919 research outputs found

    Forensic Poetics: Legal Documents Transformed into Strange Poems

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    Browsing petitions, lettres de cachets, internment records, and administrative and police documents from the beginning of the eighteenth century at the BibliothĂšque Nationale, Michel Foucault confesses in Vie des hommes infĂąmes that the reading of these archives disconcerts more than any literary text. These documents sealed the fates of ordinary individuals – squandered and abused spouses, disobedient young people – such as Jean-Antoine Tousard, who, after being found guilty of committing sodomy and being an atheist, was sent to and confined at the Chateau de BicĂȘtre on 21 April, 1701. Even though the exhumation of ordinary lives, of secondary actors as opposed to historic memorable figures, has been anchored in recent historiographical debates and in a renewed interest in the archive, Foucault did not intend to analyse or decipher their meanings but rather to show how they articulated certain norms of their times and reflected the encounter between political mechanisms and discourse. From the material observation of the lives etched into these archives came the idea of a collection – as opposed to a rational classification – which consisted in gathering these ‘poĂšmes vies’ according to specific pragmatic and stylistic criterion in order to restore their sparkle, intensity and violence

    Boules de sensations-pensĂ©es-formes in Christophe Tarkos’s poetry

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    In the genealogy of recent French contemporary poets who have risen to the challenge of experimenting with ‘une nouvelle conception des enjeux du langage poĂ©tique’, Christophe Tarkos (1963–2004) occupies a prime position. Tarkos is not only known in France and abroad for his astonishing performances, unique improvisation and sense of humour but also for his editorial commitment: he edited several significant journals such as Facial, R.R and poĂ©zie prolĂ©ter which published amongst others Charles Pennequin, Nathalie Quintane and Katalin MolnĂĄr; and played a significant role in the poetic renewal of the 1990s

    The Migration Experience of the Jews of Egypt to Australia, 1948-1967: A model of acculturation

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    This thesis has tried to construct a comprehensive analysis of a clearly defined community of Egyptian Jews in Australia and France, based on the oral history of Egyptian born migrants. Built around the conceptual framework of forced emigration, integration and acculturation, it looks at the successful experience of this particular migrant group within both Australian and French societies. Like the other Jewish communities of Arab lands, the Egyptian Jewish community no longer exists, as it was either expelled or forced into exile in the aftermath of the three Arab-Israeli wars (1948, 1956, 1967). This thesis argues that the rise of an exclusively Arab-Islamic type of nationalism, the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and the escalating Arab-Israeli conflict constituted the fundamental causes for the demise of Egyptian Jewry. As a consequence, almost half of the Jewish population of Egypt went to Israel. The rest dispersed throughout the Western world, mainly in France, North and South America. In Australia, a small group of around 2,000 found a new home. Apart from those who migrated to Israel, the majority of Egyptian Jews experienced a waiting period in Europe before they were accepted by any of the countries of immigration, a period facilitated by international and local Jewish welfare agencies. My interviewees chose Australia mostly to be reunited with family members. They first had to overcome the racial discrimination of the ‘White Australia’ Immigration policy towards Jews of Middle Eastern origin, a hurdle surmounted thanks to the tireless efforts of some leaders of the Australian Jewish community. With their multiple language skills, multi-layered identity and innate ability to interact with a variety of ethnic groups, they succeeded in establishing themselves in an unfamiliar country that initially welcomed them reluctantly. As such, they can be said to have successfully acculturated and integrated into Australian society, whilst retaining their own cultural diversity. The more numerous Egyptian Jews living in France also successfully acculturated. As a larger group, they were better equipped to assert themselves within the older Jewish/French community and retain their distinctive Sephardi culture. Studies such as the present one provide insight into the process of integration and identity reconstruction, as well as the diverse strategies used to ensure a successful acculturation, and the value of a multi-layered identity

    Design and Evaluation of User-Centered Explanations for Machine Learning Model Predictions in Healthcare

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    Challenges in interpreting some high-performing models present complications in applying machine learning (ML) techniques to healthcare problems. Recently, there has been rapid growth in research on model interpretability; however, approaches to explaining complex ML models are rarely informed by end-user needs and user evaluations of model interpretability are lacking, especially in healthcare. This makes it challenging to determine what explanation approaches might enable providers to understand model predictions in a comprehensible and useful way. Therefore, I aimed to utilize clinician perspectives to inform the design of explanations for ML-based prediction tools and improve the adoption of these systems in practice. In this dissertation, I proposed a new theoretical framework for designing user-centered explanations for ML-based systems. I then utilized the framework to propose explanation designs for predictions from a pediatric in-hospital mortality risk model. I conducted focus groups with healthcare providers to obtain feedback on the proposed designs, which was used to inform the design of a user-centered explanation. The user-centered explanation was evaluated in a laboratory study to assess its effect on healthcare provider perceptions of the model and decision-making processes. The results demonstrated that the user-centered explanation design improved provider perceptions of utilizing the predictive model in practice, but exhibited no significant effect on provider accuracy, confidence, or efficiency in making decisions. Limitations of the evaluation study design, including a small sample size, may have affected the ability to detect an impact on decision-making. Nonetheless, the predictive model with the user-centered explanation was positively received by healthcare providers, and demonstrated a viable approach to explaining ML model predictions in healthcare. Future work is required to address the limitations of this study and further explore the potential benefits of user-centered explanation designs for predictive models in healthcare. This work contributes a new theoretical framework for user-centered explanation design for ML-based systems that is generalizable outside the domain of healthcare. Moreover, the work provides meaningful insights into the role of model interpretability and explanation in healthcare while advancing the discussion on how to effectively communicate ML model information to healthcare providers

    Kebijakan Reformulasi Ancaman Pidana Mati Tindak Pidana Korupsi dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan

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    Corruption in Indonesia systematically in all sectors of public life, has threatened the efforts of sustainable development and the achievement of social welfare in Indonesia. Society demanded that the death sentence meted out to the criminals, so that corruption can be prevented and eradicated systematically. However, until now there has been no single criminals sentenced to death. This happens because of the legal weaknesses in the formulation death sentence for corruption. Some disadvantages juridical include: the death penalty only for offenses threatened enrich themselves / others / corporate corruption, death penalty only for corruption perpetrated under certain circumstances, the law does not formulate terms / limitations repetition acts criminal (recidive) for corruption, crime repeated terms and repetition period in terms of providing capital punishment for repeat offenses (recidive) for corruption. Reformulation of capital punishment for corruption should be threatened by the principal alternative to other types of criminal offense-specific corruption offenses considered very disgraceful and extremely harmful and damaging the wider society (nation / state). In addition, given the threat of the death penalty is a last resort in combating corruption should also formulated an alternative capital punishment or other forms of death penalty mitigation

    Anomaly detection of android malware using One-Class K-Nearest Neighbours (OC-KNN)

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    The advent of the Android Operating System has recorded a remarkable ground-breaking opportunities in the Technological world. However, this great breakthrough also has a very dark side – an uncontrollable rapid continuous releases of malware in the wild, targeted at the platform and all its information and human assets. The misuse-based approaches adopted by many detection systems do no longer have the rigidity and the tenacity to accommodate the rapid successive releases of malware that come in great volume in order to keep up with active defenses against unknown and novel attacks. Systems that are capable of offering anomaly protection are thus in dire need. This study developed a normality model that is based on One-Class K-Nearest Neighbour (OC-kNN) Machine Learning approach for anomaly detection of Android Malware. The OC-kNN was trained, using WEKA 3.8.2 Machine Learning Suite, through a semi-supervise procedure that contained mostly benign and a very few outliers Android application samples. The OC-kNN had 88.57% true performance accuracy for normal instances while 71.9% was recorded as true performance accuracy for outliers (unknown) instances. The false alarm rates for both normal and outlier’s instances were recorded as 28.1% and 11.5%. The study concluded that a One-Class Classification model is an effective approach to be used for the detection of unknown Android malware. Keywords: Android; Machine Learning, Malware, One-Class Classification, Anomaly Detection, Outlier Detection, Novelty Detection, Concept Learning, k-N

    Efficacy and safety of moxidectin, synriam, synriam-praziquantel versus praziquantel against schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni infections: a randomized, exploratory phase 2 trial

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    Schistosomiasis affects millions of people, yet treatment options are limited. The antimalarial Synriam (piperaquine 150 mg/arterolane 750 mg) and the anthelminthic moxidectin revealed promising antischistosomal properties in preclinical or clinical studies.; We conducted two single-blind, randomized exploratory Phase 2 trials in Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium-infected adolescents in northern and central CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Our primary endpoints were cure rates (CRs) and egg reduction rates (ERRs) based on geometric mean and safety. Each subject was asked to provide two stool samples (S. mansoni trial) for Kato-Katz analysis or three urine samples (S. haematobium trial) for urine filtration and one finger prick for malaria screening at baseline and follow-up. Participants were randomly assigned to either moxidectin, Synriam, Synriam plus praziquantel or praziquantel.; 128 adolescents (age: 12-17 years) were included in each study. Against S. haematobium moxidectin and Synriam revealed low efficacy. On the other hand, Synriam plus praziquantel and praziquantel yielded CRs of 60.0% and 38.5% and ERRs of 96.0% and 93.5%, respectively. CRs observed in the treatment of S. mansoni were 13.0%, 6.7%, 27.0%, and 27.6% for moxidectin, Synriam, Synriam plus praziquantel and praziquantel, respectively. ERRs ranged from 64.9% (Synriam) to 87.5% (praziquantel).; Synriam and moxidectin show low efficacy against S. haematobium, hence an ancillary benefit is not expected when these drugs are used for treating onchocerciasis and malaria in co-endemic settings. Further studies are needed to corroborate our findings that moxidectin and Synriam show moderate ERRs against S. mansoni

    The ubiquitin E3/E4 ligase, UBE4A, fine-tunes protein ubiquitylation and accumulation at sites of DNA damage facilitating double-strand break repair

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    Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are critical DNA lesions that robustly activate the elaborate DNA damage response (DDR) network. We identified a critical player in DDR fine-tuning - the E3/E4 ubiquitin ligase, UBE4A. UBE4A’s recruitment to sites of DNA damage is dependent on primary E3 ligases in the DDR and promotes enhancement and sustainment of K48- and K63-linked ubiquitin chains at these sites. This step is required for timely recruitment of the RAP80 and BRCA1 proteins and proper organization of RAP80- and BRCA1-associated protein complexes at DSB sites. This pathway is essential for optimal end-resection at DSBs, and its abrogation leads to up-regulation of the highly mutagenic alternative end-joining repair at the expense of error-free homologous recombination repair. Our data uncover a critical regulatory level in the DSB response and underscore the importance of fine-tuning of the complex DDR network for accurate and balanced execution of DSB repai

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Praktik Mata Pelajaran Sistem Pemindah Tenaga Kendaraan Ringan (PSPTKR) terhadap Kesiapan Praktik Siswa dalam Menghadapi Prakerin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan praktik system pemindah tenaga terhadap kesiapan siswa SMK PN2 Purworejo dalam menghadapi prakerin. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Ex Post Facto dengan jumlah populasi 35 siswa semester I kelas XI TKR 2B SMK PN2 Purworejo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuisioner dan juga dokumentasi. Validasi kuisioner yang akan diberikan kepada subyek berupa angket yang terlebih dahulu diberikan kepada ahli dan menggunakan skala Likert empat pilihan jawaban untuk mengukur kesiapan kesiapan siswa menghadapi prakerin. Data dari kemampuan praktik diperoleh dengan metode dokumentasi diambil dari database nilai pihak sekolah. Analisis data hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, Variabel kemampuan praktik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesiapan Prakerin siswa kelas XI TKR 2B SMK PN2 Purworejo tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, pengaruh kemampuan praktik terhadap kesiapan siswa menghadapi prakerin diperoleh data ????ℎ???????????????????? sebesar 4,803 lebih besar dari???????????????????????? pada df=33 dengann taraf signifikansi 5% yaitu 2,035 atau P 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05. Artinya ????ℎ???????????????????? tersebut signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Maka variabel kemampuan praktik berpengaruh pada kesiapan prakerin siswa kelas XI TKR 2B SMK PN2 Purworejo tahun ajaran 2020/2021

    Ni and Ni Silicides Ohmic Contacts on N-type 6H-SiC with Medium and Low Doping Level

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    Ni silicides contacts, which are expected to be advantageous contact materials on SiC, were tested in this work. Prepared contact structures were ohmic with low contact resistivity approximately 8×10-4 Ω cm2 after annealing at 960°C as far as the SiC substrate with a medium doping level was concerned, no matter whether Ni or Ni silicides were used. At lower annealing temperatures, only Schottky behavior was observed by means of I-V characteristics measurements. In the case of SiC substrate with a low doping level, the behavior differed. It was necessary to anneal the structures at 1070°C to see ohmic behavior appearing with resistivities reaching 8×10-3 Ω cm2 and this was valid only for Ni and Ni2Si. Raman spectroscopy measurements confirmed formation of single Ni silicides as expected. It was found that Ni silicides can keep as good resistivity as Ni contacts while they interact with SiC in limited way and their undesirable drop-like morphology is expected to be overcome for example with a covering layer
