107 research outputs found

    Adaptation of marketing-mix strategy and characteristics of exporting companies: implications on export performance

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    El estudio de los antecedentes del resultado exportador es una de las líneas de investigación más prolíferas en la literatura de marketing internacional. Entre los factores analizados por los minvestigadores como posibles determinantes del éxito exportador están las características empresariales y la estrategia de marketing-mix desarrollada por las empresas, aunque no existe un consenso entre los resultados obtenidos. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar, mediante la aplicación de un modelo logit sobre una muestra de 150 empresas exportadoras españolas, la influencia que estas variables ejercen sobre el resultado exportador, analizando además si la estrategia de marketing-mix está condicionada por las características de las empresas.The study of the antecedents of export performance is a research line that has been paid a lot of attention in the literature of international marketing. Firm’s characteristics and marketingmix strategy are among the factors analyzed by researchers as possible determinant of export performance, although there is no agreement among the results. In this sense, the objective of the present work is to analyze, by using a logit model with a sample of 150 Spanish exporters, the influence that these variables have over export performance, as well as the influence of firm’s characteristics over marketing-mix strategy

    The importance of export relational exchanges

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble. En primer lugar, analizar cuáles son los antecedentes de los intercambios relacionales en el ámbito de las exportaciones. Así, estudiaremos el efecto que sobre los mismos ejerce la dependencia del exportador respecto a sus representantes legales en los mercados internacionales y las competencias de la empresa exportadora en el ámbito internacional. En segundo lugar, analizar el efecto que sobre el resultado exportador ejercen las denominadas normas relacionales (cooperación, intercambio de información y flexibilidad). Los resultados del estudio empírico, efectuado sobre una muestra de 150 empresas exportadoras gallegas, confirman que las características empresariales y las competencias internacionales condicionan el clima relacional entre los exportadores y sus distribuidores extranjeros. Además, las normas relacionales se revelan como determinantes esenciales del resultado logrado por la empresa exportadora en los mercados exteriores.The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we analyze the antecedents of the relational exchanges in the export field. Thus, we’ll study the influence of exporter's dependence regarding his foreign agents and exporter’s international competencies in relational exchanges. Second, we examine the influence of some relational norms (cooperation, exchange of information and flexibility) in export performance. The results of the empiric study performed with a sample 150 Galician exporter firms confirm that international competencies have influence over the relationship between exporters and their foreign distributors. Moreover, relational norms are shown as essential determinants of export performance

    Entry order of a firm into the market

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    Existe unha gran canlidade de investigación na literatura de marketing arredor da cuestión da orde de entrada das marcas no mercado. A pesar desta gran cantidade de investigación non se atopa un consenso acerca da existencia ou inexistencia dunha vantaxe competitiva derivada desa orde de entrada, o que en moitos estudios se denomina a "vantaxe do pioneiro". No presente traballo preténdese afronta-lo fenómeno da vantaxe do pioneiro, tratando de desenvolver un esquema conceptual que inclúa tódolos factores que interveñen na orde de entrada das marcas no mercado. Con isto preténdese reflectir que se trata dun fenómeno complexo, eslablecendo cáles son os principais elementos que deben ser considerados polas empresas cando se enfronten a decisións de entrada en novas mercados ou de lanzamento de novas productosA great amount of research regarding the íssue of entry arder of brands into the market does exíst in marketing literatura. In spite of the great amount of research there is no agreement on the exístence of a competitive advantage in the arder of entry, which in many papers is called the "pioneer advantage". The aim of this work is to focus on the píoneer advantage tapie, trying to implement a scheme of concepts, whích will include all the factors involved in the entry arder of brands into the market. Doing so, il is attempted lo stress the complexity of the process and the key elements that should be taken into account by companies when they are faced with the decisions of entering new markets or launchíng new productsS

    Influence of the laser wavelength on harmful effects on granite due to biofilm removal

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    The colonization of stone-built monuments by different organisms (algae, fungi, lichens, bacteria, and cyanobacteria) can lead to biodeterioration of the stone, negatively affecting the artistic value of the heritage. To address this issue, laser cleaning has been widely investigated in recent years, due to the advantages it offers over traditional mechanical and chemical methods: it is gradual, selective, contactless, and environmentally friendly. That said, the laser parameters should be optimized in order to avoid any by-effects on the surface as a result of overcleaning. However, as the adjustment of each parameter to clean polymineralic stones is a difficult task, it would be useful to know the effect of overcleaning on the different forming minerals depending on the wavelength used. In this paper, three different wavelengths (355 nm, 532 nm, and 1064 nm) of a Q-Switch neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:Y3Al5O12) laser, commonly known as QS Nd:YAG laser were applied to extract a naturally developed sub-aerial biofilm from Vilachán granite, commonly used in monuments in the Northwest (NW)Iberian Peninsula. In addition to the removal rate of the biofilm, the by-effects induced for fluences higher than the damage threshold of the stone were evaluated using stereomicroscopy, color spectrophotometry, and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that different removal rates were obtained depending on the wavelength used and 532 nm obtained the highest removal level. In terms of by-effects, biotite melting was registered on all surfaces regardless of the wavelength. In addition, 532 nm seemed to be the most aggressive laser system, inducing the greatest change in appearance as a result of extracting the kaolinite crackled coating and the segregations rich in Fe, which are a result of natural weathering. These changes were translated into colorimetric changes visible to the human eye. The surfaces treated with 355 nm and 1064 nm showed lower surface changes.Erasmus+ | Ref. HE Staff Mobility Program 2016Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. IJCI-2017-3277

    Characteristcs of the firm and export performance

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    Este traballo trata de demostra-la influencia de tres características do perfil das empresas (tamaño, participación do capital estranxeiro e sector de actividade) no seu rendemento exportador, medido a través das variables probabilidade de exportar e propensión exportadora. A utilización da análise de varianza, de regresión (lineal e loxística), log-lineal xerárquico e do algoritmo "CHAlD" permite mostra-la influencia daminante do tamaño da empresa na probabilidade de exportar -o sector determina a probabilidad e de exportar só nas empresas de tamaño máis pequeno-. O considera-la propensión exportadora verificase o impacto prevalecente do sector, con electos diferenciados do tamaño segundo o sector industrial examinado. A participación do capital estranxeiro en ningún caso presenta efectos significativosSome characteristics of the firm such as size, rata of foreign capital or industry could affect export. Linear and logistic regression, variance and log-linear analysis, and CHAlD algorithm have been used to test those relationships. Results have shown that export probability is related to the size of the company. lndustry has only some effects on small and medium-sized enterprises. Export intensity of the firm depends on industry and the relationship between size and export intensity is different in different industries. The influence of foreign trade capital rate cannot be testedS

    Effectiveness and durability of chemical- and laser-based cleanings of lichen mosaics on schists at archaeological sites

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    Lichen mosaics on different-textured schists located in the Coa Valley (Portugal) and Siega Verde (Spain) archaeological sites were cleaned using different chemicals, namely ethanol (50% v/v in distilled water), benzalkonium chloride (3% v/v) or Biotin T® (3% v/v), and different Nd:YAG laser wavelengths (1064 nm or 266 nm). The surfaces were evaluated 24 h and 4 years after cleaning to determine its durability using colour spectrophotometry and Raman spectroscopy. Unlike lasers, chemicals achieved overall satisfactory results. Cleaning effectiveness, harmfulness and durability of chemicals were highly influenced by the orientation of the schistosity planes of the stone; in Siega Verde samples, the schistosity planes parallel to the surface contributed to a low impact of the methods on the surface colour and absence of lichen recolonization. Cleaning carried out upon the devitalization of lichens with benzalkonium chloride and Biotin T were maintained longer in both sites.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. IJCI-2017-32771Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CGL2011-2278

    Laser line scanner aptitude for the measurement of Selective Laser Melting parts

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    [EN] When looking for any metrological verification of parts manufactured by metal laser printing with optical equipment, it is necessary to ensure the traceability of the measurements that can be obtained. The difficulty of this process lies in the fact that these measurements are obtained on point clouds captured from surfaces with high form errors and poor surface finishes, even when this type of surface usually undergoes processes to improve the surface finish, such as sandblasting. This research focuses precisely on the analysis of the metrological suitability of a laser line scanner (laser triangulation sensor) on parts manufactured by Selective Laser Melting (SLM). The study starts from the design of a test part specifically oriented to the printing process with SLM metal powder bed. This test part was printed in 17-4PH stainless steel and then sandblasted. The test part was measured in a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), obtaining reference GD&T values. The measurement was carried out under pre-sandblasting ("as built") and post-sandblasting conditions, thus providing interesting information about the erosion rate of this post process. A state-of-the-art laser sensor was employed for the metrological comparison, mounted on the same available CMM that was used for contact measurements. In this research three analyses were carried out: the quality of 3D metal printed parts with respect to CAD model, the effect of the sandblasting post-process, and the accuracy of the measurements obtained with the laser line sensor. In addition, this work conducts an in-depth study about the influence of point cloud treatment and filtering procedures, by comparing the filtering methods applied by different reverse engineering software packages. The study leads to the conclusion that filters based on the standard deviation of the point cloud are the best candidates in order to obtain laser measurements closer to the contact measurements.SIAuthors thank to the financial support provided by the Junta de Castilla y León (project LE027P17-FEDER funds) and also to two student grants awarded by the University Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias (IUTA, ref. SV-19-GIJON-1-14) and by the Young researcher mobility program of SIF (Manufacturing Engineering Spanish Society)

    Análisis de las dimensiones cognoscitiva y afectiva del comportamiento ecológico del consumidor

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolA conservación do medio natural constitúe un tema dunha enorme importancia na sociedade actual. Nesa conservación ten unha grande importancia o comportamento de compra e de consumo dos individuos, polo que cómpre analizar cáles son os determinantes básicos dese comportamento. Neste traballo analízanse os compoñentes que residen na base do comportamento ecolóxico do consumidor, o nivel de coñecemento ecolóxico e a conciencia ambiental, tratando de establece-la estructura desta conciencia e a súa posible relación coas características dos individuosThe environment conservation has become a very important topic of our days. The individuals’ purchase and consumption behaviour is clue in that conservation, so analyzing its basic determinants is necessary. This work pays attention to the basic elements of the ecological consumer behaviour, the ecological knowledge level and the environmental awareness, trying to set this awareness structure and its relation to the individuals’ characteristicsLa conservación del medio natural constituye un tema de una enorme importancia en la sociedad actual. En dicha conservación tiene una gran importancia el comportamiento de compra y de consumo de los individuos, por lo que es necesario analizar cuáles son los determinantes básicos de ese comportamiento. En este trabajo se analizan los componentes que residen en la base del comportamiento ecológico del consumidor, el nivel de conocimiento ecológico y la conciencia ambiental, tratando de establecer la estructura de esta conciencia y su posible relación con las características de los individuosS

    Cr(VI) sorption/desorption on untreated and mussel-shell-treated soil materials: fractionation and effects of pH and chromium concentration

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    We used batch-type experiments to study Cr(VI) sorption/desorption on granitic material, forest soil, pyritic material, mussel shell, and on forest soil and granitic material amended with 12 t ha−1 (1.2 kg m −2) shell, considering the effects of varying Cr(VI) concentration and pH. Sequential extractions were carried out to fractionate adsorbed Cr(VI) and to determine the stability of Cr(VI) retention. The pyritic material had the highest Cr(VI) retention capacity, whereas the granitic material showed the lowest retention potential. When high Cr concentrations were added, some saturation of the adsorbent surfaces became apparent, but Cr release remained low. The highest Cr retention was achieved at a very acid pH value, with release progressively increasing as a function of increasing pH. The amendment with 12 t ha−1 mussel shell did not cause marked changes in Cr(VI) retention. Sorption data were satisfactory adjusted to the Freundlich model. Regarding Cr(VI) fractionation, the soluble fraction (weakly bound) was dominant in mussel shell and in the unamended and amended granitic material, whereas more stable fractions dominated in the pyritic material (residual fraction) and in the forest soil (oxidizable fraction). In conclusion, the pyritic material presented the highest Cr(VI) retention capacity, while the retention was low and weak on the granitic material; mussel shell was not characterized by a marked Cr(VI) retention potential, and it did not cause remarkable increase in Cr(VI) retention when used to amend the granitic material or the forest soil.This study was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Government of Spain), grant numbers CGL2012-36805-C02-01-02S

    Enmienda de un suelo de mina con subproductos : efecto sobre la biomasa microbiana determinada mediante el uso de los ácidos grasos de los fosfolípidos

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    In the present work, the effect of two by-products (pine bark and crushed mussel shell) on microbial biomass and community structure was studied in a soil from a mine tailing located in a copper mine. In a laboratory experiment, different doses (0, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 Mg ha-1) of pine bark, crushed mussel shell or mixtures of both by-products were added to the soil. The amended soil samples were incubated for one year at 60% of water holding capacity, and then 33 phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were extracted from these samples and quantified. The PLFAs concentrations were used for different microbial biomass estimations: total biomass, bacterial biomass, fungal biomass, gram-positive (G+) biomass and gram-negative (G-) biomass. The addition of crushed mussel had no significant effects on the total soil microbial biomass, either bacterial of fungal biomass. However, the addition of pine bark increased the total microbial biomass in the soil (up to 40%), mainly due to increases in the fungal biomass (it increased 1600%). No synergistic effects were observed when the soil was amended with both, pine bark and crushed mussel shell. The main community structure changes were due to the addition of pine bark to the soil, and were also due to modifications in fungal communities. Our results suggest that the microbial biomass was mainly limited in the mine soil by low organic matter concentrations, and therefore, practices increasing the amount of soil organic matter should be priorities for soil reclamation.En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto de dos subproductos (corteza de pino y concha de mejillón triturada) sobre la biomasa y estructura microbiana de un suelo procedente de una escombrera localizada en una mina de cobre. En un experimento realizado en laboratorio fueron añadidas al suelo diferentes dosis (0, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 Mg ha-1) de corteza de pino, concha de mejillón triturada y mezclas de ambos subproductos. Las muestras de suelo enmendado fueron incubadas durante un año al 60% de la capacidad de campo, y posteriormente 33 ácidos grasos de los fosfolípidos (PLFAs) fueron extraídos de estas muestras y cuantificados. La concentración de PLFAs fue utilizada para realizar distintas estimaciones de la biomasa microbiana: biomasa total, biomasa bacteriana, biomasa fúngica, biomasa de bacterias gram + y biomasa de bacterias gram -. La adición de concha de mejillón triturada no tuvo efectos significativos sobre la biomasa total ni sobre la biomasa bacteriana o fúngica. Sin embargo, la adición de corteza de pino al suelo incrementó la biomasa total del suelo (hasta un 40%), debido mayormente al incremento de la biomasa fúngica (se incrementó un 1600%). Tampoco se observaron efectos sinérgicos cuando el suelo fue enmendado con una mezcla de corteza de pino y concha de mejillón triturada. Los mayores cambios en la estructura de las comunidades microbianas fueron debidos a la adición de corteza de pino al suelo, y fueron además debidas a cambios en las comunidades fúngicas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la biomasa microbiana del suelo de mina está mayormente limitada por la concentración de materia orgánica y, por tanto, deben ser priorizadas prácticas de manejo que contribuyan a incrementarla para la rehabilitación de este tipo de suelos.Neste trabalho foi estudado o efeito de dois subprodutos (casca de pinheiro e concha de mexilhão triturada) na biomassa e estrutura microbiana de um solo procedente de uma escombreira localizada numa mina de cobre. Numa experiência de laboratório, doses diferentes (0, 12, 24, 48, 96 e 192 Mg ha-1) de casca de pinheiro, concha de mexilhão triturada e misturas de ambos os subprodutos foram adicionados ao solo. Amostras de solo corrigido com os resíduos foram incubadas durante um ano a 60% da sua capacidade de retenção de água, e subsequentemente, 33 ácidos gordos dos fosfolípidos (PLFAs) foram extraídos a partir destas amostras e quantificados. A concentração de PLFAs foi usada para estimar vários tipos de biomassa microbiana: biomassa total, biomassa bacteriana, biomassa fúngica, biomassa de bactérias gram positivas e biomassa de bactérias gram negativas. A adição de concha de mexilhão triturada não teve nenhum efeito significativo na biomassa total ou na biomassa bacteriana ou fúngica. Porém, a adição de casca de pinheiro aumentou a biomassa microbiana do solo (até 40%), principalmente devido ao aumento da biomassa fúngica (a qual aumentou de 1600%). Não foi observado nenhum efeito de sinergismo quando o solo foi corrigido com uma mistura de casca de pinheiro e concha de mexilhão triturada. As maiores alterações na estrutura das comunidades microbianas foram produzidas pela adição de casca de pinheiro ao solo, as quais resultaram em alterações nas comunidades fúngicas. Os resultados sugerem que a biomassa microbiana do solo de mina é, maioritariamente limitada pela concentração de matéria orgânica. Assim, práticas que contribuam para o seu aumento devem ser prioritárias para a reabilitação deste tipo de solos