86 research outputs found

    Translating Proofs from an Impredicative Type System to a Predicative One

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    Evaluation of Designer Feedback Systems in Design for Manufacturability

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    The research study introduces a new designer feedback tool called Three Dimensional Integrated Feedback (3DIF) tool to convey manufacturability analysis results early in the conceptual design phase. The study evaluates and compares different modalities of manufacturability feedback given to de-sign engineers. The conceptual design stage is critical in deter-mining the feasibility of the whole production process. Providing designers with early suggestions and feedback about the manu-facturability of product designs will help to improve their design and save time and cost to manufacture. Feedback given to the design engineers could be in any form text, 2D markups, 3D data or verbal. Feedback can contain insufficient data or can be diffi-cult to interpret leading to frequent design iterations and in-crease in lead time. It is important that feedback should be able to convey necessary design information and should be in lan-guage understandable by design engineers. The modality of feed-back affects interpretability of the data presented. The study compares between no feedback, text-based feedback, 2D feed-back and 3D feedback modalities in the casting process of manu-facturing. The results expected from the study will help us to determine the appropriate modality of feedback that improves design performance of both expert and novice designers

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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    Design and evaluation of feedback system in design for manufacturability

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    The research study evaluated the effect of different manufacturability feedback modalities on design engineers’ ability to improve the manufacturability of their designs. A manufacturability feedback tool called the Three Dimensional Integrated Feedback (3DIF) has been developed and evaluated, the purpose of which is to provide manufacturability feedback information to design engineers early at the conceptual design stage. Conceptual design is an important factor which determines most of the overall manufacturing cost, resources and time, but design engineers are not manufacturing specialists. Providing early manufacturability feedback to design engineers assist them to improve the manufacturability of their designs. Studies have shown that mode of data representation affects its interpretability. An evaluation study was conducted with design engineers to evaluate how different feedback modalities affected their design performance, usability and workload. Results show that providing feedback in three-dimensional modality significantly improved the design manufacturability with less mental workload compared to textual and no feedback. Providing textual feedback was no better than providing no feedback. This study will benefit manufacturing industries by demonstrating that easy-to-use, three-dimensional manufacturing feedback can significantly improve the design, increase usability, reduce workload, and potentially lower the cost of the design process.</p

    Editorial: Warm Welcome

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    An elderly male presents to orthopedic clinic with severe back pain for fifteen days. He is unable to sit or stand. The pain remains persistent even while lying supine. He also complains of nausea, anorexia and cough with blood tinged sputum since ten days. He gives past history of grade II benign prostatic&nbsp; hyperplasia with nodule under prostate specific antigen monitoring. Examination reveals no significant finding.&nbsp;The clinical features literally points to nowhere. Blood counts, electrolytes, renal function test, liver function test, acid phosphatase, LDH, sputum for acid fast bacilli, sputum culture, Bence Jones Protein and Serum Electrophoresis are found to be within normal limit.</p

    Inaugural Issue, Crawling Now but Aimed at Running the Fastest

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causing Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a major public health problem [1]. The rapid extension of HIV is a global health challenge that has both social and economic implications [2]. Currently there are 40 million individuals infected with the HIV globally [3]. Nearly 95% of the infected ones are unaware of their HIV or AIDS status [4]. Central Asia is a region of concern for expanding HIV epidemics [5]. South Asia is currently home to &gt;2.5 million HIV infected individuals [6]. Such an enormous number of people with the infection necessitate proper address. The Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research, being operated from India, is an attempt to report updates of researches across the world to this part of the earth and vice versa.</p

    Design and Control of a STATCOM for Non-Linear Load Compensation: A Simple Approach

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    This paper presents a systematic procedure to design a simple control for a three-phase VSC based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) in order to overcome the problems caused by the presence of the non-linear load at the point of common coupling (PCC). The proposed control method regulates the STATCOM in such a way that the source quadrature current component is forced to be zero so that only active current component is drawn from the source and the harmonic and reactive current demands of the non-linear load is met by the STATCOM. The tuning of the inner and outer loop PI controllers is carried out with the help of the modulus optimum and symmetric optimum criteria, respectively. At last, a few case studies are presented using MATLAB simulation to exemplify the success of the proposed control method

    Design and Control of a STATCOM for Non-Linear Load Compensation: A Simple Approach

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    This paper presents a systematic procedure to design a simple control for a three-phase VSC-based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) in order to overcome the problems caused by the presence of the non-linear load at the point of common coupling (PCC). The proposed control method regulates the STATCOM in such a way that the source quadrature current component is forced to be zero so that only the active current component is drawn from the source and the harmonic and reactive current demands of the non-linear load are met by the STATCOM. The tuning of the inner and outer loop PI controllers is carried out with the help of the modulus optimum and symmetric optimum criteria, respectively. At last, a few case studies are presented using MATLAB simulation to exemplify the success of the proposed control method

    Translating proofs from an impredicative type system to a predicative one

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    As the development of formal proofs is a time-consuming task, it is important to devise ways of sharing the already written proofs to prevent wasting time redoing them. One of the challenges in this domain is to translate proofs written in proof assistants based on impredicative logics, such as Coq, Matita and the HOL family, to proof assistants based on predicative logics like Agda, whenever impredicativity is not used in an essential way. In this paper we present an algorithm to do such a translation between a core impredicative type system and a core predicative one allowing prenex universe polymorphism like in Agda. It consists in trying to turn a potentially impredicative term into a universe polymorphic term as general as possible. The use of universe polymorphism is justified by the fact that mapping an impredicative universe to a fixed predicative one is not sufficient in most cases. During the algorithm, we need to solve unification problems modulo the max-successor algebra on universe levels. But, in this algebra, there are solvable problems having no most general solution. We however provide an incomplete algorithm whose solutions, when it succeeds, are most general ones. The proposed translation is of course partial, but in practice allows one to translate many proofs that do not use impredicativity in an essential way. Indeed, it was implemented in the tool Predicativize and then used to translate semi-automatically many non-trivial developments from Matita's arithmetic library to Agda, including Bertrand's Postulate and Fermat's Little Theorem, which were not available in Agda yet
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