484 research outputs found

    The europeanization of the interest intermediation of PASEGES between 1945 and 1967

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    The study strives to evaluate the impact of the EU on the political behavior of the Panhellenic Confederation of Unions of Agricultural Cooperatives during the largest part of the postwar period (1945-1967) with the help of a sophisticated analytical model, built around the Europeanization approach.The dissertation, more specifically, intends to contribute in an original and constructive manner to the production of knowledge in the field of European Studies by:-focusing on the considerably understudied european dimension of the interest intermediation of the hellenic agricultural movement (especially in a pre-accession context).-contributing to the academic discussion over the complex ontology of Europeanization through the development of a universally applicable definition of the phenomenon, expected to lay the foundation for the operationalization of said concept in its four basic dimensions (top-town – horizontal and bottom-up/ internal and external) within elaborate research projects.-further refining definitions of key concepts in the realm of group theory (e.g. EU lobbying).-enriching the bibliography on the Europeanization of the collective action of interest groups (especially agricultural), with new empirical evidence.The study’s research program, as well as other theoretical and methodological tools and approaches, are expected to further promote the analysis.Inter alia we decided to:-adopt a maximalist version of the concept of interest intermediation, in order to cover both internal as well as external aspects of PASEGES’s political presence (e.g. information and education policy, internal organizational structure and human resources management; relations to politicians, public servants, international organizations).-develop an eclectic model, employed to further enhance the analytical strength of Europeanization through the use of additional theoretical approaches (e.g. neofuntionalism, liberal intergovernmentalism), to some extent contradictory, but not overall incompatible.-make use of the methodological tool of the ‘theoretically informed comparative case study)’, in order to increase the validity and credibility of our empirical findings as far as the extent of the EU impact and the ‘relative importance’ of the EU are concerned.Among the main theoretical and empirical findings of the dissertation are the following:-It is possible to adopt an erga omnes definition of Europeanization and there exist analytical and methodological tools that, based on this definition, allow for the complete operationalization of the approach both in a pre- and a post-accession environment.-Between 1945 and 1967 the political bevahior of the Confederation becomes extensively europeanized. However, it is not always clear whether change is superficial or substantial as well as constrained to the multi-level (elected/ bureaucratic) leadership or equally affecting the rank-and-file.-The study of pre- and proto-EU Europeanization processes, where research is at an infant stage, has to be intensified. Respectively, the elaboration of complex research agendas, which examine such phenomena in their four fundamental dimensions, is deemed particularly useful.Η μελέτη επιχειρεί να αποτιμήσει τον κοινοτικό αντίκτυπο στην πολιτική συμπεριφορά της Πανελλήνιας Συνομοσπονδίας Ενώσεων Γεωργικών Συνεταιρισμών στο μεγαλύτερο διάστημα της μεταπολεμικής περιόδου (1945-1967) με τη βοήθεια ενός σύνθετου αναλυτικού μοντέλου, δομημένου γύρω από την προσέγγιση του Εξευρωπαϊσμού.Το διδακτορικό φιλοδοξεί, πιο συγκεκριμένα, να συνεισφέρει κατά τρόπο πρωτότυπο και γόνιμο στην παραγωγή γνώσης εντός του πεδίου των Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών:-εμβαθύνοντας στην ερευνητικά εν πολλοίς αγνοημένη ευρωπαϊκή διάσταση της διαμεσολάβησης συμφερόντων του εγχώριου αγροτικού κινήματος (πόσο μάλλον σε ένα προενταξιακό πλαίσιο).-συνεισφέροντας στην επιστημονική συζήτηση γύρω από τη σύνθετη οντολογία του Εξευρωπαϊσμού, μέσω της επεξεργασίας ενός ορισμού γενικής ισχύος του φαινομένου, ο οποίος να δημιουργεί τις προϋποθέσεις για την εργαλειοποίηση του σχετικού υποδείγματος και στις τέσσερις βασικές διαστάσεις του (κατωφερή – οριζόντια και ανωφερή/ εσωτερική και εξωτερική) στο πλαίσιο σύνθετων ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων.-συμβάλλοντας στην περαιτέρω επεξεργασία ορισμών για έννοιες - κλειδιά στον τομέα της θεωρίας των ομάδων (π.χ. EU lobbying).-εμπλουτίζοντας (εκ των πραγμάτων) τη βιβλιογραφία γύρω από τον Εξευρωπαϊσμό των ομάδων, και ιδιαίτερα των αγροτικών, με νέα εμπειρικά δεδομένα.Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα της μελέτης, καθώς και επιμέρους θεωρητικά και μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία και προσεγγίσεις, καλούνται να προωθήσουν περαιτέρω την ανάλυση. Στο σημείο αυτό μνημονεύουμε, ειδικότερα, την απόφασή μας:-να συλλάβουμε την έννοια της διαμεσολάβησης συμφερόντων κατά τρόπο μαξιμαλιστικό, προκειμένου η τελευταία να συμπεριλαμβάνει τόσο όψεις της εσωτερικής λειτουργίας της «Πανελληνίου» (π.χ. ενημερωτική και εκπαιδευτική πολιτική, εσωτερική οργανωτική δομή και διαχείριση προσωπικού) όσο και πτυχές των σχέσεων της Συνομοσπονδίας με τρίτους φορείς (λ.χ. πολιτικοί αξιωματούχοι, δημόσια διοίκηση, διεθνείς οργανισμοί).-να αναπτύξουμε ένα εκλεκτικό ερμηνευτικό μοντέλο, προσανατολισμένο στην περαιτέρω ενίσχυση των αναλυτικών δυνατοτήτων του Εξευρωπαϊσμού μέσω της αξιοποίησης πρόσθετων θεωρητικών υποδειγμάτων (π.χ. νεολειτουργισμός, φιλελεύθερος διακυβερνητισμός), σε ορισμένες πτυχές τους ανταγωνιστικών, όχι όμως ασύμβατων μεταξύ τους.-να αξιοποιήσουμε το μεθοδολογικό εργαλείο της «θεωρητικά ενημερωμένης συγκριτικής μελέτης περίπτωσης», με στόχο την αύξηση της εγκυρότητας και της αξιοπιστίας των εμπειρικών ευρημάτων μας ως προς το βαθμό της κοινοτικής επιρροής και της σχετικής σπουδαιότητας της Ε.Ε. («καθαρός» κοινοτικός αντίκτυπος).Στα κυριότερα θεωρητικά και εμπειρικά συμπεράσματα της διατριβής συγκαταλέγονται τα ακόλουθα:-Είναι δυνατή η υιοθέτηση ενός erga omnes ορισμού του Εξευρωπαϊσμού και προσφέρονται τα αναλυτικά και μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία, ώστε, βάσει του ορισμού αυτού, να επιτευχθεί η πλήρης εργαλειοποίηση της ανωτέρω προσέγγισης τόσο σε ένα προενταξιακό όσο και σε ένα μετενταξιακό περιβάλλον.-Μεταξύ 1945 και 1967 η πολιτική συμπεριφορά της «Πανελληνίου» εξευρωπαΐζεται εκτεταμένα, παρότι δεν καθίσταται πάντα σαφές κατά πόσο πρόκειται για επιφανειακές ή ουσιαστικές αλλαγές, όπως και αν αυτές αφορούν αποκλειστικά την πολυεπίπεδη (αιρετή/ υπηρεσιακή) αγροτοσυνεταιριστική ηγεσία ή και τη βάση.-Η μελέτη διαδικασιών προ- και πρωτο-κοινοτικού Εξευρωπαϊσμού, η οποία βρίσκεται σε αρχικό στάδιο, οφείλει να εντατικοποιηθεί. Αναλόγως, ως ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη κρίνεται η ανάπτυξη σύνθετων ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων, τα οποία θα παρακολουθούν το φαινόμενο και στις τέσσερις θεμελιώδεις διαστάσεις του

    Mέτρηση της παραγωγής παραξενιάς σε συγκρούσεις πρωτονίου-πρωτονίου με το πείραμα ALICE στον LHC του CERN

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    Παρουσιάζεται η μελέτη που αφορά στην παραγωγή παράξενων και πολυπαράξενων αδρονίων με το πείραμα ALICE στον LHC του CERN. Γίνεται μία εισαγωγή σχετικά με το γενικό σκοπό του πειράματος και το κεντρικό ανιχνευτικό σύστημα αυτού. Έπειτα, αναλύονται οι τεχνικές ταυτοποίησης αδρονίων με έμφαση στη λειτουργία και απόδοση κάθε ανιχνευτή στη διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης. Ο κύριος άξονας της μελέτης είναι η παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων που αφορούν στην αυξημένη παραγωγή παράξενων σωματιδίων σε περιβάλλον υψηλής πολλαπλότητας σε συγκρούσεις pp σε ενέργεια κέντρου μάζας 7 TeV. To γεγονός που καθιστά αυτήν την μελέτη πλέον ενδιαφέρουσα είναι ότι παρατηρείται για πρώτη φορά σε pp συγκρούσεις, η εξαρτώμενη από την πολλαπλότητα αυξημένη παραγωγή παράξενων (Κ0s, Λ) και πολυπαράξενων (Ξˉ, Ωˉ,) αδρονίων. Ακολουθεί παρουσίαση και σχολιασμός των αποτελεσμάτων που αφορούν στην παραγωγή παράξενων και πολυπαράξενων σωματιδίων σε συγκρούσεις p-Pb και Pb-Pb. Μελετάται, αρχικά, η εξάρτηση από την πολλαπλότητα της παραγωγής πιονίων, καονίων, πρωτονίων και λάμδα σωματιδίων σε συγκρούσεις p-Pb σε ενέργεια κέντρου μάζας 5.02 TeV . Παρουσιάζονται, επίσης, οι μετρήσεις από την παραγωγή πολυπαράξενων βαρυονίων σε συγκρούσεις p-Pb στην ίδια ενέργεια. Στη συνέχεια, διερευνώνται τα αποτελέσματα της παραγωγής σωματιδίων Κ0s και Λ σε συγκρούσεις Pb-Pb σε ενέργεια κέντρου μάζας 2.76 ΤeV και της παραγωγής πολυπαράξενων σωματιδίων σε μέση ωκύτητα, σε συγκρούσεις Pb-Pb, στην ίδια ενέργεια. Tέλος, παρουσιάζονται τα συμπεράσματα για την παραγωγή παραξενιάς σε όλα τα συστήματα σύγκρουσης.The production of strange and multistrange particles with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC is presented. An introduction about the general purpose of the experiment as well as the ALICE detector is taking place. The main purpose of this work is to present the results from the enhanced production of strange and multi-stange hadrons in high multiplicity pp collisions. This is a novel phenomenon, because the multiplicity dependent enhanced production of strange and multi-strange hadrons has never been observed before in pp collisions. A summary of the results concerning the strangeness production in p-Pb, Pb-Pb collisions follows. The centrality dependent production of pion, kaon, proton, Lamda and multi-strange baryons in p-Pb collisions at center of mass energy 7 TeV is studied. Moreover, the production of K0s, Lamda and multi-strange hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV is presented. In conclusion, the most important results of the strangeness production with the ALICE experiment are summarized

    Investigating the nature of the K0(700)^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    International audienceThe first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Investigating the nature of the K0(700)^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    International audienceThe first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Investigating the nature of the K0^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    The first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit--Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance.The first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Investigating the nature of the K0(700)^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    International audienceThe first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Investigating the nature of the K0(700)^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    International audienceThe first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Investigating the nature of the K0(700)^*_0(700) state with π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} correlations at the LHC

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    International audienceThe first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K0(700)^*_0(700) particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a π±\pi^\pmKS0^0_{\rm S} pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K0(700)^*_0(700). The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K0(700)^*_0(700) is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K0(700)^*_0(700) resonance

    Measurement of (anti)alpha production in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceIn this letter, measurements of (anti)alpha production in central (0-10%) Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon pair of sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV are presented, including the first measurement of an antialpha transverse-momentum spectrum. Owing to its large mass, (anti)alpha production yields and transverse-momentum spectra are of particular interest because they provide a stringent test of particle production models. The averaged antialpha and alpha spectrum is included into a common blast-wave fit with lighter particles, indicating that the (anti)alpha also participates in the collective expansion of the medium created in the collision. A blast-wave fit including only protons, (anti)alpha, and other light nuclei results in a similar flow velocity as the fit that includes all particles. A similar flow velocity, but a significantly larger kinetic freeze-out temperature is obtained when only protons and light nuclei are included in the fit. The coalescence parameter B4B_4 is well described by calculations from a statistical hadronization model but significantly underestimated by calculations assuming nucleus formation via coalescence of nucleons. Similarly, the (anti)alpha-to-proton ratio is well described by the statistical hadronization model. On the other hand, coalescence calculations including approaches with different implementations of the (anti)alpha substructure tend to underestimate the data

    Studying the interaction between charm and light-flavor mesons

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    International audienceThe two-particle momentum correlation functions between charm mesons (D±\mathrm{D^{*\pm}} and D±\mathrm{D}^\pm) and charged light-flavor mesons (π±\pi^{\pm} and K±^{\pm}) in all charge-combinations are measured for the first time by the ALICE Collaboration in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s=13\sqrt{s} =13 TeV. For DK\mathrm{DK} and DK\mathrm{D^*K} pairs, the experimental results are in agreement with theoretical predictions of the residual strong interaction based on quantum chromodynamics calculations on the lattice and chiral effective field theory. In the case of Dπ\mathrm{D}\pi and Dπ\mathrm{D^*}\pi pairs, tension between the calculations including strong interactions and the measurement is observed. For all particle pairs, the data can be adequately described by Coulomb interaction only, indicating a shallow interaction between charm and light-flavor mesons. Finally, the scattering lengths governing the residual strong interaction of the Dπ\mathrm{D}\pi and Dπ\mathrm{D^*}\pi systems are determined by fitting the experimental correlation functions with a model that employs a Gaussian potential. The extracted values are small and compatible with zero