50 research outputs found

    On the calculation of complete dissociation curves of closed-shell pseudo-onedimensional systems through the multireference method of increments

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    The Method of Increments (MoI) has been employed using a multireference approach to calculate the dissociation curve of beryllium ring-shaped clusters Ben_n of different sizes. Benchmarks obtained through different single and multireference methods including the ab initio Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) were used to verify the validity of the MoI truncation which showed a reliable behavior for the whole dissociation curve. Moreover we investigated the size dependence of the correlation energy at different distances in order to extrapolate the values for the periodic chain and to discuss the transition from a metal-like to a insulating-like behavior of the wave function through quantum chemical considerations

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    H\"uckel--Hubbard-Ohno modeling of π\boldsymbol{\pi}-bonds in ethene and ethyne with application to trans-polyacetylene

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    Quantum chemistry calculations provide the potential energy between two carbon atoms in ethane (H3_3C−-CH3_3), ethene (H2_2C==CH2_2), and ethyne (HC≡\equivCH) as a function of the atomic distance. Based on the energy function for the σ\sigma-bond in ethane, Vσ(r)V_{\sigma}(r), we use the H\"uckel model with Hubbard--Ohno interaction for the π\pi~electrons to describe the energies Vσπ(r)V_{\sigma\pi}(r) and Vσππ(r)V_{\sigma\pi\pi}(r) for the σπ\sigma\pi double bond in ethene and the σππ\sigma\pi\pi triple bond in ethyne, respectively. The fit of the force functions shows that the Peierls coupling can be estimated with some precision whereas the Hubbard-Ohno parameters are insignificant at the distances under consideration. We apply the H\"uckel-Hubbard-Ohno model to describe the bond lengths and the energies of elementary electronic excitations of trans-polyacetylene, (CH)n_n, and adjust the σ\sigma-bond potential for conjugated polymers.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Predicting the FCI energy of large systems to chemical accuracy from restricted active space density matrix renormalization group calculations

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    We theoretically derive and validate with large scale simulations a remarkably accurate power law scaling of errors for the restricted active space density matrix renormalization group (DMRG-RAS) method [arXiv:2111.06665] in electronic structure calculations. This yields a new extrapolation method, DMRG-RAS-X, which reaches chemical accuracy for strongly correlated systems such as the Chromium dimer, dicarbon up to a large cc-pVQZ basis, and even a large chemical complex like the FeMoco with significantly lower computational demands than previous methods. The method is free of empirical parameters, performed robustly and reliably in all examples we tested, and has the potential to become a vital alternative method for electronic structure calculations in quantum chemistry, and more generally for the computation of strong correlations in nuclear and condensed matter physics.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Dissecting the Bond Formation Process of d10d^{10}-Metal-Ethene Complexes with Multireference Approaches

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    The bonding mechanism of ethene to a nickel or palladium center is studied by the density matrix renormalization group algorithm, the complete active space self consistent field method, coupled cluster theory, and density functional theory. Specifically, we focus on the interaction between the metal atom and bis-ethene ligands in perpendicular and parallel orientations. The bonding situation in these structural isomers is further scrutinized using energy decomposition analysis and quantum information theory. Our study highlights the fact that when two ethene ligands are oriented perpendicular to each other, the complex is stabilized by the metal-to-ligand double-back-bonding mechanism. Moreover, we demonstrate that nickel-ethene complexes feature a stronger and more covalent interaction between the ligands and the metal center than palladium-ethene compounds with similar coordination spheres.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    A simple electronic ladder model harboring Z4\mathbb{Z}_4 parafermions

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    Parafermions are anyons with the potential for realizing non-local qubits that are resilient to local perturbations. Compared to Majorana zero modes, braiding of parafermions implements an extended set of topologically protected quantum gates. This, however, comes at the price that parafermionic zero modes can not be realized in the absence of strong interactions whose theoretical description is challenging. In the present work, we construct a simple lattice model for interacting spinful electrons with parafermionic zero energy modes. The explicit microscopic nature of the considered model highlights new realization avenues for these exotic excitations in recently fabricated quantum dot arrays. By density matrix renormalization group calculations, we identify a broad range of parameters, with well-localized zero modes, whose parafermionic nature is substantiated by their unique 8Ï€8\pi periodic Josephson spectrum

    The correlation theory of the chemical bond

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    The quantum mechanical description of the chemical bond is generally given in terms of delocalized bonding orbitals, or, alternatively, in terms of correlations of occupations of localised orbitals. However, in the latter case, multiorbital correlations were treated only in terms of two-orbital correlations, although the structure of multiorbital correlations is far richer; and, in the case of bonds established by more than two electrons, multiorbital correlations represent a more natural point of view. Here, for the first time, we introduce the true multiorbital correlation theory, consisting of a framework for handling the structure of multiorbital correlations, a toolbox of true multiorbital correlation measures, and the formulation of the multiorbital correlation clustering, together with an algorithm for obtaining that. These make it possible to characterise quantitatively, how well a bonding picture describes the chemical system. As proof of concept, we apply the theory for the investigation of the bond structures of several molecules. We show that the non-existence of well-defined multiorbital correlation clustering provides a reason for debated bonding picture

    Orbital entanglement in bond-formation processes

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    The accurate calculation of the (differential) correlation energy is central to the quantum chemical description of bond-formation and bond-dissociation processes. In order to estimate the quality of single- and multi-reference approaches for this purpose, various diagnostic tools have been developed. In this work, we elaborate on our previous observation [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 3129 (2012)] that one- and two-orbital-based entanglement measures provide quantitative means for the assessment and classification of electron correlation effects among molecular orbitals. The dissociation behavior of some prototypical diatomic molecules features all types of correlation effects relevant for chemical bonding. We demonstrate that our entanglement analysis is convenient to dissect these electron correlation effects and to provide a conceptual understanding of bond-forming and bond-breaking processes from the point of view of quantum information theory.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, 11 tables, incl. supp. in