16 research outputs found

    Home country institutions and outward fdi: An exploratory analysis in emerging economies

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    Although the internationalization of economies is driven by specific industry conditions or business-specific differences, the institutions that exist as background conditions directly determine firms’ strategies and interactions in the international environment. This paper contributes to the discussion on the relationship between institutional quality and outward FDI (OFDI). We used 30 indicators in 48 emerging economies in the period 2007–2017; we collected the indicators from alternative secondary sources. After we applied Factor Analysis, six factors were retained. We named the components as follows: “Transparency of government” (F1), “Research, development and innovation, R&D+I” (F2), “Inequality” (F3), “Rules on inward FDI (IFDI)” (F4), “Education and training” (F5), and “Financial market” (F6). The panel data model outcomes suggest that Factor 2, Research, development and innovation, has a significant and positive effect on OFDI. Factor 6, the Financial market, has a significant and negative effect on OFDI. When we include lagged values of OFDI stocks the results also show that the government measures transparency positively and significantly affects OFDI stocks. These findings imply that the institutional environment creates two streams of OFDI: leverage and escapism

    Efectos de la estructura y mecanismos de financiación sobre la cobertura, acceso y permanencia en la educación superior en Colombia

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    Este trabajo evalúa el sistema de financiación de la educación superior en Colombia a partir de un análisis de los efectos que tienen las ayudas financieras en el acceso, la cobertura y la permanencia, controlando por factores personales y socioeconómicos de los individuos. Mediante una aproximación econométrica tipo logit multinomial y probit con corrección de sesgo e inclusión de variables instrumentales, basada en los datos proporcionados por la encuesta de calidad de vida y el sistema de prevención de la deserción de la educación superior, se encuentra que los ingresos familiares y el nivel educativo de los padres son determinantes en los tres aspectos de análisis. Se concluye que el crédito educativo presenta los efectos de mayor influencia, mientras que los subsidios y las becas muestran efectos de menor intensidad, si bien los apoyos académicos y financieros proporcionados por las IES resultan claves para evitar la deserción

    La evolución de la distribución del crédito en los municipios colombianos como instrumento de bancarización (1995-2009)

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    Este trabajo plantea como posible alternativa para mejorar la situación de poblaciones marginadas, en dónde se hace más difícil acceder a nuevos servicios de tecnologías de la información, educación de calidad y servicios financieros; el acceso al sistema bancario que genere oportunidades a través de créditos que promuevan actividades productivas de sostenimiento propio y capital humano. Analiza el comportamiento del sistema bancario colombiano desde la distribución del crédito en los municipios, considerando las modalidades de consumo, vivienda, microcrédito y comerciales, a través de la implementación del índice de Theil como medida de desigualdad; y se explora el sistema bancario en la búsqueda de estrategias de bancarización a la población vulnerable y marginada; examinando agrupaciones por departamentos, categorías y entidades bancarias oferentes, para el período comprendido entre 1995 y 2009. Se encuentra que la distribución no ha sido la mejor, con concentraciones en los créditos de vivienda, tendencia al alza en los índices del crédito de consumo, estabilidad en los comerciales y con la más baja desigualdad en los microcréditos; departamentos muy mal distribuidos frente a otros con mejoras significativas y concentración de los montos de créditos en ciertos establecimientos bancarios. Finalmente, se hacen algunas recomendaciones al respecto. / Abstract. This work proposes the access to financial systems as a way to generate new opportunities by means of credits (loans) in order to promote the development of small companies and the education of human capital. This may be a good alternative to improve the situation of marginal people, which have difficulties to access financial service due in part to the lack of access to information technologies. Specifically, this work analyses the behavior of the banking system from the perspective of the credits to the small Colombian towns (local government). Thus, different types of investments were studied: housing, microcredits, commercial credits and general consumption, through the Theil index as a measure of inequality. In addition, the current banking strategies directed to vulnerable and marginal people are identified, by departments (states), categories and banks, in the period between 1995 and 2009. As a conclusion, it was observed that the main services are concentrated in housing credits. Also a tendency in the increase of general consumption credits was observed; while the microcredits showed the lowest inequality rates. On the other hand, some states showed are bad credit distribution as opposed to others that exhibited significant improvements. Moreover, only a few banks concentrate most of the credits given to the states. Finally, some solutions to the problems identified above are proposed.Maestrí

    Institutions, institutional quality, and international competitiveness: Review and examination of future research directions

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    The importance of institutions has become more relevant analytically in recent years, emphasizing the significance of an appropriate institutional framework for international competition. This paper aims to identify the link between institutions, institutional quality, and international competitiveness. Following the TCCM (Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology) framework analysis, proposed by Paul & Rosado-Serrano (2019), we conducted a systematic literature review of top tier journals during the period 2000–2020. This review unfolds the theoretical and empirical studies regarding institutions, institutional quality, and international competitiveness. Main findings reveal five widely studied, three emerging and two understudied theories, the most studied contexts are country and firm, and quantitative studies are the main method of analysis. This review incorporates the acumen of previous research and provides a future research agenda in understudied contexts like industrial and individual level by applying emerging theoretical approaches and integrative analytical methodologies

    A systematic review of factors linked to poor academic performance of disadvantaged students in science and maths in schools

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    Socio-economic hardships put children in an underprivileged position. This systematic review was conducted to identify factors linked to underachievement of disadvantaged pupils in school science and maths. What could be done as evidence-based practice to make the lives of these young people better? The protocol from preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) was followed. Major electronic educational databases were searched. Papers meeting pre-defined selection criteria were identified. Studies included were mainly large-scale evaluations with a clearly defined comparator group and robust research design. All studies used a measure of disadvantage such as lower SES, language barrier, ethnic minority or temporary immigrant status and an outcome measure like attainment in standardised national tests. A majority of papers capable of answering the research question were correlational studies. The review reports findings from 771 studies published from 2005 to 2014 in English language. Thirty-four studies were synthesised. Results suggest major factors linking deprivation to underachievement can be thematically categorised into a lack of positive environment and support. Recommendations from the research reports are discussed

    Home Country Institutions and Outward FDI: An Exploratory Analysis in Emerging Economies

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    Aunque la internacionalización de las economías está impulsada por condiciones específicas de la industria o diferencias específicas de los negocios, las instituciones que existen como condiciones de fondo determinan directamente las estrategias e interacciones de las empresas en el entorno internacional. Este documento contribuye a la discusión sobre la relación entre la calidad institucional y las salidas de IED (OFDI). Utilizamos 30 indicadores en 48 economías emergentes en el período 2007-2017; recopilamos los indicadores de fuentes secundarias alternativas. Después de aplicar el análisis factorial, se retuvieron seis factores. Nombramos los componentes de la siguiente manera: “Transparencia del gobierno” (F1), “Investigación, desarrollo e innovación, I+D+i” (F2), “Desigualdad” (F3), “Reglas sobre entrada de IED (IFDI)” (F4) , “Educación y formación” (F5), y “Mercado financiero” (F6). Los resultados del modelo de datos de panel sugieren que el Factor 2, Investigación, desarrollo e innovación, tiene un efecto significativo y positivo en la OFDI. El Factor 6, el Mercado Financiero, tiene un efecto significativo y negativo sobre la OFDI. Cuando incluimos los valores rezagados de las existencias de OFDI, los resultados también muestran que el gobierno mide la transparencia de manera positiva y afecta significativamente las existencias de OFDI. Estos hallazgos implican que el entorno institucional crea dos corrientes de OFDI: apalancamiento y escapismo.Although the internationalization of economies is driven by specific industry conditions or business-specific differences, the institutions that exist as background conditions directly determine firms’ strategies and interactions in the international environment. This paper contributes to the discussion on the relationship between institutional quality and outward FDI (OFDI). We used 30 indicators in 48 emerging economies in the period 2007–2017; we collected the indicators from alternative secondary sources. After we applied Factor Analysis, six factors were retained. We named the components as follows: “Transparency of government” (F1), “Research, development and innovation, R&D+I” (F2), “Inequality” (F3), “Rules on inward FDI (IFDI)” (F4), “Education and training” (F5), and “Financial market” (F6). The panel data model outcomes suggest that Factor 2, Research, development and innovation, has a significant and positive effect on OFDI. Factor 6, he Financial market, has a significant and negative effect on OFDI. When we include lagged values of OFDI stocks the results also show that the government measures transparency positively and significantly affects OFDI stocks. These findings imply that the institutional environment creates two streams of OFDI: leverage and escapism

    Emerging Economies’ Institutional Quality and International Competitiveness: A PLS-SEM Approach

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    The home country’s institutional framework determines the capacity to compete in the global arena. This paper discusses the linkage between institutional quality (IQ) and international competitiveness (IC). We measured institutions’ quality in emerging economies through the use of selected indicators between 2007–2017. To evaluate the proposed IQ constructs and their relationship with IC, we applied partial least squares – structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. The model outcomes suggest that political and lack of systemic conditions have a significant and negative effect on international competitiveness, while science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) resource conditions have a significant and positive effect

    Inequality and Dropout in Higher Education in Colombia. A Multilevel Analysis of Regional Differences, Institutions, and Field of Study

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    In Colombia, the gaps of regional inequalities and social opportunities permeate people’s economic, political, and social participation. Additionally, the initial endowments of individual and socioeconomic background, barriers to financial aid, and academic and personal skills restrict decision-making about studying. In this context, the main objective is to analyze the determinants of dropout rates in Colombia and the differences between the type of institutions, field of study, and regions. We used data from three public administrative agencies for the period 2000–2012. The methodology combines multiple correspondence analysis and a lineal hierarchical model to explain the effect of variables operating at different levels. As a result, we retained four dimensions to represent the individuals’ socioeconomic and financial conditions. The findings obtained from the multilevel model suggest the variation between institutions (11%) and the interaction between institutions and the program cycle (17.8%). It confirms the influence of inequities on desertion. The student chooses between programs with differences in fees and study costs in general, such as quality, social recognition, and employment. In sum, contextual and institutional disparities in the dropout phenomenon’s behavior are explained mainly by the supply conditions in these regions and the individuals’ socioeconomic backgrounds

    Diagnóstico financiero y desempeño exportador de las MIPYMES Colombianas

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    This research Focus on export perfomance and financial constraints that Colombian Micro, Small and Medium (MSMEs) enterprises face in international markets. A specific group of firms were interviewed and statistical tecniques were applied. Results indicate that the Main problems that firms face are low innovation levels, the use of backward technology, low human capital and management practices.Cette recherche porte sur les performances à l’exportation et les contraintes financières auxquelles sont confrontées les micros, petites et moyennes entreprises colombiennes (MPMEs) sur les marchés internationaux. Un groupe spécifique d’entreprises a été interrogé et des techniques statistiques ont été appliquées. Les résultats indiquent que les principaux problèmes rencontrés par les entreprises sont les faibles niveaux d’innovation, l’utilisation de technologies rétrogrades, le faible capital humain et les pratiques de gestion.Esta investigación se centra en el desempeño de las exportaciones y las limitaciones financieras que enfrentan las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPyMEs) colombianas en los mercados internacionales. Se entrevistó a un grupo específico de empresas y se aplicaron técnicas estadísticas. Los resultados indican que los principales problemas que enfrentan las empresas son los bajos niveles de innovación, el uso de tecnología atrasada, el bajo capital humano y las prácticas de gestión

    Nuevas propuestas de integración regional: tendencias y retos de transformación

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    This book addresses the challenges generated by the new international and regional trends, which have arisen from the transformations of the current international system as a result of the most recent events. The authors start, as a frame of reference, from a changing international scenario, from which they analyze and reflect on exhaustion and stagnation, crisis or chaos, the growing uncertainty of Latin American integration processes and projects. Among the recent national, regional and international changes, the relative weight loss of the West, the relative withdrawal of the United States as a paymaster, the consolidation of new emerging powers, the new strategies of international insertion such as interregionalism and the effects of the globalization that, in the face of negative externalities, demands greater international cooperation for collective action. Opportunity scenarios are identified and highlighted to overcome the crossroads of the current state in terms of regional integration.Este libro aborda los desafíos generados con las nuevas tendencias internacionales y regionales, que han surgido a partir de las transformaciones del actual sistema internacional como consecuencia de los más recientes acontecimientos. Los autores parten, como marco de referencia, de un escenario internacional cambiante, a partir del cual analizan y re?exionan acerca del agotamiento y estancamiento, la crisis o el caos, la creciente incertidumbre de los procesos y proyectos de integración latinoamericana. Entre los recientes cambios nacionales, regionales e internacionales, se resaltan la relativa pérdida de peso de Occidente, el relativo repliegue de Estados Unidos como paymaster , la consolidación de nuevas potencias emergentes, las nuevas estrategias de inserción internacional como el interregionalismo y los efectos de la globalización que, ante las externalidades negativas, demandan mayor cooperación internacional para una acción colectiva. Se identi?can y resaltan escenarios de oportunidad para superar la encrucijada del estado actual en materia de integración regional