3,229 research outputs found

    Balancing between cognitive and semantic acceptability of arguments

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    This paper addresses the problem concerning approximating human cognitions and semantic extensions regarding acceptability status of arguments. We introduce three types of logical equilibriums in terms of satisfiability, entailment and semantic equivalence in order to analyse balance of human cognitions and semantic extensions. The generality of our proposal is shown by the existence conditions of equilibrium solutions. The applicability of our proposal is demonstrated by the fact that it detects a flaw of argumentation actually taking place in an online forum and suggests its possible resolution

    Harmonic strain-optical response revealed in the isotropic (liquid) phase of liquid crystals

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    International audienceA strong optical birefringence is observed when applying a small amplitude oscillatory strain to theliquid phase of a liquid crystal. This unpredicted birefringence is found to oscillate at the samefrequency as the driving frequency, with frequencies down to 0.01 Hz. This birefringence is visibleup to 15 C above the liquid crystal transition. This opto-dynamic property is interpreted as a resultof a coupling of the orientational pretransitional fluctuations existing in the isotropic phase andlong range elastic interactions recently identified in liquids. The conversion of the mechanicalwave in an optical response is shapeable. Two examples of synchronized periodic signals areshown: the sine and the square waves. The optimization of the signal is analyzed using aHeaviside-step shear test. This optical property is immediately exploitable to design low energyon/off switching material

    Hidden solidlike properties in the isotropic phase of the 8CB liquid crystal

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    International audienceNovel dynamic experiments have enabled the identification of a macroscopic solidlike response in the isotropic phase of a low molecular weight liquid crystal, 4,4'-n-octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB). This unknown property indicates that the low frequency shear elasticity identified in the isotropic phase of liquid crystal polymers is not reminiscent from the glass transition but reveals likely a generic property of the liquid state. The comparison to high molecular weight liquid crystals indicates, however, that the shear modulus is much enhanced when the liquid crystal moieties are attached to a polymer chain. The macroscopic length scales probed (0.050–0.100 mm) exclude wall-induced effects. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.050501 PACS number(s): 61.30.Hn, 68.08.−p, 87.15.hg, 83.85.Vb The knowledge of the timescales involved in liquid crystalline systems is of outmost importance to understand, control, and improve their characteristics. The submillimeter scales properties attract a tremendous research interest [1–4]. However, few studies concern the isotropic phase away from pretransitional effects. Assimilated to ordinary viscous liquids, the isotropic phase is not supposed to exhibit solidlike properties, or at very high frequency only (mega-or gigahertz) as ordinary liquids. For this reason, the low frequency behavior of the isotropic phase remains mistakenly unexplored. Experimentally, the viscous or solidlike nature of a material is deduced from its response to a low frequency mechanical solicitation. A couple of years ago, careful dynamic experiments carried out in the isotropic phase of high molecular weight liquid crystals [side-chain liquid crystalline polymers (SCLCPs)] have revealed an as-yet unknown property: the isotropic melt does not flow but exhibits a finite shear elasticity of about several thousand Pascals at low frequency (0.1–10 Hz) [5–9]. The identification of low frequency shear elasticity in the isotropic phase of SCLCPs away from the isotropic-nematic transition opens numerous questions on the origin of this new property. It neither seems to result from the contribution of the liquid crystal moieties nor from surface anchoring effects, but likely from a generic property of the liquid state. Measurable in SCLCPs at macroscopic length scales as far as 100 • away from the glass transition temperature [5,7,9], the shear elasticity of SCLCPs still raises the debated question of reminiscent glass transition effects. In this Rapid Communication, we probe the dynamic properties of the low molecular counterpart: the 4,4'-n-octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB). The widely studied molecule can be considered as a representative liquid crystal molecule. 8CB exhibits a crystalline phase at low temperatures that enables one to rule on the question of pretransitional glass transition effects. We reveal a low frequency, solidlike response at several tens of micrometers sample thickness in the isotropic phase of 8CB, meaning that long range correlations are preserved when the orientational order is lost. This shear elasticity is detectable if special attention is paid to boundary conditions between the substrate and the sample. Under these conditions, the shear stress is optimally transmitted between the sampl

    Self-reported price of cigarettes, consumption and compensatory behaviours in a cohort of Mexican smokers before and after a cigarette tax increase

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    This paper presents a novel SAT-based approach for the computation of extensions in abstract argumentation, with focus on preferred semantics, and an empirical evaluation of its performances. The approach is based on the idea of reducing the problem of computing complete extensions to a SAT problem and then using a depth-first search method to derive preferred extensions. The proposed approach has been tested using two distinct SAT solvers and compared with three state-of-the-art systems for preferred extension computation. It turns out that the proposed approach delivers significantly better performances in the large majority of the considered cases

    Tissue location of resistance in apple to the rosy apple aphid established by electrical penetration graphs

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    A study of the constitutive resistance of the apple cultivar Florina, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), to the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Homoptera Aphididae), was performed for the first time by the electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) system, using the susceptible apple cultivar Smoothe as control. All experiments were conducted with apterous adult virginoparae. The results showed a constitutive resistance in Florina due to a much longer period before the first probe reflecting surface factors. Some weak indications were found for pre-phloem resistance and initiating phloem access was not affected as inferred from equal time to show phloem salivation. However, the complete absence of phloem ingestion indicates a major resistance factor in the phloem sieve elements, most likely in the sieve element sap. Surface factors could have affected tissue related variables and this should be studied further. Anyhow, the strong constitutive resistance in Florina, either on the surface alone or in the phloem as well, effectively prevented reliable experiments on induced resistance, previously detected by molecular methods

    Unexpected giant elasticity in side-chain liquid-crystal polymer melts: A new approach for the understanding of shear-induced phase transitions

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    International audienceRecent studies have revealed that high molecular weight liquid crystals typically exhibit shear induced phases within the isotropic melt. From rheo-birefringence measurements, we demonstrate that those shear induced phases are not coupled with conventional orientational-order fluctuations. From rheo-SANS experiments, we show that the polymer chain is deformed at time scales longer than the viscoelastic relaxation time. Finally, careful visco-elastic measurements reveal a strong elastic behaviour; the melt is not a viscoelastic liquid but solid-like at equilibrium one hundred degrees over the glass transition temperature and up to 15°C over the Isotropic-Nematic phase transition. This supra molecular cohesion and its extra long relaxation times may explain the emergence of non-linear phenomena

    Pressure-induced reduction of the Landau-Peierls instabilities in a side-chain polymer liquid crystal with reentrant polymorphism

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    International audienceCyanobiphenyl mesogens are known to exhibit partially bilayered smectic A (S Ad) and also reentrant nem-atic (N re) phases. Nematic and smectic orders are coupled parameters which depend both on temperature and pressure. We report the first structural study of the influence of a hydrostatic pressure on the smectic phase. This study was carried out on a side-chain liquid crystalline polymer, by neutron diffraction using two specifically designed pressure cells. These results concluded first that the pressure acts on the phase elastic constants via a reduction of the layer fluctuations giving rise to a hardening of the phase together with an extension of the smectic domain towards higher temperatures. Second, the S Ad-N re phase transition temperature remains unchanged in the studied pressure range revealing that the polymer component plays an important role which allows us to subtract the associated packing interactions from the pressure-induced volume reduction

    Electric Dipole Transitions Within The Ab initio No-Core Shell Model With Continuum

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