13 research outputs found

    Improved limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio using BICEP and Planck data

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    We present constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio r using a combination of BICEP/Keck 2018 (BK18) and Planck PR4 data allowing us to fit for r consistently with the six parameters of the ? CDM model. We discuss the sensitivity of constraints on r to uncertainties in the ? CDM parameters as defined by the Planck data. In particular, we are able to derive a constraint on the reionization optical depth ? and thus propagate its uncertainty into the posterior distribution for r . While Planck sensitivity to r is slightly lower than the current ground-based measurements, the combination of Planck with BK18 and baryon-acoustic-oscillation data yields results consistent with r = 0 and tightens the constraint to r < 0.032 at 95% confidence.Planck is a project of the European Space Agency (ESA) with instruments provided by two scientific consortia funded by ESA member states and led by Principal Investigators from France and Italy, telescope reflectors provided through a collaboration between ESA and a scientific consortium led and funded by Denmark, and additional contributions from NASA (USA). We gratefully acknowledge support from the CNRS/IN2P3 Computing Center for providing computing and data-processing resources needed for this work. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02- 05CH11231. Part of the research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant No. 80NM0018D0004)

    QUIJOTE scientific results - V. The microwave intensity and polarization spectra of the Galactic regions W49, W51 and IC443

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    We present new intensity and polarization maps obtained with the QUIJOTE experiment towards the Galactic regions W49, W51 and IC443, covering the frequency range from 10 to 20-GHz at ⁓1deg angular resolution, with a sensitivity in the range 35-79 µK Kbeam-1 for total intensity and 13-23 µK beam-1 for polarization. For each region, we combine QUIJOTE maps with ancillary data at frequencies ranging from 0.4 to 3000 GHz, reconstruct the spectral energy distribution and model it with a combination of known foregrounds. We detect anomalous microwave emission (AME) in total intensity towards W49 at 4.7σ and W51 at 4.0σ with peak frequencies vAME=(20.0±1.4)GHz and vAME=(17.7±3.6)GHz, respectively; this is the first detection of AME towards W51. The contamination from ultracompact HII regions to the residual AME flux density is estimated at 10 per cent in W49 and 5 per cent in W51, and does not rule out the AME detection. The polarized SEDs reveal a synchrotron contribution with spectral indices αs = -0.67 ± 0.10 in W49 and αs = -0.51 ± 0.07 in W51, ascribed to the diffuse Galactic emission and to the local supernova remnant, respectively. Towards IC443 in total intensity we measure a broken power-law synchrotron spectrum with cut-off frequency v0,s=(114±73)GHz, in agreement with previous studies; our analysis, however, rules out any AME contribution which had been previously claimed towards IC443. No evidence of polarized AME emission is detected in this study.We thank the staff of the Teide Observatory for invaluable assistance in the commissioning and operation of QUIJOTE. The QUIJOTE experiment is being developed by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA), and the Universities of Cantabria, Manchester and Cambridge. Partial financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects AYA2007-68058-C03-01, AYA2007-68058-C03-02, AYA2010-21766-C03-01,AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2014-60438-P, ESP2015-70646-C2-1-R, AYA2017-84185-P,ESP2017-83921-C2-1-R,AYA2017-90675-REDC (co-funded with EU FEDER funds), PGC2018-101814-B-I00, PID2019-110610RB-C21, PID2020-120514GB-I00, IACA13-3E-2336, IACA15-BE-3707, EQC2018-004918-P, the Severo Ochoa Programs SEV-2015-0548 and CEX2019-000920-S, the Maria de Maeztu Program MDM-2017-0765, and by the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation). We acknowledge support from the ACIISI, Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento y Empleo del Gobierno de Canarias and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under grant with reference ProID2020010108. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number 687312 (RADIOFOREGROUNDS). DT acknowledges the support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) with Grant N. 2020PM0042; DT also acknowledges the support from the South African Claude Leon Foundation, that partially funded this work. EdlH acknowledges partial financial support from the Concepción Arenal Programme of the Universidad de Cantabria. FG acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101001897). FP acknowledges the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 658499 (PolAME). FP acknowledges support from the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) under grant numbers PID2019-105552RB-C43. BR-G acknowledges ASI-INFN Agreement 2014-037-R.0

    In-flight polarization angle calibration for LiteBIRD: blind challenge and cosmological implications

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    International audienceWe present a demonstration of the in-flight polarization angle calibration for the JAXA/ISAS second strategic large class mission, LiteBIRD, and estimate its impact on the measurement of the tensor-to-scalar ratio parameter, r, using simulated data. We generate a set of simulated sky maps with CMB and polarized foreground emission, and inject instrumental noise and polarization angle offsets to the 22 (partially overlapping) LiteBIRD frequency channels. Our in-flight angle calibration relies on nulling the EB cross correlation of the polarized signal in each channel. This calibration step has been carried out by two independent groups with a blind analysis, allowing an accuracy of the order of a few arc-minutes to be reached on the estimate of the angle offsets. Both the corrected and uncorrected multi-frequency maps are propagated through the foreground cleaning step, with the goal of computing clean CMB maps. We employ two component separation algorithms, the Bayesian-Separation of Components and Residuals Estimate Tool (B-SeCRET), and the Needlet Internal Linear Combination (NILC). We find that the recovered CMB maps obtained with algorithms that do not make any assumptions about the foreground properties, such as NILC, are only mildly affected by the angle miscalibration. However, polarization angle offsets strongly bias results obtained with the parametric fitting method. Once the miscalibration angles are corrected by EB nulling prior to the component separation, both component separation algorithms result in an unbiased estimation of the r parameter. While this work is motivated by the conceptual design study for LiteBIRD, its framework can be broadly applied to any CMB polarization experiment. In particular, the combination of simulation plus blind analysis provides a robust forecast by taking into account not only detector sensitivity but also systematic effects

    Correction to: Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study (Intensive Care Medicine, (2021), 47, 2, (160-169), 10.1007/s00134-020-06234-9)

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    1832The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The members of the ESICM Trials Group Collaborators were not shown in the article but only in the ESM. The full list of collaborators is shown below. The original article has been corrected.openopenLabeau S.O.; Afonso E.; Benbenishty J.; Blackwood B.; Boulanger C.; Brett S.J.; Calvino-Gunther S.; Chaboyer W.; Coyer F.; Deschepper M.; Francois G.; Honore P.M.; Jankovic R.; Khanna A.K.; Llaurado-Serra M.; Lin F.; Rose L.; Rubulotta F.; Saager L.; Williams G.; Blot S.I.; Muzha D.; Ribas A.M.; Lipovesty F.; Loudet C.; Eller P.; Mostafa N.; Honore P.M.; Telleria V.M.; Smajic J.; Nogueira P.C.; Nafees K.M.K.; Hentchoya R.; Soledad J.; Cardenas Y.; Reyes A.G.; Sustic A.; Mpouzika M.; Vymazal T.; Jensen H.I.; Aguirre-Bermeo H.; Maddison L.; Valta M.; Bloos F.; Adipa F.E.; Koulouras V.; Enamorado J.; Agoston Z.; Birgisdottir H.; Gupta A.; Gurjar M.; Kilapong B.; Hashemian S.M.; Martin-Loeches I.; Cortegiani A.; Fletcher K.; Hayashi Y.; Waweru-Siika W.; Abidi K.; Lee S.-M.; Hadri B.; Dolgusevs M.; Abillama F.F.; Jovaisa T.; Thix C.; Elhadi M.; Nor B.M.; Ratnam S.; Mazlan M.Z.; Maiyalagan S.; Sanchez-Hurtado L.; Belii A.; Naranpurev M.; Gautam P.; De lange D.; Parke R.; Ilesanmi R.E.; Shosholcheva M.; Petosic A.; Lind R.; Ffarcsi M.H.; Bogarin J.; Hernandez A.M.; Mikaszewska-Sokolewicz M.; Sousa B.; Tomescu D.; Sandesc D.; Twagirumugabe T.; Gusarov V.; Ebaid M.; Slobodianiuk G.; Martonova A.; Knafelj R.; Mer M.; Maseda E.; Panka B.; Schefold J.C.; Joelsson-Alm E.; Trongtrakul K.; Merritt-Charles L.; Besbes L.O.; Dikmen Y.; Zgrzheblovska L.; Fielding M.; von der Osten I.; Muzha D.; Greca A.; Cani A.; Xhindi N.; Hyska G.; Ribas A.M.; Pinto S.; Alves P.; Esposito R.; Valgolio E.; Minope J.T.S.; Abdala A.; Ayala M.; Bravo S.; Bantar A.; Delgado P.; Badariotti G.; Lipovestky F.; Diaz A.; Saul P.; Setten M.; Aucapina A.; Acosta Y.; Gonzalez V.; Camputaro L.; Baccaro F.; Villa R.; Diaz A.; Mastantuono M.; Dean E.; Rostello O.F.; Brizuela P.; Bartoli J.R.; Guereschi M.; Quiroga C.; Putruele S.; Villegas P.; Curilen V.; Fernandez R.; Nocheretti M.G.; Escalante R.G.; Loudet C.I.; Fernandez S.; Gonzalez A.L.; Alvarez G.A.; Iglesias F.; Chaparro S.; Zakalik G.; Pagella G.; Baini M.; Campos P.A.; Sabbag I.; Schmukler A.; Fonseca I.P.; Alvarez G.M.; Ramirez M.; Tapia F.; Bascary C.A.; del Valle Gimenez G.; Bertoletti F.P.; Milioto E.; Bonsignore P.J.M.; Fernandez M.A.; Smith J.; Chimunda T.; Thompson L.; Maguire T.; Watts S.; Mitchell M.; Powell M.; Lye I.; Parsons L.; Baker N.; Reynolds C.; Thompson A.; Masters K.; Sosnowski K.; Morrison L.; Leslie G.D.; Lakshmanan R.; Tabah A.; Brown W.; McDowell-Skaines S.; McLucas A.; Smith C.; Tallot M.; Jones S.; Barakat-Johnson M.; Leong T.; Butcher R.; Martin K.; Douschan P.; von Lewinski D.; Eller P.; Schmutz R.; Kolussi U.; Salman F.; Ateya Z.; Mostafa N.; De Decker K.; Van Regenmortel N.; Jans A.; Wijnands P.; Coremans S.; De Bels D.; Depuydt T.; Paillet C.; Jacquet L.-M.; Swinnen W.; Hannes F.; Mergeay M.; Van de Velde S.; Allaert S.; Hoste P.; Borin C.; Balon S.; Fraipont V.; Biston P.; De Schryver N.; Dugernier T.; Van Cotthem I.; Telleria V.M.; Smajic J.; de Almeida A.O.; Jorge S.A.; Becker D.; Schmidt R.C.; Oliveira E.; Ramalho A.; Mazocoli E.; Fioretti A.; Barros E.; Serpa L.; Bianchini S.; Campanili T.; Pantaleao T.; Garcia P.C.; Ronchini A.L.V.; Santos R.; Nafees K.M.K.; Manap N.B.A.; Hentchoya R.; Bagshaw S.; Carney D.; Bagshaw S.; Davidow J.; Bagshaw S.; Rokosh E.; Bagshaw S.; Laizner A.M.; Smith S.; McQuirter M.; Kampayana B.S.; Favre R.; Sills M.; Laizner A.M.; Dallaire J.; Laizner A.M.; Becker C.; Microys S.; Bowes B.; Lajeunesse J.; Ghosh R.; Baptiste-Savoie J.; Raizman R.; Bagshaw S.; Suen G.; Taghavi N.; Smith O.; Fielding C.; Canales J.; Molina P.; Chaparro J.; Sepulveda M.I.; Zamorano M.J.F.; Rocha P.; Villanueva X.; Araya P.; Dayan M.; Avalos F.; Li X.; Liu Y.; Li X.; Chen X.; Jiang Z.; Yang J.; Chen J.; Yang L.; Wang K.; Gao J.; Fang X.; Zhao R.; Xia X.; Liu H.; Li J.; Wang H.; Meng G.; Di Y.; Wang D.; Zhao R.H.; Hu L.P.; Fang X.; Peipei X.; Jiao Q.F.; Wang H.Y.; Xia C.J.; Liu Y.; Ye M.; Wan Y.; Wang W.; Ding Y.; Ren A.; Gao Y.; Li Q.; Du G.; Yang J.; Shen Y.; Ding Y.; Li N.; Yuan C.; Li J.; Tan L.; Lin Q.; Guo H.; Yan H.; Xu X.; Zhang W.; Liang J.; Zhang L.; Tian E.; Zhao Q.; InSu L.; Dong J.; Gu Y.; Liu Y.; Zhao L.; Wang W.; Qiao H.; Tuo L.; Lv M.; Zhu J.Y.; Zhu J.F.; Wei Y.; Liu M.; He Y.; Cheng J.; Liu J.; Jia N.; Wei D.; Li Q.; Wu X.; Duan H.; Lin D.; Liang Q.; Luo X.; Xiong Y.; Huang R.F.; Fu J.; Zan T.; Ye M.; Shi Z.; Long Y.; Lei Y.; Liu X.; Yumei C.; Wang L.L.; Zhang Y.; Xu Y.; Cheng; Zhijuan W.; Sun C.; Song J.H.; Wang Y.; Liu X.M.; Liu Y.; Yuan Y.; Huang Q.; Yang F.; Wu Y.; Luo X.; Bai X.; Zheng H.; Song M.; Sun Y.; Li Z.S.; Luo F.; Liu M.; Li L.C.; Li X.; Zhang G.; Xiao L.; Yu T.; Gao G.; Wei W.; Wang F.; Han T.; Li T.; Zeng Q.; Zeng J.M.; Long Y.; Pan F.; Wang J.; He G.; Chen H.; Zhang F.; Chao Y.; Chunhua G.; Yao X.; Bai D.; Liu L.; Xu X.; Wang Y.; Liang X.; Zhang N.; Li X.; Zhang A.; Chen X.; Hu X.C.; Zhang H.; Wang R.X.; Tak P.S.; Ho S.W.; Jiang Q.X.; Ding X.; Hong L.; Miao L.; Feng Z.; Huang L.P.; Wu J.; Wang Y.; Guo J.; Zhang B.; Ma C.; Han Y.; Liu C.; Ding M.; Luan L.; Zheng J.; Lv S.; Jiang S.; Cao W.; Xue X.; Li J.; Liu G.; Wang J.; Wei X.; Zhang W.; Jiang Y.; Yao Z.; Gao L.; Li J.; Zhao W.; Jiang M.; Hao J.; Zhang J.; Song C.; Chen F.; Wang S.; Hu L.; Cao D.; Liu Y.; Wan J.; Wang X.; Shao H.; Zhang Z.; Cui X.; Liu J.; Zhao L.; Li X.; Fan L.; Zhang L.; Yu M.; Li B.; Li C.; Liu L.; Liu X.L.; Chen W.; Li Y.; Zhigang Z.; Yuchen W.; Mu C.; Zhu G.; Yang F.; Bo Q.; Li L.; Chen M.; Jiang J.H.; Yin H.; Pang X.; Gong Y.Y.; Yang S.; Yan X.; Zheng X.; Lei D.H.; Lei L.; Guo Y.; Liu L.; Yu J.; Sun W.; Bi A.P.; Li W.; Wu Y.; Li J.; Ni D.; Li X.; Liu Y.; Wu Z.; Song B.; Chen J.; Fei Q.; Xiaoyan Y.; Ran Q.; Xixi L.; Jiao X.; Ji H.; Zhiping S.; Hong M.; Jianhong M.; Hao Y.; Yin L.; Wang Y.; Hui C.; Ju W.; Xia X.; Huo Y.; Wang Y.; Chen L.; Yan Y.; Zhao Q.; Chen H.; Bao G.; Cao Y.; Hong L.; Zhang H.; Zhang Y.; Xu L.; Guixiang J.; Li Y.; Zhao H.M.; Huang X.; Dai Z.; Jian Y.; Zhang H.; Tian Z.; Cao Z.Q.; Li M.; Liu Y.; Ouyang F.; Ma F.; Jin W.; Ge L.; Wu S.F.; Li J.; Yuan W.; Chen T.; Shi G.; Chen Z.; Liu K.; Lin X.; Yuemen L.; Lijuan S.; Tian X.F.; Wang S.; Feng Z.X.; Liu X.Z.; Dong Y.; Zhang J.; Bocui N.; Jiang Z.X.; Yang J.; Wang G.X.; Zhao Y.; Wu X.; Yang Q.; Hu R.L.; Li X.Q.; Yu Z.J.; Yao Y.; Deng X.; Xiao Y.; Xie Y.; Yang Y.; Yang H.; Zhou Y.; Li Z.; Xiao M.; Yang Y.X.; Tian Y.; Gama L.M.S.; Hernandez J.S.; Cardenas Y.; Caicedo N.; Marin J.; Ochoa M.-E.; Gomez M.; Rojas-Suarez J.; Gonzalez J.; Reyes A.J.G.; Chapeta E.; Orozco E.; Filipovic-Grcic I.; Vukovic A.; Pecenkovic S.; Suput A.; Sustic A.; Zivanovic-Posilovic G.; Bozena A.; Udiljak N.; Milic M.; Radivojevic R.C.; Mihaljevic S.; Matas M.; Tonkovic D.; Culjak H.; Herceg I.; Pavlisa G.; Dobric M.; Beker T.; Adam V.N.; Goranovic T.; Markoulias C.; Mathaios M.; Mylordou M.; Achilleos E.; Kleanthous P.; Kotanidi V.; Foka M.; Charalabous I.; Alexandrou A.; Georgiou M.; Patsalos A.; Zepoy S.; Constantinou C.; Piza P.; Vymazal T.; Wiborg E.; Bruhn L.; Kaasby K.; Pedersen K.R.; Mikkelsen S.; Collet M.; Langvad A.; Andresen H.; Fischer S.; Kjaergard I.E.; Jepsen B.; Husted B.; Bestle M.; Kodal A.M.; Hansen T.C.B.; Pedersen A.S.B.; Thomsen T.D.; Hoegenhaven A.; From M.; Frandsen T.M.; Henning G.; Hansen A.; Jensen H.I.; Bliksted I.A.; Tamayo L.M.; Mogrovejo P.; Aguirre-Bermeo H.; Palaez C.; Tutillo D.R.M.; Hurtado C.V.; Garcia M.F.; Alvarez D.; Guerrero F.; Vasquez A.; Kutimets M.; Tamme K.; Maddison L.; Anvelt E.; Dlamini-Sserumaga L.; Lofqvist C.; Lusenius V.; Kauppi O.; Sakki J.-K.; Tervo-Heikkinen T.; Kesti U.; Merilainen M.; Karjula E.; Peltomaa M.; Palmu A.; Ahtiala M.; Valta M.A.; Mentec H.; Plantefeve G.; Besch G.; Pili-Floury S.; Ledochowski S.; Deserts M.D.; Giacardi C.; Daubin C.; Massard A.; Le Guen Y.; Blanc A.; Mandaroux S.; Gunther S.C.; Avogadro P.; Radavidson A.; Turc J.; Jochmans S.; Quintard H.; Boyer L.; Bruel C.; Philippart F.; Montravers P.; Atchade E.; Flessel N.; Chinardet B.; Soulisse L.; Pillard C.; Ngo D.; Bongiorno B.; Heitzler N.; Souppart V.; Gautheret N.; Timsit J.-F.; Essardy F.; Fartoukh M.; Mehay D.; Etourneau F.; Farkas J.-C.; Beuret P.; Preda G.; De Montmollin E.; Castelain V.; Jaschinski U.; Rothenfusser M.; Kindgen-Milles D.; Dimski T.; Fiedler C.; Heinicke T.; Meybohm P.; Schulze T.; Bota M.; Pelz S.; Odenthal T.; Christ M.; Bloos F.; Bosl K.; Chovas A.; Stehr S.; Simon P.; Grotheer S.; Schuppel S.; Schaller S.; Albrecht L.; Stubner A.; Graeser S.; Kolbe N.; Lausch M.; Diers A.; Guenther U.; Riessen R.; Roller M.; Osei I.P.; Kusi-Appiah A.-C.; Yakubu Y.H.; Guadi-Gosh B.; Dragoumanis C.; Christofis C.; Kazakos N.; Bastani S.; Martinos C.; Bekos V.; Papanikolaou M.; Papavasilopoulou T.; Efthymiou A.; Chantziara V.; Kyriakoudi A.; Kakaras N.; Diakaki C.; Flevari A.; Nikolaou C.; Katerina K.; Avramopoulou L.; Tsikritsaki K.; Gkiokas G.; Pantiora E.; Katsenos C.; Patsiou E.-C.; Alexandropoulou P.; Koutsodimitropoulos I.; Farmakis E.; Nestora K.; Chatzis M.; Kondili E.; Soundoulounaki S.; Mousafiri O.; Lepida D.; Liarmakopoulou A.; Koulouras V.; Papathanakos G.; Oikonomou M.; Ioannides P.; Papadopoulos D.; Staikos I.; Stafylaraki M.; Raitsiou B.; Mandis K.; Ravani I.; Kourelea S.; Efthimiou A.; Thoma G.; Bakas A.; Psarulis K.; Anisoglou S.; Papageorgiou E.; Michailidou E.; Tholioti T.; Lavrentieva A.; Sourla E.; Spyropoulou A.; Pantelas N.; Stalika K.M.M.; Georgakas I.; Karathanou A.; Tsikriki S.; Dimoula A.; Kanakaki S.; Vakalos A.; Pagioulas K.; Enamorado J.E.; Nardai G.; Hawchar F.; Blondal A.; Rygvadottir B.; Jonasdottir R.J.; Birgisdottir H.; Shah B.; Kaushik S.; Tripathy S.; Singh M.; Agarwal S.; Gupta M.; Ahmad M.; Mangal K.; Bhargava V.; Kushare V.; Jha S.; Bhakhtiani L.; Gupta A.; Kamal M.; Gurjar M.; Baronia A.; Kilapong B.; Susanti A.; Lestari M.I.; Zulkifli Z.; Baskoro W.; Zand F.; Zarei F.; Mahmoodpoor A.; Heidari F.; Jafaraghaee F.; O'Shea A.; O'Shea F.; O'Donnell C.; Craig G.; Fitzpatrick G.; Dunne L.; Hastings J.; Marsh B.; Cody C.; Campbell E.; Doyle D.; Pacturanan M.; Sheehan C.; Carey A.; Carter C.; Mulvey R.; Finn D.O.C.R.; Motherway C.; Walsh A.; Kehoe J.; Delossantos S.; Lalor J.; O'Nuallain S.; Behan H.; McPherson S.; Corcoran A.; Gordon P.; Rooney G.; Levy D.; Azencot M.; Gurevich V.; Lavy A.; Bendelari V.; Marconi R.; Barone A.; Gatti C.; Giampaoletti A.; Borgognoni C.; Ghioldi D.M.; Raimondo A.; Castiglione G.; Bruno A.V.; Rubulotta G.; Mo A.; Corso A.; Girianni S.; Bruni A.; Garofalo E.; Maggiore S.M.; Di Risio A.; Calamai I.; Spina R.; Spadaro S.; Volta C.A.; Cotoia A.; Mirabella L.; Maulicino L.; Abregal G.; Donvito M.; D'Ambrosio P.; Binda F.; Adamina I.; Galazzi A.; Negro A.; Vaschetto R.; Capuzzi F.; Boschetto M.; Stivanello L.; Bonaccorso L.; Megna C.; Cortegiani A.; Iozzo P.; Rizzo A.; Scire G.; Taibi M.R.; Tranello F.P.; Manzo A.; Traina L.; Pastore B.; Quaini A.; Giusti G.D.; Montaldi G.; Piergentili F.; Mancini F.; Casaioli S.; Uccelli F.; Guarracino F.; Onelli A.; Di Gravio V.; Cossu M.; Matrona O.; Rocco M.; Alampi D.; Dellafiore F.; Ranalli F.; Bossolasco M.; Brizio E.; Migliorino P.; Cortellazi P.; Rosati M.; D'Ambrosio F.; Quagliotto C.; Roman-Pognuz E.; Peratoner A.; De Rosa S.; Martin M.A.; De Sanctis F.; Ciorba P.; Fletcher K.; Toppin P.; Harding-Goldson H.; Taito S.; Shime N.; Yamamoto R.; Kanda F.; Hirao A.; Egi M.; Noguchi A.; Hashimoto S.; Aya U.; Sakuramoto H.; Ohuchi A.; Kataoka J.; Maruyama K.; Nakayama I.; Nishime Y.; Fujimoto K.; Takahashi K.; Tsujimoto M.; Shimizu M.; Waweru-Siika W.; Tole E.; Correia M.C.; Kim J.H.; Park S.; Kim K.C.; Baek J.; Bae J.-M.; Park S.Y.; Park T.S.; Lee H.B.; Park S.Y.; Park J.; Yeon-Joo L.; Young-Jae C.; Lee S.-M.; Jeon K.; Kim S.C.; Lee J.; Chee H.K.; Huh J.W.; Sim Y.S.; Kim J.; Chang Y.; Ahn J.-J.; Kang B.J.; Lee W.-Y.; Lee S.J.; Hadri B.; Baftiu N.; Krastins I.; Dolgusevs M.; Abillama F.F.; Stiban S.; Feghaly M.E.; Gharios E.; Merheb M.; Benlamin M.; Khaled A.; Belkhair W.A.; Tabib M.; Ashour F.; Elhadi A.; Tababa O.W.E.; Khaled T.; Alkhumsi S.I.R.; Alshrif A.I.; Aboufray A.A.; Alabuzidi A.; Triki A.R.; Elgammudi M.; Zahra H.B.; Soula E.; Al-Alawi M.M.S.; Ahmed H.; Ghula M.A.A.; Vosylius S.; Mouton L.; Rastegar T.; Sertznig C.; Martin G.; Thix C.; Theisen C.; Ferretti C.; Gils F.; Gallion M.; Zainudin A.; Bahrin L.K.K.; Deva S.R.; Rahim A.H.A.; Wahab S.; Mazlan M.Z.; Hassan W.N.W.; Ismail W.N.W.; Ali M.N.; Khoo T.M.; Samat N.M.; Tong J.M.G.; Adib N.A.N.; Nor M.B.M.; Ratnam S.; Ismail N.; Ratnam S.; Sulaiman S.R.; Foong K.W.; Alias A.; Hua N.P.; Maiyalagan S.; Maiyalagan S.; Zermeno J.M.; Blanco D.; Duran K.; Nava C.L.L.; Nandyelly S.J.R.; Sanchez-Hurtado L.A.; Tejeda-Huezo B.; Del Moral Armengol M.; Nava L.P.A.; Herrera J.G.; de Anda G.F.V.; Gallegos-Perez H.; Hernandez-Sanchez N.; Hernandez-Ponce L.; Gorordo-Delsol L.; Hernandez-Romero M.; Gomez S.; Molinar F.; Namendys-Silva S.A.; Romero-Gonzalez J.P.; Gonzalez D.; Landaverde A.; Sosa M.A.; Navarro B.; de Molina Serrano J.I.R.; Iburrigarro S.R.; Ibarra A.; Aguirre J.; Martinez-Gonzalez M.; Padilla N.R.C.; Pineda A.A.V.; Villafuerte M.V.E.; Herrera M.O.G.; Belii A.; Naranpurev M.; Baasanjav B.; Hachimi A.; Elkhayari M.; Abidi K.; Dendane T.; Subedi N.B.; Pathak S.D.; Gautam P.; Manandhar M.; Van Gulik L.; Van Den Brink M.; Van Vliet P.; Gerretsen B.; Van Den Berg L.; De Haan M.; Tuinstra B.; Kuijpers P.; Reijntjens J.; Vermeijden J.W.; Rinket M.; Vanroest M.; Reidinga A.; Loef B.; Dieperink W.; Onrust M.; Dormans T.; Bormans L.; Koopmans M.; Gerritsen R.T.; Van Den Elst A.; Evers M.; Oiting O.; Wilting R.; Ramaker B.; van der Kuil M.; Fijen J.-W.; Haas L.; De Lange D.; Haringman J.; Newby L.; Parke R.; Gilder E.; Hacking D.; Dagooc R.; Song R.; Waibel H.; Dawn F.; Rapley J.; Chadwick L.; Chapman C.; Crone P.; Albrett J.; Marko P.; Goodson J.; Browne T.; Whitticase R.; Davidson C.; Judd H.; Owens D.; Onyeka T.; Ugwu I.; Ilesanmi R.; Adejumo P.O.; Owojuyigbe A.; Adenekan A.; Uba S.; Chime C.; Jibrin D.; Sankey B.J.; Adekola O.; Olanipekun S.; Olanipekun S.; Adekola O.; Shosolcheva M.; Gievski V.; Kartalov A.; Naumovski F.; Kuzmanovska B.; Trposak A.; Bogoevska-Miteva Z.; Rosalia R.; Olsen B.F.; Sjobo B.; Jensen K.D.; Sykehus D.; Johansen B.F.; Straede E.; Johansen E.; Finnstrom I.J.; Toellefsen A.; Ostenjo H.; Bjorgen H.; Bratsberg B.; Kristoffersen E.; Skorstad E.M.; Hansen S.; Vullum S.; Lunde G.A.; Arntsen W.; Lund M.; Akselsen G.R.; Monstad K.R.; Stenset A.; Haugom H.; Monsen B.; Hogvall L.; Trudvang S.; Galaaen B.; Malmin S.K.; Andersen M.H.; Hargott R.F.; Andersen Y.; Steffenak E.; Nyhus M.; Meland B.; Hashmi M.; Rivas N.; Maidana E.; de Jesus Ortiz A.; Cabral D.M.B.; Simi M.; Aponte C.; Rivas J.C.; Gill S.; Garcia A.; Alvarenga G.; Cespedes L.; Perez H.; Moreira M.L.; Canete F.; Gonzalez R.; Monges N.; Garcia A.; Coman M.; Pederzani M.; Franco N.; Aganon F.; Martinez R.; Noblezada-Uy D.; Ellazar C.G.; Cerezo F.D.; Hernandez A.M.; Palo J.E.; Aperocho C.A.J.; Isanan M.; Tubacka M.; Jasiewicz P.; Czuczwar M.; Borys M.; Gutysz-Wojnicka A.; Glinka L.; Gawda R.; Mikaszewska-Sokolewicz M.; Bilawicz J.; Cabrita P.; Vieira J.; Figueiredo M.F.; Pinheiro C.M.; Antunes N.; Pedro L.; Ferreira F.; Parente I.; Varela M.; Fernandes F.; Martins C.; Viveiros A.; Cavaco R.; Rita C.S.; Dias S.; Feranandes A.M.; Silva P.; Nunes C.; Cabral J.; Sousa B.; Pires F.; Ferreira H.; Santos J.; Pinto V.M.V.; Bispo B.M.; Ferreira A.; Molinos E.; Lafuente E.; Gregorio R.; Costa H.; Lima A.; Ferreira S.; Seromenho V.; Luis E.; Valerio I.; Cesar H.; Tavares A.; Alsheikhly A.S.; Mahmood S.; Guran C.T.; Moise A.; Filipescu D.C.; Luchian M.; Tomescu D.; Popescu M.; Scutariu M.A.; Petrisor C.; Hagau N.; Grigoras I.; Patrichi T.; Gusarev V.; Pivkina A.; Kulakov V.; Ignatenko O.; Kovaleva J.; Zhivotneva T.; Zhedaeva M.; Matiushkov N.; Ershova O.; Egorova N.; Khoronenko V.; Baskakov D.; Sergeev D.; Piradov M.; Grishina L.; Magomedov M.; Zuev E.; Gorokhovatsky U.; Leonova A.; Fadeeva L.; Belskiy V.; Galishevskiy D.; Zubareva N.; Tribulev M.; Zueva O.; Kiselev A.; Kamenshchikov N.; Tokareva E.; Petrushin M.; Starchenko I.; Twagirumugabe T.; Nshimyumuremyi I.; Muhizi J.; Buregeya E.; Nzarora J.; Assiri A.; Ebaid M.S.; Almekhlafi G.; Mandourah Y.; Velickovic J.; Velickovic D.; Jovanovic B.; Hadzibegovic A.; Stefanovic B.; Misic V.; Bumbasirevic V.; Rajkovic M.; Stojanovic M.; Gavrilovic S.; Stanojevic M.; Martonova A.; Yaghi A.; Turcan A.; Firment P.; Slobodianiuk G.; Rabarova D.; Lancaricova D.; Vlaovic J.; Groznik M.; Lukic M.; Perme J.; Sostaric M.; Umek N.; Mirkovic T.; Dolenc S.; Knafelj R.; Fister M.; Zorko N.; Markota A.; Yeni N.P.; Jali P.; Schmollgruber S.; Syed M.R.; Parag N.; Wise R.; Galiana M.; Navarro J.A.; De Pablo A.M.; Albert P.; Martinez P.; Mendiara Y.; Garcia B.; Llinas A.A.; Riveiro M.; Gallart E.; Riera A.; Sanz M.; Salo S.; Lajara M.A.G.; Nieto M.V.; Garcia R.; Pena J.M.G.; Gorgolas M.C.; Isasi M.A.; Sierra R.; Gordo F.; Conejo I.; Salva-Costa V.; Garzon-Tovar C.; Lospitao S.; Gonzalez R.; Gutierrez P.; Girona M.; Adamuz J.; Olivares P.G.; de Ceballos J.P.G.; Tirado C.; De Wit I.; Polo A.B.C.; del Mar Diaz Salcedo M.; Ripolles-Melchor J.; Martinez-Hurtado E.; Alvarez J.D.; Arcas M.L.B.; Gonzalez J.I.T.; de la Ventana A.B.S.; Calleja P.L.-A.; Alvarez R.G.; Zamora P.S.; Guerrero A.O.; Cosano R.; Perez-Vacas J.; Campos-Perez M.; Barreiro E.M.; Sanchez L.C.; Diaz M.G.; Jimenez R.; Del Rio Cabajo L.; Muriel D.S.; Alonso H.F.; Fernandez A.W.; Pinan I.S.; Albaiceta G.M.; Fernandez M.C.I.; Abos F.J.S.; Monedero P.; Chueca R.M.; Aguirre L.G.; Manosa S.C.; Luque C.P.; Calpe N.; Losilla M.R.; Fores M.T.; Farre O.; Fernandez O.; del Rosario Villar Redondo M.; Arteta Arteta D.S.; Sanchez M.A.H.; Espinosa C.P.; Reyes L.M.; Domenech L.C.; Guillen C.V.; Alvarez J.T.; del Cotillo M.; Barrueco-Francioni J.E.; Conde B.B.; Blanco M.P.S.; Blasco M.L.; Clement A.I.; Hurtado C.; Sanz L.C.; Perez-Torres D.; Prol-Silva E.; Pereira J.; Gonzalez I.A.; Cano A.E.; Nunez C.R.; Fernadez I.L.; Fernandez A.A.M.; Del Bosque Diez R.; Hilario B.; Zalba-Etayo B.; Pascual-Bielsa A.; Panka B.; Banwarie P.; Nahar D.; van Axel A.; Boedjawan N.N.; Jansson E.B.; Malvemyr A.-S.; Johansson L.; Sandberg U.; Tingsvik C.; Mattsson G.; Lof G.; Spangfors M.; Ringdal M.; Geijer S.; Orvelius L.; Hylen M.; Lagerhall C.; Joelsson-Alm E.; Akerman E.; Hellkvist V.H.; Mickelsson U.; Akerman E.; Wahlbom E.; Larsson I.-M.; Wallin E.; Boroli F.; Ory S.; Jong M.L.; Dullenkopf A.; Lang M.; Fleury Y.; Maus M.; Ben-Hamouda N.; Fishman A.; Hsu M.Y.; Chang S.C.; Trongtratul K.; Sawawiboon C.; Morakul S.; Khwannimit B.; Merritt-Charles L.; Singh K.; Ventour D.; Figaro-Barclay D.; Sankar-Maharaj S.; Mebazaa M.S.; Kamoun S.; Elatrous S.; Besbes L.; Abroug F.; Naija W.; Elhechmi Y.Z.; Sellami W.; Hajjej Z.; Merhabene T.; Talik I.; Kuscu O.O.; Dilek O.; Zerman A.; Dal H.C.; Turan S.; Aydemir S.; Yilmaz H.; Calili D.K.; Izdes S.; Cengiz M.; Gumus A.; Tasdemir B.; Kagnici A.; Ay M.; Ay S.A.; Caliskan G.; Akbas T.; Balbay A.O.; Efe S.; Inal V.; Elay G.; Karabacak P.; Ozserezli B.; Senturk E.; Demirkiran O.; Bozbay S.; Dikmen Y.; Erdogan E.; Akker M.; Peker N.; Ozgultekin A.; Serin S.O.; Turan C.; Karaoren G.; Goksu S.; Karakurt S.; Arikan H.; Gul F.; Cinel I.; Kara I.; Undar H.N.; Bayraktar Y.S.; Celik J.B.; Tokur M.E.; Aydin D.T.; Yildiz I.; Ozcan B.; Erdivanli B.; Erdivanli B.; Ozcan B.; Eroglu A.; Akdag D.; Unlu N.; Fielding M.; Dungca A.; Ali A.; Thankamma B.; Reyes P.E.; John S.; Rajendran A.; Ahmad F.K.E.; Smiley K.A.; Hojden S.; Miller M.T.; Das Sasidharan Nair V.; Antonio M.G.S.; Qawasmeh K.A.; Shawish S.A.; Twiggs H.; Rosado I.; Babych V.; Morren F.; Young C.; Vaughan-Jones N.; Harris S.; Burns K.; Georgiev C.; Shayamano R.; Kerslake I.; Creber P.; Vochin A.; O'Brien C.; Caddell P.; Hagan S.; Hughes M.; Torlinski T.; Sherwin J.; Kannan S.; Markham A.; Lebon R.; Cupitt J.; Cranshaw J.; White N.; Marriott V.; Milner W.; Groba C.B.; Azoia J.; Polgarova P.; George S.; Kapoor R.; Lynch C.; Fox N.; Cranmer K.; Fox N.; Llewellym T.; Matthews K.; Maltby L.; Ibao J.; Boulton K.; Jarman R.; Baxter K.; Raj A.S.; Moghal A.; White J.; Barrowcliffe S.; Pulletz M.; Ganeshalingam V.; Baruah R.; Baker H.; Woods J.; Ei P.P.; Ogbeide V.; Hayden P.; Matthews K.; Hughes J.; Balasubramanian M.; Salberg A.; Saha R.; Holmquist D.; Young C.; Derbyshire C.; Smith N.; Stones E.; Ademokun J.; Popescu M.; Legorburo M.S.; North S.; Brett C.; Jaundoo H.; Craig J.; Whiteley S.; Howcroft C.; Wilby L.; Delve P.; Shaw D.; Williams K.; Welters I.D.; McMullen J.; Brett S.; Flores L.; Trueman-Dawkins T.; Templeton M.; Adams J.; Smith C.; Prowle J.; Byers H.; McDonnell A.; Rose B.O.; Reece-Anthony R.; Mendes L.; Vizcaychipi M.; Bull R.; Lacaden G.; Santiago E.; Delgado C.C.; Farnell-Ward S.; Thorpe E.; Somerville J.; Williams A.; Cummings D.; Derrick H.; Brumwell S.; Randell C.; McCann N.; Aves E.; Berry G.; Szakmany T.; Gunter U.; Pulak P.; Sarkar N.; Wright K.; Gomes V.; Jones J.; Palfrey R.; Camsooksai J.; Lewis A.; Eneas A.; Tridente A.; Barr L.; Jovaisa T.; Thomas B.; Parkin E.; Horner D.; Frey C.; Bench S.; Baumber R.; Broadhurst P.; Jackson M.; Williams L.; Clark M.; Paddle J.; Bean S.; Buckley S.; Palfreeman C.; Liu S.; Allison N.; Attwood B.; Parsons P.; Houghton V.; Turner S.J.; Higgins D.; Bielskute E.; Horrigan N.; Jacob R.; Habgood K.; Zaki A.; Collins A.; Lord J.; Ramiro C.; Kubisz-Pudelko A.; Kotze M.; Williams H.; Iovenko I.; Tsarev A.; Zgrzheblovska L.; Briva A.; Mendez G.; Napolitano L.; Teig M.; Lee J.; Rodriguez G.E.; Ben-Jacob T.; Potestio C.; Eng T.; Mahanes D.; Khanna A.; Duggal A.;

    Overview of the medium and high frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD space mission

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    LiteBIRD is a JAXA-led Strategic Large-Class mission designed to search for the existence of the primordial gravitational waves produced during the inflationary phase of the Universe, through the measurements of their imprint onto the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). These measurements, requiring unprecedented sensitivity, will be performed over the full sky, at large angular scales, and over 15 frequency bands from 34 GHz to 448 GHz. The LiteBIRD instruments consist of three telescopes, namely the Low-, Medium-and High-Frequency Telescope (respectively LFT, MFT and HFT). We present in this paper an overview of the design of the Medium-Frequency Telescope (89{224 GHz) and the High-Frequency Telescope (166{448 GHz), the so-called MHFT, under European responsibility, which are two cryogenic refractive telescopes cooled down to 5 K. They include a continuous rotating half-wave plate as the first optical element, two high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lenses and more than three thousand transition-edge sensor (TES) detectors cooled to 100 mK. We provide an overview of the concept design and the remaining specific challenges that we have to face in order to achieve the scientific goals of LiteBIRD

    LiteBIRD satellite: JAXA's new strategic L-class mission for all-sky surveys of cosmic microwave background polarization

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    LiteBIRD, the Lite (Light) satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection, is a space mission for primordial cosmology and fundamental physics. JAXA selected LiteBIRD in May 2019 as a strategic large-class (L-class) mission, with its expected launch in the late 2020s using JAXA's H3 rocket. LiteBIRD plans to map the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization over the full sky with unprecedented precision. Its main scientific objective is to carry out a definitive search for the signal from cosmic inflation, either making a discovery or ruling out well-motivated inflationary models. The measurements of LiteBIRD will also provide us with an insight into the quantum nature of gravity and other new physics beyond the standard models of particle physics and cosmology. To this end, LiteBIRD will perform full-sky surveys for three years at the Sun-Earth Lagrangian point L2 for 15 frequency bands between 34 and 448 GHz with three telescopes, to achieve a total sensitivity of 2.16 μK-arcmin with a typical angular resolution of 0.5° at 100 GHz. We provide an overview of the LiteBIRD project, including scientific objectives, mission requirements, top-level system requirements, operation concept, and expected scientific outcomes

    30-Day morbidity and mortality of bariatric metabolic surgery in adolescence during the COVID-19 pandemic – The GENEVA study

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    Background: Metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) is an effective treatment for adolescents with severe obesity. Objectives: This study examined the safety of MBS in adolescents during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: This was a global, multicentre and observational cohort study of MBS performed between May 01, 2020, and October 10,2020, in 68 centres from 24 countries. Data collection included in-hospital and 30-day COVID-19 and surgery-specific morbidity/mortality. Results: One hundred and seventy adolescent patients (mean age: 17.75 ± 1.30 years), mostly females (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;122, 71.8%), underwent MBS during the study period. The mean pre-operative weight and body mass index were 122.16 ± 15.92 kg and 43.7&nbsp;± 7.11 kg/m2, respectively. Although majority of patients had pre-operative testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;146; 85.9%), only 42.4% (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;72) of the patients were asked to self-isolate pre-operatively. Two patients developed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection post-operatively (1.2%). The overall complication rate was 5.3% (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;9). There was no mortality in this cohort. Conclusions: MBS in adolescents with obesity is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic when performed within the context of local precautionary procedures (such as pre-operative testing). The 30-day morbidity rates were similar to those reported pre-pandemic. These data will help facilitate the safe re-introduction of MBS services for this group of patients