4 research outputs found

    La danza en personas con discapacidad intelectual: revisi贸n sistem谩tica e identificaci贸n de los elementos necesarios para evaluar cambios de movimiento

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    La danza se considera una herramienta que contribuye al bienestar de la persona desde una perspectiva integradora. Estudios anteriores afirman, a trav茅s del Dibujo de la Figura Humana (DFH), que mejora el bienestar emocional y f铆sico en poblaci贸n con Discapacidad Intelectual (DI). El DFH eval煤a el antes y el despu茅s de la sesi贸n de danza, pero no durante. As铆 pues, los objetivos de este estudio son: Actualizar estudios anteriores sobre el test del DFH en poblaci贸n con DI que participan en actividades de danza. Revisar el tipo de instrumento m谩s adecuado para poblaci贸n con DI que complemente la informaci贸n que nos ofrece el test DFH, en relaci贸n a los cambios de movimiento que suceden durante la sesi贸n de danza. Determinar las caracter铆sticas que deber铆a tener el protocolo para la creaci贸n del instrumento de evaluaci贸n de los cambios de movimiento.; From a holistic approach, the dance is considered a tool which contributes to the wellbeing of a person. Previous studies claimed to improve the emotional and physical well-being through the Human Figure Drawing (HFD) on a population with intellectual disability (ID). The HFD was evaluated before and after a dance session, but not throughout it. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: update previous studies of the HFD test on a ID population participating in dance activities. To review the most appropriate type of instrument for people with ID to supplement the information obtained from the HFD test related to the changes in motion that occur during the dance session. Determinate which characteristics the protocol should have in order to generate an evaluation tool to assess movement changes

    Developmental Items of Human Figure Drawing: Dance/Movement Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the characteristics of human figure drawing in adults with intellectual disabilities, and to evaluate the developmental items after a 3-month intervention program using dance/movement therapy. The program consisted of 26 sessions lasting 1-h each held twice weekly for 3 months. A group of 30 adults with intellectual disabilities participated. Before and after the program, the Koppitz human figure drawing test was applied to evaluate body knowledge through the developmental items, evaluating elements of the person鈥檚 cognitive developmental and maturity. After the intervention, results indicated improved body knowledge in the participants and a significant increase in the scores on the developmental items at the end of the program

    El dibujo de la figura humana como instrumento de la evaluaci贸n de danza creativa en personas con Alzheimer: estudio de caso

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    Presentamos un estudio de caso de una mujer de 89 a帽os diagnosticada de Alzheimer, en un grado de deterioro cognitivo moderado-severo. Para realizar el estudio se utilizaron el test DAP-IQ (Reynolds y Hickman, 2004) y el test de la Persona del HTP (Buck, 2008) con el objetivo de analizar la evoluci贸n del dibujo y el impacto de dos intervenciones de danza creativa en un intervalo de tres meses. Los resultados muestran que las puntuaciones disminuyen en los dos dibujos elaborados antes de la clase de danza creativa y que aumentan en los dos realizados inmediatamente despu茅s de la clase. A partir de estos resultados podemos concluir que el dibujo sin la intervenci贸n de la danza creativa tiende a desaparecer, mientras que en el dibujo elaborado despu茅s de la intervenci贸n de la danza creativa, aparecen partes del cuerpo dibujado que se hab铆an omitido, tales como cabellos, cejas, nariz, cintura, ojos, piernas y pies.; We are presenting a case study of an 89-year-old woman diagnosed with Alzheimer鈥檚 disease with a moderate-to-severe degree of cognitive deterioration. To conduct the study, the DAP-IQ test (Reynolds and Hickman, 2004) and the HTP test (Buck 2008) were used with the goal of analysing the development of drawing and the impact of two creative dance interventions in a three-month interval. The results show that the scores were lower on the two drawings made before the creative dance class and higher on the two made immediately after the class. Based on these results, we can conclude that without the creative dance intervention, drawing tends to disappear, while in the drawings made after the creative dance intervention, body parts that had been omitted tended to be drawn, such as hair, eyebrows, nose, waist, eyes, legs and feet

    La alianza terapeutica en la danza movimiento terapia con pacientes con discapacidad intelectual. Estudio de caso

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    This is a qualitative descriptive case study. The participant was a woman of 39 years with Intellectual Disability, specifically Down syndrome, who performed an individual intervention in Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT). The objectives of this study were: (1) to know the relevant elements of the Therapeutic Alliance (TA) which was established during the therapeutic process for 19 sessions DMT and (2) to observe if these elements of the TA contributed to the success of the objectives of the intervention. The objectives of the intervention were: to increase knowledge of her own body, to increase impulse control and frustration tolerance, to improve communication and relationship with the others and encourage initiative, creativity, security and autonomy. The therapist got field notes to collect the most important elements of the case in relation to the construction of the AT and objectives of the intervention. Later, it was performed a content analysis. The results showed that a healthy AT was constructed, which allowed achieving the objectives of the therapy. Additionally, this case study becomes contribution to the field of DMT and it allows us to better understand the work developed in these interventions.Presentamos un estudio de caso cualitativo descriptivo. La participante es una mujer de 39 a帽os con Discapacidad Intelectual, espec铆ficamente S铆ndrome de Down, que realiz贸 una intervenci贸n individual en Danza Movimiento Terapia (DMT). Los objetivos del estudio son: (1) conocer los elementos relevantes de la聽 Alianza Terap茅utica (AT) que se estableci贸 durante la intervenci贸n consistente en 19 sesiones en DMT y (2) observar si estos elementos de la AT contribuyen al 茅xito de los objetivos de la intervenci贸n. Los objetivos de la intervenci贸n fueron: aumentar el conocimiento del propio cuerpo, aumentar el control de impulsos y la tolerancia a la frustraci贸n, mejorar la comunicaci贸n y la relaci贸n con el otro y fomentar la iniciativa, la creatividad, la seguridad y su autonom铆a. El terapeuta realiz贸 notas de campo para recoger los elementos m谩s importantes del caso en relaci贸n a la construcci贸n de la AT y de los objetivos de la intervenci贸n. Posteriormente se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que se construy贸 una AT saludable, lo cual permiti贸 alcanzar los objetivos de la terapia. As铆 mimo, este estudio de caso es una aportaci贸n al 谩mbito de la DMT, que nos permite conocer mejor el trabajo realizado en este tipo de intervenciones