1,815 research outputs found

    Ethically resilient teachers, what might that be? A comparison across two educational levels : pre‐school and university in South Africa

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    Abstract: When comparing pre‐school teachers with university lecturers, society generally acknowledges the latter as a highly skilled professional while the former does not achieve such admiration or financial reward. Upon studying this status quo, the authors introduce ethically resilient teaching as a set of seven+1 common qualities that are shared by both levels of educators. The purpose of this paper is to present these qualities, describing how they relate to the function of teaching and learning with the aim of bridging the perceived gap between these two levels of educators..

    MĂ©tamorphose et Ă©criture autobiographique dans Aveux non avenus de Claude Cahun

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Mutations institutionnelles et recompositions des territoires urbains en Afrique : une analyse Ă  travers la problĂ©matique de l’accĂšs Ă  l’eau

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    L’accĂšs Ă  l’eau est une prioritĂ© des politiques urbaines conduites dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement. Ces politiques ont oscillĂ© entre la volontĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©raliser l’accĂšs aux rĂ©seaux afin de contrĂŽler l’espace urbain et une segmentation de l’offre afin de cibler diffĂ©remment les diverses catĂ©gories de la population. Quel est alors l’impact, au niveau spatial, des choix opĂ©rĂ©s dans ce domaine dans les mĂ©tropoles d’Afrique Sub-saharienne francophone ? Nous articulerons des approches ciblĂ©es sur la comprĂ©hension des stratĂ©gies d’acteurs aux logiques parfois opposĂ©es, avec des analyses spatiales permettant de dĂ©coder la complexitĂ© de la structuration des espaces urbains. Nous repĂ©rerons trois phases caractĂ©risĂ©es par une articulation originale entre les modes de gouvernance de l’eau retenus et la structuration des espaces urbains. Dans un premier temps, on constate une dualisation de l’espace urbain renforcĂ©e par un accĂšs segmentĂ© aux services. Puis, dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous montrerons comment les prĂ©conisations faites dans le cadre de la DĂ©cennie Internationale de l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement des annĂ©es 1980 correspondaient Ă  une volontĂ© d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation de l’espace urbain. Enfin, dans un troisiĂšme temps, nous Ă©valuerons l’impact de modĂšles tels que le partenariat public-privĂ© dans les processus de fragmentation urbaine qui caractĂ©risent ces mĂ©galopoles d’Afrique Sub-saharienne francophone Ă  la pĂ©riode contemporaine.Access to water is one of the major challenges of urban policies implemented in developing countries. These policies aimed either to provide a global access in order to control urban spaces or to segment water supply to offer different services and features to comply with the diversity of actors. What is therefore the impact, in terms of spatial dimension, of different strategies followed by French speaking Sub-Saharan African cities ? In this paper, we combine approaches that explain conflicting actors' strategies with spatial analysis that explain the complexity of urban space organization. We outline three phases characterised by an original articulation among water governance modes and urban space organization. As a first step, we note that the trend towards dual urban organisation is reinforced by a segmented access to services. As a second step, we show how the measures advocated within the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade of the eighties corresponded to the will to homogenise cities. As a third step, we assess the impact of models such as the private/public partnership model in the process of urban fragmentation which is currently the case of most French speaking Sub-Saharan cities

    Trading Water and Resource Accessibility Conventions. The case of Sub-Saharian Africa(n) Metropolis (cities?) (In French)

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    The issue of the accessibility to drinking water in large Sub-Saharian African Metropolis reveals the emergence of new conventions and new perceptions related to this resource. The current context shows an increasing number of actors. Since the 90’s, new norms are required to guide public-private partnerships engaged in redefining structural adjustment programs and in implementing a good governance. Moreover , Water can be considered as a primary resource but also as a public service and therefore induces new questionings about the link between efficacy and equity. Within an Economics of Convention approach it is possible to depart from traditional analysis based on economic efficacy as a central principle. By considering an approach beyond one in terms of strategic conventions our assumption is that a convention is based on an evaluation model and on behavioral rules. With this distinction it then possible to define four types of conventions that we call “human right”, “community”, “general interest”, “trade”. These constitute archetypes allowing the analysis of historical evolution of conventions and their interactions in Sub-Saharian African cities. Instead of simply identifying behavioral rules (state-owned company, delegation of public utilities, customery rules) our aim is to detect the underlying interpretation model. This is important because, in the end, the link between efficacy and equity is closely dependant on it. Thus, Economics of Conventions can highlight that beyond the “trading” principle other evaluation schemes exist and that the choice of a given principle stems from political choices. The issue of links between economics and politics is therefore of major importance in such a field.governance, public-private partnership, non-trading company, urban services in Sub-Saharian Africa, accessibility to drinking watere, solidarity, efficiency/equity, Economie of conventions

    Rapamycin prevents experimental sclerodermatous chronic graft-versus-host disease in mice

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    Background: The most widely used mice model of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) is an MHC-matched bone marrow transplantation model of sclerodermatous cGvHD. A limitation of that model is that mortality is relatively low, making difficult to study the impact of potentially therapeutic compounds. Aims: To develop a more severe model of cGVHD and to assess the impact of Rapamycin administration in that model. Results: Lethally irradiated Balb/C mice were injected with 10x106 bone marrow cells and 70x106 splenocytes from B10.D2 donor mice. Twenty-one days later, all mice developed cGvHD. For the severe model, donor B10.D2 mice were injected with 0.5x106 splenocytes from Balb/C twenty-one days before transplantation. All mice from the severe model (n=8) died a median of 32 days while 3 of 7 mice in the classical model survived beyond day 52. Mean survival was decreased in the severe model compared to the classical model (32 days versus 37 days; p=0.0185). Recipient mice in the severe group experienced higher weight loss, hair loss and skin fi brosis. Numbers of T lymphocytes (231.9 ± 151.4 versus 951 ± 532.8; p=0.0032) and CD4+ T cells (63.25 ± 41.93 versus 135.0 ± 14.39; p=0.0018) per microliter of blood at day 21 were lower in the severe group than in the classical model. Moreover, number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) was decreased in the severe model (1.250 ± 0.8864 versus 8.000 ± 6.753; p=0.0151). We then investigated whether rapamycin administration could prevent GVHD in the severe model. All (n=8) mice treated with PBS (placebo) died a median of 32 days after transplantation, while 6 of 8 mice given 1 mg/kg/day i.p. rapamycin survived beyond day 52 (p=0.0012). Number of Tregs/ÎŒl was higher at day 21 in rapamycin-treated mice than in mice given PBS (2.000±1.195 versus 1.250±0.8864; p=0.0796). Moreover, number of naĂŻve CD4+T (10.00±4.192 versus 30.25±5.185; p= 0.0089) and effector memory T cells (EMT) (30.67±3.180 versus 67.33±7.881; p= 0.0125) were higher in rapamycin mice. Finally, proliferation of EMT (assessed by fl ow cytometry using Ki-67) was higher in PBS than in rapamycin mice (45.28%±4.084 versus 31.90%± 2.003; p=0.0474). Conclusion: We have developed a mice model of severe cGVHD. Interestingly, rapamycin prevented death from cGVHD in that model, perhaps through in vivo expansion of Treg

    Une action publique Ă©clatĂ©e dans la gestion de l’eau potable en Afrique de l’ouest

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    Du 31 octobre au 2 novembre 2012, un atelier de travail Ă  Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) a permis de discuter des rĂ©sultats Ă  mi‑parcours de l’ANR SudsII APPI (Action publique Ă©clatĂ©e. Production et institutionnalisation de l’action publique dans les secteurs de l’eau potable et du foncier au BĂ©nin, Burkina Faso, Niger). L’équipe, coordonnĂ©e par Catherine Baron (LEREPS, universitĂ© de Toulouse 1), est composĂ©e de 17 chercheur‑e‑s français et africains, et d’une organisation non gouvernementale (GR..

    A Crise de Dívida Soberana na Área do Euro

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    This paper suggests to clarify some concepts of coastal areas conservation and of their social use in matter of tourism and leisure. It is based on the example of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais coast. In this densely urbanised and industrialised region, the restricted natural areas are subject to strong pressures. Their management deals with a great variety of interests. After a focussing of the concepts and of the stakeholders concerning conservation and public access on natural sites, the fluxes of frequenting and the public reception strategies are studied. Finally, guided field trips are analysed as products of nature based tourism and leisure.Cet article propose une clarification des concepts liés à la préservation des espaces naturels du littoral français et à l'usage social dont ils font l'objet en termes de tourisme et de loisirs. Il s'appuie sur l'analyse de la situation rencontrée dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Cette région densément urbanisée et industrialisée connaßt une forte demande d'espaces naturels sur des secteurs restreints. Elle doit donc faire face à une grande diversité d'enjeux liés à la gestion de ces sites. Suite à une mise au point des concepts et des acteurs liés à la préservation et à l'ouverture des espaces naturels au public, la fréquentation des sites est étudiée en terme de flux et de stratégies d'accueil. Enfin, les sorties accompagnées sont analysées en tant que produits de tourisme et de loisir de nature.Baron-Yelles Nacima, Meur-Férec Catherine. Tourisme et loisirs de nature sur les sites préservés du littoral Nord -Pas-de-Calais. In: Hommes et Terres du Nord, 1999/1. Les sociétés littorales de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord. pp. 37-46

    Une action publique Ă©clatĂ©e dans la gestion de l’eau potable en Afrique de l’ouest

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    Du 31 octobre au 2 novembre 2012, un atelier de travail Ă  Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) a permis de discuter des rĂ©sultats Ă  mi‑parcours de l’ANR SudsII APPI (Action publique Ă©clatĂ©e. Production et institutionnalisation de l’action publique dans les secteurs de l’eau potable et du foncier au BĂ©nin, Burkina Faso, Niger). L’équipe, coordonnĂ©e par Catherine Baron (LEREPS, universitĂ© de Toulouse 1), est composĂ©e de 17 chercheur‑e‑s français et africains, et d’une organisation non gouvernementale (GR..
