14 research outputs found


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    The research regarding the influence of morphological characteristics on soccer performance is particularly complex because the success in soccer in part depends upon the individual characteristics and team position of every player. It is necessary to have knowledge of these characteristics in order to establish their importance as key factors of success in competitive sports such as soccer. This is one reason why the authors decided to determine the morphological differences of elite Croatian female soccer players according to their respective team positions, a logical extension of an earlier article focusing on male soccer players. The sample consisted of soccer players who were current members of first league clubs in Croatia (n=24) and who were tested at the end of the 2005/06 competition season (prior to the European championship). According to the instructions issued by the International Biological Program, the following anthropometrical variables were measured: body height, body mass, leg length, arm length, biacromial and bicristal diameters, knee and elbow diameters, upper arm girth, forearm girth, thigh girth and calf girth. The body fat percentage and relative body fat mass in female soccer players were determined using the Sloan and Siri equations. The differences in team position (goalkeepers, defenders, forwards and midfielders) were analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The statistical significance was set at p<0.05. The goalkeepers proved to be the tallest and the heaviest players on the team, with longest legs and arms, and the largest thigh girth. The MANOVA revealed no statistically significant differences in any of the selected parameters among female soccer players according to their team positions. An analysis of the female soccer players’ team positions demonstrated no significant differences in morphological variables. The players’ values (average height and body mass) fell within the range of normal values recorded in the general population and other elite European female soccer players. Therefore, we can conclude that Croatian female soccer players are morphologically similar to their counterparts on other elite European soccer teams. These findings are useful because a consideration of morphological characteristics is important in the selection of players, especially goalkeepers, for team positions.Istraživanja morfoloških karakteristika u nogometu osobito su složena, jer uspjeh u nogometu ovisi o individualnim karakteristikama igrača i specifičnostima pozicije na kojoj igraju. Spoznaje o navedenim morfološkim karakteristikama važne su u kompleksnim sportskim igrama kao što je nogomet. Ovaj rad logičan je nastavak prethodnog istraživanja provedenog na vrhunskim hrvatskim nogometašima. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjen je od nogometašica Prve hrvatske ženske nogometne lige (n=24). Nogometašice su testirane na kraju natjecateljske sezone 2005/06 (neposredno prije kvalifikacija za Europsko prvenstvo). Mjerenje morfoloških mjera izvršeno je prema napucima Međunarodnog Biološkog Programa. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja izmjereno je 14 morfoloških mjera: visina tijela, tjelesna masa, dužina noge, dužina ruke, širina ramena i kukova, dijametar lakta i koljena, opseg nadlaktice, opseg podlaktice, te opseg natkoljenice i potkoljenice. Postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva i relativna masa potkožnog masnog tkiva kod nogometašica određene su jednadžbama Sloan-a i Siri-ja. Razlike u morfološkim karakteristikama s obzirom na igračku poziciju (vratari, obrambeni igrači, napadači i vezni igrači) analizirani su Multivarijatnom analizom varijance MANOV-om, s statističkom značajnošću od p<0.05. U skladu s njihovim građom tijela utvrđeno je da su igračice na golu više i teže od igračice u polju. Multivarijatna analiza varijance nije pokazala postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između igračkih pozicija nogometašica. Dobiveni rezultati nogometašica u skladu su sa rezultatima prosječne populacije (vrijednosti visine tijela i mase tijela). Rezultati vrhunskih hrvatskih nogometašica slični su rezultatima koji su dobiveni na uzorcima vrhunskih europskih nogometašica. Možemo zaključiti da su hrvatske nogometašice u morfološkim karakteristikama slične vrhunskim europskim nogometašicama. Dobiveni podaci o morfološkim karakteristikama mogu koristiti trenerima u procesu selekcije igračica za određene igračke pozicije, a posebice za igračice na golu

    Kanonische Korrelation zwischen einigen situativ-motorischen Variablen und dem Erfolg beim Fußballspiel

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    Hotellingovom metodom kanoničke korelacijske analize utvrđena je povezanost situacijsko-motoričkih varijabli, preciznosti pogađanja cilja, baratanja loptom, brzine vođenja lopte, snage udarca po lopti i brzina krivocrtnog trčanja s kriterijem uspjeha u nogometu, definiranim kao varijable tehnika napada i obrane, stvaralaštva, angažiranosti i odgovornosti. Dobivena su dva para kanoničkih faktora. Pri faktor definiraju tehnike: napad, obrana i stvaralaštvo, snaga udaraca nogom, elevacijska preciznost i brzina vođenja nogom pod pravim kutem. Drugi faktor je bipolaran. Na pozitivnom polu definiraju se odgovornost i ponašanje, a negativnom stvaralaštvo. Ovaj faktor definiran je pravolinijskim odbijanjem po podlozi, slalom loptom, slalom bez lopte i snaga udarca loptom u skoku. Za potrebe selekcije, praćenja i kontrole treniranosti preporučuju se sljedeći testovi: snaga udarca s nogom iz mjesta (SNESMO), brzina vođenja na 20 m (SNBV20), horizontalno odbijanje od podloge (SNKUPO), elevacijska preciznost na 25 m (SNRE25) i brzina vođenja pod pravim kutem (SNBUPP).By means of Hotelling method of canonical correlation analysis we have established the correlation of situation-related motor variables, accuracy of hitting the target, handling the ball, speed of running with the ball, strength with which the ball is hit and the speed of curvilinear running, with the criterion concerning the achievements in football. This criterion has been defined as the variables of attack and defense technique, creativity, commitment and responsibility. The results of the research are two pairs of canonical factors. The first factor is defined by the following techniques: attack, defense and creativity, the strength of hitting the ball with the leg, elevation accuracy and the speed of running with the ball at the right angle. The second factor has a bipolar character. The positive pole carries the definition of responsibility and behaviour, whereas the negative pole carries the definition of creativity. This factor has been defined by rectilinear bouncing, dribble with the ball, dribble without the ball and the strength of kicking the ball in the jump. The following tests are recommended as suitable for selection and control of the level of training: strength of kicking the ball while standing (SNESMO), the speed of running with the ball along the 20m track (SNBV20), horizontal bouncing off the surface, elevation accuracy at the distance of 25m (SNRE25) and the speed of running with the ball at the right angle (SNBUPP).Mit Hilfe von Hotellings kanonisch-korrelativer Analyse wurde die Beziehung zwischen den situativ-motorischen Variablen (Genauigkeit bei dem Zieltreffen, Ballbehandlung, die Schnelligkeit bei der Ballführung, Schuβkraft und Schnelligkeit beim Zickzack-Laufen) und dem Erfolgskriterium, das im Fußball als eine Variable der Angriffs- und Verteidigungstechnik, der Kreativität, des Engagements und Verantwortung definiert wurde, festgestellt. Als Resultat bekamen wir zwei Paare der kanonischen Faktoren. Der erste Faktor wurde durch folgende Techniken definiert: Angriff, Verteidigung und Kreativität, Schuβkraft, Elevationsgenauigkeit, Schnelligkeit der Ballführung unter dem rechten Winkel. Der zweite Faktor ist bipolar. Auf dem Pluspol werden die Verantwortung und das Verhalten, und auf dem Minuspol die Kreativität definiert. Dieser Faktor wird durch das geradlinige Prellen, Dribbeln mit dem Ball, Dribbeln ohne Ball und Schuβkraft im Sprung definiert. Zur Selektion und Kontrolle des Trainingszustands werden folgende Tests empfohlen: Schuβkraft aus dem Stand (SNESMO), Schnelligkeit der Ballführung auf 20m (SNBV20), horizontales Prellen (SNKUPO), Elevationsgenauigkeit auf 25m (SNRE25) und Schnelligkeit der Ballführung unter dem rechtecn Winkel (SNBUPP)


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je identificirati specifične okolnosti te neposredne tehničko-taktičke uzročnike ozljeda u procesu sportskog treninga i elitnog natjecanja hrvatskog nogometa. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 175 nogometaša iz 7 klubova Prve hrvatske nogometne lige početkom sezone 2010/2011 Prvenstva Hrvatske. Nogometaši su ispitivani neposredno prije početka redovitih treninga putem pisanih anketnih upitnika. Rezultati ukazuju da se 40% svih ozljeda pojavljuje tijekom jesenskog natjecateljskog perioda. Pojava ozljede u dominantnom se postotku od 60% se veže uz trenažno opterećenje. Najviši postotak ozljeđivanja igrača tijekom ekipnog djelovanja zabilježen je u fazi postavljene obrane (26%). Sa stajališta posjeda lopte, igrači su u najvećem riziku od ozljeđivanja za vrijeme neposrednog kontakta s loptom ili direktne borbe za nju. U 70% slučajeva ozljeda je nastala uslijed različitih tipova tjelesnog sraza sa protivnikom. U okviru preventivnih mjera, provedba trenažnog procesa trebala bi se odvijati u uvjetima kontroliranog opterećenja s ciljem smanjenja udjela treningom prouzročenih ozljeda. Broj ozljeda nastalih direktnim tjelesnim srazom s protivnikom značajno je viši u odnosu na zapadnoeuropske lige te ukazuje na potrebu podizanja razine tjelesne otpornosti nogometaša i taktičkog sazrijevanja stručnih timova.The aim of this study was to identify the specific football situations and immediate technical and tactical causes of injuries in training process and competition of elite Croatian football. The study was conducted on the sample of 175 players from seven football (soccer) clubs of the First Croatian Football Division at the beginning of the season 2010/2011 Croatian Championship. The subjects were tested before the start of regular practice by means of survey. The results showed that 40% off all injuries occur during autumn competitive period. Significantly more injuries were sustained due to exposure to training load (60%). The highest percentage of injuries was recorded in the phase of defence set (26%). According to the ball possession, the highest injury risk was recorded during immediate contact with the ball or fight for her possession. In 70% of all injuries, recorded injuring mechanism was the physical contact with an opponent. As prevention, implementation of training process should take place under conditions of controlled load in order to reduce the number of training caused injuries. The number of injuries caused by direct physical duel with an opponent is significantly higher than in Western European leagues, and indicate the need to raise the player body\u27s hardiness and tactical maturity of team trainers

    Gestaltung und Programmierung des spezielen Ausdauerttraining für die Fussbalspieler der Spitzenklasse

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    Vrhunski nogomet u prvom redu karakterizira visok i stabilan tempo igre tijekom cijele utakmice. Dominiraju intervali opterećenja maksimalnog i submaksimalnog intenziteta, skračeni intervali odmora i brzi oporavak. Informacije iz igre, posebno one u opsegu trčanja, a u okviru njega i one o intenzitetu trčanja (lagano, brzo i sprintersko trčanje) iskazane u metraži, ukazuju na značajan nedostatak naših nogometaša u odnosu na evropske. Taj i ostale zaostatke moguće je dostići modeliranjem i programiranjem trening aspecijalne izdržljivosti u tijeku 2 godine, tj kroz 4 pripremna perioda.The football is primarily characterized by the high and steady tempo of the game during the hole match. The intervals of loading of maximum and submaximum intensity, the shortened intervals of rest and the quick recovery of the players are dominant. The information about the quantity and intensiity of running (low, medium and high) show the significant difference in quality of our football players in comparison to the European ones (the European players are significantly better). These differences can be overcome by designing and programming the special endurance training during the period of two years, i. e. through four preparation periods.Der Hochleistungfussbl wird in ertser Linie durch das hohe und stable Spieltempo während des ganzen Fussballmatches characterisiert. Die Intervalle der hohen Belastung (mit der macimalen und submaximalen Intensität) die gekürtzen Pausen, sowie die Schnelle Erholung von Spielern sind dominant. Die Informationen über den Laufamfang und Laufintensität (langsam, mittelstarkes, hochintensives Tempi) weisen darauf hin, dass unsere Fussballspieler bedeutenden hinter den europäischen Spielern zurückbleiben. Diese Untershiede können durch die Gestaltung und Programierung des speziellen Ausdauertrainings über den Zeitraum von zwei Jahren, d. h. durch vier Perioden vor Vorbereitung überwunden werden

    The Latent Structure of Soccer in the Phases of Attack and Defense

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    With the aim of establishing the latent structure of tactical elements in the attack and defense phases of soccer 117 tactical elements of soccer were defined and their importance assessed by means of 30 variables that determine the basic segments of the game of soccer. 93 attack and 24 defense tactical elements were chosen as the entity sample and described by the 15 variables of the attack phase and 15 variables of the defense phase. Ten competent soccer experts determined the characteristics of the aforementioned entities by means of 30 variables. The experts graded from 0 to 5 the impact of every entity (tactical technique) on the individual variables that describe soccer in its phases of either attack and defense. A high level of inter-expert agreement was reached in regard to the properties of attack and defense techniques, as demonstrated by the objectivity coefficients. According to principal component factor analysis and the Kaiser and Guttman rule a total of five significant latent dimensions were obtained: finishing efficiency, ball possession performance, counter-attack efficiency, combined defense performance, and obstruction and redirection of the opposing team’s attack build-up. The research partly resolved the issue of the hypothetical structure of tactical techniques in soccer by dividing the game into phases and sub-phases, attack and defense players’ positions, and types (styles) of play in the attack and defense. If it is clear which movement structures have the most significant influence on the efficiency on a particular playing position and performance in the sub-phases and styles of play, it would be possible to create such training operators that will facilitate the formation of the most important motor skills in soccer

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries


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    The research regarding the influence of morphological characteristics on soccer performance is particularly complex because the success in soccer in part depends upon the individual characteristics and team position of every player. It is necessary to have knowledge of these characteristics in order to establish their importance as key factors of success in competitive sports such as soccer. This is one reason why the authors decided to determine the morphological differences of elite Croatian female soccer players according to their respective team positions, a logical extension of an earlier article focusing on male soccer players. The sample consisted of soccer players who were current members of first league clubs in Croatia (n=24) and who were tested at the end of the 2005/06 competition season (prior to the European championship). According to the instructions issued by the International Biological Program, the following anthropometrical variables were measured: body height, body mass, leg length, arm length, biacromial and bicristal diameters, knee and elbow diameters, upper arm girth, forearm girth, thigh girth and calf girth. The body fat percentage and relative body fat mass in female soccer players were determined using the Sloan and Siri equations. The differences in team position (goalkeepers, defenders, forwards and midfielders) were analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The statistical significance was set at p<0.05. The goalkeepers proved to be the tallest and the heaviest players on the team, with longest legs and arms, and the largest thigh girth. The MANOVA revealed no statistically significant differences in any of the selected parameters among female soccer players according to their team positions. An analysis of the female soccer players’ team positions demonstrated no significant differences in morphological variables. The players’ values (average height and body mass) fell within the range of normal values recorded in the general population and other elite European female soccer players. Therefore, we can conclude that Croatian female soccer players are morphologically similar to their counterparts on other elite European soccer teams. These findings are useful because a consideration of morphological characteristics is important in the selection of players, especially goalkeepers, for team positions.Istraživanja morfoloških karakteristika u nogometu osobito su složena, jer uspjeh u nogometu ovisi o individualnim karakteristikama igrača i specifičnostima pozicije na kojoj igraju. Spoznaje o navedenim morfološkim karakteristikama važne su u kompleksnim sportskim igrama kao što je nogomet. Ovaj rad logičan je nastavak prethodnog istraživanja provedenog na vrhunskim hrvatskim nogometašima. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjen je od nogometašica Prve hrvatske ženske nogometne lige (n=24). Nogometašice su testirane na kraju natjecateljske sezone 2005/06 (neposredno prije kvalifikacija za Europsko prvenstvo). Mjerenje morfoloških mjera izvršeno je prema napucima Međunarodnog Biološkog Programa. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja izmjereno je 14 morfoloških mjera: visina tijela, tjelesna masa, dužina noge, dužina ruke, širina ramena i kukova, dijametar lakta i koljena, opseg nadlaktice, opseg podlaktice, te opseg natkoljenice i potkoljenice. Postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva i relativna masa potkožnog masnog tkiva kod nogometašica određene su jednadžbama Sloan-a i Siri-ja. Razlike u morfološkim karakteristikama s obzirom na igračku poziciju (vratari, obrambeni igrači, napadači i vezni igrači) analizirani su Multivarijatnom analizom varijance MANOV-om, s statističkom značajnošću od p<0.05. U skladu s njihovim građom tijela utvrđeno je da su igračice na golu više i teže od igračice u polju. Multivarijatna analiza varijance nije pokazala postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između igračkih pozicija nogometašica. Dobiveni rezultati nogometašica u skladu su sa rezultatima prosječne populacije (vrijednosti visine tijela i mase tijela). Rezultati vrhunskih hrvatskih nogometašica slični su rezultatima koji su dobiveni na uzorcima vrhunskih europskih nogometašica. Možemo zaključiti da su hrvatske nogometašice u morfološkim karakteristikama slične vrhunskim europskim nogometašicama. Dobiveni podaci o morfološkim karakteristikama mogu koristiti trenerima u procesu selekcije igračica za određene igračke pozicije, a posebice za igračice na golu


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je identificirati specifične okolnosti te neposredne tehničko-taktičke uzročnike ozljeda u procesu sportskog treninga i elitnog natjecanja hrvatskog nogometa. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 175 nogometaša iz 7 klubova Prve hrvatske nogometne lige početkom sezone 2010/2011 Prvenstva Hrvatske. Nogometaši su ispitivani neposredno prije početka redovitih treninga putem pisanih anketnih upitnika. Rezultati ukazuju da se 40% svih ozljeda pojavljuje tijekom jesenskog natjecateljskog perioda. Pojava ozljede u dominantnom se postotku od 60% se veže uz trenažno opterećenje. Najviši postotak ozljeđivanja igrača tijekom ekipnog djelovanja zabilježen je u fazi postavljene obrane (26%). Sa stajališta posjeda lopte, igrači su u najvećem riziku od ozljeđivanja za vrijeme neposrednog kontakta s loptom ili direktne borbe za nju. U 70% slučajeva ozljeda je nastala uslijed različitih tipova tjelesnog sraza sa protivnikom. U okviru preventivnih mjera, provedba trenažnog procesa trebala bi se odvijati u uvjetima kontroliranog opterećenja s ciljem smanjenja udjela treningom prouzročenih ozljeda. Broj ozljeda nastalih direktnim tjelesnim srazom s protivnikom značajno je viši u odnosu na zapadnoeuropske lige te ukazuje na potrebu podizanja razine tjelesne otpornosti nogometaša i taktičkog sazrijevanja stručnih timova.The aim of this study was to identify the specific football situations and immediate technical and tactical causes of injuries in training process and competition of elite Croatian football. The study was conducted on the sample of 175 players from seven football (soccer) clubs of the First Croatian Football Division at the beginning of the season 2010/2011 Croatian Championship. The subjects were tested before the start of regular practice by means of survey. The results showed that 40% off all injuries occur during autumn competitive period. Significantly more injuries were sustained due to exposure to training load (60%). The highest percentage of injuries was recorded in the phase of defence set (26%). According to the ball possession, the highest injury risk was recorded during immediate contact with the ball or fight for her possession. In 70% of all injuries, recorded injuring mechanism was the physical contact with an opponent. As prevention, implementation of training process should take place under conditions of controlled load in order to reduce the number of training caused injuries. The number of injuries caused by direct physical duel with an opponent is significantly higher than in Western European leagues, and indicate the need to raise the player body\u27s hardiness and tactical maturity of team trainers