74 research outputs found

    Serratierte Läsionen im Kolorektum – ein pathologisches Problem oder ein Problem der Pathologen?

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    Serratierte Läsionen im Kolorektum stellen eine Problemzone für Kliniker und Pathologen dar; dies liegt zum einen an der noch nicht allgemein bekannten Nomenklatur, zum anderen an dem noch nicht abschließend geklärten Progressionsrisiko der verschiedenen serratierten Polypen. Mittlerweile gilt als akzeptiert, dass neben der klassischen Adenom-Karzinom-Sequenz ein alternativer serratierter und ein sogenannter gemischter Karzinogeneseweg existiert; diese Karzinogenesewege sind in Bezug auf die präinvasiven Vorstufen, die molekularen Pfade und die Prognose der Karzinome heterogen. Bei den serratierten Adenokarzinomen lassen sich ein Niedrigrisiko-Subtyp (Häufigkeit 70%) sowie ein Hochrisiko-Subtyp (Häufigkeit >80%, mit meist distaler Lokalisation, dem traditionellen serratierten Adenom als Vorläuferläsion, KRAS-Mutation, niedriger Mikrosatelliteninstabilität/mikrosatellitenstabil, CpG-Methylierung/ p53-Akkumulation und einer 5-Jahres-Überlebens-Rate von 70%) and a high-risk subtype (frequency >80%, often with distal location, the traditional serrated adenoma as a precursor lesion, KRAS mutation, low microsatellite instability/microsatellite stable, CpG methylation/ p53 accumulation and a 5-year survival rate of <30%). The evaluation of the microsatellite status as well as the detection of BRAF or KRAS mutations together with immunohistochemistry for hMLH1 and p53 will allow a discrimination between these two subtypes and will become increasingly important in the future.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich

    NRP2 transcriptionally regulates its downstream effector WDFY1.

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    Neuropilins (NRPs) are cell surface glycoproteins that often act as co-receptors for plexins and VEGF family receptors. Neuropilin-2 (NRP2), a family member of NRPs, was shown to regulate autophagy and endocytic trafficking in cancer cells, a function distinctly different from its role as a co-receptor. WD Repeat and FYVE domain containing 1 (WDFY1)-protein acts downstream of NRP2 for this function. Our results indicated that NRP2 maintains an optimum concentration of WDFY1 by negatively regulating its expression. Since increased expression of WDFY1 reduces the endocytic activity, maintenance of WDFY1 level is crucial in metastatic cancer cells to sustain high endocytic activity, essential for promotion of oncogenic activation and cancer cell survival. Here, we have delineated the underlying molecular mechanism of WDFY1 synthesis by NRP2. Our results indicated that NRP2 inhibits WDFY1 transcription by preventing the nuclear localization of a transcription factor, Fetal ALZ50-reactive clone 1 (FAC1). Our finding is novel as transcriptional regulation of a gene by NRP2 axis has not been reported previously. Regulation of WDFY1 transcription by NRP2 axis is a critical event in maintaining metastatic phenotype in cancer cells. Thus, inhibiting NRP2 or hyper-activating WDFY1 can be an effective strategy to induce cell death in metastatic cancer

    Is the Post-Radical Prostatectomy Gleason Score a Valid Predictor of Mortality after Neoadjuvant Hormonal Treatment?

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    Purpose: To evaluate the validity of the Gleason score after neoadjuvant hormonal treatment as predictor of diseasespecific mortality after radical prostatectomy. Patients and Methods: A total of 2,880 patients with a complete data set and a mean follow-up of 10.3 years were studied; 425 of them (15%) had a history of hormonal treatment prior to surgery. The cumulative incidence of deaths from prostate cancer was determined by univariate and multivariate competing risk analysis. Cox proportional hazard models for competing risks were used to study combined effects of the variables on prostate cancer-specific mortality. Results: A higher portion of specimens with a history of neoadjuvant hormonal treatment were assigned Gleason scores of 8–10 (28 vs. 17%, p < 0.0001). The mortality curves in the Gleason score strata <8 vs. 8–10 were at large congruent in patients with and without neoadjuvant hormonal treatment. In patients with neoadjuvant hormonal treatment, a Gleason score of 8–10 was an independent predictor of prostate cancer-specific mortality; the hazard ratio was, however, somewhat lower than in patients without neoadjuvant hormonal treatment. Conclusion: This study suggests that the prognostic value of the post-radical prostatectomy Gleason score is not meaningfully jeopardized by heterogeneous neoadjuvant hormonal treatment in a routine clinical setting

    Isolation of Human Islets from Partially Pancreatectomized Patients

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    Investigations into the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and islets of Langerhans malfunction 1 have been hampered by the limited availability of type 2 diabetic islets from organ donors2. Here we share our protocol for isolating islets from human pancreatic tissue obtained from type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic patients who have undergone partial pancreatectomy due to different pancreatic diseases (benign or malignant pancreatic tumors, chronic pancreatitis, and common bile duct or duodenal tumors). All patients involved gave their consent to this study, which had also been approved by the local ethics committee. The surgical specimens were immediately delivered to the pathologist who selected soft and healthy appearing pancreatic tissue for islet isolation, retaining the damaged tissue for diagnostic purposes. We found that to isolate more than 1,000 islets, we had to begin with at least 2 g of pancreatic tissue. Also essential to our protocol was to visibly distend the tissue when injecting the enzyme-containing media and subsequently mince it to aid digestion by increasing the surface area

    Neuropilin-2 regulates androgen-receptor transcriptional activity in advanced prostate cancer

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    Aberrant transcriptional activity of androgen receptor (AR) is one of the dominant mechanisms for developing of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Analyzing AR-transcriptional complex related to CRPC is therefore important towards understanding the mechanism of therapy-resistance. While studying its mechanism, we observed that a transmembrane protein called neuropilin-2 (NRP2) plays a contributory role in forming a novel AR-transcriptional complex containing nuclear pore proteins. Using immunogold electron microscopy, high-resolution confocal microscopy, chromatin immunoprecipitation, proteomics, and other biochemical techniques, we delineated the molecular mechanism of how a specific splice variant of NRP2 becomes sumoylated upon ligand stimulation and translocates to the inner nuclear membrane. This splice variant of NRP2 then stabilizes the complex between AR and nuclear pore proteins to promote CRPC specific gene expression. Both full-length and splice variants of AR have been identified in this specific transcriptional complex. In vitro cell line-based assays indicated that depletion of NRP2 not only destabilizes the AR-nuclear pore protein interaction but also inhibits the transcriptional activities of AR. Using an in vivo bone metastasis model, we showed that the inhibition of NRP2 led to the sensitization of CRPC cells toward established anti-AR therapies such as enzalutamide. Overall, our finding emphasize the importance of combinatorial inhibition of NRP2 and AR as an effective therapeutic strategy against treatment refractory prostate cancer

    An epigenetic reprogramming strategy to re-sensitize radioresistant prostate cancer cells

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    Radiotherapy is a mainstay of curative prostate cancer treatment, but risks of recurrence after treatment remain significant in locally advanced disease. Given that tumor relapse can be attributed to a population of cancer stem cells (CSC) that survives radiotherapy, analysis of this cell population might illuminate tactics to personalize treatment. However, this direction remains challenging given the plastic nature of prostate cancers following treatment. We show here that irradiating prostate cancer cells stimulates a durable upregulation of stem cell markers that epigenetically reprogram these cells. In both tumorigenic and radioresistant cell populations, a phenotypic switch occurred during a course of radiotherapy that was associated with stable genetic and epigenetic changes. Specifically, we found that irradiation triggered histone H3 methylation at the promoter of the CSC marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1), stimulating its gene transcription. Inhibiting this methylation event triggered apoptosis, promoted radiosensitization, and hindered tumorigenicity of radioresistant prostate cancer cells. Overall, our results suggest that epigenetic therapies may restore the cytotoxic effects of irradiation in radioresistant CSC populations

    The Role of lncRNAs TAPIR-1 and -2 as Diagnostic Markers and Potential Therapeutic Targets in Prostate Cancer

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    In search of new biomarkers suitable for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, genome-wide transcriptome sequencing was carried out with tissue specimens from 40 prostate cancer (PCa) and 8 benign prostate hyperplasia patients. We identified two intergenic long non-coding transcripts, located in close genomic proximity, which are highly expressed in PCa. Microarray studies on a larger cohort comprising 155 patients showed a profound diagnostic potential of these transcripts (AUC~0.94), which we designated as tumor associated prostate cancer increased lncRNA (TAPIR-1 and -2). To test their therapeutic potential, knockdown experiments with siRNA were carried out. The knockdown caused an increase in the p53/TP53 tumor suppressor protein level followed by downregulation of a large number of cell cycle- and DNA-damage repair key regulators. Furthermore, in radiation therapy resistant tumor cells, the knockdown leads to a renewed sensitization of these cells to radiation treatment. Accordingly, in a preclinical PCa xenograft model in mice, the systemic application of nanoparticles loaded with siRNA targeting TAPIR-1 significantly reduced tumor growth. These findings point to a crucial role of TAPIR-1 and -2 in PCa

    Combined mRNA expression levels of members of the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system correlate with disease-associated survival of soft-tissue sarcoma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Members of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system are up-regulated in various solid malignant tumors. High antigen levels of uPA, its inhibitor PAI-1 and its receptor uPAR have recently been shown to be associated with poor prognosis in soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) patients. However, the mRNA expression of uPA system components has not yet been comprehensively investigated in STS patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The mRNA expression level of uPA, PAI-1, uPAR and an uPAR splice variant, uPAR-del4/5, was analyzed in tumor tissue from 78 STS patients by quantitative PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Elevated mRNA expression levels of PAI-1 and uPAR-del4/5 were significantly associated with clinical parameters such as histological subtype (<it>P </it>= 0.037 and <it>P </it>< 0.001, respectively) and higher tumor grade (<it>P </it>= 0.017 and <it>P </it>= 0.003, respectively). In addition, high uPAR-del4/5 mRNA values were significantly related to higher tumor stage of STS patients (<it>P </it>= 0.031). On the other hand, mRNA expression of uPA system components was not significantly associated with patients' survival. However, in STS patients with complete tumor resection (R0), high PAI-1 and uPAR-del4/5 mRNA levels were associated with a distinctly increased risk of tumor-related death (RR = 6.55, <it>P </it>= 0.054 and RR = 6.00, <it>P </it>= 0.088, respectively). Strikingly, R0 patients with both high PAI-1 and uPAR-del4/5 mRNA expression levels showed a significant, 19-fold increased risk of tumor-related death (<it>P </it>= 0.044) compared to the low expression group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that PAI-1 and uPAR-del4/5 mRNA levels may add prognostic information in STS patients with R0 status and distinguish a subgroup of R0 patients with low PAI-1 and/or low uPAR-del4/5 values who have a better outcome compared to patients with high marker levels.</p

    Baretton, Gustavo B.

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    Down-regulation of Heat Shock Protein HSP90ab1 in Radiation-damaged Lung Cells other than Mast Cells

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    Ionizing radiation (IR) leads to fibrosing alveolitis (FA) after a lag period of several weeks to months. In a rat model, FA starts at 8 weeks after IR. Before that, at 5.5 weeks after IR, the transcription factors Sp1 (stimulating protein 1) and AP-1 (activator protein 1) are inactivated. To find genes/proteins that were down-regulated at that time, differentially expressed genes were identified in a subtractive cDNA library and verified by quantitative RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction), western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IH). The mRNA of the molecular chaperone HSP90AB1 (heat shock protein 90 kDa alpha, class B member 1) was down-regulated 5.5 weeks after IR. Later, when FA manifested, HSP90ab1 protein was down-regulated by more than 90% in lung cells with the exception of mast cells. In most mast cells of the normal lung, both HSP90ab1 and HSP70, another major HSP, show a very low level of expression. HSP70 was massively up-regulated in all mast cells three months after irradiation whereas HSP90AB1 was up-regulated only in a portion of mast cells. The strong changes in the expression of central molecular chaperones may contribute to the well-known disturbance of cellular functions in radiation-damaged lung tissue. (J Histochem Cytochem 62:355–368, 2014
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