9 research outputs found

    Family A DNA Polymerase Phylogeny Uncovers Diversity and Replication Gene Organization in the Virioplankton

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    Shotgun metagenomics, which allows for broad sampling of viral diversity, has uncovered genes that are widely distributed among virioplankton populations and show linkages to important biological features of unknown viruses. Over 25% of known dsDNA phage carry the DNA polymerase I (polA) gene, making it one of the most widely distributed phage genes. Because of its pivotal role in DNA replication, this enzyme is linked to phage lifecycle characteristics. Previous research has suggested that a single amino acid substitution might be predictive of viral lifestyle. In this study Chesapeake Bay virioplankton were sampled by shotgun metagenomic sequencing (using long and short read technologies). More polA sequences were predicted from this single viral metagenome (virome) than from 86 globally distributed virome libraries (ca. 2,100, and 1,200, respectively). The PolA peptides predicted from the Chesapeake Bay virome clustered with 69% of PolA peptides from global viromes; thus, remarkably the Chesapeake Bay virome captured the majority of known PolA peptide diversity in viruses. This deeply sequenced virome also expanded the diversity of PolA sequences, increasing the number of PolA clusters by 44%. Contigs containing polA sequences were also used to examine relationships between phylogenetic clades of PolA and other genes within unknown viral populations. Phylogenic analysis revealed five distinct groups of phages distinguished by the amino acids at their 762 (Escherichia coli IAI39 numbering) positions and replication genes. DNA polymerase I sequences from Tyr762 and Phe762 groups were most often neighbored by ring-shaped superfamily IV helicases and ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs). The Leu762 groups had non-ring shaped helicases from superfamily II and were further distinguished by an additional helicase gene from superfamily I and the lack of any identifiable RNR genes. Moreover, we found that the inclusion of ribonucleotide reductase associated with PolA helped to further differentiate phage diversity, chiefly within lytic podovirus populations. Altogether, these data show that DNA Polymerase I is a useful marker for observing the diversity and composition of the virioplankton and may be a driving factor in the divergence of phage replication components

    Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V

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    Fully automated text mining (TM) systems promote efficient literature searching, retrieval, and review but are not sufficient to produce ready-to-consume curated documents. These systems are not meant to replace biocurators, but instead to assist them in one or more literature curation steps. To do so, the user interface is an important aspect that needs to be considered for tool adoption. The BioCreative Interactive task (IAT) is a track designed for exploring user-system interactions, promoting development of useful TM tools, and providing a communication channel between the biocuration and the TM communities. In BioCreative V, the IAT track followed a format similar to previous interactive tracks, where the utility and usability of TM tools, as well as the generation of use cases, have been the focal points. The proposed curation tasks are user-centric and formally evaluated by biocurators. In BioCreative V IAT, seven TM systems and 43 biocurators participated. Two levels of user participation were offered to broaden curator involvement and obtain more feedback on usability aspects. The full level participation involved training on the system, curation of a set of documents with and without TM assistance, tracking of time-on-task, and completion of a user survey. The partial level participation was designed to focus on usability aspects of the interface and not the performance per se. In this case, biocurators navigated the system by performing pre-designed tasks and then were asked whether they were able to achieve the task and the level of difficulty in completing the task. In this manuscript, we describe the development of the interactive task, from planning to execution and discuss major findings for the systems tested

    EXTRACT:interactive extraction of environment metadata and term suggestion for metagenomic sample annotation

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    The microbial and molecular ecology research communities have made substantial progress on developing standards for annotating samples with environment metadata. However, sample manual annotation is a highly labor intensive process and requires familiarity with the terminologies used. We have therefore developed an interactive annotation tool, EXTRACT, which helps curators identify and extract standard-compliant terms for annotation of metagenomic records and other samples. Behind its web-based user interface, the system combines published methods for named entity recognition of environment, organism, tissue and disease terms. The evaluators in the BioCreative V Interactive Annotation Task found the system to be intuitive, useful, well documented and sufficiently accurate to be helpful in spotting relevant text passages and extracting organism and environment terms. Comparison of fully manual and text-mining-assisted curation revealed that EXTRACT speeds up annotation by 15–25% and helps curators to detect terms that would otherwise have been missed

    Improvements in viral gene annotation using large language models and soft alignments

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    Abstract Background The annotation of protein sequences in public databases has long posed a challenge in molecular biology. This issue is particularly acute for viral proteins, which demonstrate limited homology to known proteins when using alignment, k-mer, or profile-based homology search approaches. A novel methodology employing Large Language Models (LLMs) addresses this methodological challenge by annotating protein sequences based on embeddings. Results Central to our contribution is the soft alignment algorithm, drawing from traditional protein alignment but leveraging embedding similarity at the amino acid level to bypass the need for conventional scoring matrices. This method not only surpasses pooled embedding-based models in efficiency but also in interpretability, enabling users to easily trace homologous amino acids and delve deeper into the alignments. Far from being a black box, our approach provides transparent, BLAST-like alignment visualizations, combining traditional biological research with AI advancements to elevate protein annotation through embedding-based analysis while ensuring interpretability. Tests using the Virus Orthologous Groups and ViralZone protein databases indicated that the novel soft alignment approach recognized and annotated sequences that both blastp and pooling-based methods, which are commonly used for sequence annotation, failed to detect. Conclusion The embeddings approach shows the great potential of LLMs for enhancing protein sequence annotation, especially in viral genomics. These findings present a promising avenue for more efficient and accurate protein function inference in molecular biology

    CRISPR Spacers Indicate Preferential Matching of Specific Virioplankton Genes

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    The CRISPR-Cas system is one means by which bacterial and archaeal populations defend against viral infection which causes 20 to 50% of cell mortality in the ocean. We tested the hypothesis that certain viral genes are preferentially targeted for the initial attack of the CRISPR-Cas system on a viral genome. Using CASC, a pipeline for CRISPR spacer discovery, and metagenome data from oceanic microbes and viruses, we found a clear subset of viral genes with high match frequencies to CRISPR spacers. Moreover, we observed a many-to-many relationship of spacers and viral genes. These high-match viral genes were involved in nucleotide metabolism, DNA methylation, and viral structure. It is possible that CRISPR spacer matching is an evolutionary algorithm pointing to those viral genes most important to sustaining infection and lysis. Studying these genes may advance the understanding of virus-host interactions in nature and provide new technologies for leveraging CRISPR-Cas systems in beneficial microbes.Viral infection exerts selection pressure on marine microbes, as virus-induced cell lysis causes 20 to 50% of cell mortality, resulting in fluxes of biomass into oceanic dissolved organic matter. Archaeal and bacterial populations can defend against viral infection using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated (Cas) system, which relies on specific matching between a spacer sequence and a viral gene. If a CRISPR spacer match to any gene within a viral genome is equally effective in preventing lysis, no viral genes should be preferentially matched by CRISPR spacers. However, if there are differences in effectiveness, certain viral genes may demonstrate a greater frequency of CRISPR spacer matches. Indeed, homology search analyses of bacterioplankton CRISPR spacer sequences against virioplankton sequences revealed preferential matching of replication proteins, nucleic acid binding proteins, and viral structural proteins. Positive selection pressure for effective viral defense is one parsimonious explanation for these observations. CRISPR spacers from virioplankton metagenomes preferentially matched methyltransferase and phage integrase genes within virioplankton sequences. These virioplankton CRISPR spacers may assist infected host cells in defending against competing phage. Analyses also revealed that half of the spacer-matched viral genes were unknown, some genes matched several spacers, and some spacers matched multiple genes, a many-to-many relationship. Thus, CRISPR spacer matching may be an evolutionary algorithm, agnostically identifying those genes under stringent selection pressure for sustaining viral infection and lysis. Investigating this subset of viral genes could reveal those genetic mechanisms essential to virus-host interactions and provide new technologies for optimizing CRISPR defense in beneficial microbes

    Additional file 1 of Improvements in viral gene annotation using large language models and soft alignments

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    Additional file 1. This file includes language model prompts used to annotate the protein sequences as well as a brief illustration of the challenges alignment methods like BLAST face when aligning sequences with low amino acids conservation

    Intra- and Interlaboratory Reliability of a Cryopreserved Trout Hepatocyte Assay for the Prediction of Chemical Bioaccumulation Potential

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    Measured rates of intrinsic clearance determined using cryopreserved trout hepatocytes can be extrapolated to the whole animal as a means of improving modeled bioaccumulation predictions for fish. To date, however, the intra- and interlaboratory reliability of this procedure has not been determined. In the present study, three laboratories determined in vitro intrinsic clearance of six reference compounds (benzo­[<i>a</i>]­pyrene, 4-nonylphenol, di-<i>tert</i>-butyl phenol, fenthion, methoxychlor and <i>o</i>-terphenyl) by conducting substrate depletion experiments with cryopreserved trout hepatocytes from a single source. <i>O</i>-terphenyl was excluded from the final analysis due to nonfirst-order depletion kinetics and significant loss from denatured controls. For the other five compounds, intralaboratory variability (% CV) in measured in vitro intrinsic clearance values ranged from 4.1 to 30%, while interlaboratory variability ranged from 27 to 61%. Predicted bioconcentration factors based on in vitro clearance values exhibited a reduced level of interlaboratory variability (5.3–38% CV). The results of this study demonstrate that cryopreserved trout hepatocytes can be used to reliably obtain in vitro intrinsic clearance of xenobiotics, which provides support for the application of this in vitro method in a weight-of-evidence approach to chemical bioaccumulation assessment

    Towards an integrative view of virus phenotypes

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    Understanding how phenotypes emerge from genotypes is a foundational goal in biology. As challenging as this task is when considering cellular life, it is further complicated in the case of viruses. During replication, a virus as a discrete entity (the virion) disappears and manifests itself as a metabolic amalgam between the virus and the host (the virocell). Identifying traits that unambiguously constitute a virus’s phenotype is straightforward for the virion, less so for the virocell. Here, we present a framework for categorizing virus phenotypes that encompasses both virion and virocell stages and considers functional and performance traits of viruses in the context of fitness. Such an integrated view of virus phenotype is necessary for comprehensive interpretation of viral genome sequences and will advance our understanding of viral evolution and ecology

    Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V

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    Publisher's PDFFully automated text mining (TM) systems promote efficient literature searching, retrieval, and review but are not sufficient to produce ready-to-consume curated documents. These systems are not meant to replace biocurators, but instead to assist them in one or more literature curation steps. To do so, the user interface is an important aspect that needs to be considered for tool adoption. The BioCreative Interactive task (IAT) is a track designed for exploring user-system interactions, promoting Developmentelopment of useful TM tools, and providing a communication channel between the biocuration and the TM communities. In BioCreative V, the IAT track followed a format similar to previous interactive tracks, where the utility and usability of TM tools, as well as the generation of use cases, have been the focal points. The proposed curation tasks are user-centric and formally evaluated by biocurators. In BioCreative V IAT, seven TM systems and 43 biocurators participated. Two levels of user participation were offered to broaden curator involvement and obtain more feedback on usability aspects. The full level participation involved training on the system, curation of a set of documents with and without TM assistance, tracking of time-on-task, and completion of a user survey. The partial level participation was designed to focus on usability aspects of the interface and not the performance per se. In this case, biocurators navigated the system by performing pre-designed tasks and then were asked whether they were able to achieve the task and the level of difficulty in completing the task. In this manuscript, we describe the Developmentelopment of the interactive task, from planning to execution and discuss major findings for the systems tested.University of Delaware, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology University of Delaware, Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Delaware, College of Agriculture & Natural Resource