite element method. Limitations: The estimation of material stability is based on a constitutive model for soil and another for rock

    Conspiración de silencio y malestar emocional en pacientes diagnósticados de glioblastoma multiforme

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    Aim: For those patients suffering serious illnesses with a poor prognosis, there continues to be a significant percentage of well-meaning family members who, out of a desire to protect the patient, decide to hide the truth, even if the patient wishes to know what the real situation is. Methods: To measure the incidence of conspiracies of silence within families and their repercussions on levels of anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Findings: 19.3 % of the families taking part thought that it would not be appropriate to give the patient information about their disease, despite the patient stating that he or she would like to know more about their disease. This conspiracy had an impact on the anxiety levels of the patient even a month after the discharge from hospital. At this point in the disease process, those patients where there was a conspiracy of silence demonstrated psychopathological levels of anxiety (12.71±2.28), whereas the levels of anxiety for those patients who were allowed more open communication showed levels which were below clinical significance (7.00±3.27). Conclusions: The needs for information of family members and patients with GBM are different and their repercussions on emotional distress in patients can continue during a prolonged period of time.Objetivo: En el ámbito de enfermedades muy graves y de mal pronóstico, continúa existiendo un importante porcentaje de familiares que, por motivos beneficentes y de protección, deciden ocultar la verdad a los enfermos que desean conocer lo que les ocurre. El objetivo es identificar la incidencia de conspiración de silencio familiar y su repercusión en los niveles de ansiedad y depresión del paciente diagnosticado de glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Método: Los niveles de ansiedad y depresión fueron recogidos en cinco momentos del proceso de enfermedad: ingreso, después de la comunicación del diagnóstico, en el alta hospitalaria, un mes después del alta y seis meses después del alta. Las necesidades de información fueron recogidas en el momento del ingreso. Resultados: El 19,3 % de las familias, consideró que no sería conveniente comunicar al paciente lo que le ocurría a pesar de que éste quería conocer aspectos relacionados con su enfermedad. Esta conspiración repercute en los niveles de ansiedad del paciente hasta incluso un mes después del alta hospitalaria. En este momento de la enfermedad, en los pacientes donde existía pacto de silencio presentaban unos niveles psicopatológicos de ansiedad (12,71±2,28), mientras que los niveles de ansiedad de los pacientes a los que se les permitió una comunicación abierta estaban por debajo de la significación clínica (7,00±3,27). Conclusiones: Existe una alta incidencia de pacto de silencio en pacientes con GBM y su repercusión sobre el malestar emocional de los enfermos se mantiene durante un largo periodo de tiempo


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    Editorial del N° 13.  Enero - Junio 2022

    Emulador para desarrollo de proyectos IoT y analíticas de datos

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    One of the difficulties for the development and testing of data analysis applications used by IoT devices is the economic and temporary cost of building the IoT network, to mitigate these costs and expedite the development of IoT and analytical applications, it is proposed NIOTE, an IoT network emulator that generates sensor and actuator data from different devices that are easy to configure and deploy over TCP/IP and MQTT protocols, this tool serves as support in academic environments and conceptual validation in the design of IoT networks. The emulator facilitates the development of this type of application, optimizing the development time and improving the final quality of the product. Object-oriented programming concepts, architecture, and software design patterns are used to develop this emulator, which allows us to emulate the behavior of IoT devices that are inside a specific network, where you can add the number of necessary devices, model and design any network. Each network sends data that is stored locally to emulate the process of transporting the data to a platform, through a specific format and will be sent to perform Data Analysis.Una de las dificultades para la realización de pruebas de aplicaciones de análisis de datos obtenidos por dispositivos IoT, es el costo económico y temporal de la construcción de la red IoT, para mitigar estos costos y agilizar el desarrollo de aplicaciones IoT y analíticas, se propone NIOTE, un emulador de redes IoT que genera datos de sensores y actuadores diferentes tipos de dispositivos, fáciles de configurar y desplegar sobre protocolos TCP/IP y MQTT, esta herramienta sirve como apoyo en ambientes académicos y validación conceptual en el diseño de redes IoT. El uso del emulador facilitara el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones, optimizando el tiempo de desarrollo y mejorando la calidad final del producto. Para desarrollar este emulador se utilizaron conceptos de programación orientada a objetos, arquitectura y patrones de diseño de software, que permitieron emular el comportamiento de los dispositivos IoT que se encuentran dentro de una red específica, donde se puede agregar la cantidad de dispositivos que sean necesarios, modelar y diseñar cualquier red deseada. Cada red creada envía datos que son almacenados de forma local para simular el proceso de transportación de los datos a una plataforma, si se desease aplicar, a través de un formato especifico en el que la información será enviada para hacer Análisis de Datos

    Toma de decisiones en el paciente diagnosticado de tumor cerebral. A propósito de un caso clínico

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    [email protected]ón: La decisión sobre la alternativa terapéutica más conveniente, que corresponde al paciente asesorado por el equipo sanitario, se hace especialmente difícil en casos del mal pronóstico. Pacientes: Paciente joven con tumor cerebral, reintervenido en diversas ocasiones, al que se detecta una recidiva. Resultados: En contra de la opinión del equipo multidisciplinar, el paciente decide someterse a una reintervención, falleciendo a los cuatro meses presentando una calidad de vida aceptable. Conclusiones: Se plantea la necesidad, a través de un counselling adecuado, de permitir que el paciente escoja el resultado clínico preferido tras la transmisión clara de las distintas consecuencias de cada decisión y de la probabilidad de que cada una de ellas ocurra, evitando el uso de términos confusos, como la descripción técnica de procedimientos y las sugerencias globales sobre las decisiones. Se enfatiza el respeto a la autonomía del paciente, bajo condiciones de no maleficencia.The patient´s decision regarding the most advisable therapeutic alternative is difficult, speccially in patients with poor prognosis. Patients: Young patient who was operated on several times by brain tumour and he was admitted again by tumour recurrence. Results: The patient preferred to be reoperated against the multidisciplinary team decision. His quality of life was acceptable but the patient died four months later. Conclusion: We think that the patient could be able to choose the preferred therapeutic option after adequate counselling. Confusing terms such as technical description should be avoided. We emphasize the respect to the patient´s autonomy under non-maleficent conditions

    Decision making process in patients with brain tumor. Concerning a case report

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    Justificación: La decisión sobre la alternativa terapéutica más conveniente, que corresponde al paciente asesorado por el equipo sanitario, se hace especialmente difícil en casos del mal pronóstico. Pacientes: Paciente joven con tumor cerebral, reintervenido en diversas ocasiones, al que se detecta una recidiva. Re¬sultados: En contra de la opinión del equipo multidisciplinar, el paciente decide someterse a una reintervención, falleciendo a los cuatro meses presentando una calidad de vida aceptable. Conclusiones: Se plantea la necesidad, a través de un counselling adecuado, de permitir que el paciente escoja el resultado clínico preferido tras la transmisión clara de las distintas consecuencias de cada decisión y de la probabilidad de que cada una de ellas ocurra, evitando el uso de términos confusos, como la descripción técnica de procedimientos y las sugerencias globales sobre las decisiones. Se enfatiza el respeto a la autonomía del paciente, bajo condiciones de no maleficencia.The patient´s decision regarding the most advisable therapeutic alternative is difficult, speccially in patients with poor prognosis. Patients: Young patient who was operated on several times by brain tumour and he was admitted again by tumour recurrence. Results: The patient preferred to be reoperated against the multidisciplinary team decision. His quality of life was acceptable but the patient died four months later. Conclusion: We think that the patient could be able to choose the preferred therapeutic option after adequate counselling. Confusing terms such as technical description should be avoided. We emphasize the respect to the patient´s autonomy under non-maleficent conditions

    El desafío de "ir juntos" ... : una experiencia de acompañamiento pedagógico para el reconocimiento del saber del maestro, Tomo 2 /

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    Este libro surge en el contexto de uno de los propósitos trazados por el IDEP relacionado con “Reconocer y promover saberes y prácticas pedagógicas generadas por colectivos de docentes que contribuyan a la transformación de la escuela, al fortalecimiento de sus relaciones con la familia, la comunidad, la ciudad y la región” (IDEP, 2017). Particularmente, emerge desde el programa de Pensamiento crítico para la investigación y la innovación educativa, y su estudio orientado a diseñar, implementar y validar las mediaciones y formas de interacción que posibiliten la conformación y consolidación de comunidades de saber y práctica. Este texto se publica en dos tomos, se organiza en cinco grandes capítulos: el quinto capítulo, que corresponde al Tomo 2, se ubican los textos correspondientes al nivel de sistematización y que fueron acompañados y fortalecidos en el 2017

    Generation of organotypic multicellular spheres by magnetic levitation : model for the study of human hematopoietic stem cells microenvironment

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    Q4Q3Background and Objective: The characteristics of human hematopoietic stem cells are conditioned by the microenvironment of the bone marrow, where they interact with other cell populations, such as mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells; however, the study of this microenvironment is complex. The objective of this work was to develop a 3D culture system by magnetic levitation that imitates the microenvironment of human HSC. Methods and Results: Human bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells, umbilical cord blood-hematopoietic stem cells and a non-tumoral endothelial cell line (CC2811, LonzaⓇ) were used to develop organotypic multicellular spheres by the magnetic levitation method. We obtained viable structures with an average sphericity index greater than 0.6, an average volume of 0.5 mm3 and a percentage of aggregation greater than 70%. Histological studies of the organotypic multicellular spheres used hematoxylin and eosin stains, and an evaluation of vimentin expression by means of immunohistochemistry demonstrated an organized internal structure without picnotic cells and a high expression of vimentin. The functional capacity of human hematopoietic stem cells after organotypic multicellular spheres culture was evaluated by multipotency tests, and it was demonstrated that 3D structures without exogenous Flt3L are autonomous in the maintenance of multipotency of human hematopoietic stem cells. Conclusions: We developed organotypic multicellular spheres from normal human cells that mimic the microenvironment of the human hematopoietic stem cells. These structures are the prototype for the development of complex organoids that allow the further study of the biology of normal human stem cells and their potential in regenerative medicine.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9152-5552https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3075-9854https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0084-0339https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1881-9367N/

    Conspiracy of silence and emotional distress in patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme

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    Aim: For those patients suffering serious illnesses with a poor prognosis, there continues to be a significant percentage of well-meaning family members who, out of a desire to protect the patient, decide to hide the truth, even if the patient wishes to know what the real situation is. Methods: To measure the incidence of conspiracies of silence within families and their repercussions on levels of anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Findings: 19.3 % of the families taking part thought that it would not be appropriate to give the patient information about their disease, despite the patient stating that he or she would like to know more about their disease. This conspiracy had an impact on the anxiety levels of the patient even a month after the discharge from hospital. At this point in the disease process, those patients where there was a conspiracy of silence demonstrated psychopathological levels of anxiety (12.71±2.28), whereas the levels of anxiety for those patients who were allowed more open communication showed levels which were below clinical significance (7.00±3.27). Conclusions: The needs for information of family members and patients with GBM are different and their repercussions on emotional distress in patients can continue during a prolonged period of time