201 research outputs found

    Prémio de pesquisa José Félix Patiño Restrepo 2023

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    Resumen de Premios de Investigación José Félix Patiño Restrepo 202

    Modelo para la medición de la productividad de la industria automotriz en Colombia

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    The model for measuring productivity is of great help the automotive sector and any industrial sectors in the industry; In addition to that, it allows us to face market changes, taking into account the control over the different variables that will impact productivity; then this model is a strategic tool with which competitiveness can be improved taking into account the measurement of productivity in the automotive sector in Colombia. This tool can optimize productivity from the measurement of times and the balancing of production lines, identifying production rates, in which the relationship between two variables could be defined, and thus have estimates of operating levels and others components.El modelo para la medición de la productividad es de gran ayuda para el sector automotriz y para cualquier sector industrial en general; además, permite afrontar los cambios del mercado, al tener en cuenta el control sobre las diferentes variables que impactan la productividad. Este modelo es una herramienta estratégica con la cual se puede mejorar la competitividad y con la que se facilita la medición de la productividad en el sector automotriz en Colombia. Esta herramienta puede optimizar la productividad a partir de la medición de tiempos y el balanceo de líneas de producción, identificando las tasas de producción, en las que se pudo definir la relación entre dos variables, y así tener las estimaciones de los niveles operativos y otros componentes

    Aesthetic perception of single implants placed in the anterior zone. A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Several aesthetic indexes have been described to assess implant aesthetics. The aim of this study was to compare the aesthetic assessment made by dental professionals and students of single-tooth implants placed in the upper incisors. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey study using a subjective questionnaire to assess the aesthetics in 3 implant supported single-tooth cases in the anterior maxilla was performed. The interviewed subjects were divided into 4 groups: dentist with experience in implant treatment, dentists without experience in implants and 3rd and 5th year dental students. The questionnaire consisted of 2 visual analogue scales (VAS) to evaluate aesthetics, the pink esthetic score (PES), the white esthetic score (WES) and the simplified papilla index (PI). Results: One-hundred dentists and one-hundred dental students filled the aesthetic assessment questionnaire. The results showed that the subjects were more critical than reference values, specially concerning prosthetic issues. The differences between groups were more obvious in the case with the best result. On the other hand, few differences were detected in the remaining cases. Regarding soft tissue and crown features, experienced dentists in implant dentistry were the most demanding. Cronbach's Alpha showed values ≥ 0,8 in the questionnaire in every case, which indicates an adequate reliability. Conclusions: Dentists and dental students have different opinions when assessing aesthetics of single tooth implant supported cases. Experience and area of expertise seem to influence the evaluation of aesthetics in the anterior region

    Incertidumbre epistémica y aleatoria en soft metrología: una perspectiva desde el aseguramiento de la validez de los resultados

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    Context:  In engineering, modeling for risk analysis and ensuring the validity of results in systems that include computational routines requires the analysis of the sources and categories of uncertainty, which, in this context, can be classified as aleatoric and epistemic. Method: A literature review from databases such as Google Scholar, IEEEXplore, and ScienceDirect is presented herein, analyzing trends and approaches related to the concept of uncertainty within the framework of soft metrology, in order to improve our understanding when there are additional restrictions due to the assurance of the validity of the results. Results: This paper presents concepts and comparisons that aid in the understanding of epistemic and random uncertainty in soft metrology measurement processes and the way in which it is related to the assurance of the validity of results within the framework of learning machines. Conclusions: Representation quality in soft metrology systems is constantly influenced by random uncertainty, while epistemic uncertainty exhibits descending dynamics when the fit of the model improves with sufficient training data.Contexto: En ingeniería, el modelado para el análisis de riesgo y confiabilidad de los procesos de medición que incluyen rutinas de cómputo exige el análisis de las fuentes y categorías de la incertidumbre, la cual, en este contexto, puede ser clasificada como aleatoria y epistémica. Método: Se presenta una revisión de la literatura obtenida de bases de datos como Google Scholar, IEEEXplore y ScienceDirect en cuanto a tendencias y enfoques relacionados con el concepto de incertidumbre, en el marco de la soft metrología, a fin de mejorar la comprensión cuando se tienen restricciones adicionales debido al aseguramiento de la validez de los resultados. Resultados: Se exponen conceptos y comparaciones que ayudan a mejorar la comprensión de la incertidumbre epistémica y aleatoria en los procesos de medición de soft metrología y su relación con el aseguramiento de la validez de los resultados, en el marco de las máquinas de aprendizaje. Conclusiones: Se concluye que la calidad en la representación de los sistemas de soft metrología es influenciada de manera constante por la incertidumbre aleatoria, y la incertidumbre epistémica exhibe una dinámica descendente cuanto mejor sea el ajuste del modelo con suficientes datos de entrenamiento

    Patient perception about the need for antibiotics after tooth extractions: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Although the current scientific literature does not support the routine use of antibiotics after dental extractions, patients believe that these drugs offer clear benefit during the postoperative period. The main objective of this study was to describe patient perception of the need for antibiotics after routine tooth extraction and to assess knowledge about the benefits and adverse effects of antibiotic therapy. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 452 participants requiring tooth extraction and seen in the Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) were given a specific questionnaire on the need for antibiotics after dental treatments or diseases, and on their benefits and adverse effects. Descriptive bivariate and multivariate (logistic regression model) analyses were performed. Results: Of the 452 participants, 185 (40.9%) were men and 267 (59.1%) were women, with a mean age of 35.2 ± 15.9 years. Most of the patients (76.6%) expected to take antibiotics after tooth extraction. A higher level of education, older age and knowledge about bacterial resistances were inversely correlated to the perceived need for antibiotic treatment (p<0.05). According to the respondents, the main advantage of antibiotics was the reduction of infection rates, while the most frequently mentioned adverse events were allergic reactions, diarrhea and nausea or vomiting. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients think that antibiotics are necessary after routine dental extraction to prevent postoperative infection. Younger patients with a low educational level and who are unaware of the problem posed by bacterial resistances seem to be more supportive of antibiotic prophylaxis. Most respondents are familiar with the main benefits and adverse effects of these drugs. Key words:Antibiotic, microbial drug resistance, tooth extraction, oral surgery, survey, postoperative wound infection

    Estructura de un bosque plantado con propósito de rehabilitación en Chía (Cundinamarca, Colombia)

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    Este estudio se efectuó en el año 2009 en un área de 2 ha sobre la cual, dieciséis años atrás, el Profesor Thomas van der Hammen realizó la siembra de especies nativas, queriendo recrear un bosque de planicie típico de los alrededores de la Sabana de Bogotá. La caracterización estructural de la vegetación se realizó teniendo en cuenta el establecimiento de intervalos de clase en los parámetros de abundancia, altura, DAP y cobertura. Para caracterizar los tipos de vegetación con respecto a atributos seleccionados, se calculó el IPF, el IVI y el VIF. Como resultado se encontró la consolidación de los estratos arbóreo y arbustivo y el establecimiento de una estructura vegetal comparables a la de los bosques andinos circundantes. El proyecto diseñado por el Profesor Thomas van der Hammen convirtió un área degradada en un parche resiliente de vegetación que, hoy día y luego de relativamente poco tiempo, permite probar que las áreas restauradas pueden servir como conectores de los remanentes de vegetación original, siendo un ejemplo vivo de la posibilidad de recuperar un ecosistema a partir de la relación recíproca entre sociedades y naturaleza

    Microbiota analysis of biofilms on experimental abutments mimicking dental implants: an in vivo model

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    Background: the microbiota colonizing dental implants has been said to be similar to the microbiome surrounding teeth. In the absence of inflammation, a biofilm with pathologic bacteria can cover implant surfaces exposed to the oral cavity, for example, due to a remodeling process. The aim of the present study is to identify microbiota surrounding exposed dental implants in patients with and without a history of periodontitis through a deep-sequencing approach. Methods: an experimental abutment with the same surface and structure as a commercially available dental implant was used. Bacterial DNA was isolated, and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced. Multiplexed tag-encoded sequencing of DNA from the samples was performed, and the reads were processed by metagenomic rapid annotation.Results: a wide variety of bacteria, 96 species, were identified. The most frequently found bacteria were Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevotella denticola. Some species generally associated with periodontitis were found to a greater extent in patients without a history of periodontitis. Some bacteria that have never been described as part of the oral microbiome were identified in the present sample.Conclusions: analysis of data suggests that the bacteria surrounding exposed dental implants form a diverse microbiome regardless of the periodontal profile of patients. Further research is needed to clarify the role of these microorganisms in the oral environment

    Synergistic effect of nanocoatings for corrosion and wear protection of steel surfaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the corrosion and wear protection of a steel substrate by epoxy vinyl ester nanocomposite coatings with Zn and TiO2 nanoparticle fillers. Steel substrates were coated with epoxy vinyl ester nanocomposites, varying Zn and TiO2 nanofiller concentrations and combinations of both nanoparticles. Corrosion resistance was evaluated by salt spray fog test during 480 h, according to ASTM B-117. The degree of damage was obtained quantitatively by measuring the enhancement in corroded area compared to the scribe mark. Tribological evaluation was performed with a ball-on-disk tribotester, according to ASTM G-99. Results showed that the combination of Zn and TiO2 nanofillers in an epoxy vinyl ester coating provide a synergistic effect, enhancing corrosion protection due to their combined corrosion and tribological reducing mechanisms. - El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar la protección contra la corrosión y el desgaste de un sustrato de acero mediante recubrimientos nanocompuestos de epoxi-vinil éster y nanopartículas de Zn y TiO2. Los sustratos de acero se recubrieron con nanocompuestos de epoxi-vinil éster, variando las concentraciones de nanopartículas de Zn y TiO2 y las combinaciones de ambas nanopartículas. La resistencia a la corrosión se evaluó mediante la prueba de niebla salina durante 480 h, según la norma ASTM B-117. El grado de daño se obtuvo cuantitativamente al medir la mejora en el área corroída en comparación con la marca trazada en los especímenes. La evaluación tribológica se realizó con una configuración de bola-sobre-disco, de acuerdo con la norma ASTM G-99. Los resultados mostraron que la combinación de nanopartículas de Zn y TiO2 en un recubrimiento epoxi-vinil éster proporciona un efecto sinérgico, mejorando la protección contra la corrosión debido a sus mecanismos combinados de corrosión y reducción tribológica


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    Apresentação Dossiê - Educação midiática: experiências e desafios no contexto iberoamerican

    Brexit, relaciones de género y estrategias transnacionales de movilidad: jóvenes españoles en Londres

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    Este texto se inscribe entre los trabajos orientados a investigar el impacto de la crisis financiera de la Unión Europea en la intensificación de los movimientos migratorios. Concretamente, analiza las estrategias de movilidad laborales y reproductivas de los y las jóvenes españoles migrantes en Reino Unido desde una perspectiva de género