93 research outputs found

    Development, characterization and antioxidant activity of polysorbate based O/W emulsion containing polyphenols derived from Hippophae rhamnoides and Cassia fistula

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    The objective of this study was to develop a pharmaceutical O/W emulsion containing plant-derived polyphenol extracts and evaluate its stability and antioxidant activity. O/W emulsions were prepared using ionic surfactant polysorbate 80 (Tween 80Âź). The odorwas adjusted with few drops of blue sea fragrance. DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assay was used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the plant extracts alone and emulsions containing these extracts. Physical stability was assessed by submitting the emulsions to storage at 8 ÂșC, 25 ÂșC, 40 ÂșC and 40 ÂșC + 70% RH (relative humidity) for two months. Various physical characteristics of emulsions monitored, include color, creaming, liquefaction, centrifugation and pH. Brookfield rotational rheometer was used to determined viscosities and rheological behavior of emulsions. Different types of emulsion were determined microscopically, while pH values of emulsions were measured by a pH meter. Electrical conductivity data confirmed that the outer phase was water. Samples presented an acceptable pH value for an external topical use. Shear thinning behaviour was observed for all emulsions. The polyphenol-rich-plant-derived extracts alone and the extract containing emulsions showed good antioxidant activities. This research confirmed that the method used was suitable for preparing emulsions with Hippophae rhamnoids and Cassia fistula extracts, suggesting that those emulsions are suitable for topical use.O presente estudo objetivou o desenvolvimento de uma emulsĂŁo farmacĂȘutica Ăłleo-ĂĄgua contendo extratos de plantas ricos em polifenĂłis, a comparação Ă  sua formulação-controle e a avaliação de sua estabilidade, assim como de sua capacidade antioxidante. Extrato concentrado de Hippophae rhamnoids e Cassia fistula foi encapsulado no interior da fase oleosa da emulsĂŁo O/W. As emulsĂ”es foram preparadas usando o tensoativo iĂŽnico monooleato sorbital de polioxietileno (Tween 80Âź). O odor foi ajustado pela adição de algumas gotas de fragrĂąncia azul do mar. O ensaio do DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilidrazil) foi utilizado para avaliar a atividade antioxidante dos extratos de plantas sozinhos e nas emulsĂ”es contendo os extratos. A estabilidade fĂ­sica foi avaliada submetendo os cremes a diferentes temperaturas de estocagem, como a 8 ÂșC, 25 ÂșC e 40 ÂșC e a 40% + 70% de umidade relativa por um perĂ­odo de 2 meses. As caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sicas das emulsĂ”es foram monitoradas por 2 meses incluindo cor, cremosidade, liquefação, centrifugação e pH. O reĂŽmetro rotacional de Brookfield foi utilizado para determinar a viscosidade e o comportamento reolĂłgico das emulsĂ”es. O programa Rheocalc Brookfield foi utilizado para anĂĄlise dos dados. As caracterĂ­sticas organolĂ©pticas tambĂ©m foram avaliadas. O tipo de emulsĂŁo foi determinado microscopicamente, enquanto o pH das emulsĂ”es foi avaliado por meio de um pHmetro. A estabilidade farmacĂȘutica esperada das emulsĂ”es foi alcançada dentro dos dois meses de estudo. Os resultados da condutividade elĂ©trica confirmaram que a fase externa da emulsĂŁo era composta de ĂĄgua. O pH das amostras estava dentro da normalidade para uso tĂłpico. A emulsĂŁo apresentou boa fragrĂąncia e pode ser retirada da pele com ĂĄgua apĂłs a aplicação, caracterĂ­sticas desejĂĄveis em emulsĂ”es O/W. Os extratos vegetais ricos em polifenĂłis isolados ou nas emulsĂ”es apresentaram boa atividade antioxidante. Nossos estudos confirmaram que o mĂ©todo utilizado foi adequado para preparar a emulsĂŁo semi-sĂłlida contendo extratos de Hippophae rhamnoids e Cassia fistula. Nossos achados sugerem que emulsĂ”es contendo extratos de Hippophae rhamnoids e Cassia fistula sĂŁo adequados para o uso tĂłpico

    Basics of Self Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery System

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    About 70-75% of drugs is taken orally and is found not to be as useful as desired. A self-micro emulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) is a drug delivery system that uses a micro-emulsion achieved by chemical rather than mechanical means. Micro-emulsions have significant potential for use in drug delivery, and SMEDDS are the best of these systems. SMEDDS are of particular value in increasing the absorption of lipophilic drugs taken orally. SMEDDS are mixtures  of natural or  synthetic oils,  solid  or  liquid  surfactants, or alternatively, one or more  hydrophilic solvents and  co-solvents/surfactants  that have a unique ability  of  forming fine  oil-in-water (o/w) micro  emulsions  upon mild agitation followed  by  dilution in  aqueous media, such as  GI fluids. SMEDDS spread readily in the GI tract, and the digestive motility of the stomach and the intestine provide the agitation necessary for self-emulsification. SMEDDS can be encapsulated in hard or soft gelatin capsules or can be converted to solid state (Solid SEDDS/SMEDDS). This review article provides an overview of SMEDDS and its advantages over conventional dosage forms. Keywords: SMEDDS, Micro-emulsions, Co-solvent

    Attitudes of Students of Sports Participants about Doping in Sports

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    The main objective of the research was to test the level of knowledge and to identify students' attitudes about the use of prohibited substances (drugs) in sports. The study included a total of 100 students, of Department of Physical Education and Sports in AMU, Aligarh. M.P.E.d and B.P.E.d students participated. As a way of gathering the necessary information an a questionnaire was used, with 13 clearly defined questions (11 closed type questions and 2 open-ended type questions) which were related to the specific knowledge and attitudes about the use of doping substances in sports. It is important to note that 80% of the participants involved in any sport (sport games, athletics, martial arts, skiing, tennis), different ranks of competition. The obtained results are relevant for the global indicator of awareness, knowledge and attitudes of students about the increasing problem of today's modern sport that is called doping. Keywords: Attitudes; Prevention; Students; Questionnaire; Doping;

    Fabrication, physicochemical characterization and preliminary efficacy evaluation of a W/O/W multiple emulsion loaded with 5% green tea extract

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    EmulsĂ”es mĂșltiplas complexas possuem excelente habilidade de agregar grandes quantidades de agentes cosmĂ©ticos funcionais. Este estudo teve por objetivo encapsular grandes volumes de chĂĄ verde em uma emulsĂŁo mĂșltipla clĂĄssica e comparar sua estabilidade com a emulsĂŁo mĂșltipla sem o extrato do chĂĄ verde. EmulsĂ”es mĂșltiplas sĂŁo desenvolvidas usando cetil dimeticona copoliol como emulsificante lipofĂ­lico e o clĂĄssico polissorbato-80 como emulsificante hidrofĂ­lico. As emulsĂ”es mĂșltiplas foram avaliadas por meio de vĂĄrios aspectos fisico-quĂ­micos como condutividade, pH, anĂĄlise microscĂłpica e reologia. Estas caracterĂ­sticas foram observadas por um perĂ­odo de 30 dias sob diferentes condiçÔes de armazenamento. Testes de proteção da pele in vivo e in vitro foram realizados para ambos os tipos de emulsĂ”es testadas, i.e. com o ativo em estudo (MeA) e sem ativo (MeB). Ambas as formulaçÔes apresentaram caracterĂ­sticas comparĂĄveis no que diz respeito aos diferentes fatores fĂ­sico-quĂ­micos avaliados sob diferentes condiçÔes de armazenamento. A anĂĄlise reolĂłgica mostrou que as formulaçÔes apresentaram comportamento pseudo-plĂĄstico sob contĂ­nuo estresse de cisalhamento. Os resultados dos testes in vivo e in vitro sobre a proteção da pele revelaram que a formulação ativa promoveu efeitos comparĂĄveis Ă  formulação controle. Nossos dados mostraram que emulsĂ”es mĂșltiplas estĂĄveis poderiam ser escolhas promissoras para a aplicação tĂłpica do chĂĄ verde. Entretanto, a fĂłrmula das emulsĂ”es mĂșltiplas apresentadas neste estudo precisam ser melhoradas no que diz respeito ao pH, condutividade e viscosidade aparente.Complex multiple emulsions have an excellent ability to fill large volumes of functional cosmetic agents. This study was aimed to encapsulate large volume of green tea in classical multiple emulsion and to compare its stability with a multiple emulsion without green tea extract. Multiple emulsions were developed using Cetyl dimethicone copolyol as lipophilic emulsifier and classic polysorbate-80 as hydrophilic emulsifier. Multiple emulsions were evaluated for various physicochemical aspects like conductivity, pH, microscopic analysis, rheology and these characteristics were followed for a period of 30 days in different storage conditions. In vitro and in vivo skin protection tests were also performed for both kinds of multiple emulsions i.e. with active (MeA) and without active (MeB). Both formulations showed comparable characteristics regarding various physicochemical characteristics in different storage conditions. Rheological analysis showed that formulations showed pseudo plastic behavior upon continuous shear stress. Results of in vitro and in vivo skin protection data have revealed that the active formulation has comparable skin protection effects to that of control formulation. It was presumed that stable multiple emulsions could be a promising choice for topical application of green tea but multiple emulsions presented in this study need improvement in the formula, concluded on the basis of pH, conductivity and apparent viscosity data

    Palynomorphological characterization of some species of selected genera of family Rhamnaceae

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    The present study was confined to pollen morphology of some species of familyRhamnaceae. It was found that pollen characters (that is, shape, surface of exine and pollenmorphology) P/E ratio were considered as important and were used as tools in the taxonomyof these species. The present study shows that the flora of the selected species is a stable one.Pollen morphology varies among these species very considerably

    Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Practices in Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

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    Solid waste management is a global issue persisting in most of the developing countries like Pakistan. Current study briefly appraises the management and practices of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Bahawalpur city. Data were collected from different sources by using an in-depth interview and questionnaire tool. The findings reveal that domestic organic waste accounts for about 35.32% followed by debris, dirt and construction material waste (30.89%). About 273.69 tons solid waste is generated on daily basis whereas only 218.95 tons per day is collected and disposed. The collection rate of MSW varies from 61% to 80% in the city. The service coverage area was about 70%. The total sanitary staff was also very limited (735) as compared to the increasing population and served only 75% population of the Bahawalpur. The equipment and machinery used for MSW collection and disposal operation were also limited and out of fashion which were needed to be replaced. There is no proper landfill for disposal of solid waste which is openly thrown at five dumping sites and burned. This situation further creates many environmental and health issues. Recycling is almost absent in the city and behavior of the inhabitants also adds to an ineffective solid waste management in the city. It is necessary to create awareness among the people about bad effects of improper dumping of solid waste and the need to tackle this problem

    Synergism between nigella sativa seeds extract and synthetic antibiotics against Mec A gene positive human strains of staphylococcus aureus

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    Background and Objective: Synergistic combinations of various antimicrobial agents have been introduced as extra successful strategies to combat multidrug resistant (MDR) infections. This study was undertaken to evaluate MDR profiling of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clinical specimens of two public hospitals of twin Pakistani cities as well as to explore in vitro antibacterial potential of Nigella sativa L. (black cumin or black seeds) extract against Mec A gene positive Staphylococcus aureus strains. Materials and Methods: The MDR strains were then screened for positive Mec A gene by PCR and sequencing. A total of 500 bacterial strains were subjected to antimicrobial and Nigella sativa seeds susceptibility and minimal inhibitory concentration assays. The data were evaluated as Mean±Standard deviation of five independent experiments. The results were analyzed using t-test with SPSS version 16.0. Results: Methanolic extracts of Nigella sativa seeds showed maximum activity against Mec A gene positive Staphylococcus aureus alone and in combination with the penicillin antibiotic AugmentinŸ plus the second-generation Cephamycin, Cephalosporins, MefoxinŸ (Cefoxitin). The anti-MRSA activity was reduced when methanolic extracts of Nigella sativa seeds were used in combination with the pain reliever and the fever reducer paracetamol (acetaminophen). Eventually, it has been observed that the anti-staphylococcal activity of Nigella sativa led to changes in bacterial cell morphology indicating that the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria as likely a target of action. Conclusion: This study provides new insights about synergistic antimicrobial and Nigella sativa crude extract activities against MDR Staphylococcus aureus strains.Scopu

    Ziziphus mauritiana leaf extract emulsion for skin rejuvenation

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    Purpose: To formulate stable water in oil (W/O) emulsion containing hydroalcoholic crude extract of Ziziphus mauritiana leaves for skin rejuvenation.Methods: Placebo (base) without any plant extract and formulation with 4 % Ziziphus mauritiana extract were prepared by mixing. Samples of the emulsions were subjected to varying storage conditions, i.e., 8, 25, 40 oC and 40 oC + 75 % relative humidity for a period of 4 weeks to predict their stability. During this period, stability parameters, including liquefaction, phase separation, color, electrical conductivity, centrifugation and pH were monitored at specified time intervals. Skin rejuvenation was evaluated using 13 healthy human volunteers over a period of 8 weeks. During this period, various skin parameters such as erythema, melanin level, moisture content, elasticity and sebum content of the skin were evaluated at specified intervals.Results: Both the active formulation and placebo were stable in terms of liquifaction, phase separation and color at all the storage conditions of temperature and humidity. Active formulation showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement in skin melanin as well as in skin moisture and sebum levels, whereas these properties were reduced or even absent in the placebo formulation (p > 0.05). Both active and placebo formulations changed skin elasticity and erythema significantly (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Ä°t is evident from the findings that the leaf extract of Ziziphus mauritiana possesses antiaging properties as well as exert skin lightening, moisturizing and viscoelastic effects on human skin.Keywords: Ziziphus mauritiana, Melanin, Erythema, Sebum, Skin-tlightening, Moistirizing, Anti-agin

    Pollen fertility estimation of selected taxa of Kaghan valley, Pakistan

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    Pollen fertility estimation of selected taxa of Kaghan Valley was surveyed. A total 51species belonging to 22 different families i.e., Acanthaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae,Berberidaceae, Brassicaceae, Caprifoliacaeae, Caesalpinaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Lythraceae,Malvaceae, Oleaceae, Paplionaceae, Podophylaceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Ranunculaceae,Salicaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Urticaceae Valerianaceae and Poaceae wereinvestigated for their pollen fertility. The dominant families regarding number of specieswere Asteraceae having 8 species and then Poaceae and Rosaceae having 6 species. Highestpollen fertility 100% value was observed in Phragmites communis Trin. and Solanum surattense Burm.f., while the lowest 58.49% value was observed in Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rech. Most of the species showed a range of pollen fertility as 70-80 %, indicated thatthe flora of Kaghan Valley is well-established and stable

    Psychometric Features of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) Among the Students of Higher Education Sector in Karachi –Pakistan

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    Purpose: The motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) are extensively used by researchers and educators to measure self-regulated learning skills. The survey originally published in English has also been translated into multiple languages. However, a gap in the literature is found for its reliability and validity studies in the Pakistani context, specifically in the higher education sector. Therefore, this study was designed to establish the local norms and appraise the scale factors in specific samples and cultures. Methodology: Path analysis was used to examine the latent factor structures to determine whether MSLQ is appropriately reliable and valid to be used on our normative sample. All 15 subscales of the MSLQ were administered to a sample of 272 (n: 272) students enrolled in the undergraduate program of a private university located in Karachi, Pakistan. Findings: Results from the administration of MSLQ on a sample from the local population suggest that the scale is reliable and valid. Subscales (the exogenous variables) were loaded onto their respective factors with high regression weights. Statistically significant correlations were found among eleven subscales and the academic performances of students. The gender difference was found in eight subscales with significant Cohen’s D. However, the model fit indices on SEM show a relative fit and poor fit on some of the indices. Conclusion: This study concludes that students’ learning strategies and motivation have an impact on academic outcomes and considerable gender difference prevails in terms of motivation and learning strategies in Pakistani students
