351 research outputs found

    Exposing errors related to weak memory in GPU applications

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    © 2016 ACM.We present the systematic design of a testing environment that uses stressing and fuzzing to reveal errors in GPU applications that arise due to weak memory effects. We evaluate our approach on seven GPUS spanning three NVIDIA architectures, across ten CUDA applications that use fine-grained concurrency. Our results show that applications that rarely or never exhibit errors related to weak memory when executed natively can readily exhibit these errors when executed in our testing environment. Our testing environment also provides a means to help identify the root causes of such errors, and automatically suggests how to insert fences that harden an application against weak memory bugs. To understand the cost of GPU fences, we benchmark applications with fences provided by the hardening strategy as well as a more conservative, sound fencing strategy

    The potential of decision support systems to improve risk assessment for pollen beetle management in winter oilseed rape

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    BACKGROUNDThe reliance on and extensive use of pyrethroid insecticides have led to pyrethroid resistance in pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus). Widespread adoption of best practice in pollen beetle management is therefore needed. Decision support systems (DSSs) that identify the risk period(s) for pest migration can help to target monitoring and control efforts, but they must be accurate and labour efficient to gain the support of growers. Weather data and the phenology of pollen beetles in 44 winter oilseed rape crops across England over 4 years were used to compare the performance of two risk management tools: the DSS proPlant expert, which predicts migration risk according to a phenological model and local weather data, and rule-based advice', which depends on crop growth stage and a temperature threshold. RESULTSBoth risk management tools were effective in prompting monitoring that would detect breaches of various control thresholds. However, the DSS more accurately predicted migration start and advised significantly fewer days of migration risk, consultation days and monitoring than did rule-based advice. CONCLUSIONThe proPlant expert DSS reliably models pollen beetle phenology. Use of such a DSS can focus monitoring effort to when it is most needed, facilitate the practical use of thresholds and help to prevent unnecessary insecticide applications and the development of insecticide resistance. (c) 2015 Rothamsted Research Ltd. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry

    The orbit structure of Dynkin curves

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    Let G be a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k; assume that Char k is zero or good for G. Let \cB be the variety of Borel subgroups of G and let e in Lie G be nilpotent. There is a natural action of the centralizer C_G(e) of e in G on the Springer fibre \cB_e = {B' in \cB | e in Lie B'} associated to e. In this paper we consider the case, where e lies in the subregular nilpotent orbit; in this case \cB_e is a Dynkin curve. We give a complete description of the C_G(e)-orbits in \cB_e. In particular, we classify the irreducible components of \cB_e on which C_G(e) acts with finitely many orbits. In an application we obtain a classification of all subregular orbital varieties admitting a finite number of B-orbits for B a fixed Borel subgroup of G.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Math

    Optimally shaped terahertz pulses for phase retrieval in a Rydberg atom data register

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    We employ Optimal Control Theory to discover an efficient information retrieval algorithm that can be performed on a Rydberg atom data register using a shaped terahertz pulse. The register is a Rydberg wave packet with one consituent orbital phase-reversed from the others (the ``marked bit''). The terahertz pulse that performs the decoding algorithm does so by by driving electron probability density into the marked orbital. Its shape is calculated by modifying the target of an optimal control problem so that it represents the direct product of all correct solutions to the algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Radio-frequency discharges in Oxygen. Part 1: Modeling

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    In this series of three papers we present results from a combined experimental and theoretical effort to quantitatively describe capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharges in oxygen. The particle-in-cell Monte-Carlo model on which the theoretical description is based will be described in the present paper. It treats space charge fields and transport processes on an equal footing with the most important plasma-chemical reactions. For given external voltage and pressure, the model determines the electric potential within the discharge and the distribution functions for electrons, negatively charged atomic oxygen, and positively charged molecular oxygen. Previously used scattering and reaction cross section data are critically assessed and in some cases modified. To validate our model, we compare the densities in the bulk of the discharge with experimental data and find good agreement, indicating that essential aspects of an oxygen discharge are captured.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    On the Influence of Pulse Shapes on Ionization Probability

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    We investigate analytical expressions for the upper and lower bounds for the ionization probability through ultra-intense shortly pulsed laser radiation. We take several different pulse shapes into account, including in particular those with a smooth adiabatic turn-on and turn-off. For all situations for which our bounds are applicable we do not find any evidence for bound-state stabilization.Comment: 21 pages LateX, 10 figure

    Social preferences, accountability, and wage bargaining

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    We assess the extent of preferences for employment in a collective wage bargaining situation with heterogeneous workers. We vary the size of the union and introduce a treatment mechanism transforming the voting game into an individual allocation task. Our results show that highly productive workers do not take employment of low productive workers into account when making wage proposals, regardless of whether insiders determine the wage or all workers. The level of pro-social preferences is small in the voting game, while it increases as the game is transformed into an individual allocation task. We interpret this as an accountability effect

    Ionization Probabilities through ultra-intense Fields in the extreme Limit

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    We continue our investigation concerning the question of whether atomic bound states begin to stabilize in the ultra-intense field limit. The pulses considered are essentially arbitrary, but we distinguish between three situations. First the total classical momentum transfer is non-vanishing, second not both the total classical momentum transfer and the total classical displacement are vanishing together with the requirement that the potential has a finite number of bound states and third both the total classical momentum transfer and the total classical displacement are vanishing. For the first two cases we rigorously prove, that the ionization probability tends to one when the amplitude of the pulse tends to infinity and the pulse shape remains fixed. In the third case the limit is strictly smaller than one. This case is also related to the high frequency limit considered by Gavrila et al.Comment: 16 pages LateX, 2 figure

    Clinical Implication of Targeting of Cancer Stem Cells

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    The existence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is receiving increasing interest particularly due to its potential ability to enter clinical routine. Rapid advances in the CSC field have provided evidence for the development of more reliable anticancer therapies in the future. CSCs typically only constitute a small fraction of the total tumor burden; however, they harbor self-renewal capacity and appear to be relatively resistant to conventional therapies. Recent therapeutic approaches aim to eliminate or differentiate CSCs or to disrupt the niches in which they reside. Better understanding of the biological characteristics of CSCs as well as improved preclinical and clinical trials targeting CSCs may revolutionize the treatment of many cancers. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base