70 research outputs found

    Les dimensions des crises: analyse de deux études de cas sous les approches processuelle et événementielle

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    Due to their protean character, crises are unique and they demand specific actions. In order to offer managers a referential framework to better deal with crises, many authors have tried to identify and to classify them. Thus, two main approaches can be located: those qualified as event-driven (mainly based on the elements that trigged out the crisis and its consequences) and those qualified as a process-driven (which places the crisis in a context full of meanings, actors and victims). The aim of this work is to analyze an organizational crisis within two organizations (a French one and a Brazilian one) by using these two approaches. The results show, among other aspects, that the event-driven approach allows a more complete visualization of these critical situations regarding the event-driven approach. Besides, the analysis of the crisis dimensions shows that a systemic approach of crisis events, the capitalization over experiences and an optimistic and proactive posture performed by the managers are the key elements in this study of crisis management.En raison de leur caractère protéiforme, les cas de crise sont uniques et ils exigent des actions spécifiques. Afin d'offrir aux gestionnaires un cadre de référence pour mieux les affronter, de nombreux auteurs ont tenté d'identifier et de classifier les crises. Ainsi, deux approches principales peuvent être repérées : celle qualifiée d'événementielle (plutôt centrée sur les éléments déclencheurs des crises et ses conséquences) et celle caractérisée de processuelle (qui situe la crise dans un contexte plein de significations, acteurs et victimes). L'objectif de ce travail sera d'analyser une crise organisationnelle dans deux entreprises (française et brésilienne) en faisant cohabiter ces deux approches. Les résultats indiquent, parmi d'autres aspects, que l'approche processuelle permet une visualisation beaucoup plus complète des situations critiques par rapport à l'approche événementielle. En plus, l'analyse des dimensions de crise montre que une approche systémique des événements de crise, la capitalisation sur les expériences vécues et une posture optimiste et proactive des gestionnaires ressortent de cette étude comme éléments clé de la gestion des crises

    As práticas de integração das filiais internacionais com relação a projetos de inovação: Os casos de grandes grupos farmacêuticos.

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    Actuellement, émerge une considération selon laquelle l'innovation est perçue comme le résultat d'un processus collectif de développement de nouveaux produits / procédés. L'enjeu majeur est surtout pour les multinationales dans la mesure où se pose le problème d'intégration des entités internationales ainsi que leurs connaissances dans la stratégie globale d'innovation. Les travaux, jusque là présentés, proposent des réflexions très fragmentées à ce sujet. L'intérêt d'étudier cette perspective stratégique semble alors se justifier. De ce fait, sur la base d'une recherche effectuée auprès de cinq grands groupes pharmaceutiques, nous avons identifié les mécanismes d'intégration et les obstacles rencontrés par ces entreprises. De là, nous proposons une grille de lecture pour appréhender les pratiques de mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie intégrée d'innovation. Notre recherche montre que cela peut être réfléchi au niveau global, interne et local en veillant à développer les relations entre les filiales et les parties prenantes de ces trois niveaux.


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    Tradicionalmente, o setor agroalimentar mundial é caracterizado por baixos níveis de investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, sendo este muito dependente de avanços tecnológicos incrementais. Especificamente no setor de laticínios, um dos grandes motivadores da implementação de inovações é a busca por maior qualidade e durabilidade dos produtos. Entretanto, nos últimos anos tem emergido uma tendência pela busca de produtos funcionais e com apelo mais sustentável. Levando em conta esse cenário apresentado, o objetivo desse artigo foi o de identificar e avaliar as inovações de uma cooperativa francesa do setor de laticínios, no período de 1990 a 2005. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo de caso no Grupo Cooperativo 3 A, organização de destaque na região sul da França. Foi possível identificar algumas inovações induzidas por fornecedores, principalmente no que se refere a inovações em produto e processo. Entretanto, identificou-se também um numero significativo de inovações em gestão, principalmente em função de as mesmas exigirem menores investimentos em tecnologia. Constatou-se que realmente um dos grandes motivadores da implementação de inovações foi a busca da cooperativa por maior qualidade, mas se confirma a tendência pela produção de produtos com apelo funcional e ligados à sustentabilidade.The world agribusiness industry is known for its low levels of investment in Research & Development. Incremental technological advances are the tradition. Specifically at the dairy sector, one of the great motivators of innovations is the search for a bigger quality and durability in the products. However, in recent years there is a trend to searching functional and sustainable products. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to identify and evaluate the innovations of a French cooperative in the dairy sector, from 1990 to 2005. For that, a case study was made at the Cooperative Group 3A, which is an important cooperative on France. We have identified some induced innovations by suppliers, mainly innovations in product and process. However, we have also identified a significant number of innovations in management, mainly as a result of the minor investment demanded in technology. We have identified that the search for higher quality levels was the main reason for the innovations implementation. Nevertheless, we have confirmed the trend of producing products with functional qualities and sustainable appeal.Tradicionalmente, el sector [agroalimentar] mundial es caracterizado por bajos niveles de inversión en pesquisa y desarrollo, siendo este muy dependiente de avances tecnológicos incrementales. Específicamente en el sector de queserías, uno de los grandes motivadores de la implementación de innovaciones es la busca por mayor calidad y durabilidad de los productos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años está emergiendo una tendencia por la búsqueda de productos funcionales y con llamamiento más sostenible. Teniendo en cuenta ese escenario presentado, el objetivo de ese artículo fue el de identificar y evaluar las innovaciones de una cooperativa francesa del sector de queserías, en el periodo de 1990 a 2005. Para tanto, fue hecho un estudio de caso en el Grupo Cooperativo 3 A, organización de destaque en la región sur de Francia. Fue posible identificar algunas innovaciones inducidas por proveedores, sobre todo en lo referente a innovaciones en producto y proceso. Sin embargo, se identificó también uno numero significativo de innovaciones en gestión, sobre todo en función de las mismas exijan menores inversiones en tecnología. Se constató que realmente uno de los grandes motivadores de la implementación de innovaciones fue la búsqueda de la cooperativa por mayor calidad, pero se confirma la tendencia por la producción de productos con apelo funcional y ligados a la sostenibilidad


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    El Sector de Telefonia Móvil en Brasil (BMPS) ha enfrentado, en los últimos años, diversos cambios teconológicos y estructurales que tuvieron un impacto directo sobre cuestiones estratégicas que deben ser consideradas por las empresas de este sector. Este artículo propone tres objetivos principales: primero, explorar algunas categorías estratégicas de BPM; segundo, construir un modelo teórico y metodologico a partir de estas categorías; tercero, presentar un modelo de valor agregado de apoyo al desarrollo teórico. Para lograr estos objetivos, construimos un marco teórico que abarca la estrategia competitiva, innovación teconológica y teoría de stakeholdres, y desarrollamos una investigación empírica acompañada de entrevistas con expertos brasileños en el sector. Estas entrevistas fueron analizadas desde el punto de vista del análisis de contenido. El resultado central de dicho estudio se refiere al propio modelo teórico y metodológico para BMPS, que puede ser concebido como una contribución de valor agregado para la teoría. Es interesante observar que hay algunos avances respecto de los enfoques tradicionales del desarrollo de modelos así como de determinados procedimientos del análisis de contenido.The Brazilian Mobile Phone Sector (BMPS) has been through a series of technological and structural changes in the past few years, which have directly impacted strategic issues that should be taken into consideration by companies in this sector. This article addresses three main objectives: the first is to explore some strategic BMPS categories; the second is to build a theoretical and methodological framework from them; and the third is to present a value-added model supporting theory development. Towards that aim, we build on a theoretical approach to competitive strategy, technological innovation and stakeholders theory, and perform an empirical research supported by interviews with Brazilian experts from the sector; the interviews were further analyzed from a content analysis perspective. The key result from this study concerns the very theoretical and methodological framework for the BMPS, and such a framework can be conceived as a value-added contribution to theory. It is worth noting that some advances over traditional approaches to framework development are made, as well as regarding particular content analysis procedures

    The Learning Process in Interorganizational Relationships

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    This study was inspired by the proposition developed by Karthik (2002) and applied to a context of horizontal interorganizational relations. Our main objective was to understand how the learning process between organizations inserted in networks occurs, from the perspective of the evolution of relationships over time. This study has a qualitative and exploratory nature, and the method adopted is the case study with multiple units of analysis. The research was carried out in a network of thirteen supermarket companies in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data was collected through individual interviews, questionnaires, documental sources and histories of learning. As the main contribution, we highlight the critical discussion made of the model proposed by Karthik (2002) as it is applied in horizontal networks: contradicting the author’s suggestion, the results of this research reveal that there was a predominance of mutual learning in the initial stages of the companies' relationships and, as the relationships evolved, there was a predominance of unilateral learning. This change can be seen in the adoption of opportunist behavior and the predominance of structural characteristics of trust in the relationships established by the companies involved

    Overcoming the gap between academic and pratical knowledge about CSR: A methodological framework

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    Overcoming the Gap Between Academic and Practical Knowledge about CSR: A Methodological Framework Whenever researchers contemplate constructing knowledge from practice and managers' experience, they are faced with a number of questions which have not yet been satisfactorily answered in the literature. Although the gap between academia and practice has already been addressed by some scholars, potential solutions are still being discussed. Therefore, this paper has two main objectives: first, to shed light on methodological and epistemological challenges related to the radical constructivist epistemological paradigm, regarding its potential to help overcome the dualism between academic and practical knowledge; second, to clarify and illustrate the answers to these challenges, as provided by this paper, in the context of a research project on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Three main contributions are offered: first, we argue that the notion of generic knowledge can help overcome the gap between academic and practical knowledge; second, we offer a methodological framework for developing knowledge capturing practitioners' experience, which integrates the notion of generic knowledge. Third, we argue, through an illustrative case, that research on CSR would benefit from being carried out in the radical constructivist epistemological paradigm in order to develop not just academic knowledge but also knowledge capable of being relevant for CSR practices.methodology ; constructivism ; generic knowledge ; epistemic work ; CSR.


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    The footwear sector in the State of Paraiba has developed considerably and contributed significantly to the generation of employment and income among the local population.  The State Government has given priority to the development of this sector. This paper discusses the behaviour of the footwear manufacturers in the State of Paraiba in relation to the process of internationalisation.  In accordance with the research objectives, the firms formally registered in the three main footwear manufacturing centres within the State were investigated:  João Pessoa, Campina Grande and Patos. It was found that the entry of the manufacturers within this sector is recent and characterised by managers with insufficient qualifications and knowledge to initiate the process of putting those firms in the international market. The investigated manufacturers initiated the process of internationalisation by participating in national trade fairs, like: Francal and Couromaoda, and in almost none of these manufacturers was there an independent attempt made to enter into the international market, not even to take the initiative when their international clients stopped acquiring their products.El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de formación de la estrategia de desarrollo sostenible de un Grupo multinacional de siderurgía (entre la matriz en Luxemburgo y la sucursal brasileña) así como de proponer alternativas de acción para una buena integración entre la matriz y esta sucursal, en lo que toca el desarrollo sostenible. Para tanto, fue realizada una investigación en dos etapas. La primera etapa se caracterizó por la pesquisa bibliográfica, habiendo sido conducida durante todo el periodo de investigación (lógica abductora, con constantes idas y venidas entre campo empírico y teoría). De esta etapa, se retuvo dos grandes ejes teóricos: Estrategia Empresarial y Desarrollo Sostenible. La segunda etapa se caracterizó por un estudio de caso junto al Grupo multinacional de siderurgía. Como principal contribución, se construyó un conjunto de proposiciones que tiene por base el proceso deliberación/emergencia entre la matriz del Grupo en Luxemburgo y la sucursal brasileña. Las proposiciones son presentadas en el formato de una matriz, donde se buscó proponer acciones para la matriz y para la sucursal brasileña del Grupo, en tres niveles diferentes (local, global e interno) para cada una de las características del desarrollo sostenible retenidas en este estudio (gobernanza, stakeholders, ética y aprendizaje).TEXTO (PDF) TAMBÉM DISPONÍVEL EM INGLÊSO presente artigo teve como objetivo analisar o processo de formação da estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável de um Grupo multinacional de siderurgía (entre a matriz em Luxemburgo e a filial brasileira) assim como de propor alternativas de ação para uma boa integração entre a matriz e esta filial, no que tange o desenvolvimento sustentável. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa em 2 etapas. A primeira etapa caracterizou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo sido conduzida durante todo o período de pesquisa (lógica abdutiva, com constantes idas e vindas entre campo empírico e teoria). Desta etapa, reteve-se 2 grandes eixos teóricos: Estratégia Empresarial e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A segunda etapa caracterizou-se por 1 estudo de caso junto ao Grupo multinacional de siderurgía. Como principal contribuição, construiu-se um conjunto de proposições que tem por base o processo deliberação/emergência entre a matriz do Grupo em Luxemburgo e a filial brasileira. As proposições são apresentadas no formato de uma matriz, onde se procurou propor ações para a matriz e para a filial brasileira do Grupo, em três níveis diferentes (local, global e interno) para cada uma das características do desenvolvimento sustentável retidas neste estudo (governança, stakeholders, ética e aprendizagem)