1,418 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación por violación al derecho de información

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    25 PáginasEl ejercicio de la actividad periodística ha sido un gran avance en el desarrollo del derecho fundamental a la información, sin embargo, al ser este un derecho de doble vía, constituye derechos y obligaciones para el periodista, lo que implica que debe asumir su actividad bajo principios éticos que le restringen excederse en la información difundida y esmerarse en el trabajo investigativo, que debe llevar a una noticia imparcial, veraz y oportuna, evitando así perjuicios en particulares o en la sociedad en general

    Inhibitory and Synergistic Effects During Biodegradation of Mixed Contaminants at an Industrial Site in South America

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    In spite of decades of remediation activities, there are still thousands of industrial sites worldwide that are in need of clean-up. As remediation technologies have advanced, numerous sites have been successfully addressed. Many of the sites that still need attention are those at which complex mixtures of contaminants are present, making the development of clean-up strategies more challenging. The site (Area P) that is the subject of this thesis is located in one of the largest industrial facilities in South America. The area is characterized by comingled environmental impacts caused by petrochemical industries. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the interaction among chemicals of concern in Area P during biodegradation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, as well as the potential impact of chemical oxidation products on biodegradation. The specific objectives were: 1) To evaluate the impact of 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,2-DCA, 1,4-dioxane, and products from chemical oxidation of source zone contaminants on the aerobic biodegradability of CB; 2) To evaluate the impact of 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,2-DCA, 1,4-dioxane, and products from chemical oxidation of source zone contaminants on the aerobic biodegradability of 1,2-DCB; 3) To evaluate the impact of 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,2-DCA, 1,4-dioxane, and products from chemical oxidation of source zone contaminants on the anaerobic biodegradability of 4-NT; and 4) To evaluate the impact of 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,2-DCA, 1,4-dioxane, and products from chemical oxidation of source zone contaminants on the anaerobic biodegradability of 2,6-DNT. The experimental approach was to develop enrichment cultures that aerobically biodegrade CB and 1,2-DCB and anaerobically biodegrade 4-NT and 2,6-DNT, and then expose these cultures to low and high concentrations of 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,2-DCA, 1,4-dioxane, and products of chemical oxidation from source zone contaminants. Based on the results of this research, the following conclusions are offered: 1) Aerobic biodegradation of CB and 1,2-DCB was demonstrated in microcosms using soil and groundwater from an industrial site in South America. The microcosms served as inoculum to develop enrichment cultures, which were subsequently used to assess the effect of co-contaminants on the rate and extent of CB and 1,2-DCB biodegradation. 2) Anaerobic biodegradation of 2,6-DNT and 4-NT was demonstrated in microcosms using soil and groundwater from an industrial site in Brazil. Lactate served as the electron donor and nitro group reduction was the only transformation observed. The microcosms served as inoculum to develop enrichment cultures; the 2,6-DNT enrichment was subsequently used to assess the effect of co-contaminants on the rate and extent of 2,6-DNT biodegradation. The rate of 4-NT transformation was too slow to permit development of the 4-NT enrichment to the point needed to evaluate co-contaminants. 3) Alkaline activated persulfate was effective in chemical oxidation of the contaminants at their maximum concentrations. The treatment that employed a stoichiometric dose was used to simulate the effect of chemical oxidation groundwater on biodegradation of CB, 1,2-DCB, 2,6-DNT, and 4-NT. Although higher than stoichiometric doses achieved more complete removal, the stoichiometric dose (28 g/g contaminant) is at the high end of what is deployed in situ. 4) 2,4-DNT, 4-IPA, 1,4-dioxane, and 1,2-DCA did not inhibit the rate or extent of aerobic CB biodegradation when these co-contaminants were present at their target high concentrations. Temporary inhibitory effects on the rate of CB biodegradation were observed in the presence of 10% (v/v) of the chemical oxidation groundwater from the stoichiometric treatment. The source of inhibition is not yet known but may be related to the organic products from partial chemical oxidation of the contaminants. COD analysis of the chemical oxidation groundwater suggests that the extent of contaminant mineralization was minor. 5) CB serves as a primary substrate for aerobic cometabolism of 2,4-DNT and 4-IPA, but not 1,4-dioxane or 1,2-DCA. This suggests that the aromatic oxygenases that are required for metabolism of CB are also reactive with 2,4-DNT and 4-IPA. This is an example of a positive co-occurrence of contaminants. 6) 2,4-DNT, 1,4-dioxane, and 1,2-DCA did not inhibit the rate or extent of 1,2-DCB biodegradation of 1,2-DCB when these co-contaminants were present at their target high concentrations. A temporary decrease in the rate of 1,2-DCB biodegradation occurred in the presence of 4-IPA at its target high concentration and with the 10% (v/v) chemical oxidation groundwater from the stoichiometric treatment

    Estudio de caso sobre el programa por el derecho a la educación de calidad en los municipios de Florida, Pradera y Zarzal

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    115 páginasDocument and evaluate the results of the case study research on the "For the right to quality education" program, implemented by the Caicedo Gonzalez Riopaila Castilla Foundation, in the municipalities of Florida, Pradera and Zarzal (Valle del Cauca). The program was carried out in the area of influence of the company Riopaila Castilla S.A. The process was developed between private enterprise, municipal administration, civil society and the educational community. The transformations related to participation in the formulation of solutions to educational problems were established, all based on establishing relationships in spaces of dialogue, where the educational aspect was included in the public agenda, which allowed the strengthening of social capital, the capacity for analysis And management of social actors, with whom common objectives were worked, with the purpose of closing social gaps of illiteracy, school dropout, educational quality mainly. For the educational community and municipal government, the leadership of the Foundation motivated the communities to participate in the construction of public educational policy. The sources of information used were interviews, direct observations and unpublished and specialized documents. The case study was conducted between February and November 2015.Documentar y valorar los resultados de la investigación de estudio de caso sobre el programa "Por el derecho a la educación de calidad", implementado por la Fundación Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla, en los municipios de Florida, Pradera y Zarzal (Valle del Cauca). El programa se Ilevó a cabo en el área de influencia de la empresa Riopaila Castilla S.A. El proceso fue desarrollado entre la empresa privada, la administración municipal, la sociedad civil y la comunidad educativa. Lográndose transformaciones relacionadas con la participación en la formulación de soluciones a problemáticas educativas, todo ello a partir de establecer relaciones en espacios de interlocución, donde el aspecto educativo se incluyó en la agenda pública, lo que permitió fortalecer el capital social, la capacidad de análisis y gestión de los actores sociales, con quienes se trabajaron objetivos comunes, con el propósito de cerrar brechas sociales de analfabetismo, deserción escolar, calidad educativa principalmente. Para la comunidad educativa y Gobierno municipal, el liderazgo de la Fundación motivó a las comunidades a participar en la construcción de la política pública educativa. Las Fuentes de información utilizadas fueron entrevistas, observaciones directas y documentos inéditos y especializados. El estudio de caso se realizó entre febrero y noviembre de 2015.Magíster en Responsabilidad Social y SostenibilidadMaestrí

    BioMeT and algorithm challenges: A proposed digital standardized evaluation framework

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    Technology is advancing at an extraordinary rate. Continuous flows of novel data are being generated with the potential to revolutionize how we better identify, treat, manage, and prevent disease across therapeutic areas. However, lack of security of confidence in digital health technologies is hampering adoption, particularly for biometric monitoring technologies (BioMeTs) where frontline healthcare professionals are struggling to determine which BioMeTs are fit-for-purpose and in which context. Here, we discuss the challenges to adoption and offer pragmatic guidance regarding BioMeTs, cumulating in a proposed framework to advance their development and deployment in healthcare, health research, and health promotion. Furthermore, the framework proposes a process to establish an audit trail of BioMeTs (hardware and algorithms), to instill trust amongst multidisciplinary users

    Análise das condições higiênico-sanitárias em folhosos vendidos na Central de Abastecimento S.A. (CEASA) em Brasília/DF

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Nutrição, 2012.Os alimentos consumidos pelos seres humanos devem ser livres dos perigos químicos, físicos e biológicos. Desde 2005, o Ministério da Saúde estimula o consumo de quatro a cinco porções de hortaliças por dia. Assim aumentou-se a preocupação com as hortaliças, principalmente no que diz respeito à contaminação biológica, que geralmente ocorre durante o cultivo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal investigar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de alfaces da variedade crespa de produtores rurais que são fornecedores do CEASA. Para realizar este estudo foi utilizado um formulário para a identificação e caracterização dos produtores e das amostras. No total foram analisados 25 amostras de alface (cinco de cada produtor rural). Para as análises de coliformes fecais/termotolerantes utilizou-se o método de Número Mais Provável e para a investigação parasitológica utilizou-se o método Hoffman, Pons & Janer – modificado. Os resultados foram comparados com as exigências da legislação vigente e observou-se que 8% das amostras estavam fora da legislação para coliformes termotolerantes. O estudo parasitológico detectou helmintos (ovos, larvas e adultos) e protozoários (cistos) em 52 % das amostras. No total das amostras encontrou-se: cistos de Entamoeba coli (4%), Entamoeba sp (4%), e Acanthamoeba (8%), ovos de Ancylostomidae (25%) e de Ascaris (8%), larvas de nematóides não identificadas (24%), larvas morfologicamente similares a ancilostomídeos (40%), larvas morfologicamente similares a Strongyloides stercoralis (8%), nematóides adultos não identificados (24%). O trabalho demonstra a necessidade de higienização das hortaliças antes de ser consumida

    Vivienda social y estrategias de sobrevivencia. Soluciones adecuadas a partir de un estudio de caso (Resistencia, Argentina, 2013)

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    In Argentina housing solutions do not properly meet the needs of low-income households that use social housing both as a dwelling and for the development of informal economic activities necessary for their survival. Households in these conditions transform the public housing into domestic units of production and reproduction of life, with consequent negative effects on living conditions and the quality of life of these homes. This paper analyzes this issue from a comprehensive and complex approach to habitat by investigating a case study in the city of Resistencia (Argentina). The aim of this research is to generate contributions that may influence public housing policies and provide appropriate solutions for the achievement of decent housing.Las soluciones habitacionales estatales argentinas no dan respuestas adecuadas a las necesidades de los hogares de bajos ingresos que utilizan las viviendas sociales para habitar y para realizar actividades económicas informales de sobrevivencia. Estos hogares trasforman las viviendas provistas por la ayuda social en unidades domésticas de reproducción y de producción de la vida, con consecuentes efectos negativos en la calidad de vida y en las condiciones de habitabilidad de estas viviendas. El siguiente artículo analiza este problema a partir de un estudio de caso localizado en la ciudad de Resistencia (Argentina) desde una perspectiva integral y compleja del hábitat, con la finalidad de extraer aportes que contribuyan con la política habitacional para la resolución adecuada del problema en favor de un hábitat digno

    Comparativa y selección de métodos de extracción de mucílago de Opuntia ficus-indica para su uso como recubrimiento comestible

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    The mucilage extracted from Opuntia ficus-indica is a component that can be very versatile for use in the food industry. In this work, a study was carried out to obtain the mucilage through 3 methods, selecting one of them for its application and introducing the use of the Bandelin sonopulse GM70 MS73 ultrasound probe (US) (power: 70 W and frequency: 20 kHz) with a cycle of 50 seconds and a power of 50 % to obtain it and observe if there was an improvement in the extraction yield and composition (pH and TSS, ºBrix). The results obtained by introducing the ultrasound technique during the maceration of the sample were 4,28 % for yield, 4,36 for pH and 3,57 ºBrix for TSS, in the experiment carried out in phase 3.2; while for the experiment in the same phase, without applying ultrasound, 2,90 % was obtained for yield, 3,13 ºBrix and the same pH values. It was observed that the ultrasonic treatment benefited the colour of the mucilage obtained, giving it a whiter shade.El mucílag extret de l'Opuntia ficus-indica és un component que pot arribar a ser molt versàtil per a la seva utilització a la indústria alimentària. En aquest treball es va realitzar l'estudi de l'obtenció del mucílag a través de 3 mètodes, seleccionant-ne un per a la seva aplicació i introduint la utilització de la sonda MS73 d'ultrasons (US) Bandelin sonopuls GM70 (potència: 70 W i freqüència: 20 kHz) amb un cicló de 50 segons i una potència de 50 % per obtenir-lo i observar si hi havia una millora en el rendiment d¿extracció i composició (pH, i SST ,ºBrix). Els resultats obtinguts introduint la tècnica d'US durant el macerat de la mostra van ser de 4,28 % per al rendiment, 4,36 per a pH i 3,57 ºBrix per SST, en l'experiment realitzat a la fase 3.2; mentre que per a l'experiment de la mateixa fase, sense aplicar US, es va obtenir 2,90 % per a rendiment, 3,13 ºBrix i mateixos valors de pH. Es va observar que el tractament ultrasònic beneficiava el color del mucílag obtingut, proporcionant-li una tonalitat més blanquinosa.El mucílago extraído de la Opuntia ficus-indica, es un componente que puede llegar a ser muy versátil para su utilización en la industria alimentaria. En este trabajo se realizó el estudio de la obtención del mucílago a través de 3 métodos, seleccionando uno de ellos para su aplicación e introducciendo la utilización de la sonda MS73 de ultrasonidos (US) Bandelin sonopulso GM70 (potencia: 70 W y frecuencia: 20 kHz) con un ciclo de 50 segundos y una potencia de 50 % para obtenerlo y observar si habia una mejora en el rendimiento de extracción y composición (pH y SST, ºBrix). Los resultados obtenidos introduciendo la técnica de US durante el macerado de la muestra, fueron de 4,28 % para el rendimiento, 4,36 para pH y 3,57 ºBrix para SST, en el experimento realizado en la fase 3.2; mientras que, para el experimento de la misma fase, sin aplicar US, se obtuvo 2,90 % para rendimiento, 3,13 ºBrix y mismos valores de pH. Se observó que el tratamiento ultrasónico beneficiaba al color del mucílago obtenido, proporcionándole una tonalidad más blancuzca.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producció i Consum ResponsablesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructur

    Internacionalizacion de las empresas colombianas casos de estudio: Hamburguesas el corral y Pan pa' ya

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    Con el presente trabajo se pretende describir el plan estratégico internacional que siguió PAN PA’ YA! y HAMBURGUESAS EL CORRAL en el proceso de exportación de sus productos y formalización de la comercialización a nivel internacional, mediante la formación de alianzas entre empresas y distribuidores del mercado. Por medio de un estudio de las diferentes teorías de internacionalización se pudo identificar el proceso a través del cual las empresas colombianas iniciaron sus operaciones en el extranjero. PAN PA’ YA! empezó con el sueño de ser una de las panaderías más grandes en Colombia, hoy en día constituye un negocio integral. Con el paso de los años y el movimiento diario del mercado colombiano la empresa se ha consolidado fuertemente. La mayor parte del éxito es la novedad y el interés de abrirse a mercados satisfaciendo las necesidades de los clientes y siguiendo un modelo de internacionalización en las grandes cadenas, por medio de sus productos listos para calentar. De la misma manera HAMBURGUESAS EL CORRAL gracias al estilo original y único de su decoración, nació y sigue siendo reconocido y apreciado por clientes como una marca de tradición que ha buscado posicionarse con el lema “la receta original”, y ello ha resultado en un concepto casero y único, cuyo compromiso ha sido satisfacer los gustos, expectativas y necesidades de sus clientes con una excelente calidad buscando así un modelo de internacionalización que los consolide en el exterior. Finalmente el proceso de internacionalización que siguieron las empresas Colombianas, se caracteriza por ser un proceso por etapas donde muestran detalle a detalle sus inicios, como lograron la posición dentro del país y como se han establecido en el exterior. Realizando para ello una investigación de mercado adecuada con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades del cliente con estrategias de innovación e ideas originales y prácticas.The present work describes the international strategic plan that followed PAN PA’ YA! and HAMBURGUESAS EL CORRAL in the process of exporting products and formalizing international marketing. This is done the formation of alliances between companies and distributors in the market. By studying different theories of internationalization we can identify the process through which the Colombian companies began their operation abroad. PAN PA’ YA! dreamed of becoming one of the largest bakeries in Colombia. Today it is an integral business. Over the years, with the daily movement of the Colombian market, the company has strongly consolidated. Much of this success can be attributed to the expansion of markets to meet the needs of customers. Follows a pattern of internationalization in the big chains. Their products arrive ready for baking. Similarly HAMBURGUESAS EL CORRAL, thanks to the original and unique style of its decoration, was born. This chain to be recognized and appreciated by customers as a mark of tradition that has sought to brand itself with the slogan "the original recipe.”This has resulted in a home-style concept. The commitment has been to satisfy the tastes, expectations, and needs of its vii customers with excellent quality, this company strives for a model that consolidates internationalization abroad. Finally, the process that the Colombian companies followed has been characterized to be a steps process which shows the details since the beginning, how they achieve their position in the Colombian market and then how they have been established in the international market. In consequence, the companies did an adequate market research with the special goal of satisfying the customers’ needs with original and innovate strategies