12,352 research outputs found

    Political Fragmentation and Municipal Tax Base Resources in the Montreal Metropolitan Area

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    Cette étude montre que l'inégalité des ressources et des besoins dans une agglomération urbaine semble liée au degré de morcellement de cette agglomération. Il en ressort que le fusionnement municipal peut conduire à une distribution plus équitable des charges foncières. L'étude propose aussi une approche à l'évaluation des impacts du morcellement urbain.This paper presents the argument that in a politically fragmented agglomeration there is spatial segregation of the resources and needs related to public service provision and that this can be reduced by local government amalgamations. It also reports the findings of a study of the Montréal metropolitan area in which ways of measuring the impact of fragmentation were devised and applied. The results of this study indicate that municipal amalgamations can lead to a more equitable distribution of tax base resources

    Atomic Gas in Debris Discs

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    We have conducted a search for optical circumstellar absorption lines in the spectra of 16 debris disc host stars. None of the stars in our sample showed signs of emission line activity in either Hα_{\alpha}, Ca II or Na I, confirming their more evolved nature. Four stars were found to exhibit narrow absorption features near the cores of the photospheric Ca II and Na I D lines (when Na I D data were available). We analyse the characteristics of these spectral features to determine whether they are of circumstellar or interstellar origins. The strongest evidence for circumstellar gas is seen in the spectrum of HD110058, which is known to host a debris disc observed close to edge-on. This is consistent with a recent ALMA detection of molecular gas in this debris disc, which shows many similarities to the β\beta Pictoris system.Comment: Accepted 13/12/2016. Received 2/12/2016; Deposited on 22/11/2016. - 13 Pages, 9 Figures - MNRAS Advance Access published December 15, 201

    New accurate measurement of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ ro-vibrational transitions by high resolution IR absorption spectroscopy

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    The protonated Argon ion, 36^{36}ArH+^{+}, has been identified recently in the Crab Nebula (Barlow et al. 2013) from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its JJ=1-0 and JJ=2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+} rotation-vibration transitions in the vv=1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 μ\mum (2450-2715 cm1^{-1}). The wavenumbers of the RR(0) transitions of the vv=1-0 band are 2612.50135±\pm0.00033 and 2610.70177±\pm0.00042 cm1^{-1} (±3σ\pm3\sigma) for 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and a linewidth of 1 km.s1^{-1} of the RR(0) line is 1.6×1015×N1.6\times10^{-15}\times N(36^{36}ArH+^+). For column densities of 36^{36}ArH+^+ larger than 1×10131\times 10^{13} cm2^{-2}, significant absorption by the RR(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources

    Atomic and molecular interstellar absorption lines toward the high galactic latitude stars HD~141569 and HD~157841 at ultra-high resolution

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    We present ultra-high resolution (0.32 km/s) spectra obtained with the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and Ultra-High-Resolution Facility (UHRF), of interstellar NaI D1, D2, Ca II K, K I and CH absorption toward two high galactic latitude stars HD141569 and HD157841. We have compared our data with 21-cm observations obtained from the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI survey. We derive the velocity structure, column densities of the clouds represented by the various components and identify the clouds with ISM structures seen in the region at other wavelengths. We further derive abundances, linear depletions and H2 fractional abundances for these clouds, wherever possible. Toward HD141569, we detect two components in our UHRF spectra : a weak, broad component at - 15 km/s, seen only in CaII K absorption and another component at 0 km/s, seen in NaI D1, D2, Ca II K, KI and CH absorption. In the case of the HD157841 sightline, a total of 6 components are seen on our UHRF spectra in NaI D1, D2 Ca II K, K I and CH absorption. 2 of these 6 components are seen only in a single species.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 4 figures, ps files Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Unravelling the chemical inhomogeneity of PNe with VLT FLAMES integral-field unit spectroscopy

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    Recent weak emission-line long-slit surveys and modelling studies of PNe have convincingly argued in favour of the existence of an unknown component in the planetary nebula plasma consisting of cold, hydrogen-deficient gas, as an explanation for the long-standing recombination-line versus forbidden-line temperature and abundance discrepancy problems. Here we describe the rationale and initial results from a detailed spectroscopic study of three Galactic PNe undertaken with the VLT FLAMES integral-field unit spectrograph, which advances our knowledge about the small-scale physical properties, chemical abundances and velocity structure of these objects across a two-dimensional field of view, and opens up for exploration an uncharted territory in the study and modelling of PNe and photoionized nebulae in general.Comment: 4 pages; 3 figures; invited paper to appear in proceedings of IAU Symp. No. 234, 2006, Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond (held in Hawaii, April 2006

    A decade of ejecta dust formation in the Type IIn SN 2005ip

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    In order to understand the contribution of core-collapse supernovae to the dust budget of the early universe, it is important to understand not only the mass of dust that can form in core-collapse supernovae but also the location and rate of dust formation. SN 2005ip is of particular interest since dust has been inferred to have formed in both the ejecta and the post-shock region behind the radiative reverse shock. We have collated eight optical archival spectra that span the lifetime of SN 2005ip and we additionally present a new X-shooter optical-near-IR spectrum of SN 2005ip at 4075d post-discovery. Using the Monte Carlo line transfer code DAMOCLES, we have modelled the blueshifted broad and intermediate width Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta and He I lines from 48d to 4075d post-discovery using an ejecta dust model. We find that dust in the ejecta can account for the asymmetries observed in the broad and intermediate width Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta and He I line profiles at all epochs and that it is not necessary to invoke post-shock dust formation to explain the blueshifting observed in the intermediate width post-shock lines. Using a Bayesian approach, we have determined the evolution of the ejecta dust mass in SN 2005ip over 10 years presuming an ejecta dust model, with an increasing dust mass from ~108^{-8} M_{\odot} at 48d to a current dust mass of \sim0.1 M_{\odot}.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 17 pages, 11 figures. Author accepted manuscript. Accepted on 04/03/19. Deposited on 07/03/1

    Crossing Statistic: Bayesian interpretation, model selection and resolving dark energy parametrization problem

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    By introducing Crossing functions and hyper-parameters I show that the Bayesian interpretation of the Crossing Statistics [1] can be used trivially for the purpose of model selection among cosmological models. In this approach to falsify a cosmological model there is no need to compare it with other models or assume any particular form of parametrization for the cosmological quantities like luminosity distance, Hubble parameter or equation of state of dark energy. Instead, hyper-parameters of Crossing functions perform as discriminators between correct and wrong models. Using this approach one can falsify any assumed cosmological model without putting priors on the underlying actual model of the universe and its parameters, hence the issue of dark energy parametrization is resolved. It will be also shown that the sensitivity of the method to the intrinsic dispersion of the data is small that is another important characteristic of the method in testing cosmological models dealing with data with high uncertainties.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, discussions extended, 1 figure and two references added, main results unchanged, matches the final version to be published in JCA

    The Alexander-Orbach conjecture holds in high dimensions

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    We examine the incipient infinite cluster (IIC) of critical percolation in regimes where mean-field behavior has been established, namely when the dimension d is large enough or when d>6 and the lattice is sufficiently spread out. We find that random walk on the IIC exhibits anomalous diffusion with the spectral dimension d_s=4/3, that is, p_t(x,x)= t^{-2/3+o(1)}. This establishes a conjecture of Alexander and Orbach. En route we calculate the one-arm exponent with respect to the intrinsic distance.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    The mass, location and heating of the dust in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant

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    We model the thermal dust emission from dust grains heated by synchrotron radiation and by particle collisions, under conditions appropriate for four different shocked and unshocked gas components of the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant (SNR). By fitting the resulting spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to the observed SNR dust fluxes, we determine the required mass of dust in each component. We find the observed SED can be reproduced by 0.6M\sim 0.6 \, {\rm M_\odot} of silicate grains, the majority of which is in the unshocked ejecta and heated by the synchrotron radiation field. Warmer dust, located in the X-ray emitting reverse shock and blastwave regions, contribute to the shorter wavelength infrared emission but make only a small fraction of the total dust mass. Carbon grains can at most make up 25%\sim 25 \% of the total dust mass. Combined with estimates for the gas masses, we obtain dust-to-gas mass ratios for each component, which suggest that the condensation efficiency in the ejecta is high, and that dust in the shocked ejecta clumps is well protected from destruction by sputtering in the reverse shock.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 14 pages, 6 figures. Author accepted manuscript. Accepted on 05/02/2019. Deposited on 05/02/201