54 research outputs found
Kin selection, social polymorphism, and reproductive allocation in ants
Social groups are common across animal species. The reasons for grouping are straightforward when all individuals gain directly from cooperating. However, the situation becomes more complex when helping entails costs to the personal reproduction of individuals. Kin selection theory has offered a fruitful framework to explain such cooperation by stating that individuals may spread their genes not only through their own reproduction, but also by helping related individuals reproduce. However, kin selection theory also implicitly predicts conflicts when groups consist of non-clonal individuals, i.e. relatedness is less than one. Then, individual interests are not perfectly aligned, and each individual is predicted to favour the propagation of their own genome over others.
Social insects provide a solid study system to study the interplay between cooperation and conflict. Breeding systems in social insects range from solitary breeding to eusocial colonies displaying complete division of reproduction between the fertile queen and the sterile worker caste. Within colonies, additional variation is provided by the presence of several reproductive individuals. In many species, the queen mates multiply, which causes the colony to consist of half-sib instead of full-sib offspring. Furthermore, in many species colonies contain multiple breeding queens, which further dilutes relatedness between colony members. Evolutionary biology is thus faced with the challenge to answer why such variation in social structure exists, and what the consequences are on the individual and population level. The main part of this thesis takes on this challenge by investing the dynamics of socially polymorphic ant colonies. The first four chapters investigate the causes and consequences of different social structures, using a combination of field studies, genetic analyses and laboratory experiments. The thesis ends with a theoretical chapter focusing on different social interactions (altruism and spite), and the evolution of harming traits.
The main results of the thesis show that social polymorphism has the potential to affect the behaviour and traits of both individuals and colonies. For example, we found that genetic polymorphism may increase the phenotypic variation between individuals in colonies, and that socially polymorphic colonies may show different life history patterns. We also show that colony cohesion may be enhanced even in multiple-queen colonies through patterns of unequal reproduction between queens. However, the thesis also demonstrates that spatial and temporal variation between both populations and environments may affect individual and colony traits, to the degree that results obtained in one place or at one time may not be applicable in other situations. This opens up potential further areas of research to explain these differences.MÄnga djur lever i sociala grupper. Att leva i grupp kan innebÀra klara fördelar för individerna, men kan ocksÄ innebÀra att individen uppoffrar sig för de andra individerna. SÄdana altruistiska beteenden utgör en utmaning för evolutionsbiologin, eftersom det naturliga urvalet borde gynna de mest sjÀlviska individerna som mest effektivt kan föra sina gener vidare. En lösning till gÄtan utgörs av teorin om slÀktskapsurval, som gÄr ut pÄ att individen kan sprida sina gener inte bara genom sin egen förökning, utan ocksÄ genom att hjÀlpa slÀktingar (d.v.s. individer som delar samma gener) att föröka sig. SlÀktskapsurvalet kan förklara t.ex. varför arbetarna hos de samhÀllsbyggande insekterna (myrorna, getingarna och bina) hjÀlper kolonins drottning, sin egen mor, att föröka sig, pÄ bekostnad av den egna reproduktionen.
andra sidan förutspÄr teorin om slÀktskapsurval Àven konflikter mellan individerna, eftersom varje individ ÀndÄ Àr mest slÀkt med sig sjÀlv. Individens intressen Àr dÀrmed inte helt i linje med varann, och varje individ förvÀntas agera för att maximera spridningen av den egna genetiska linjen, vilket kan leda till konflikter inom gruppen.
De sociala insekterna utgör ett modellsystem för att studera balansen mellan samarbete och konflikt. SlÀktskapsurvalet gör det möjligt för arbetarna att föra sina gener vidare genom drottningen i stÀllet för att sjÀlv föröka sig. Situationen blir dock mer komplicerad nÀr kolonin innehÄller mer Àn en reproducerande individ, och slÀktskapen mellan arbetarna sjunker. NÀr drottningen parar sig flera gÄnger, bestÄr arbetarna inte av hel- utan av halvsyskon. Hos mÄnga arter finns dessutom flera drottningar, vilket ytterligare sÀnker slÀktskapen hos arbetarna och ökar möjligheten för konflikter. Evolutionsbiologin stÀlls dÄ inför utmaningen att förklara varför sÄdan variation i social struktur existerar, och vilka konsekvenser den har för individerna och för kolonin.
Denna doktorsavhandling fokuserar pÄ dynamiken hos myrkolonier med varierande social struktur. De första fyra kapitlen undersöker hur variationen i kolonistruktur uppkommer och vilka konsekvenser den har för bÄde individerna och kolonierna. Artiklarna kombinerar genetiska metoder med fÀltobservationer och beteendestudier. Det sista kapitlet utgörs av en teoretisk studie som klargör förhÄllandet mellan olika sociala beteendemönster.
Avhandlingen visar att variation i social struktur kan pÄverka bÄde individerna och kolonierna. Till exempel kan en större genetisk variation inom kolonin leda till större variation i storlek mellan individerna i kolonin, och kolonier med olika social struktur kan uppvisa olika strategier nÀr det gÀller utbytet av drottningar med tiden. Dessutom fann vi att kolonins sammanhÄllning kan frÀmjas och slÀktskapen inom kolonin upprÀtthÄllas genom att drottningarna uppvisar skillnader i mÀngden reproduktion. Resultaten visar ocksÄ att olikheter mellan populationer och livsmiljöer kan förorsaka skillnader i individernas och koloniernas egenskaper, sÄ att det inte alltid Àr lÀtt att jÀmföra resultat mellan miljöer. Detta sporrar till vidare studier om orsakerna till och konsekvenserna av sÄdana skillnader
Evoluution siivillÀ tieteen maailmaan
Kirja-arvostelu: Ilkka Hanski, Ilkka Niiniluoto ja Ilari HetemÀki (toim.): Kaikki
Evoluutiosta. Gaudeamus 2009
Reimagining Speech: A Scoping Review of Deep Learning-Powered Voice Conversion
Research on deep learning-powered voice conversion (VC) in speech-to-speech
scenarios is getting increasingly popular. Although many of the works in the
field of voice conversion share a common global pipeline, there is a
considerable diversity in the underlying structures, methods, and neural
sub-blocks used across research efforts. Thus, obtaining a comprehensive
understanding of the reasons behind the choice of the different methods in the
voice conversion pipeline can be challenging, and the actual hurdles in the
proposed solutions are often unclear. To shed light on these aspects, this
paper presents a scoping review that explores the use of deep learning in
speech analysis, synthesis, and disentangled speech representation learning
within modern voice conversion systems. We screened 621 publications from more
than 38 different venues between the years 2017 and 2023, followed by an
in-depth review of a final database consisting of 123 eligible studies. Based
on the review, we summarise the most frequently used approaches to voice
conversion based on deep learning and highlight common pitfalls within the
community. Lastly, we condense the knowledge gathered, identify main challenges
and provide recommendations for future research directions
Principer och normer i global finansreglering. En undersökning om reformerna av den internationella finansarkitekturen.
Only abstract. Paper copies of masterâs theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of masterâs theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Finanskrisen i Asien i slutet av 1990-talet ledde till en utbredd debatt om behovet av ett nytt regelverk för det internationella valuta- och finanssystemet. Den hĂ€r avhandlingen undersöker det reformprogram som inleddes av G7-lĂ€nderna och blev kĂ€nt under beteckningen "den nya internationella finansarkitekturen" (New International Financial Architecture). Det var tĂ€nkt att bli det mest omfattande enskilda reformprojektet pĂ„ den globala finansregleringens omrĂ„de pĂ„ Ă„rtionden och den första ansatsen att upprĂ€tta en enhetlig internationell regim för finansstyrning inom ramen för en globaliserad vĂ€rldsekonomi. Löftet om nya spelregler för den globala ekonomin vĂ€ckte förhoppningar om en nyordning av den vĂ€rldspolitiska maktfördelningen mellan stater och marknader i stil med den Karl Polanyi beskrivit i sitt klassiska verk "Den stora omdaningen". Avhandlingen undersöker de principer om förhĂ„llandet mellan marknad, stat och samhĂ€lle som ligger till grund för den nya politiska regleringen av den globala finansmarknaden. Genom att synliggöra idĂ©erna som döljer sig bakom de förment tekniska besluten visar den att finansreglering spelar en avgörande roll för politikens villkor i en vĂ€rld med globaliserade marknader. Den teoretiska referensramen utgĂ„r frĂ„n begreppen global styrning och strukturell makt. Den tillĂ€mpar teorin om transnationell hegemoni och teorin om epistemiska samfund för att beskriva hur normer etableras i internationell politik. De aktuella normerna och principerna hĂ€rleds ur beslut och officiella dokument frĂ„n beslutsprocesserna inom bland annat G7 och Internationella valutafonden och med hjĂ€lp av en grundlig genomgĂ„ng av den akademiska debatten kring reformprogrammet. Avhandlingen visar att de nya regleringsstrukturerna etablerar principer som transparens, internationell harmonisering och övervakning. Den underliggande idĂ©n om statens roll i det globala marknadssamhĂ€llet har inte förĂ€ndrats trots problemen som aktualiserades av den globala finanskrisen
Differentiable all-pass filters for phase response estimation and automatic signal alignment
Virtual analog (VA) audio effects are increasingly based on neural networks and deep learning frameworks. Due to the underlying black-box methodology, a successful model will learn to approximate the data it is presented, including potential errors such as latency and audio dropouts as well as non-linear characteristics and frequency-dependent phase shifts produced by the hardware. The latter is of particular interest as the learned phase-response might cause unwanted audible artifacts when the effect is used for creative processing techniques such as dry-wet mixing or parallel compression. To overcome these artifacts we propose differentiable signal processing tools and deep optimization structures for automatically tuning all-pass filters to predict the phase response of different VA simulations, and align processed signals that are out of phase. The approaches are assessed using objective metrics while listening tests evaluate their ability to enhance the quality of parallel path processing techniques. Ultimately, an over-parameterized, BiasNet-based, all-pass model is proposed for the optimization problem under consideration, resulting in models that can estimate all-pass filter coefficients to align a dry signal with its affected, wet, equivalent.</p
Differentiable Allpass Filters for Phase Response Estimation and Automatic Signal Alignment
Virtual analog (VA) audio effects are increasingly based on neural networks
and deep learning frameworks. Due to the underlying black-box methodology, a
successful model will learn to approximate the data it is presented, including
potential errors such as latency and audio dropouts as well as non-linear
characteristics and frequency-dependent phase shifts produced by the hardware.
The latter is of particular interest as the learned phase-response might cause
unwanted audible artifacts when the effect is used for creative processing
techniques such as dry-wet mixing or parallel compression. To overcome these
artifacts we propose differentiable signal processing tools and deep
optimization structures for automatically tuning all-pass filters to predict
the phase response of different VA simulations, and align processed signals
that are out of phase. The approaches are assessed using objective metrics
while listening tests evaluate their ability to enhance the quality of parallel
path processing techniques. Ultimately, an over-parameterized, BiasNet-based,
all-pass model is proposed for the optimization problem under consideration,
resulting in models that can estimate all-pass filter coefficients to align a
dry signal with its affected, wet, equivalent.Comment: Collaboration done while interning/employed at Native Instruments.
Accepted for publication in Proc. DAFX'23, Copenhagen, Denmark, September
2023. Sound examples at https://abargum.github.io v2: 10 pages, LaTeX;
figures resized, pdf optimize
Spatial Audio Mixing in Virtual Reality
The development of Virtual Reality (VR) systems and multimodal simulations presents possibilities in spatial music mixing, be it in virtual spaces, for ensembles and orchestral compositions, or for surround sound in film and music. Traditionally, user interfaces for mixing music have employed the channel strip metaphor for controlling volume, panning, and other audio effects, which are aspects that also have grown into the culture of mixing music spatially. Simulated rooms and two-dimensional panning systems are simply implemented on computer screens to facilitate the placement of sound sources within space.
This paper presents design aspects for mixing in VR, investigating already existing virtual music mixing products, and creating a framework from which a virtual spatial-music mixing tool can be implemented. Finally, the tool will be tested against a similar computer version to examine whether or not the sensory benefits and palpable spatial proportions of a VE can improve the process of mixing 3D sound
The tragedy of the commons in evolutionary biology.
Garrett Hardin's tragedy of the commons is an analogy that shows how individuals driven by self-interest can end up destroying the resource upon which they all depend. The proposed solutions for humans rely on highly advanced skills such as negotiation, which raises the question of how non-human organisms manage to resolve similar tragedies. In recent years, this question has promoted evolutionary biologists to apply the tragedy of the commons to a wide range of biological systems. Here, we provide tools to categorize different types of tragedy and review different mechanisms, including kinship, policing and diminishing returns that can resolve conflicts that could otherwise end in tragedy. A central open question, however, is how often biological systems are able to resolve these scenarios rather than drive themselves extinct through individual-level selection favouring self-interested behaviours
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