73 research outputs found


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    High Pressure Heater merupakan salah satu heat exchanger yang berfungsi untuk memanaskan air umpan (feed water) dari Boiler Feed Pump dimana media pemanasnya adalah uap ekstraksi yang diambil dari turbin tekanan tinggi. Performa High Pressure Heater ditentukan oleh TTD, DCA, effectiveness, dan U. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa performa High Pressure Heater 1 pada PLTU 3 Jawa Timur Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban. Alat utama dari pengambilan data ini adalah High Pressure Heater 1 yang ada di PLTU 3 Jawa Timur Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada beban 340 MW saat kondisi unit komisioning (awal operasi) dan saat unit beroperasi pada kurun waktu tertentu, yaitu pada tanggal 03 Februari 2015, 03 Maret 2015, dan 04 April 2015. Hasil analisa data saat kondisi unit komisioning dan saat beroperasi pada kurun waktu tertentu dapat diketahui bahwa High Pressure Heater 1 nilai dari TTD = 0.882 C, DCA = 4.38C, = 0.972, dan U = 493.957 W/m2C, saat beroperasi pada tanggal 03 Februari 2015 nilai dari TTD = 0.918C, DCA = 5.48C, = 0.965, dan U = 451.308 W/m2C, saat beroperasi pada tanggal 03 Maret 2015 nilai dari TTD = 1.114C, DCA = 5.66C, = 0.964, dan U = 454.816 W/m2C, dan saat beroperasi pada tanggal 04 April 2015 nilai dari TTD = 1.216C, DCA = 5.82C, = 0.964, dan U = 448.159 W/m2C. Dari analisa diketahui bahwa High Pressure Heater 1 PLTU 3 Jawa Timur Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban masih dapat bekerja dengan baik. Kata kunci : heat exchanger, High Pressure Heater, performa High Pressure Heater, NTU High Pressure Heater is one of the heat exchanger used to heat feed water from Boiler Feed Pump to Boiler by utilizing HP Turbine extraction steam. Performance of High Pressure Heater is determined by the TTD, DCA, effectiveness, and U. this thesis aims to analyze performance of High Pressure Heater 1 at the PLTU 3 East Java Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban. The main tool of this data collection is a High Pressure 1 PLTU 3 East Java Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban.data collection was performed at load 340 MW when commissioning and the unit has been operating, that is at February 03th, 2015; March 03th, 2015; and April 04th, 2015. Result of data analyze at the commissioning can be seen that value of High Pressure Heater 1 TTD = 0.882 C, DCA = 5.16C, = 0.967, dan U = 444.08 W/m2C, at February 03th, 2015 value of TTD = 0.918C, DCA = 5.48C, = 0.965, dan U = 395.61 W/m2C, at March 03th, 2015 value of TTD = 1.114C, DCA = 5.66C, = 0.964, dan U = 394.779 W/m2C,and at April 04th, 2015 value of TTD = 1.216C, DCA = 5.82C, = 0.963, dan U = 383.967 W/m2C. From the calculation is known that the High Pressure Heater 1 can still work well. Keyword : heat exchanger, High Pressure Heater, performa High Pressure Heater, NT

    Furosemide for Postpartum Management of Hypertensive Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Study

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    Loop diuretics have been investigated for managing postpartum hypertensive disorders, but there is currently insufficient clinical evidence pointing to any single agent. This study aims to compare blood pressure (BP) outcomes for patients with gestational hypertensive disorders receiving labetalol alone versus labetalol + furosemide during postpartum hospital stay. The primary aim was to learn if loop diuretic incorporation in conjunction with labetalol could lower the need for additional anti-hypertensive agents.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/urop_celebration/1147/thumbnail.jp

    Obstetrics Emergency Labor and Delivery Case Simulations with Normal Vaginal Delivery Demonstration: A Hands-on Simulation for Clerkship Students

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    Introduction: Simulation is rarely used for medical student education in the field of obstetrics. This method is an effective model of learning for topics that are encountered in clinical situations and for topics that pose significant risk to patients when an untrained individual is involved. Methods: A 2-hour obstetric delivery simulation session was developed and incorporated into the third-year obstetrics and gynecology clerkship rotation at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. Medical students completed self-guided content reviews with resources provided prior to the session. During the session, each medical student conducted a normal vaginal delivery and one of the emergent cases (umbilical cord prolapse, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, and postpartum hemorrhage). During each case the Resident facilitator followed a script which included asking questions using gamification strategies to promote a low-stress learning environment. Critical action checklists were used to ensure students gained a strong understanding of topics. Simulation sessions were conducted both remotely and in-person. The simulation experience was evaluated using surveys and quizzes completed prior to and after participating in the simulation session. Results: Students reported that the simulation experience increased their comfort with emergent obstetric situations, increased their medical knowledge, and was beneficial to their education. Discussion: Simulation is an untapped learning method in obstetrics. We developed simulations for obstetric events to provide medical students with hands-on exposure to important obstetric experiences. This simulation session provides the framework for other medical schools to incorporate these obstetric simulations into their clerkship curriculum

    Latest technologies in criminal investigation (testing of foreign practices in Ukraine)

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    The aim of the article was to identify a set of innovative technologies in the field of investigation of crimes that can be tested in Ukraine. The leading research methods were the method of comparison, observation and comparative method. The activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of combating crime and ensuring the introduction of innovative technologies in the investigation of crimes were analyzed in the course of this research. It is substantiated that Ukraine is going through high-quality reform and legislative innovations, taking into account the best world practices. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve new sections of forensic science — digital forensics and develop a Strategy for investigating crimes in the digital age. These actions will promote the integration of the latest advances in science and technology into criminology, the development of certain theoretical positions, and optimize the detection and investigation of crimes. Further research will be based on the gradual introduction of positive European experience in this area

    Tüm genom transkript profillemesiyle non-sendromik premaksiller artı diş olgularında yeni aday genlerin araştırılması

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    Tüm Genom Transkript Profillemesiyle Non-Sendromik Premaksiller Artı Diş Olgularında Yeni Aday Genlerin Araştırılması Amaç: Artı diş, fazla diş, süpernümere veya hiperdonti tanımı normal diş sayısı dışında olan dişler için kullanılmaktadır. Artı dişler birçok sendrom ve hastalıkla beraber görülebildiği gibi, non-sendromik artı diş olguları da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk toplumunda Non-sendromik premaksiler artı diş teşhisi konmuş çocukların diş tiplerini, konumlarını araştırmak ve tüm genom transkript profillemesiyle DNA ve RNA mikrodizin yöntemleri kullanılarak yeni aday genleri tespit etmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimize başvuran çocuk hastalarda tespit edilen artı dişlerin tanıları tarafımızca kondu ve diş tipleri ile konumları kayıt altına alındı. Hastalardan toplanan tükürük örnekleri ile klinik veya cerrahi çekimi yapılan artı dişlerin çevre doku örnekleri uygun şekilde toplandı ve saklandı. Saklanan tükürük ve doku örnekleri DNA ve RNA izolasyon kitleri kullanılarak mikrodizin çalışması için uygun hale getirildi. Kalite kontrol işlemleri sonrasında seçilen uygun kalitedeki örneklerin cDNA ve cRNA sentezleri, amplifikasyonları ve saflaştırma işlemlerinin ardından hibridizasyonları yapıldı. Mikrodizin tarayıcısına yüklenen bütün örneklerden elde edilen veriler, DNA/RNA yazılımlarıyla incelendi. Bulgular: Klinik bulgularda; 210 artı diş hastasında toplam 250 artı diş tespit edilmiş olup; erkek kız oranının 1,958:1 olduğu; tüm hastalara göre bir adet artı dişi olan hastaların dağılımı %60,80 olduğu, en çok görülen artı diş tipinin ise %46,80 ile konik tip olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuçlar: DNA mikrodizini sonucu 34 kopya sayısı değişikliği içinde kemik gelişimi ve şekillenmesiyle ilişkili BMP2K, BMPR1A, LRP5L genlerinde artış şeklinde; WNT7B, MIA, PLD3 genlerinde ise kayıp olarak tespit edildi. RNA mikrodizin gen anlatım sonucu elde edilen gen anlatım profillemesi deneylerinde ise BARX1, MMP7, TAS1R3, FGF20 genlerinin anlatımlarının azaldığı; MIA, GUCA2B, COL21A1, CCL13 gen anlatımlarının ise arttığı saptandı. Anahtar Sözcükler: Artı dişler, hiperdonti, sürnümerer dişler, tüm genom mikrodizin profillemesi, transkript mikrodizin profillemes SUMMARY A Genome-Wide Transcript Profilling Assay for New Candidate Genes in Patients with Non-Syndromic Premaxillary Supernumerary Teeth Aim: Supernumerary, extra teeth or hyperdontia definition is used for any structure more than usual number of teeth. Supernumerary teeth are diagnosed together with many syndromes and disease, as well as also without any syndromes. The aim of this study was to determine the types and locations of supernumerary teeth in Turkish children with non-syndromic premaxillary supernumerary teeth; and also to investigate new candidate genes using whole genome transcript profiling by DNA and RNA microarray kits. Materials and Methods: From children referred to our clinic, we diagnosed supernumerary teeth and recorded their types and locations. Saliva and soft tissues samples were collected during clinical or surgical supernumerary extraction patients. Preserved samples were processed for DNA and RNA microarray experiments following cDNA and cRNA synthesis, amplification, purification and hybridization steps. After processing by microarray scanner, data from the samples were analyzed by DNA/RNA software. Results: Clinical results from 250 supernumerary teeth of 210 patients showed that boy to girl ratio was 1,958:1; the most diagnosed supernumerary teeth number is one tooth with a 60,80% of all patients and the most frequently diagnosed type is conical shaped with 46,80%. Conclusions: DNA microarray results showed 34 copy number variations. Copy gain was observed in the gene regions which are known to be related with bone development and remodeling, such as BMP2K, BMPR1A, LRP5L; as well as copy loss in the gene regions where genes located such as WNT7B, MIA, PLD3. Gene expression results from RNA microarray experiment showed the most down regulated genes were BARX1, MMP7, TAS1R3, FGF20 and up regulated genes were MIA, GUCA2B, COL21A1, CCL13. Keywords: Supernumerary teeth, hyperdontia, whole-genome microarray profilling, microarray transcript profillin

    Логічні основи планування досудового розслідування

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    У статті розглянуто логічні основи планування досудового розслідування з урахуванням уста­лених поглядів на криміналістичну версію як логічну основу цього процесу. Наголошено, що в межах сучасної теорії криміналістики криміналістична версія майже одностайно розглядається як єдине логічне підґрунтя планування розслідування, оскільки виступає як припущення, гіпоте­за про певні факти або групу фактів, які мають значення для кримінального провадження. Вод­ночас у традиційному розумінні поняття криміналістичної версії часто ускладнює та/або уне­можливлює здійснення ефективного планування через відсутність або суперечливість вихідних даних. Констатується, що в окремих провадженнях на початковому етапі слідчий може зовсім не мати інформацію як про злочинця, так і про сліди, залишені ним на місці події. В цьому плані для отримання додаткової інформації доводиться вже планувати проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій та оперативно-розшукових заходів. Тому розгляд версії як єдино можливої логічної основи планування досудового розслідування не повною мірою відповідає сучасним досягненням кри­міналістики. Насамкінець зроблено спробу обґрунтувати інші логічні засади планування розслі­дування, серед яких варто виокремити тактичні завдання та криміналістичні пошукові моделі. Стаття містить схематичне представлення особливостей процесу планування розслідування при використанні різних логічних основ. В цілому погоджуючись з твердженням, що версія є універ­сальним засобом пізнання, обґрунтовується думка про її важливе значення для планування як з використанням тактичних завдань, так і з використанням пошукових моделей. Такий підхід надає слідчому більше можливостей для формування системи заходів у конкретному кримінальному провадженні, що підвищує ефективність планування розслідування та сприяє економії сил та засобів слідчого апарату

    Methods for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Messages

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    This paper deals with the study of existing sentiment analysis methods, as well as development and implementation of methods for sentiment analysis of Twitter messages. The method designed includes algorithms for determining the polarity of a message and its aspects. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and develop methods for analysis of the tonality of messages in the social media. To achieve this purpose, the following tasks were set: 1. Review the existing automatic sentiment analysis methods. 2. Study the text features of social media messages in the context of developing methods for their sentiment analysis. 3. Develop a method for automatic sentiment analysis of Twitter messages

    Reducing Emergency Births by Modification in Oxytocin Utilization

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    Background: The purpose of our study was to explore the correlation between the amount of oxytocin use and emergency vacuum, forceps, cesarean births and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) response to fetal distress. In 2004, we restricted the criteria for oxytocin utilization for labor induction and augmentation. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out at a large private university tertiary care hospital- affiliated, and included data from the years 2005 to 2007. We utilized hospital data from vital statistics, labor and delivery, central pharmacy and NICU. Information obtained included maternal characteristics, annual birth data, indication and numbers of emergency vacuum, forceps and cesarean births, oxytocin utilization, and number of NICU responses to fetal distress. Results: The total number of deliveries during the studied period equaled14,184. The oxytocin utilization showed a reduction from 93.3% to 78.9%. The number of patients who did not receive oxytocin during labor increased from 6.7% to 21.1%. The correlation between the reduction of oxytocin utilization with the reduction of emergency cesarean births (10.9% to 5.07%), vacuum briths (9.1% to 8.5%), and forceps birth (4% to 2.3%) including NICU responses to fetal distress (P = 0.0001) revealed a significant statistical difference. The overall cesarean section rate did not indicate a significant increase 29.4% to 29.8% (P = 0.14) nor did the patient’s characteristics differ. Conclusion: In our population, reducing oxytocin appears to strongly correlate with a reduction in the number of emergency vacuum, forceps, cesarean births and NICU responses to fetal distress