490 research outputs found

    Absence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells priming in hemodialysis patients

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    As a consequence of the proinflammatory environment occurring in dialytic patients, cytokine overproduction has been implicated in hemodialysis co-morbidity. However, there are discrepancies among the various studies that have analyzed TNF-alpha synthesis and the presence of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) priming in this clinical setting. We measured bioactive cytokine by the L929 cell bioassay, and evaluated PBMC TNF-alpha production by 32 hemodialysis patients (HP) and 51 controls. No difference in TNF-alpha secretion was observed between controls and HP (859 ± 141 vs 697 ± 130 U/10(6) cells). Lipopolysaccharide (5 µg/ml) did not induce any further TNF-alpha release, showing no PBMC priming. Paraformaldehyde-fixed HP PBMC were not cytotoxic to L929 cells, suggesting the absence of membrane-anchored TNF-alpha. Cycloheximide inhibited PBMC cytotoxicity in HP and controls, indicating lack of a PBMC TNF-alpha pool, and dependence on de novo cytokine synthesis. Actinomycin D reduced TNF-alpha production in HP, but had no effect on controls. Therefore, our data imply that TNF-alpha production is an intrinsic activity of normal PBMC and is not altered in HP. Moreover, TNF-alpha is a product of de novo synthesis by PBMC and is not constitutively expressed on HP cell membranes. The effect of actinomycin D suggests a putative tighter control of TNF-alpha mRNA turnover in HP. This increased dependence on TNF-alpha RNA transcription in HP may reflect an adaptive response to hemodialysis stimuli.Universidade de São Paulo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Departamento de ImunologiaInstituto Butantan Laboratório de ImunogenéticaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Status of Salerno Laboratory (Measurements in Nuclear Emulsion)

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    A report on the analysis work in the Salerno Emulsion Laboratory is presented. It is related to the search for nu_mu->nu_tau oscillations in CHORUS experiment, the calibrations in the WANF (West Area Neutrino Facility) at Cern and tests and preparation for new experiments.Comment: Proc. The First International Workshop of Nuclear Emulsion Techniques (12-24 June 1998, Nagoya, Japan), 15 pages, 11 figure

    Encouraging Creativity and Intellectual Stimulation: An Exercise that Forces Students to Think Outside the Box

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    This exercise involves a hands-on approach to generating innovation and creativity in the workplace. It is feasible as a follow-up, special-topic activity in intellectual stimulation in full-range or transformational leadership training. Participants are presented with the seemingly impossible task of integrating diverse products or services into a single business plan, forcing them to think outside the box. This exercise features lateral and innovative thinking in a highly interactive session, producing innovative and creative solutions from participants. After successfully completing this exercise, participants will be more confident in their ability to creatively solve many challenges that at first glance seem impossible. The paper provides theoretical background, objectives, complete instructions, processing information, and some suggestions for advancing the concepts

    Why is SARS-CoV-2 infection milder among children?

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    Aspectos bacteriológicos de produtos embutidos

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    The Author, working at the Regional Laboratory of the Federal Meat Inspection Division in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, was surprised with the intestinal microorganisms high level contamination shown up by sausage products prepared in plants located in that country section. The work was done on 332 samples including: 194 of salted casings and bladders, 101 of different spices and 34 of finished products. At first, the Author investigated the proteolytic and gelatinolytic action shown up by the microorganisms found in all items studied due the considerable value of this point in the meat packing industry. From the studied material, the Author could isolate 85 members of the Escherichia and Aerobacter genera. Of these 85 strains 67 or 78.8 per cent were classified as Escherichia coli according with the reactions pointed out by PARR and BERGEY. However, using some reactions suggested by TOPLEY and WILSON, only 36 strains or 42.3 per cent were classified as Escherichia coli. Close results as the origin of the isolated strains were obtained by the Eijkman and Mac Conkey media which shown up respectively 80 and 76.4 per cent of fecal strains. These results agreed with those obtained when reaction recommended by PARR and BERGEY were used. The distribution of the strains of colibaccili of fecal origin was respectively 85.9 per cent, 33 per cent and 100 per cent in casings and bladders, spices and finished products. This illustrates the importance of each ingredient in determining the contamination of the sausages. At last, the Author presents the necessary suggestions in order to low the bacterial contamination of the sausage items, chiefly in what the fecal microorganisms is concerned.O A., trabalhando como biologista da Inspetoria Regional da D.I.P.O.A., em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, teve sua atenção voltada para o elevado índice de contaminação por germes entéricos, apresentado por produtos de salsicharia preparados nos estabelecimentos localizados naquele Estado. O material de estudo constou de 332 amostras assim distribuídas: 194 tripas diversas usadas como envólucro, 104 temperos diversos e 34 diferentes produtos de salsicharia prontos para consumo. Como trabalho preliminar, o A. verificou as ações proteolítica e gelatinolítica da flora microbiana encontrada no material de estudo, atendendo ao grande interesse que o fato apresenta para a indústria de carnes e derivados. A seguir, dos 85 representantes dos gêneros Escherichia e Aerobacter isolados do material estudado, o A. classificou 67 (78.8%) como sendo Escherichia coli tanto pelo emprêgo das reações preconizadas por PARR como daquelas citadas por BERGEY. Adotando algumas reações sugeridas por TOPLEY e WILSON apenas 36 (42,3%) amostras puderam receber tal classificação. Utilizando-se dos meios de Eijkman e de Mac Conkey para reforçar a distinção da origem das amostras em exame, verificou o A. que os dois meios assinalaram resultados muito próximos, ou seja, respectivamente, 80% e 76,1% amostras de origem fecal. Esses resultados foram concordantes com aquêles obtidos pelo emprêgo das reações preconizadas por PARR e BERGEY. A distribuição das culturas de origem fecal pelo material examinado, demonstrando as fontes de contaminação e grau de importância das mesmas para a má qualidade higiênico-sanitária dos embutidos, revelou a incidência de 85,9%, 33% e 100% de colibacilos de origem fecal respectivamente para tripas, temperos e produtos de salsicharia que constituíram o material de estudo. O A. apresenta sugestões que reputa indispensáveis para reduzir a carga bacteriana dos produtos de salsicharia, principalmente no tocante aos germes indicadores de poluição fecal.

    Jenny Jan’s dilemma: applying the principles of resource dependence theory to vendor selection negotiations

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    This paper describes an original exercise developed to apply resource dependence theory (RDT) in an interesting and educational series of role plays. The exercise creates simulated negotiations between a fast-food sandwich shop and various supply vendors, where student actors representing these entities experience the dynamics between dependence and power. Complete theoretical background on RDT is followed by step-by-step instructions and processing information. Pre- and post-assessments, student reactions, and a photo-ready hand-out of the activity are also provided

    Teor de vitamina A e caroteno em manteigas consumidas em São Paulo

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    The main scope of this work was that of the determination of the carotene and vitamin A of the butter produced and consumed in the State of S. Paulo (Brazil). In spite of having at hand samples from the majority of the producing areas, we could not obtain samples from all sources at regular intervals during the whole period of study. From some producing areas the samples were in a very limited number. Thus, the statistical analysis of the results became unpracticable and, consequently, from these results we cannot get the necessary statistical inference. The A.A. analysed 189 samples of the butter produced mostly in the State of S. Paulo in the period of June, 1954 to May, 1955 and consumed in the Capital of S. Paulo. The extraction was done according to the method suggested by McDowell and the colorimetric determination using the Carr-Price reagent. The optical density was measured in a Coleman Junior Spectrophotometer, model 6-A, at 620 milimicra for the vitamin A and at 440 milimicra for the carotene determination. Aiming to make the discount of the color developed due to the xantophyles, the A.A. analysed 20% of the samples through the Berl-Peterson method, in which some modifications were introduced. The results showed that an average of 14% of the color was due to the xantophyles and, because of this and in this basis, a correction of the carotene values was done. Under the conditions the work was run, the A.A. were led to conclude: 1) The annual average of the analyses of the 189 samples of the butter consumed in the Capital of S. Paulo and produced mostly in the State of S. Paulo, in the period of June, 1954 to May, 1955, was of 6.2 carotene microgrammes, 28.7 U.I. of vitamin A and 39.1 U.I. of total vitamin A potency per gramme of butter fat. 2) The carotene maximum value was observed in February (11 microgrammes) and the minimum in October (3.1 microgrammes). The vitamin A maximum content was registered in October (40.2 U.I.) and the minimum in December (20.0 U.I.). The total vitamin A maximum content was seen in October (45.9 U.I.) and the minimum in March (34.4 U.I.). 3) The total vitamin A potency is higher in the winter and lower in the summer. 4) The maximum values registered for total vitamin A potency coincided with the minimum rainfall in the studied areas, not counting October value.O objetivo deste trabalho era o de determinar o teor em caroteno e em vitamina A da manteiga produzida e consumida no Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). O fato de não ter sido possível receber amostras da totalidade das fontes produtoras do Estado, a par da irregularidade com que nos foram remetidas, de modo geral, e mesmo a insuficiência numérica no caso de algumas procedências, impediram a obtenção de elementos seguros para uma inferência estatística. Os A.A. analisaram 189 amostras de manteiga produzida, a maior parte no Estado de São Paulo, no periodo de junho de 1954 a maio de1955 e tôda consumida na Capital de São Paulo, valendo-se do método de extração preconizado por McDowell e determinação colorimétrica pelo reagente de Carr-Price. As leituras, em espectrofotômetro Coleman Junior, modêlo 6-A, foram feitas a 620 milimicra para a vitamina A e a 440 milimicra para o caroteno. Com a finalidade de proceder ao desconto da côr desenvolvida pelas xantofilas, os A.A. analisaram 20% das amostras pelo método de Berl-Peterson, a que introduziram algumas modificações. Os resultados atribuíram, em média, 14% da côr como sendo devido às xantofilas e, por isso, nessa base foi realizada a correção para os valores de caroteno. Nas condições em que se realizou o trabalho os A.A. concluem: 1) A média anual das análises de 189 amostras de manteiga consumida na Capital de São Paulo e produzida a maior parte no Estado de São Paulo, no período de junho de 1954 a maio de 1955, foi de 6,2 microgramas de caroteno, 28,7 U.I. de vitamina A e 39,1 U.I. de vitamina A total por grama de gordura de manteiga. 2) Para caroteno o teor máximo foi observado em fevereiro (11 μ g/g) e o mínimo em outubro (3,1 μ g/g). Para a vitamina Ao conteúdo máximo foi verificado em outubro (40,2 U.I.) e o mínimo em dezembro (20,0 U.I.). Para a vitamina A total o valor máximo foi registrado em outubro (45,9 U.I.) e o mínimo em março (34,4 U.I.).  3) Os valores encontrados para a vitamina A total foram mais altos no inverno e primavera e mais baixos no verão e outono. 4) Os valores máximos registrados para a vitamina A total coincidiram com a menor queda pluviométrica na região estudada, exceção do mês de outubro

    Metasurface dome for above-the-horizon grating lobes reduction in 5G-NR systems

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    The use of fifth-generation (5G) new radio (NR) spectrum around 26 GHz is currently raising the quest on its compatibility with the well-established Earth exploration-satellite service, which may be blinded by the spurious radiation emitted above the horizon (AtH) by base station (BS) antennas. Indeed, AtH grating lobes are often present during cell scanning due to the large interelement spacing in BS array antennas for achieving higher gains with a reduced number of RF chains. In this letter, we propose an approach based on an electrically thin metasurface-based dome for the reduction of AtH grating lobes in 5G-NR BS antennas. The proposed scanning range shifting approach exploits the natural lower amplitude of the grating lobes when the antenna array scans in an angular region closer to the broadside direction. The grating lobe reduction is here demonstrated considering a 1x4 phased linear antenna array operating under dual-liner +/- 45 degrees-slant polarization. A simple design procedure for designing the metasurface dome is reported, together with the antenna performances, evaluated through a proper set of numerical experiments. It is shown that the grating lobe radiation toward the satellite region is significantly reduced, whereas the overall insertion loss is moderate
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