169 research outputs found

    Role of feedback and broadcasting in the naming game

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    The naming game (NG) describes the agreement dynamics of a population of agents that interact locally in a pairwise fashion, and in recent years statistical physics tools and techniques have greatly contributed to shed light on its rich phenomenology. Here we investigate in details the role played by the way in which the two agents update their states after an interaction. We show that slightly modifying the NG rules in terms of which agent performs the update in given circumstances (i.e. after a success) can either alter dramatically the overall dynamics or leave it qualitatively unchanged. We understand analytically the first case by casting the model in the broader framework of a generalized NG. As for the second case, on the other hand, we note that the modified rule reproducing the main features of the usual NG corresponds in fact to a simplification of it consisting in the elimination of feedback between the agents. This allows us to introduce and study a very natural broadcasting scheme on networks that can be potentially relevant for different applications, such as the design and implementation of autonomous sensor networks, as pointed out in the recent literature.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Evolution of optimal L\'evy-flight strategies in human mental searches

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    Recent analysis of empirical data [F. Radicchi, A. Baronchelli & L.A.N. Amaral. PloS ONE 7, e029910 (2012)] showed that humans adopt L\'evy flight strategies when exploring the bid space in on-line auctions. A game theoretical model proved that the observed L\'evy exponents are nearly optimal, being close to the exponent value that guarantees the maximal economical return to players. Here, we rationalize these findings by adopting an evolutionary perspective. We show that a simple evolutionary process is able to account for the empirical measurements with the only assumption that the reproductive fitness of a player is proportional to her search ability. Contrarily to previous modeling, our approach describes the emergence of the observed exponent without resorting to any strong assumptions on the initial searching strategies. Our results generalize earlier research, and open novel questions in cognitive, behavioral and evolutionary sciences.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring complexity with zippers

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    Physics concepts have often been borrowed and independently developed by other fields of science. In this perspective a significant example is that of entropy in Information Theory. The aim of this paper is to provide a short and pedagogical introduction to the use of data compression techniques for the estimate of entropy and other relevant quantities in Information Theory and Algorithmic Information Theory. We consider in particular the LZ77 algorithm as case study and discuss how a zipper can be used for information extraction.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Bosonic reaction-diffusion processes on scale-free networks

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    Reaction-diffusion processes can be adopted to model a large number of dynamics on complex networks, such as transport processes or epidemic outbreaks. In most cases, however, they have been studied from a fermionic perspective, in which each vertex can be occupied by at most one particle. While still useful, this approach suffers from some drawbacks, the most important probably being the difficulty to implement reactions involving more than two particles simultaneously. Here we introduce a general framework for the study of bosonic reaction-diffusion processes on complex networks, in which there is no restriction on the number of interacting particles that a vertex can host. We describe these processes theoretically by means of continuous time heterogeneous mean-field theory and divide them into two main classes: steady state and monotonously decaying processes. We analyze specific examples of both behaviors within the class of one-species process, comparing the results (whenever possible) with the corresponding fermionic counterparts. We find that the time evolution and critical properties of the particle density are independent of the fermionic or bosonic nature of the process, while differences exist in the functional form of the density of occupied vertices in a given degree class k. We implement a continuous time Monte Carlo algorithm, well suited for general bosonic simulations, which allow us to confirm the analytical predictions formulated within mean-field theory. Our results, both at the theoretical and numerical level, can be easily generalized to tackle more complex, multi-species, reaction-diffusion processes, and open a promising path for a general study and classification of this kind of dynamical systems on complex networks.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    A fast no-rejection algorithm for the Category Game

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    The Category Game is a multi-agent model that accounts for the emergence of shared categorization patterns in a population of interacting individuals. In the framework of the model, linguistic categories appear as long lived consensus states that are constantly reshaped and re-negotiated by the communicating individuals. It is therefore crucial to investigate the long time behavior to gain a clear understanding of the dynamics. However, it turns out that the evolution of the emerging category system is so slow, already for small populations, that such an analysis has remained so far impossible. Here, we introduce a fast no-rejection algorithm for the Category Game that disentangles the physical simulation time from the CPU time, thus opening the way for thorough analysis of the model. We verify that the new algorithm is equivalent to the old one in terms of the emerging phenomenology and we quantify the CPU performances of the two algorithms, pointing out the neat advantages offered by the no-rejection one. This technical advance has already opened the way to new investigations of the model, thus helping to shed light on the fundamental issue of categorization.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Model reproduces individual, group and collective dynamics of human contact networks

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    Empirical data on the dynamics of human face-to-face interactions across a variety of social venues have recently revealed a number of context-independent structural and temporal properties of human contact networks. This universality suggests that some basic mechanisms may be responsible for the unfolding of human interactions in the physical space. Here we discuss a simple model that reproduces the empirical distributions for the individual, group and collective dynamics of face-to-face contact networks. The model describes agents that move randomly in a two-dimensional space and tend to stop when meeting ‘attractive’ peers, and reproduces accurately the empirical distributions.Postprint (author's final draft

    Strategies for fast convergence in semiotic dynamics

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    Semiotic dynamics is a novel field that studies how semiotic conventions spread and stabilize in a population of agents. This is a central issue both for theoretical and technological reasons since large system made up of communicating agents, like web communities or artificial embodied agents teams, are getting widespread. In this paper we discuss a recently introduced simple multi-agent model which is able to account for the emergence of a shared vocabulary in a population of agents. In particular we introduce a new deterministic agents' playing strategy that strongly improves the performance of the game in terms of faster convergence and reduced cognitive effort for the agents.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Random walks on temporal networks

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    Many natural and artificial networks evolve in time. Nodes and connections appear and disappear at various timescales, and their dynamics has profound consequences for any processes in which they are involved. The first empirical analysis of the temporal patterns characterizing dynamic networks are still recent, so that many questions remain open. Here, we study how random walks, as paradigm of dynamical processes, unfold on temporally evolving networks. To this aim, we use empirical dynamical networks of contacts between individuals, and characterize the fundamental quantities that impact any general process taking place upon them. Furthermore, we introduce different randomizing strategies that allow us to single out the role of the different properties of the empirical networks. We show that the random walk exploration is slower on temporal networks than it is on the aggregate projected network, even when the time is properly rescaled. In particular, we point out that a fundamental role is played by the temporal correlations between consecutive contacts present in the data. Finally, we address the consequences of the intrinsically limited duration of many real world dynamical networks. Considering the fundamental prototypical role of the random walk process, we believe that these results could help to shed light on the behavior of more complex dynamics on temporally evolving networks.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Generalized voter-like models on heterogeneous networks

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    We describe a generalization of the voter model on complex networks that encompasses different sources of degree-related heterogeneity and that is amenable to direct analytical solution by applying the standard methods of heterogeneous mean-field theory. Our formalism allows for a compact description of previously proposed heterogeneous voter-like models, and represents a basic framework within which we can rationalize the effects of heterogeneity in voter-like models, as well as implement novel sources of heterogeneity, not previously considered in the literature

    The spontaneous emergence of conventions: An experimental study of cultural evolution

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    How do shared conventions emerge in complex decentralized social systems? This question engages fields as diverse as linguistics, sociology, and cognitive science. Previous empirical attempts to solve this puzzle all presuppose that formal or informal institutions, such as incentives for global agreement, coordinated leadership, or aggregated information about the population, are needed to facilitate a solution. Evolutionary theories of social conventions, by contrast, hypothesize that such institutions are not necessary in order for social conventions to form. However, empirical tests of this hypothesis have been hindered by the difficulties of evaluating the real-time creation of new collective behaviors in large decentralized populations. Here, we present experimental results-replicated at several scales-that demonstrate the spontaneous creation of universally adopted social conventions and show how simple changes in a population's network structure can direct the dynamics of norm formation, driving human populations with no ambition for large scale coordination to rapidly evolve shared social conventions
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